Trump's Never Ending War on the Press & Against Truth

Veteran CBS journalist Lesley Stahl was the FIRST journalist to interview Trump once Trump received the GOP nomination, in July, 2016.

At that time Trump had already carried on a roughly 13 month WAR against the press & against TRUTH.

Trump's WAR upon the press & against truth has gone on now for 40 months; nearly 3 1/2 years.

Lesley Stahl revealed WHY Trump continually attacks the press. These are comments concerning Stahl's interview with Trump from their July, 2016.

“60 Minutes” correspondent Lesley Stahl says President Trump once told her that he attacks the press so no one will believe the negative stories written about him.

Stahl said at the Deadline Club awards dinner on Tuesday that she met with the then-GOP presidential nominee at Trump Tower in July 2016.

“And at one point he started to attack the press, and it’s just me and my boss and him … he’s attacking the press and there were no cameras, there was nothing going on,” Stahl said.

“And I said, 'You know that is getting tired, why are you doing this? You are doing it over and over, it’s boring, it’s time to end that. You won the nomination, why do you keep hammering at this?' ”

“And he said, ‘You know why I do it? I do it to demean you all and discredit you all, so that when you write negative stories about me no one will believe you,’ ” Stahl said. :ack-1:

That is absolutely disgusting.

So, Trump has been discrediting the press for nearly 3 1/2 years so Americans won't believe the press, if the press writes something that could be construed as negative in regard to Trump.

In essence this means that, anyone that believes Trump will never believe anything coming from the press.

America is REALLY FVCKED UP with a POTUS that would lie his ass off about the press, wage a 40 month war on the press, and wage a war on truth in America.

America is hitting rock bottom when our institutions become debased by such a tyrant, as Trump.

'60 Minutes' correspondent: Trump said he attacks the press so no one believes negative coverage

The Fascist democrat press, the Heinreich Himmeler clones who vomit out their hatred of Trump and America 24/7 are the most dangerous enemies America has faced since at least WWII.

The Fascist press is waging war against America using propaganda and division. Backed by China, they pit American against American and attack our civil rights, seeking to end freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and particularly the right to defend ourselves.

and of course TrumpSatan & you guys are what, backed by Russia? :9:

russia backed hitlery, sorry bubba all evidence is right there for you to view.

When will you people get tired of throwing shit up against the wall to see if anything sticks?
And BTW the FAILING NY Times is up 50% this year More BS from the president pigs mouth
Here we are America: Make your choice.

Choose your freedom, or choose the TYRANT, Trump.

Speech to 20th Congress of the C.P.S.U.

Speech Delivered: February 24-25 1956;

At the Twentieth Congress of the CPSU February 24-25 1956, Khrushchev delivered a report in which he denounced Stalin’s crimes and the ‘cult of personality’ surrounding Stalin. This speech would ultimately trigger a world-wide split:

Stalin originated the concept “enemy of the people.” This term automatically made it unnecessary that the ideological errors of a man or men engaged in a controversy be proven. It made possible the use of the cruelest repression, violating all norms of revolutionary legality, against anyone who in any way disagreed with Stalin, against those who were only suspected of hostile intent, against those who had bad reputations. The concept “enemy of the people” actually eliminated the possibility of any kind of ideological fight or the making of one’s views known on this or that issue, even [issues] of a practical nature.
It's you who don't get it.
Just like the news.

You believe our American republic form of government is based on ratings? Good for you.

You are actually DUMBER than Shit Stain Trump; he believes he can alter The Constitution with the stroke of a pen.

You & Shit Stain should go out & have a beer.

I never said that.

"they will continue to lose viewers" = what you said = ratings

Yes. The media will.

Not the republic.

Not tough to understand

I understood it fully BUT YOU act like a constitutional republic is about ratings; what an idiot U R
Here we are America: Make your choice.

Choose your freedom, or choose the TYRANT, Trump.

Speech to 20th Congress of the C.P.S.U.

Speech Delivered: February 24-25 1956;

At the Twentieth Congress of the CPSU February 24-25 1956, Khrushchev delivered a report in which he denounced Stalin’s crimes and the ‘cult of personality’ surrounding Stalin. This speech would ultimately trigger a world-wide split:

Stalin originated the concept “enemy of the people.” This term automatically made it unnecessary that the ideological errors of a man or men engaged in a controversy be proven. It made possible the use of the cruelest repression, violating all norms of revolutionary legality, against anyone who in any way disagreed with Stalin, against those who were only suspected of hostile intent, against those who had bad reputations. The concept “enemy of the people” actually eliminated the possibility of any kind of ideological fight or the making of one’s views known on this or that issue, even [issues] of a practical nature.
It's you who don't get it.
Just like the news.

You believe our American republic form of government is based on ratings? Good for you.

You are actually DUMBER than Shit Stain Trump; he believes he can alter The Constitution with the stroke of a pen.

You & Shit Stain should go out & have a beer.

I never said that.

"they will continue to lose viewers" = what you said = ratings

Yes. The media will.

Not the republic.

Not tough to understand

I understood it fully BUT YOU act like a constitutional republic is about ratings; what an idiot U R

The Tyrant was Obama and the Dems who passed a health care bill when 55% of the people were against it at that time, just because they had full control of all three branches.
Just because you hold all three branches does not mean you go against a majority of the people with bills, the people didn't want . That is tyranny.
Here we are America: Make your choice.

Choose your freedom, or choose the TYRANT, Trump.

Speech to 20th Congress of the C.P.S.U.

Speech Delivered: February 24-25 1956;

At the Twentieth Congress of the CPSU February 24-25 1956, Khrushchev delivered a report in which he denounced Stalin’s crimes and the ‘cult of personality’ surrounding Stalin. This speech would ultimately trigger a world-wide split:

Stalin originated the concept “enemy of the people.” This term automatically made it unnecessary that the ideological errors of a man or men engaged in a controversy be proven. It made possible the use of the cruelest repression, violating all norms of revolutionary legality, against anyone who in any way disagreed with Stalin, against those who were only suspected of hostile intent, against those who had bad reputations. The concept “enemy of the people” actually eliminated the possibility of any kind of ideological fight or the making of one’s views known on this or that issue, even [issues] of a practical nature.
You believe our American republic form of government is based on ratings? Good for you.

You are actually DUMBER than Shit Stain Trump; he believes he can alter The Constitution with the stroke of a pen.

You & Shit Stain should go out & have a beer.

I never said that.

"they will continue to lose viewers" = what you said = ratings

Yes. The media will.

Not the republic.

Not tough to understand

I understood it fully BUT YOU act like a constitutional republic is about ratings; what an idiot U R
Here we are America: Make your choice.

Choose your freedom, or choose the TYRANT, Trump.

Speech to 20th Congress of the C.P.S.U.

Speech Delivered: February 24-25 1956;

At the Twentieth Congress of the CPSU February 24-25 1956, Khrushchev delivered a report in which he denounced Stalin’s crimes and the ‘cult of personality’ surrounding Stalin. This speech would ultimately trigger a world-wide split:

Stalin originated the concept “enemy of the people.” This term automatically made it unnecessary that the ideological errors of a man or men engaged in a controversy be proven. It made possible the use of the cruelest repression, violating all norms of revolutionary legality, against anyone who in any way disagreed with Stalin, against those who were only suspected of hostile intent, against those who had bad reputations. The concept “enemy of the people” actually eliminated the possibility of any kind of ideological fight or the making of one’s views known on this or that issue, even [issues] of a practical nature.
You believe our American republic form of government is based on ratings? Good for you.

You are actually DUMBER than Shit Stain Trump; he believes he can alter The Constitution with the stroke of a pen.

You & Shit Stain should go out & have a beer.

I never said that.

"they will continue to lose viewers" = what you said = ratings

Yes. The media will.

Not the republic.

Not tough to understand

I understood it fully BUT YOU act like a constitutional republic is about ratings; what an idiot U R

The Tyrant was Obama and the Dems who passed a health care bill when 55% of the people were against it at that time, just because they had full control of all three branches.
Just because you hold all three branches does not mean you go against a majority of the people with bills the people didn't want . That is tyranny.

The thread IS ABOUT Trump; NOT Obama.

Go shit on another thread, in a different forum, that isn't on USMB.
So, basically what you are saying is, YOU are OK with any POTUS, Trump included, tearing down & destroying ANY & ALL institutions that made America what it is.

That is exactly what you are saying. That is some really sad shit; you hate America.

The libs want fairness in talk radio they call it the fairness doctrine...I want a fairness doctrine in the news rooms of America....they have taken over your party bub....not mine....and they are leading your party towards extinction...with their over the top one sided reporting and extreme hatred of Trump and white America....There are currently three different walkaway from the democrat party movements going on in America that the media is ignoring....could spell doom for the party....if any of you think the TV news is bad you should give a listen to the ABC NBC CBS radio news...

Fairness? No. Trump is ALWAYS SCREAMING SHIT about fairness.

Myself? I would settle for TRUTH coming from Trump.

Fvck fairness; just offer some truth, for once.

You won't find truth until you start speaking it

you wouldn't know truth if it cut off your tiny pecker

pot meet kettle.:abgg2q.jpg:
Here we are America: Make your choice.

Choose your freedom, or choose the TYRANT, Trump.

Speech to 20th Congress of the C.P.S.U.

Speech Delivered: February 24-25 1956;

At the Twentieth Congress of the CPSU February 24-25 1956, Khrushchev delivered a report in which he denounced Stalin’s crimes and the ‘cult of personality’ surrounding Stalin. This speech would ultimately trigger a world-wide split:

Stalin originated the concept “enemy of the people.” This term automatically made it unnecessary that the ideological errors of a man or men engaged in a controversy be proven. It made possible the use of the cruelest repression, violating all norms of revolutionary legality, against anyone who in any way disagreed with Stalin, against those who were only suspected of hostile intent, against those who had bad reputations. The concept “enemy of the people” actually eliminated the possibility of any kind of ideological fight or the making of one’s views known on this or that issue, even [issues] of a practical nature.
I never said that.

"they will continue to lose viewers" = what you said = ratings

Yes. The media will.

Not the republic.

Not tough to understand

I understood it fully BUT YOU act like a constitutional republic is about ratings; what an idiot U R
Here we are America: Make your choice.

Choose your freedom, or choose the TYRANT, Trump.

Speech to 20th Congress of the C.P.S.U.

Speech Delivered: February 24-25 1956;

At the Twentieth Congress of the CPSU February 24-25 1956, Khrushchev delivered a report in which he denounced Stalin’s crimes and the ‘cult of personality’ surrounding Stalin. This speech would ultimately trigger a world-wide split:

Stalin originated the concept “enemy of the people.” This term automatically made it unnecessary that the ideological errors of a man or men engaged in a controversy be proven. It made possible the use of the cruelest repression, violating all norms of revolutionary legality, against anyone who in any way disagreed with Stalin, against those who were only suspected of hostile intent, against those who had bad reputations. The concept “enemy of the people” actually eliminated the possibility of any kind of ideological fight or the making of one’s views known on this or that issue, even [issues] of a practical nature.
I never said that.

"they will continue to lose viewers" = what you said = ratings

Yes. The media will.

Not the republic.

Not tough to understand

I understood it fully BUT YOU act like a constitutional republic is about ratings; what an idiot U R

The Tyrant was Obama and the Dems who passed a health care bill when 55% of the people were against it at that time, just because they had full control of all three branches.
Just because you hold all three branches does not mean you go against a majority of the people with bills the people didn't want . That is tyranny.

The thread IS ABOUT Trump; NOT Obama.

Go shit on another thread, in a different forum, that isn't on USMB.

Yes it is and he is not the tyrant, the last administration was.
Credible sources (before you begin CNN is not credible it is a combatant) are required for your contention Mr. Trump is fighting truth. Lesley Stahls' bias makes her credibility questionable.

My reply might strike you a funny. Without credible sources to corroborate your contention you are, as my dad was wont to say, "Just blowin' off at the kisser."

which means you have absolutely nothing of substance to add to the conversation? That's exactly what I thought.

Calling you out for your lack of sources is nothing of substance?

What do you consider substance?

Oh yeah; Like I supplied cartoons in the OP. Yeah, got it.

Besides the sources I supplied in the OP, there have been hundreds, even thousands of voices stating the same message for years but I'm sure you lost your hearing aids too.

Using CNN and Lesley Stahl as unbiased sources is much the sams as using the Empire of Japan as an unbiased source to justify the attack on Pearl Harbor.

you owned the sorry ass of the OP same as i have this whole thread.LOL
Veteran CBS journalist Lesley Stahl was the FIRST journalist to interview Trump once Trump received the GOP nomination, in July, 2016.

At that time Trump had already carried on a roughly 13 month WAR against the press & against TRUTH.

Trump's WAR upon the press & against truth has gone on now for 40 months; nearly 3 1/2 years.

Lesley Stahl revealed WHY Trump continually attacks the press. These are comments concerning Stahl's interview with Trump from their July, 2016.

“60 Minutes” correspondent Lesley Stahl says President Trump once told her that he attacks the press so no one will believe the negative stories written about him.

Stahl said at the Deadline Club awards dinner on Tuesday that she met with the then-GOP presidential nominee at Trump Tower in July 2016.

“And at one point he started to attack the press, and it’s just me and my boss and him … he’s attacking the press and there were no cameras, there was nothing going on,” Stahl said.

“And I said, 'You know that is getting tired, why are you doing this? You are doing it over and over, it’s boring, it’s time to end that. You won the nomination, why do you keep hammering at this?' ”

“And he said, ‘You know why I do it? I do it to demean you all and discredit you all, so that when you write negative stories about me no one will believe you,’ ” Stahl said. :ack-1:

That is absolutely disgusting.

So, Trump has been discrediting the press for nearly 3 1/2 years so Americans won't believe the press, if the press writes something that could be construed as negative in regard to Trump.

In essence this means that, anyone that believes Trump will never believe anything coming from the press.

America is REALLY FVCKED UP with a POTUS that would lie his ass off about the press, wage a 40 month war on the press, and wage a war on truth in America.

America is hitting rock bottom when our institutions become debased by such a tyrant, as Trump.

'60 Minutes' correspondent: Trump said he attacks the press so no one believes negative coverage

The press discredits themselves. When you have two news organizations who can view the same story, and each will write completely opposing views, someone is not telling the truth.

Each side has an agenda, neither side has any credibility.


thats WHY people should NEVER listen to the lamestream media,they lost their credibility decades i said,the smart people should listen to alternative news sources,best most popular non biased one being AMERICAN FREE PRESS.
The media has been corrupted by the left a long time ago....Trump is the first to really fight back against them...the nation is thankful for it....we have no use for news agencies that double as democrat advisers.....

It may be time for ideological quotas within the news rooms around the nation...

So, basically what you are saying is, YOU are OK with any POTUS, Trump included, tearing down & destroying ANY & ALL institutions that made America what it is.

That is exactly what you are saying. That is some really sad shit; you hate America.

Uhh..he just because you don't like the media has nothing to do with your views on the country.

And no, the media did not make America what it is, the people did (and do)
as always the troll get owned.LOL
Veteran CBS journalist Lesley Stahl was the FIRST journalist to interview Trump once Trump received the GOP nomination, in July, 2016.

At that time Trump had already carried on a roughly 13 month WAR against the press & against TRUTH.

Trump's WAR upon the press & against truth has gone on now for 40 months; nearly 3 1/2 years.

Lesley Stahl revealed WHY Trump continually attacks the press. These are comments concerning Stahl's interview with Trump from their July, 2016.

“60 Minutes” correspondent Lesley Stahl says President Trump once told her that he attacks the press so no one will believe the negative stories written about him.

Stahl said at the Deadline Club awards dinner on Tuesday that she met with the then-GOP presidential nominee at Trump Tower in July 2016.

“And at one point he started to attack the press, and it’s just me and my boss and him … he’s attacking the press and there were no cameras, there was nothing going on,” Stahl said.

“And I said, 'You know that is getting tired, why are you doing this? You are doing it over and over, it’s boring, it’s time to end that. You won the nomination, why do you keep hammering at this?' ”

“And he said, ‘You know why I do it? I do it to demean you all and discredit you all, so that when you write negative stories about me no one will believe you,’ ” Stahl said. :ack-1:

That is absolutely disgusting.

So, Trump has been discrediting the press for nearly 3 1/2 years so Americans won't believe the press, if the press writes something that could be construed as negative in regard to Trump.

In essence this means that, anyone that believes Trump will never believe anything coming from the press.

America is REALLY FVCKED UP with a POTUS that would lie his ass off about the press, wage a 40 month war on the press, and wage a war on truth in America.

America is hitting rock bottom when our institutions become debased by such a tyrant, as Trump.

'60 Minutes' correspondent: Trump said he attacks the press so no one believes negative coverage

Trump is a classical lying tyrant. Plain and simple. He follows the playbook for an authoritarian fascist.

yeah kinda like YOU,a classical lying tyrant? pot meet kettle.:abgg2q.jpg::lmao::rofl:
Here we are America: Make your choice.

Choose your freedom, or choose the TYRANT, Trump.

Speech to 20th Congress of the C.P.S.U.

Speech Delivered: February 24-25 1956;

At the Twentieth Congress of the CPSU February 24-25 1956, Khrushchev delivered a report in which he denounced Stalin’s crimes and the ‘cult of personality’ surrounding Stalin. This speech would ultimately trigger a world-wide split:

Stalin originated the concept “enemy of the people.” This term automatically made it unnecessary that the ideological errors of a man or men engaged in a controversy be proven. It made possible the use of the cruelest repression, violating all norms of revolutionary legality, against anyone who in any way disagreed with Stalin, against those who were only suspected of hostile intent, against those who had bad reputations. The concept “enemy of the people” actually eliminated the possibility of any kind of ideological fight or the making of one’s views known on this or that issue, even [issues] of a practical nature.
You believe our American republic form of government is based on ratings? Good for you.

You are actually DUMBER than Shit Stain Trump; he believes he can alter The Constitution with the stroke of a pen.

You & Shit Stain should go out & have a beer.

I never said that.

"they will continue to lose viewers" = what you said = ratings

Yes. The media will.

Not the republic.

Not tough to understand

I understood it fully BUT YOU act like a constitutional republic is about ratings; what an idiot U R
Here we are America: Make your choice.

Choose your freedom, or choose the TYRANT, Trump.

Speech to 20th Congress of the C.P.S.U.

Speech Delivered: February 24-25 1956;

At the Twentieth Congress of the CPSU February 24-25 1956, Khrushchev delivered a report in which he denounced Stalin’s crimes and the ‘cult of personality’ surrounding Stalin. This speech would ultimately trigger a world-wide split:

Stalin originated the concept “enemy of the people.” This term automatically made it unnecessary that the ideological errors of a man or men engaged in a controversy be proven. It made possible the use of the cruelest repression, violating all norms of revolutionary legality, against anyone who in any way disagreed with Stalin, against those who were only suspected of hostile intent, against those who had bad reputations. The concept “enemy of the people” actually eliminated the possibility of any kind of ideological fight or the making of one’s views known on this or that issue, even [issues] of a practical nature.
You believe our American republic form of government is based on ratings? Good for you.

You are actually DUMBER than Shit Stain Trump; he believes he can alter The Constitution with the stroke of a pen.

You & Shit Stain should go out & have a beer.

I never said that.

"they will continue to lose viewers" = what you said = ratings

Yes. The media will.

Not the republic.

Not tough to understand

I understood it fully BUT YOU act like a constitutional republic is about ratings; what an idiot U R

The Tyrant was Obama and the Dems who passed a health care bill when 55% of the people were against it at that time, just because they had full control of all three branches.
Just because you hold all three branches does not mean you go against a majority of the people with bills, the people didn't want . That is tyranny.

so many people are owning the ass of this aorry ass troll,you would think he would get tired of all the shit he gets on his face from all these ass beatings from many people here on this thread.:abgg2q.jpg::lmao::iyfyus.jpg:

Yes it is and he is not the tyrant, the last administration was.
Here we are America: Make your choice.

Choose your freedom, or choose the TYRANT, Trump.

Speech to 20th Congress of the C.P.S.U.

Speech Delivered: February 24-25 1956;

At the Twentieth Congress of the CPSU February 24-25 1956, Khrushchev delivered a report in which he denounced Stalin’s crimes and the ‘cult of personality’ surrounding Stalin. This speech would ultimately trigger a world-wide split:

Stalin originated the concept “enemy of the people.” This term automatically made it unnecessary that the ideological errors of a man or men engaged in a controversy be proven. It made possible the use of the cruelest repression, violating all norms of revolutionary legality, against anyone who in any way disagreed with Stalin, against those who were only suspected of hostile intent, against those who had bad reputations. The concept “enemy of the people” actually eliminated the possibility of any kind of ideological fight or the making of one’s views known on this or that issue, even [issues] of a practical nature.
You believe our American republic form of government is based on ratings? Good for you.

You are actually DUMBER than Shit Stain Trump; he believes he can alter The Constitution with the stroke of a pen.

You & Shit Stain should go out & have a beer.

I never said that.

"they will continue to lose viewers" = what you said = ratings

Yes. The media will.

Not the republic.

Not tough to understand

I understood it fully BUT YOU act like a constitutional republic is about ratings; what an idiot U R
Here we are America: Make your choice.

Choose your freedom, or choose the TYRANT, Trump.

Speech to 20th Congress of the C.P.S.U.

Speech Delivered: February 24-25 1956;

At the Twentieth Congress of the CPSU February 24-25 1956, Khrushchev delivered a report in which he denounced Stalin’s crimes and the ‘cult of personality’ surrounding Stalin. This speech would ultimately trigger a world-wide split:

Stalin originated the concept “enemy of the people.” This term automatically made it unnecessary that the ideological errors of a man or men engaged in a controversy be proven. It made possible the use of the cruelest repression, violating all norms of revolutionary legality, against anyone who in any way disagreed with Stalin, against those who were only suspected of hostile intent, against those who had bad reputations. The concept “enemy of the people” actually eliminated the possibility of any kind of ideological fight or the making of one’s views known on this or that issue, even [issues] of a practical nature.
You believe our American republic form of government is based on ratings? Good for you.

You are actually DUMBER than Shit Stain Trump; he believes he can alter The Constitution with the stroke of a pen.

You & Shit Stain should go out & have a beer.

I never said that.

"they will continue to lose viewers" = what you said = ratings

Yes. The media will.

Not the republic.

Not tough to understand

I understood it fully BUT YOU act like a constitutional republic is about ratings; what an idiot U R

The Tyrant was Obama and the Dems who passed a health care bill when 55% of the people were against it at that time, just because they had full control of all three branches.
Just because you hold all three branches does not mean you go against a majority of the people with bills, the people didn't want . That is tyranny.
What's Trump been doing with repub owned 3 branches?? The majority voted against him No??
Here we are America: Make your choice.

Choose your freedom, or choose the TYRANT, Trump.

Speech to 20th Congress of the C.P.S.U.

Speech Delivered: February 24-25 1956;

At the Twentieth Congress of the CPSU February 24-25 1956, Khrushchev delivered a report in which he denounced Stalin’s crimes and the ‘cult of personality’ surrounding Stalin. This speech would ultimately trigger a world-wide split:

Stalin originated the concept “enemy of the people.” This term automatically made it unnecessary that the ideological errors of a man or men engaged in a controversy be proven. It made possible the use of the cruelest repression, violating all norms of revolutionary legality, against anyone who in any way disagreed with Stalin, against those who were only suspected of hostile intent, against those who had bad reputations. The concept “enemy of the people” actually eliminated the possibility of any kind of ideological fight or the making of one’s views known on this or that issue, even [issues] of a practical nature.
I never said that.

"they will continue to lose viewers" = what you said = ratings

Yes. The media will.

Not the republic.

Not tough to understand

I understood it fully BUT YOU act like a constitutional republic is about ratings; what an idiot U R
Here we are America: Make your choice.

Choose your freedom, or choose the TYRANT, Trump.

Speech to 20th Congress of the C.P.S.U.

Speech Delivered: February 24-25 1956;

At the Twentieth Congress of the CPSU February 24-25 1956, Khrushchev delivered a report in which he denounced Stalin’s crimes and the ‘cult of personality’ surrounding Stalin. This speech would ultimately trigger a world-wide split:

Stalin originated the concept “enemy of the people.” This term automatically made it unnecessary that the ideological errors of a man or men engaged in a controversy be proven. It made possible the use of the cruelest repression, violating all norms of revolutionary legality, against anyone who in any way disagreed with Stalin, against those who were only suspected of hostile intent, against those who had bad reputations. The concept “enemy of the people” actually eliminated the possibility of any kind of ideological fight or the making of one’s views known on this or that issue, even [issues] of a practical nature.
I never said that.

"they will continue to lose viewers" = what you said = ratings

Yes. The media will.

Not the republic.

Not tough to understand

I understood it fully BUT YOU act like a constitutional republic is about ratings; what an idiot U R

The Tyrant was Obama and the Dems who passed a health care bill when 55% of the people were against it at that time, just because they had full control of all three branches.
Just because you hold all three branches does not mean you go against a majority of the people with bills, the people didn't want . That is tyranny.
What's Trump been doing with repub owned 3 branches?? The majority voted against him No??

Popular vote does not win in a Constitutional Republic.
"against press and truth"

Sorry, the truth and the "press" are two things 180 degrees apart....
Here we are America: Make your choice.

Choose your freedom, or choose the TYRANT, Trump.

Speech to 20th Congress of the C.P.S.U.

Speech Delivered: February 24-25 1956;

At the Twentieth Congress of the CPSU February 24-25 1956, Khrushchev delivered a report in which he denounced Stalin’s crimes and the ‘cult of personality’ surrounding Stalin. This speech would ultimately trigger a world-wide split:

Stalin originated the concept “enemy of the people.” This term automatically made it unnecessary that the ideological errors of a man or men engaged in a controversy be proven. It made possible the use of the cruelest repression, violating all norms of revolutionary legality, against anyone who in any way disagreed with Stalin, against those who were only suspected of hostile intent, against those who had bad reputations. The concept “enemy of the people” actually eliminated the possibility of any kind of ideological fight or the making of one’s views known on this or that issue, even [issues] of a practical nature.
"they will continue to lose viewers" = what you said = ratings

Yes. The media will.

Not the republic.

Not tough to understand

I understood it fully BUT YOU act like a constitutional republic is about ratings; what an idiot U R
Here we are America: Make your choice.

Choose your freedom, or choose the TYRANT, Trump.

Speech to 20th Congress of the C.P.S.U.

Speech Delivered: February 24-25 1956;

At the Twentieth Congress of the CPSU February 24-25 1956, Khrushchev delivered a report in which he denounced Stalin’s crimes and the ‘cult of personality’ surrounding Stalin. This speech would ultimately trigger a world-wide split:

Stalin originated the concept “enemy of the people.” This term automatically made it unnecessary that the ideological errors of a man or men engaged in a controversy be proven. It made possible the use of the cruelest repression, violating all norms of revolutionary legality, against anyone who in any way disagreed with Stalin, against those who were only suspected of hostile intent, against those who had bad reputations. The concept “enemy of the people” actually eliminated the possibility of any kind of ideological fight or the making of one’s views known on this or that issue, even [issues] of a practical nature.
"they will continue to lose viewers" = what you said = ratings

Yes. The media will.

Not the republic.

Not tough to understand

I understood it fully BUT YOU act like a constitutional republic is about ratings; what an idiot U R

The Tyrant was Obama and the Dems who passed a health care bill when 55% of the people were against it at that time, just because they had full control of all three branches.
Just because you hold all three branches does not mean you go against a majority of the people with bills, the people didn't want . That is tyranny.
What's Trump been doing with repub owned 3 branches?? The majority voted against him No??

Popular vote does not win in a Constitutional Republic.
well then does the same hold true when Obama had majority of states and the votes too??
Only to a trump lying kiss ass

Here is one example. In ISRAEL, they know Gaddafi was Jewish, because THEIR MEDIA reported it....

Gaddafi killed anyone who discovered his mother was Jewish, aide claims

Libya’s Gaddafi had a history of reaching out to Israel

Gaddafi is my Cousin says Elderly Jewish Woman

The Israeli owned "US" media keeps us in the dark here, because to admit Gaddafi was Jewish is to admit Pan Am 103 was an act of Jewish Terror that murdered Americans.

Gaddafi being Jewish does make everything clearer, as George Tenet was eager to chummy up with "muslim terrorist" Gaddafi because.... they were both Zionist Jews who cared NOT about the United States....
Veteran CBS journalist Lesley Stahl was the FIRST journalist to interview Trump once Trump received the GOP nomination, in July, 2016.

At that time Trump had already carried on a roughly 13 month WAR against the press & against TRUTH.

Trump's WAR upon the press & against truth has gone on now for 40 months; nearly 3 1/2 years.

Lesley Stahl revealed WHY Trump continually attacks the press. These are comments concerning Stahl's interview with Trump from their July, 2016.

“60 Minutes” correspondent Lesley Stahl says President Trump once told her that he attacks the press so no one will believe the negative stories written about him.

Stahl said at the Deadline Club awards dinner on Tuesday that she met with the then-GOP presidential nominee at Trump Tower in July 2016.

“And at one point he started to attack the press, and it’s just me and my boss and him … he’s attacking the press and there were no cameras, there was nothing going on,” Stahl said.

“And I said, 'You know that is getting tired, why are you doing this? You are doing it over and over, it’s boring, it’s time to end that. You won the nomination, why do you keep hammering at this?' ”

“And he said, ‘You know why I do it? I do it to demean you all and discredit you all, so that when you write negative stories about me no one will believe you,’ ” Stahl said. :ack-1:

That is absolutely disgusting.

So, Trump has been discrediting the press for nearly 3 1/2 years so Americans won't believe the press, if the press writes something that could be construed as negative in regard to Trump.

In essence this means that, anyone that believes Trump will never believe anything coming from the press.

America is REALLY FVCKED UP with a POTUS that would lie his ass off about the press, wage a 40 month war on the press, and wage a war on truth in America.

America is hitting rock bottom when our institutions become debased by such a tyrant, as Trump.

'60 Minutes' correspondent: Trump said he attacks the press so no one believes negative coverage

Trump is a classical lying tyrant. Plain and simple. He follows the playbook for an authoritarian fascist.

yeah kinda like YOU,a classical lying tyrant? pot meet kettle.:abgg2q.jpg::lmao::rofl:

Not like me at all. Trump is caught every day telling outrageous provable lies that affect over 330 million Americans. He is lying to your parents and your children and you are letting him do it. You have renigged on your oath to protect your country and family.
Veteran CBS journalist Lesley Stahl was the FIRST journalist to interview Trump once Trump received the GOP nomination, in July, 2016.

At that time Trump had already carried on a roughly 13 month WAR against the press & against TRUTH.

Trump's WAR upon the press & against truth has gone on now for 40 months; nearly 3 1/2 years.

Lesley Stahl revealed WHY Trump continually attacks the press. These are comments concerning Stahl's interview with Trump from their July, 2016.

“60 Minutes” correspondent Lesley Stahl says President Trump once told her that he attacks the press so no one will believe the negative stories written about him.

Stahl said at the Deadline Club awards dinner on Tuesday that she met with the then-GOP presidential nominee at Trump Tower in July 2016.

“And at one point he started to attack the press, and it’s just me and my boss and him … he’s attacking the press and there were no cameras, there was nothing going on,” Stahl said.

“And I said, 'You know that is getting tired, why are you doing this? You are doing it over and over, it’s boring, it’s time to end that. You won the nomination, why do you keep hammering at this?' ”

“And he said, ‘You know why I do it? I do it to demean you all and discredit you all, so that when you write negative stories about me no one will believe you,’ ” Stahl said. :ack-1:

That is absolutely disgusting.

So, Trump has been discrediting the press for nearly 3 1/2 years so Americans won't believe the press, if the press writes something that could be construed as negative in regard to Trump.

In essence this means that, anyone that believes Trump will never believe anything coming from the press.

America is REALLY FVCKED UP with a POTUS that would lie his ass off about the press, wage a 40 month war on the press, and wage a war on truth in America.

America is hitting rock bottom when our institutions become debased by such a tyrant, as Trump.

'60 Minutes' correspondent: Trump said he attacks the press so no one believes negative coverage

Gone are the days where the propaganda-pushing fake news media - the United States' liberal version of Al Jazeera - had its way with the American people, feeding them what they wanted the American people to know - all the lies, all the spin, all the propaganda.....

Like spoiled, out of control children who are suddenly faced with getting a strict nanny tasked with breaking them and getting them back under control, the liberal media threw a tantrum and attempted to fight back, to destroy the new threat. They used all of their favorite / past successful tactics....which have not worked...and they are pissed...and focused on getting rid of the one responsible for exposing them, taking away their unchecked authority, for showing people who they really are.

Thank you President Trump!
Here we are America: Make your choice.

Choose your freedom, or choose the TYRANT, Trump.

Speech to 20th Congress of the C.P.S.U.

Speech Delivered: February 24-25 1956;

At the Twentieth Congress of the CPSU February 24-25 1956, Khrushchev delivered a report in which he denounced Stalin’s crimes and the ‘cult of personality’ surrounding Stalin. This speech would ultimately trigger a world-wide split:

Stalin originated the concept “enemy of the people.” This term automatically made it unnecessary that the ideological errors of a man or men engaged in a controversy be proven. It made possible the use of the cruelest repression, violating all norms of revolutionary legality, against anyone who in any way disagreed with Stalin, against those who were only suspected of hostile intent, against those who had bad reputations. The concept “enemy of the people” actually eliminated the possibility of any kind of ideological fight or the making of one’s views known on this or that issue, even [issues] of a practical nature.
I never said that.

"they will continue to lose viewers" = what you said = ratings

Yes. The media will.

Not the republic.

Not tough to understand

I understood it fully BUT YOU act like a constitutional republic is about ratings; what an idiot U R
Here we are America: Make your choice.

Choose your freedom, or choose the TYRANT, Trump.

Speech to 20th Congress of the C.P.S.U.

Speech Delivered: February 24-25 1956;

At the Twentieth Congress of the CPSU February 24-25 1956, Khrushchev delivered a report in which he denounced Stalin’s crimes and the ‘cult of personality’ surrounding Stalin. This speech would ultimately trigger a world-wide split:

Stalin originated the concept “enemy of the people.” This term automatically made it unnecessary that the ideological errors of a man or men engaged in a controversy be proven. It made possible the use of the cruelest repression, violating all norms of revolutionary legality, against anyone who in any way disagreed with Stalin, against those who were only suspected of hostile intent, against those who had bad reputations. The concept “enemy of the people” actually eliminated the possibility of any kind of ideological fight or the making of one’s views known on this or that issue, even [issues] of a practical nature.
I never said that.

"they will continue to lose viewers" = what you said = ratings

Yes. The media will.

Not the republic.

Not tough to understand

I understood it fully BUT YOU act like a constitutional republic is about ratings; what an idiot U R

The Tyrant was Obama and the Dems who passed a health care bill when 55% of the people were against it at that time, just because they had full control of all three branches.
Just because you hold all three branches does not mean you go against a majority of the people with bills, the people didn't want . That is tyranny.
What's Trump been doing with repub owned 3 branches?? The majority voted against him No??
The majority of the illegals did vote for him, yes.

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