Trump's new executive order gives him more power over activist judges

Yay, now each administration can try to load the courts with partisan hacks. That'll definitely be great for America.

I look forward to conservatives foaming at the mouth when a liberal presidents uses this in the future.
certainly a move that will backfire and come back to haunt them - or at least has huge potential to. not a fan of doing anything that will mess with separation of powers. i need to understand this better but so far - don't like it.
This goes along with lucia vs SEC and the appointments clause of the constitution.
I mean, are bureaucrats part of the "separation of powers?"
a lot more to understand here but at first glance i don't like it. we tell the liberals they set stupid precedents and here trump goes off and does one. if *he* can fire a judge then the next president can - that's how this works and the (R)s can't bitch WHEN that happens.

but they will. this is somehow *different*.
They arent even judges in the sense you are thinking about.
that's why i need to look into this more for more details and asked earlier "what level of judges" are we talking about.

Yay, now each administration can try to load the courts with partisan hacks. That'll definitely be great for America.

I look forward to conservatives foaming at the mouth when a liberal presidents uses this in the future.
certainly a move that will backfire and come back to haunt them - or at least has huge potential to. not a fan of doing anything that will mess with separation of powers. i need to understand this better but so far - don't like it.
This goes along with lucia vs SEC and the appointments clause of the constitution.
I mean, are bureaucrats part of the "separation of powers?"
a lot more to understand here but at first glance i don't like it. we tell the liberals they set stupid precedents and here trump goes off and does one. if *he* can fire a judge then the next president can - that's how this works and the (R)s can't bitch WHEN that happens.

but they will. this is somehow *different*.

i also don't trust this article because it's written to slanted to be PRO TRUMP so they're going to put things in a way that makes it sound good, not honest.
How can members of the executive branch not be under trump? You think they are unaccountable?
like i said - i want to read more on this and the level of judges in this. i simply don't trust puff-pieces that are written to make someone look good or bad and are obvious about it.

this one is licking all over trumps crotch so i don't trust it.
Yay, now each administration can try to load the courts with partisan hacks. That'll definitely be great for America.

I look forward to conservatives foaming at the mouth when a liberal presidents uses this in the future.
certainly a move that will backfire and come back to haunt them - or at least has huge potential to. not a fan of doing anything that will mess with separation of powers. i need to understand this better but so far - don't like it.
This goes along with lucia vs SEC and the appointments clause of the constitution.
I mean, are bureaucrats part of the "separation of powers?"
a lot more to understand here but at first glance i don't like it. we tell the liberals they set stupid precedents and here trump goes off and does one. if *he* can fire a judge then the next president can - that's how this works and the (R)s can't bitch WHEN that happens.

but they will. this is somehow *different*.

i also don't trust this article because it's written to slanted to be PRO TRUMP so they're going to put things in a way that makes it sound good, not honest.
How can members of the executive branch not be under trump? You think they are unaccountable?
like i said - i want to read more on this and the level of judges in this. i simply don't trust puff-pieces that are written to make someone look good or bad and are obvious about it.

this one is licking all over trumps crotch so i don't trust it.
Ok. Fyi. I wasnt going by the article
Yay, now each administration can try to load the courts with partisan hacks. That'll definitely be great for America.

I look forward to conservatives foaming at the mouth when a liberal presidents uses this in the future.
certainly a move that will backfire and come back to haunt them - or at least has huge potential to. not a fan of doing anything that will mess with separation of powers. i need to understand this better but so far - don't like it.
This goes along with lucia vs SEC and the appointments clause of the constitution.
I mean, are bureaucrats part of the "separation of powers?"
a lot more to understand here but at first glance i don't like it. we tell the liberals they set stupid precedents and here trump goes off and does one. if *he* can fire a judge then the next president can - that's how this works and the (R)s can't bitch WHEN that happens.

but they will. this is somehow *different*.
They arent even judges in the sense you are thinking about.
that's why i need to look into this more for more details and asked earlier "what level of judges" are we talking about.
They are judges for the SEC. Not the Judicial branch. There is no "separation of powers" issue here at all. Their rulings dont even matter until a bunch of bureaucrats accept it..
certainly a move that will backfire and come back to haunt them - or at least has huge potential to. not a fan of doing anything that will mess with separation of powers. i need to understand this better but so far - don't like it.
This goes along with lucia vs SEC and the appointments clause of the constitution.
I mean, are bureaucrats part of the "separation of powers?"
a lot more to understand here but at first glance i don't like it. we tell the liberals they set stupid precedents and here trump goes off and does one. if *he* can fire a judge then the next president can - that's how this works and the (R)s can't bitch WHEN that happens.

but they will. this is somehow *different*.
They arent even judges in the sense you are thinking about.
that's why i need to look into this more for more details and asked earlier "what level of judges" are we talking about.
They are judges for the SEC. Not the Judicial branch. There is no "separation of powers" issue here at all. Their rulings dont even matter until a bunch of bureaucrats accept it..
cool. i'll read more tonight when i have time but thank you. if this were crossing that line i'd be dead set against it.
This goes along with lucia vs SEC and the appointments clause of the constitution.
I mean, are bureaucrats part of the "separation of powers?"
a lot more to understand here but at first glance i don't like it. we tell the liberals they set stupid precedents and here trump goes off and does one. if *he* can fire a judge then the next president can - that's how this works and the (R)s can't bitch WHEN that happens.

but they will. this is somehow *different*.
They arent even judges in the sense you are thinking about.
that's why i need to look into this more for more details and asked earlier "what level of judges" are we talking about.
They are judges for the SEC. Not the Judicial branch. There is no "separation of powers" issue here at all. Their rulings dont even matter until a bunch of bureaucrats accept it..
cool. i'll read more tonight when i have time but thank you. if this were crossing that line i'd be dead set against it.
Ohhh i would too!
Let me know what you find out, if you remember. Maybe i could learn something then!
Piece by piece, step by step, the dimocrap scum totalitarian establishment is crumbling.

Thank you Mr President.

Nic PIC, wish he really had the balls to fight when he was drafted, instead of dodging the draft. He does have the audacity to criticize vets like mcCain all because of morons like you..
Wow...................if Obama had signed an EO like this, you conservatives would be screaming your heads off saying that Obama is seeking too much power and is gonna be a dictator.

That is what you conservatives would have said if Obama did it, but somehow, Trump always seems to get a pass.

If Obama had signed an order that insured judges would be forced to follow the constitution rather than legislate from the bench, I would have fainted in disbelief.
Wow...................if Obama had signed an EO like this, you conservatives would be screaming your heads off saying that Obama is seeking too much power and is gonna be a dictator.

That is what you conservatives would have said if Obama did it, but somehow, Trump always seems to get a pass.

This is how stupid you are. I'll explain it to your dumb ass. No one said they were against "executive orders."

1) We were against Obama's executive orders that violated the Constitution by violating the powers of the other two branches. E.G., not enforcing DOMA and creating immigration law. NO ONE was against the President running his own branch of government

2) We were against using executive action to increase regulations because it's both harmful to business and again it's legislating

In your low IQ butt hurt, you whine about here where Trump's scope only covered the executive branch and you whines when Trump used executive orders to undo Obama's abusive orders. Neither of those are what we criticized Obama for.

You're really just that much of an intellectual light weight. That means stupid, BTW ...
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Wow...................if Obama had signed an EO like this, you conservatives would be screaming your heads off saying that Obama is seeking too much power and is gonna be a dictator.

That is what you conservatives would have said if Obama did it, but somehow, Trump always seems to get a pass.
What is it exactly you object to? Be specific

His EO that was made and signed by Trump, gives Trump more power.

No it doesn't. He already runs the executive branch. He did before and after the order.

What you have here is a bad case of premature evaluation. You need to see the doctor about some Viagara ...

Let's try and follow the logic of this article, giving Trump the ability to fire judges who don't rule the way he wants (partisan liberals), he can then hire judges who will rule the way he wants (partisan conservatives) and substituting one bias for another will eliminate "activists" judges.

Wow. Just, wow...

You people don't dislike activist judges as long as they're your kind.

Another leftist moron who thinks we're talking about the judicial branch and won't use his Google search bar to speak before showing how ignorant he is
Republicans are a party of traitors.
Looking more and more that way.

It's hilarious how not one of you leftist brain dead morons were willing to research that this is the President and the executive branch, it had nothing to do with the judicial branch. Hillary was right, stay barefoot and pregnant and let your husband to the thinking for you
Piece by piece, step by step, the dimocrap scum totalitarian establishment is crumbling.

Thank you Mr President.

Wait, tRump takes power from the judicial branch by EO but the Democrats are the totalitarians?




Fake news. Had nothing to do with the judicial branch.

Leftist after leftist, not one of you was willing to Google before speaking.

Did that seriously sound right to you that the President could just fire judicial branch judges? He can't

Yay, now each administration can try to load the courts with partisan hacks. That'll definitely be great for America.

I look forward to conservatives foaming at the mouth when a liberal presidents uses this in the future.

Obama ran the executive branch, just like Trump does now. A leftist President has every right just like Trump does
Wow...................if Obama had signed an EO like this, you conservatives would be screaming your heads off saying that Obama is seeking too much power and is gonna be a dictator.

That is what you conservatives would have said if Obama did it, but somehow, Trump always seems to get a pass.
No judges challenged anything but Obama's most egregious and unconstitutional EOs.
Piece by piece, step by step, the dimocrap scum totalitarian establishment is crumbling.

Thank you Mr President.

Wait, tRump takes power from the judicial branch by EO but the Democrats are the totalitarians?




Fake news. Had nothing to do with the judicial branch.

Leftist after leftist, not one of you was willing to Google before speaking.

Did that seriously sound right to you that the President could just fire judicial branch judges? He can't
I believe this thread is over. We killed it.
  • Thanks
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Trump’s executive order will allow more leeway for agency leaders to find potential appointees without being held back by competitive examination and competitive service selection procedures.

Because of course- can't have actual standards to go by.....that would interfere with the appointment of political appointees- Trump is setting up his own Tammany Hall system here.
Isn't that what AA does?

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