Trump's Next Move Towards a Fascist State: Take Away Licensing of T.V. Networks

The press should be free to LIE??? A biased dishonest press is an enemy of the American people.
And who decides what is "biased" and "dishonest", the government?

Apparently the American people who kicked Hillary to the curb in favor of Trump. Ouch! :laugh: You libs walk willingly into the Blues buzz saw :laugh::laugh::laugh:
Your buzz saw must be defective. Hillary is irrelevant ( you DO know the election is over yes?).

So you guys want the government to make media decisions for you? Cant exersize that little bit of critical thinking needed to sort the wheat from the chaff? Or..are you being triggered by it?
The Crazy Left Wingers are the cretins who want to impose sanctions on the Free Press with their very twisted "fairness doctrine"
The fairness doctrine is in the past. Very few call for it being reurrected nor is the media situation the same now as it was then.
Left or right, it is utterly wrong and dangerous for the President to make this comment:
“With all the Fake News coming out of NBC and the Networks, at what point is it appropriate to challenge their License? Bad for the country!”

The answer is never! It is absolutely imperative we have a free press. I agree the press is hopeless biased and leftist, but a President should not talk about censoring his critics. If you want to make sure Media companies don’t get too big like then fine have that discussion. But a President should never speak censoring his critics.

Most of his media problems are self-inflicted. His tweets are generally outrageous and impossible to defend. His childish and public fights with people are immature and yes unpresidential.

You are the source of your own problem.

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I agree with you for the most part, but the press is not hopelessly biased and leftist. Trump as well as other politicians in Congress get LIVE air time, where they can say whatever they want to say on all the cable channels as well as network.

Eight out of ten guests on the Sunday talk shows are Republican!

How many liberal talk radio shows do you know of? There are none. It's all fucking right wing blah, blah, blah.

So I think you might review your comments about a liberal press. Rupert Murdoch would even beg to disagree.
Name the conservative talk show hosts on MSNBC NBC, CNN, CBC, ABC, CBS?
Who tslk shows for news?
The press should be free to LIE??? A biased dishonest press is an enemy of the American people.
And who decides what is "biased" and "dishonest", the government?

Apparently the American people who kicked Hillary to the curb in favor of Trump. Ouch! :laugh: You libs walk willingly into the Blues buzz saw :laugh::laugh::laugh:
Your buzz saw must be defective. Hillary is irrelevant ( you DO know the election is over yes?).

So you guys want the government to make media decisions for you? Cant exersize that little bit of critical thinking needed to sort the wheat from the chaff? Or..are you being triggered by it?

We are going to run Hillary for you in 2018 and 2020 :muahaha:
The press should be free to LIE??? A biased dishonest press is an enemy of the American people.
And who decides what is "biased" and "dishonest", the government?

Apparently the American people who kicked Hillary to the curb in favor of Trump. Ouch! :laugh: You libs walk willingly into the Blues buzz saw :laugh::laugh::laugh:
Your buzz saw must be defective. Hillary is irrelevant ( you DO know the election is over yes?).

So you guys want the government to make media decisions for you? Cant exersize that little bit of critical thinking needed to sort the wheat from the chaff? Or..are you being triggered by it?

We are going to run Hillary for you in 2018 and 2020 :muahaha:
Holy shit...zombie apocalypse!
Left or right, it is utterly wrong and dangerous for the President to make this comment:
“With all the Fake News coming out of NBC and the Networks, at what point is it appropriate to challenge their License? Bad for the country!”

The answer is never! It is absolutely imperative we have a free press. I agree the press is hopeless biased and leftist, but a President should not talk about censoring his critics. If you want to make sure Media companies don’t get too big like then fine have that discussion. But a President should never speak censoring his critics.

Most of his media problems are self-inflicted. His tweets are generally outrageous and impossible to defend. His childish and public fights with people are immature and yes unpresidential.

You are the source of your own problem.

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Well if you were allow to choose the channels you wanted on cable or satellite, MSNBC, CNN, etc. would not be in existence.

You can pull a license for NBC, ABC or CBS, only the local stations that have to apply for these license every 5 years or so.

But they should no longer be listed as News, they should just go ahead and file as a 527's for the far left DNC.

If they want to be tabloid then they no longer are the press.
Left or right, it is utterly wrong and dangerous for the President to make this comment:
“With all the Fake News coming out of NBC and the Networks, at what point is it appropriate to challenge their License? Bad for the country!”

The answer is never! It is absolutely imperative we have a free press. I agree the press is hopeless biased and leftist, but a President should not talk about censoring his critics. If you want to make sure Media companies don’t get too big like then fine have that discussion. But a President should never speak censoring his critics.

Most of his media problems are self-inflicted. His tweets are generally outrageous and impossible to defend. His childish and public fights with people are immature and yes unpresidential.

You are the source of your own problem.

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That all sounds good - except you forget one thing...we don't have a free press. It is well within the grips of corporatism. The reporters are FAR-FAR-FAR away from being able to report on what they want and are absolutely forced to go along with the narrative of those powers.
We don't have a free press in America anymore. And the government had nothing to do with it, except to rubber stamp the mergers over the past 20 years that built the media giants.
Trump suggests challenging NBC's broadcast license

Well, it looks like trump has had enough of liberal propoganda.

Hopefully this will be the end of MSNBC. NBC, CNN et al.

Once we shut down the propoganda networks, i bet our country will be stronger than ever before!

The market and the Internet are already punishing the LMSM. Trump is making a mistake here
Trump is doing what he does best, stepping on his own dick.
He needs to FOCUS but he's having to much fun trolling to do it. He is acting like all of us.

Three years from now, people will still be saying he needs to stop lying, needs to stop twitting, needs to get on message, needs to play less golf and go on fewer vacations, stop stealing money from the taxpayers and on and on.

He is what he is. He's not going to get better, not going to suddenly grow up and act like adult. Not going to learn his job.

He really is not all that bright. Okay, so he really is moron. He believes he can lie, cheat and steal and sure nuff, with the Repub congress, he can.
This is not a situation where we had a fair and free press that was working, and Trump is throwing a monkey wrench in the works. The so called 'press' is broken, its corrupted, biased. Trump is simply trying to correct this situation.

Trump is sticking his nose where it doesn't belong.

Gramps come on, NBC reported that Trump wanted to increase our nuclear arsenal 10 fold a blatant LIE and frankly irresponsible how do you think the rest of the world reacted to that lie? Should Trump just sit there and do nothing? We frequently agree on the issues but you are way off to one side on this issue.

Should Trump threaten to yank the license of NBC, no. But something must be done to rein in liberal media that has thrown journalistic integrity out the window in their attempts to get Trump at all costs.

no shit, but NBC wouldnt report on weinstein. NBC isnt about news its leftwing propaganda
They've reported on it in every hour since it broke.
Can't hold a stick to atheism, which murdered 80-90 million within the past century. Mountains of dead bodies and oceans of blood has been atheism's contribution to humanity.
You mean, Communism. Don't throw the baby out with the bath water. It was the fucking commies. Not atheists.
Left or right, it is utterly wrong and dangerous for the President to make this comment:
“With all the Fake News coming out of NBC and the Networks, at what point is it appropriate to challenge their License? Bad for the country!”

The answer is never! It is absolutely imperative we have a free press. I agree the press is hopeless biased and leftist, but a President should not talk about censoring his critics. If you want to make sure Media companies don’t get too big like then fine have that discussion. But a President should never speak censoring his critics.

Most of his media problems are self-inflicted. His tweets are generally outrageous and impossible to defend. His childish and public fights with people are immature and yes unpresidential.

You are the source of your own problem.

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i hated it when obama tee'd off on fox (and not because i was a fox fan) and i hate it when trump goes off on the other side. both are bad and both are NOT the presidents call to make. *we the people* will choose who to follow and who to believe and if you want it to be YOU - then be a better person than us.

that's what you're supposed to be doing in that office.
Can't hold a stick to atheism, which murdered 80-90 million within the past century. Mountains of dead bodies and oceans of blood has been atheism's contribution to humanity.
You mean, Communism. Don't throw the baby out with the bath water. It was the fucking commies. Not atheists.

Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, the North Korean trifecta, Castro, etc. all atheists.
This is not a situation where we had a fair and free press that was working, and Trump is throwing a monkey wrench in the works. The so called 'press' is broken, its corrupted, biased. Trump is simply trying to correct this situation. support the government taking away the licenses of news networks that say things it doesn't like?

NBC lied and their lie caused our allies and other countries around the world grave concern. FACT!

It's not a fact. NBC stands by their story and their three sources. What is your proof? The word of a moron?
This is not a situation where we had a fair and free press that was working, and Trump is throwing a monkey wrench in the works. The so called 'press' is broken, its corrupted, biased. Trump is simply trying to correct this situation. support the government taking away the licenses of news networks that say things it doesn't like?

NBC lied and their lie caused our allies and other countries around the world grave concern. FACT!

It's not a fact. NBC stands by their story and their three sources. What is your proof? The word of a moron?

Calm down Maddow.
Trump suggests challenging NBC's broadcast license

Well, it looks like trump has had enough of liberal propoganda.

Hopefully this will be the end of MSNBC. NBC, CNN et al.

Once we shut down the propoganda networks, i bet our country will be stronger than ever before!

The market and the Internet are already punishing the LMSM. Trump is making a mistake here
Trump is doing what he does best, stepping on his own dick.
He needs to FOCUS but he's having to much fun trolling to do it. He is acting like all of us.

Three years from now, people will still be saying he needs to stop lying, needs to stop twitting, needs to get on message, needs to play less golf and go on fewer vacations, stop stealing money from the taxpayers and on and on.

He is what he is. He's not going to get better, not going to suddenly grow up and act like adult. Not going to learn his job.

He really is not all that bright. Okay, so he really is moron. He believes he can lie, cheat and steal and sure nuff, with the Repub congress, he can.

Your Messiah didn't sniff an annual GDP of 3% and was the first potus in U.S. history to achieve this dismal feat. Yet, your support never wavered, did it?
Left or right, it is utterly wrong and dangerous for the President to make this comment:
“With all the Fake News coming out of NBC and the Networks, at what point is it appropriate to challenge their License? Bad for the country!”

The answer is never! It is absolutely imperative we have a free press. I agree the press is hopeless biased and leftist, but a President should not talk about censoring his critics. If you want to make sure Media companies don’t get too big like then fine have that discussion. But a President should never speak censoring his critics.

Most of his media problems are self-inflicted. His tweets are generally outrageous and impossible to defend. His childish and public fights with people are immature and yes unpresidential.

You are the source of your own problem.

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The majority of the press stopped being "free" the moment they consigned their reporting and journalistic integrity to advancing the leftist point of view. A free press should devote itself to objectivity, independent reporting, not acting as a mouthpiece for one party or another.

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