Trump's Next Move Towards a Fascist State: Take Away Licensing of T.V. Networks


Why are you RWNJs so eager to trash the US Constitution? The cheeto has said all along that he wants an end to free speech as well as to other parts of the constitution and the damn trumpanzees just nod their heads up and down.

Is there any way to get them to understand that its not just liberals/Dems who would lose their rights?

The founders would slap you in the stocks and whip you senseless.

i love this post, vivid imagery, especially the kind that would offend them and a perfect point as well.

I'm mean to liberals, its intentional :muahaha:

toss in a meal of cornbread and watermelon with a mint julep and youll have them pissing their pants.

I called them 'you people' it triggers them.

omg i love it, it does. i wish i could say that line to al sharpton and watch him go off.....
This is not a situation where we had a fair and free press that was working, and Trump is throwing a monkey wrench in the works. The so called 'press' is broken, its corrupted, biased. Trump is simply trying to correct this situation. support the government taking away the licenses of news networks that say things it doesn't like?

NBC lied and their lie caused our allies and other countries around the world grave concern. FACT!
Lied about what?

I've really got to shut this down buyt damn I want to know too.

BluesLegend Link to proof that "NBC lied and their lie caused our allies and other countries around the world grave concern".
Don't hold your breath, okay?
If there is no other way to force the press to stop lying, then so be it. It has to be. This latest lie, that Trump demanded a ten fold increase in our nuclear arsenal was just about beyond the pale. Next it might be that Trump has secretly ordered a first strike on Iran and North Korea. The press has shown that their Trump hate has no boundaries. They will see the nation burn if it hurts Trump.

They are abusing the First Amendment not using it. That cannot be allowed to continue.
Birthers. Obama is s Muslim. MB infiltrated thr WH. Seth Rich. Bla blah blah.

Who gets to decide what legitimate "truth" is pravda the state?
Left or right, it is utterly wrong and dangerous for the President to make this comment:
“With all the Fake News coming out of NBC and the Networks, at what point is it appropriate to challenge their License? Bad for the country!”

The answer is never! It is absolutely imperative we have a free press. I agree the press is hopeless biased and leftist, but a President should not talk about censoring his critics. If you want to make sure Media companies don’t get too big like then fine have that discussion. But a President should never speak censoring his critics.

Most of his media problems are self-inflicted. His tweets are generally outrageous and impossible to defend. His childish and public fights with people are immature and yes unpresidential.

You are the source of your own problem.

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A Couch Potato Gets His Brains Peeled

You pretend to see through the media, but you reveal that your mind is trapped by the On-Air Airheads when you slavishly follow their criticism of Trump's populist tweets.
The press should be free to LIE??? A biased dishonest press is an enemy of the American people.


Why are you RWNJs so eager to trash the US Constitution? The cheeto has said all along that he wants an end to free speech as well as to other parts of the constitution and the damn trumpanzees just nod their heads up and down.

Is there any way to get them to understand that its not just liberals/Dems who would lose their rights?

The founders would slap you in the stocks and whip you senseless.

i love this post, vivid imagery, especially the kind that would offend them and a perfect point as well.

I'm mean to liberals, its intentional :muahaha:

Okay BluesLegend and buckeye45_73, and the rest of you who thinks the press should have some sort of govt control to keep them from "lying", just who gets to decide who is lying?

First, its simply fact that trump lies every single day. Period. That is undeniable.

So, who decides what content gets aired and what does not? Are you really okay with having that decided for you. Where in the constitution does it state any sort of limitation on free speech?

Stop the partisan and very childish screeching long enough to really think this through. Ask yourself who would gain from us not having free access to all points of view?

When it comes time the Repubs are pushing to end net neutrality, remember that YOU will lose rights there as well.

Do you actually read our posts? Please let me know where we advocated that?
net neutrality is new.....we didn't need it before, we don't need it now......why more govt regulations???? Is that what you said we wer trying to do? You project your love of govt control onto guys project your sexism and racism onto us....we don't advocate thse things, you do. Do you even listen to on both sides of the issue in one are an idiot.
If there is no other way to force the press to stop lying, then so be it. It has to be. This latest lie, that Trump demanded a ten fold increase in our nuclear arsenal was just about beyond the pale. Next it might be that Trump has secretly ordered a first strike on Iran and North Korea. The press has shown that their Trump hate has no boundaries. They will see the nation burn if it hurts Trump.

They are abusing the First Amendment not using it. That cannot be allowed to continue.
Birthers. Obama is s Muslim. MB infiltrated thr WH. Seth Rich. Bla blah blah.

Who gets to decide what legitimate "truth" is pravda the state?
When did networks report on birthers as true or a fact?
people made those claims, like they do now with Russia, but with zero evidence, the networks report every negative thing as fact, even hookers peeing on a bed.
We all dislike/disagree with the media at times but there are carefully crafted laws to deal with abuses: libel and slander. The bar for evidence is very high for a good reason.

We are extremely fortunate to have a free and independent media with thousands of providers. If you dont like one you can find another.

It is dismaying to see the president going on like this. It os unAmerican.
We don't have a free and independent media. We have a propaganda organ infested with brainwashed leftwing apparatchiks.

Slander and libel laws don't solve all the problems of media abuse. The media is waging all out war on an elected president. It lies multiple times a day about him. It gets away with murder.
Really? And what do you propose?
Left or right, it is utterly wrong and dangerous for the President to make this comment:
“With all the Fake News coming out of NBC and the Networks, at what point is it appropriate to challenge their License? Bad for the country!”

The answer is never! It is absolutely imperative we have a free press. I agree the press is hopeless biased and leftist, but a President should not talk about censoring his critics. If you want to make sure Media companies don’t get too big like then fine have that discussion. But a President should never speak censoring his critics.

Most of his media problems are self-inflicted. His tweets are generally outrageous and impossible to defend. His childish and public fights with people are immature and yes unpresidential.

You are the source of your own problem.

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I agree with you for the most part, but the press is not hopelessly biased and leftist. Trump as well as other politicians in Congress get LIVE air time, where they can say whatever they want to say on all the cable channels as well as network.

Eight out of ten guests on the Sunday talk shows are Republican!

How many liberal talk radio shows do you know of? There are none. It's all fucking right wing blah, blah, blah.

So I think you might review your comments about a liberal press. Rupert Murdoch would even beg to disagree.
If there is no other way to force the press to stop lying, then so be it. It has to be. This latest lie, that Trump demanded a ten fold increase in our nuclear arsenal was just about beyond the pale. Next it might be that Trump has secretly ordered a first strike on Iran and North Korea. The press has shown that their Trump hate has no boundaries. They will see the nation burn if it hurts Trump.

They are abusing the First Amendment not using it. That cannot be allowed to continue.
Birthers. Obama is s Muslim. MB infiltrated thr WH. Seth Rich. Bla blah blah.

Who gets to decide what legitimate "truth" is pravda the state?
When did networks report on birthers as true or a fact?
people made those claims, like they do now with Russia, but with zero evidence, the networks report every negative thing as fact, even hookers peeing on a bed.
Fox promoted birthers and the false Seth Rich story.

The other stuff not false yet and not oromoted as truth but as alledged and part of ongoing investigstion.
How many bitched when Obama and the left tried to shut Fox News down? Huh? Now you want to bitch?
When did Obama try to do that?
As is so often stated around here! Do your own research or remain in denial. Your call.
You made the claim. You backing out?
Nope! I get told that shit here all the time. Set the standard and stick by it!
In othet words you cant support YOUR claim ;)
How many bitched when Obama and the left tried to shut Fox News down? Huh? Now you want to bitch?
When did Obama try to do that?
As is so often stated around here! Do your own research or remain in denial. Your call.
You made the claim. You backing out?
Nope! I get told that shit here all the time. Set the standard and stick by it!
In othet words you cant support YOUR claim ;)
Shall I come to you every time I am told that? What will you do about it?

Why are you RWNJs so eager to trash the US Constitution? The cheeto has said all along that he wants an end to free speech as well as to other parts of the constitution and the damn trumpanzees just nod their heads up and down.

Is there any way to get them to understand that its not just liberals/Dems who would lose their rights?

The founders would slap you in the stocks and whip you senseless.

i love this post, vivid imagery, especially the kind that would offend them and a perfect point as well.

I'm mean to liberals, its intentional :muahaha:

Okay BluesLegend and buckeye45_73, and the rest of you who thinks the press should have some sort of govt control to keep them from "lying", just who gets to decide who is lying?

First, its simply fact that trump lies every single day. Period. That is undeniable.

So, who decides what content gets aired and what does not? Are you really okay with having that decided for you. Where in the constitution does it state any sort of limitation on free speech?

Stop the partisan and very childish screeching long enough to really think this through. Ask yourself who would gain from us not having free access to all points of view?

When it comes time the Repubs are pushing to end net neutrality, remember that YOU will lose rights there as well.

Do you actually read our posts? Please let me know where we advocated that?
net neutrality is new.....we didn't need it before, we don't need it now......why more govt regulations???? Is that what you said we wer trying to do? You project your love of govt control onto guys project your sexism and racism onto us....we don't advocate thse things, you do. Do you even listen to on both sides of the issue in one are an idiot.
True you never advocated net neutrality you just want the government to shut them down.
We all dislike/disagree with the media at times but there are carefully crafted laws to deal with abuses: libel and slander. The bar for evidence is very high for a good reason.

We are extremely fortunate to have a free and independent media with thousands of providers. If you dont like one you can find another.

It is dismaying to see the president going on like this. It os unAmerican.
We don't have a free and independent media. We have a propaganda organ infested with brainwashed leftwing apparatchiks.

Slander and libel laws don't solve all the problems of media abuse. The media is waging all out war on an elected president. It lies multiple times a day about him. It gets away with murder.
Really? And what do you propose?
I propose to abolish all government involvement with education.
Left or right, it is utterly wrong and dangerous for the President to make this comment:
“With all the Fake News coming out of NBC and the Networks, at what point is it appropriate to challenge their License? Bad for the country!”

The answer is never! It is absolutely imperative we have a free press. I agree the press is hopeless biased and leftist, but a President should not talk about censoring his critics. If you want to make sure Media companies don’t get too big like then fine have that discussion. But a President should never speak censoring his critics.

Most of his media problems are self-inflicted. His tweets are generally outrageous and impossible to defend. His childish and public fights with people are immature and yes unpresidential.

You are the source of your own problem.

Sent from my iPhone using

I agree with you for the most part, but the press is not hopelessly biased and leftist. Trump as well as other politicians in Congress get LIVE air time, where they can say whatever they want to say on all the cable channels as well as network.

Eight out of ten guests on the Sunday talk shows are Republican!

How many liberal talk radio shows do you know of? There are none. It's all fucking right wing blah, blah, blah.

So I think you might review your comments about a liberal press. Rupert Murdoch would even beg to disagree.
Name the conservative talk show hosts on MSNBC NBC, CNN, CBC, ABC, CBS?
Today's Press is 99% pure left wing propaganda.
Americans are not getting real News.
Left Wingers are dangerous fanatics and a threat to our democracy.
The Crazy Left Wingers are the cretins who want to impose sanctions on the Free Press with their very twisted "fairness doctrine"

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