Trump’s Pennsylvania Rally A ‘Gift’ To Democrats

Hopefully, Trump will continue to do what he's been doing. What do you think?
? I think we are seeing exactly the same gaslighting by polls that ALWAYS take place this time of year prior to going to the polls. IF these numbers are still in place in mid-October, I'll be concerned. Until then,

Donald Trump’s big blowout weekend rally in Pennsylvania didn’t do the struggling Republican candidates he endorsed any favors, the state’s former GOP Rep. Charlie Dent insisted Sunday.

“Just by showing up in Pennsylvania, he is making the election more about himself, and of course most Republican candidates don’t want anything to do with him now before this general election,” Dent told Kim Brunhuber on CNN. “They want this to be about [attacking] Joe Biden and the Democrats.”

So to “the extent that Trump inserts himself into this conversation he’s giving the Democrats a major gift right now,” said Dent.

Dent believes it was also a mistake at the rally for Trump to attack the FBI for confiscating classified documents he had lifted from the White House to stash at his Mar-a-Lago resort.

Former GOP Lawmaker Calls Trump’s Pennsylvania Rally A ‘Gift’ To Democrats

Hopefully, Trump will continue to do what he's been doing. What do you think?

Two hours worth of ranting grievance. The fn guy is such a psychopath. Trump doesn't give a rats about Oz or anyone else but himself and the money a bunch of clucks wish upon him. What a joke.
Trump's popularity getting to you?
Let's' get this straight: TRUMP did (Ummm) unnamable random made up fantasy accusation "STUFF". Unlike say: Democrats ACTUALLY did REAL "stuff" like burning down cities or legitimaizing pedophila STUFF. So WHAT STUFF has Trump been found guilty OF? NOTHING. So lets get this straight, WHO is the bad guy here?
Are you taking your meds Mary?

Donald Trump’s big blowout weekend rally in Pennsylvania didn’t do the struggling Republican candidates he endorsed any favors, the state’s former GOP Rep. Charlie Dent insisted Sunday.

“Just by showing up in Pennsylvania, he is making the election more about himself, and of course most Republican candidates don’t want anything to do with him now before this general election,” Dent told Kim Brunhuber on CNN. “They want this to be about [attacking] Joe Biden and the Democrats.”

So to “the extent that Trump inserts himself into this conversation he’s giving the Democrats a major gift right now,” said Dent.

Dent believes it was also a mistake at the rally for Trump to attack the FBI for confiscating classified documents he had lifted from the White House to stash at his Mar-a-Lago resort.

Former GOP Lawmaker Calls Trump’s Pennsylvania Rally A ‘Gift’ To Democrats

Hopefully, Trump will continue to do what he's been doing. What do you think?

And Biden is a gift to Trump every time he opens his mouth in public.

So what? Those FBI RussiaGate documents that the FBI WANTS BACK are safer with Trump than anywhere else in the country. This whole raid is simply covering their asses because Trump has access to documents to SUE THEM off the fucking planet for LYING about him and spying on his campaign and people for 5 years.

And Trump HAS active lawsuits against the DNC/Hillary for campaign interference and THEIR ROLE of colluding with sketchy Russian informants who spewed PHONY dirt on Trump for Hillary/DNC money.

What you dont know is PAYBACK TIME IS COMING for the torture that this country was put through for 5 fucking years.
And Biden is a gift to Trump every time he opens his mouth in public.

So what? Those FBI RussiaGate documents that the FBI WANTS BACK are safer with Trump than anywhere else in the country. This whole raid is simply covering their asses because Trump has access to documents to SUE THEM off the fucking planet for LYING about him and spying on his campaign and people for 5 years.

And Trump HAS active lawsuits against the DNC/Hillary for campaign interference and THEIR ROLE of colluding with sketchy Russian informants who spewed PHONY dirt on Trump for Hillary/DNC money.

What you dont know is PAYBACK TIME IS COMING for the torture that this country was put through for 5 fucking years.

Insanely funny! Are you really that crazy?
Insanely funny! Are you really that crazy?

Where are all the apologies from you for every time I warned you that the dossier was shit, that the FBI KNEW IT, that the ONLY RUSSIAN COLLUSION was being done by Hillary/DNC to influence an election, and that Trump campaign staff were being spied on and entrapped. I figure a couple 100 "I'm sorry I doubted you" should cover your history of stupidity.
Even if true - so what? As long as Biden has a pulse he's far better than Adolf Trump.
I really think you need therapy....because if you think Biden sounded rational Thursday night.....and compare that horrible ranting with Trump's uplifting speech last night....I think you need an exorcism.

Donald Trump’s big blowout weekend rally in Pennsylvania didn’t do the struggling Republican candidates he endorsed any favors, the state’s former GOP Rep. Charlie Dent insisted Sunday.

“Just by showing up in Pennsylvania, he is making the election more about himself, and of course most Republican candidates don’t want anything to do with him now before this general election,” Dent told Kim Brunhuber on CNN. “They want this to be about [attacking] Joe Biden and the Democrats.”

So to “the extent that Trump inserts himself into this conversation he’s giving the Democrats a major gift right now,” said Dent.

Dent believes it was also a mistake at the rally for Trump to attack the FBI for confiscating classified documents he had lifted from the White House to stash at his Mar-a-Lago resort.

Former GOP Lawmaker Calls Trump’s Pennsylvania Rally A ‘Gift’ To Democrats

Hopefully, Trump will continue to do what he's been doing. What do you think?

I think Dent is totally wrong.

1. There is no reason for any Republican candidate to distance themself from Trump. Trump is more popular than ever right now. His endorsed candidates won at a 92% rate.

2. Dent has not a shred of evidence that Trump "lifted" document from Mar-a Lago. Trump may not have even known the questionable documents had ever left the White House.
I think Dent is totally wrong.

1. There is no reason for any Republican candidate to distance themself from Trump. Trump is more popular than ever right now. His endorsed candidates won at a 92% rate.

2. Dent has not a shred of evidence that Trump "lifted" document from Mar-a Lago. Trump may not have even known the questionable documents had ever left the White House.
Dents a RINO and in fear if losing his place.

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