Trumps rally tonight might be the biggest rally in the history of America

The size of the rally is not a great indication of who will win the presidency. Hilllary got three million plus votes more than trump did and she didn't have the swarms of people trump did. Trump did win that one but only because of our crazy electoral system crafted in the slave owning days. Who wants a piece of shit like trump who's not capable of debating without constantly interrupting the opposition anyway?
Trump is rallying in purple areas of states, and gets these ppl, same with biden and Hilary but no one shows up.. your going to lose because of your hate, after slavery Democrats found it extremely hard to win elections for about 40 years because of their hate.. it wasn’t until the 1930s the Democrats started to win more elections because of the new deal where they bought votes,, The buying of votes continues today as you can see Democrat platform is to give everything away for free.. as more people turn 30 they own property their children are in school there once liberal views have turned now too I need to save money for my family I don’t want to give it to the government.
Well, you're making the same mistake I brought up....the size of the rallies as an indication of who will win. What's all this other stuff like my supposed hatred and your flawed history lesson?
i'm guessing a lotta covidcooties are a'brewing & in a couple weeks, we'll hear how many cases the super spreader created.

oh my god some old people might drop dead like they were gonna anyway

shut the fuck up holy shit

our fat president who eats fast food all day and is a senior citizen is still alive after catching it lol
Another episode in the soap opera called "Thinning the herd" :)
Man, his rallies just get lamer and lamer as he goes along.
Someone should tell Donnie that less is more. After a while, your riffing sounds like an endless vowel movement
after you've had too much to drink. You would think he would know this, you know being the successful
businessman he is. :auiqs.jpg:
Lik poor Sturgis, i heard they all died up there.
Both South and North Dakota had low COVID rates before the Sturgis rally. Now they are numbers 1 and 2 in the nation.
You mean they have more test
No, they have more people going to hospitals and dying.
Yes to get a test lol moron
You're the moron who thinks less testing means a lower COVID rate. A person of average intelligence would consider increased ICU's being used and hospitals filling up along with bodies piling up, all from COVID, would indicate increases in COVID-19 cases
Over a thousand people showed up for Pence this Sat at the Villages...for Pence. Biden is lucky to get a couple of dozen. Lol
Yeah, the polls are screwed up, but we already knew that.
Biden doesn't hold open invitation rallies. Because of the risk of Covid. He invites a small number of people that can be safely distanced and that's it.

I wish there was a way he could increase his exposure on tv and twitter and that, like Trump does. Trump is the master at hogging the airwaves, but the only time Biden gets attention is for something negative, it seems.
The size of the rally is not a great indication of who will win the presidency. Hilllary got three million plus votes more than trump did and she didn't have the swarms of people trump did. Trump did win that one but only because of our crazy electoral system crafted in the slave owning days. Who wants a piece of shit like trump who's not capable of debating without constantly interrupting the opposition anyway?
Trump is rallying in purple areas of states, and gets these ppl, same with biden and Hilary but no one shows up.. your going to lose because of your hate, after slavery Democrats found it extremely hard to win elections for about 40 years because of their hate.. it wasn’t until the 1930s the Democrats started to win more elections because of the new deal where they bought votes,, The buying of votes continues today as you can see Democrat platform is to give everything away for free.. as more people turn 30 they own property their children are in school there once liberal views have turned now too I need to save money for my family I don’t want to give it to the government.
Well, you're making the same mistake I brought up....the size of the rallies as an indication of who will win. What's all this other stuff like my supposed hatred and your flawed history lesson?
Because Democrats can’t win with all this hate for other Americans they disagree with.. The reason why I left the Democrat party was because the media was lying about George Bush. The son. I went from hating George Bush to liking him because the media 24 hours a day would lie, and they would lie about race relations.. that’s why you can’t win that’s why you’re not gonna win for a very long time until you kiss my white Republican ass will Democrats ever stand a chance of winning again.. So get on your knees let me pull my pants down kiss my white Republican ass.. same for the NBA in the NFL if you want ratings kiss my white proud American loving white ass
USMB Trumpolics will ague and lie all-day about a fantasy huge rally, but fail to provide proof.
Over a thousand people showed up for Pence this Sat at the Villages...for Pence. Biden is lucky to get a couple of dozen. Lol
Yeah, the polls are screwed up, but we already knew that.
Biden doesn't hold open invitation rallies. Because of the risk of Covid. He invites a small number of people that can be safely distanced and that's it.

I wish there was a way he could increase his exposure on tv and twitter and that, like Trump does. Trump is the master at hogging the airwaves, but the only time Biden gets attention is for something negative, it seems.
Trump didn’t invite me to stand out side and cheer him on as he drove by.
Over a thousand people showed up for Pence this Sat at the Villages...for Pence. Biden is lucky to get a couple of dozen. Lol
Yeah, the polls are screwed up, but we already knew that.
Biden doesn't hold open invitation rallies. Because of the risk of Covid. He invites a small number of people that can be safely distanced and that's it.

I wish there was a way he could increase his exposure on tv and twitter and that, like Trump does. Trump is the master at hogging the airwaves, but the only time Biden gets attention is for something negative, it seems.
Trump didn’t invite me to stand out side and cheer him on as he drove by.
Got it. Wasn't thinking of that.

I was still thinking of the 3 million people rally. Lol
USMB Trumpolics will ague and lie all-day about a fantasy huge rally, but fail to provide proof.
Looks like a million from here, as Trump said at his inauguration.

I was at a concert once with half a million people. It's a lot.
Over a thousand people showed up for Pence this Sat at the Villages...for Pence. Biden is lucky to get a couple of dozen. Lol
Yeah, the polls are screwed up, but we already knew that.
Biden doesn't hold open invitation rallies. Because of the risk of Covid. He invites a small number of people that can be safely distanced and that's it.

I wish there was a way he could increase his exposure on tv and twitter and that, like Trump does. Trump is the master at hogging the airwaves, but the only time Biden gets attention is for something negative, it seems.
Trump didn’t invite me to stand out side and cheer him on as he drove by.
Got it. Wasn't thinking of that.

I was still thinking of the 3 million people rally. Lol
Just reality .. even if Trump didn’t invite people to a rally they still would’ve stood outside by the thousands and thousands.. Trump rallies they let them know 18,000 capacity and there’s still 20,000 people outside.. you’re going to get your fucking ass kicked on November 3 and I love it I love ithahahah
if Trump doesn't sound like a politician, that's because he isn't!
He isn’t a politician.
He isn’t a business men.
He isn’t a leader.

But sure he’s a Putin lover.

Biden is a filthy ass politician. He has been one since Christ was a carpenter.

Biden doesn't know a damn thing about business or even basic economics.

Biden only leads his fellow Left Wing Useful Idiots.

But he sure as hell is Xi Jainping's American Boy.
i'm guessing a lotta covidcooties are a'brewing & in a couple weeks, we'll hear how many cases the super spreader created.

Uh-uh, sure we will, just like you guys have said about every other rally he holds. I figured I wouldn’t even scroll all the way down the first page without seeing this predictable comment.
Over a thousand people showed up for Pence this Sat at the Villages...for Pence. Biden is lucky to get a couple of dozen. Lol
Yeah, the polls are screwed up, but we already knew that.
Biden doesn't hold open invitation rallies. Because of the risk of Covid. He invites a small number of people that can be safely distanced and that's it.

I wish there was a way he could increase his exposure on tv and twitter and that, like Trump does. Trump is the master at hogging the airwaves, but the only time Biden gets attention is for something negative, it seems.
Trump didn’t invite me to stand out side and cheer him on as he drove by.
Got it. Wasn't thinking of that.

I was still thinking of the 3 million people rally. Lol
Just reality .. even if Trump didn’t invite people to a rally they still would’ve stood outside by the thousands and thousands.. Trump rallies they let them know 18,000 capacity and there’s still 20,000 people outside.. you’re going to get your fucking ass kicked on November 3 and I love it I love ithahahah
You made your point; you don't need to be nasty about it. We'll see what happens.
i'm guessing a lotta covidcooties are a'brewing & in a couple weeks, we'll hear how many cases the super spreader created.

Uh-uh, sure we will, just like you guys have said about every other rally he holds. I figured I wouldn’t even scroll all the way down the first page without seeing this predictable comment.
Well, we do hear about people having caught COVID at his events. Trump is a super spreader.
Over a thousand people showed up for Pence this Sat at the Villages...for Pence. Biden is lucky to get a couple of dozen. Lol
Yeah, the polls are screwed up, but we already knew that.
Biden doesn't hold open invitation rallies. Because of the risk of Covid. He invites a small number of people that can be safely distanced and that's it.

I wish there was a way he could increase his exposure on tv and twitter and that, like Trump does. Trump is the master at hogging the airwaves, but the only time Biden gets attention is for something negative, it seems.
Trump didn’t invite me to stand out side and cheer him on as he drove by.
Got it. Wasn't thinking of that.

I was still thinking of the 3 million people rally. Lol
Just reality .. even if Trump didn’t invite people to a rally they still would’ve stood outside by the thousands and thousands.. Trump rallies they let them know 18,000 capacity and there’s still 20,000 people outside.. you’re going to get your fucking ass kicked on November 3 and I love it I love ithahahah
Another lie.
i'm guessing a lotta covidcooties are a'brewing & in a couple weeks, we'll hear how many cases the super spreader created.
Where are the covid cases from previous (large) rallies ?
I must have missed that in the fake news.

a good number of people became infected at the super spreader he had at the WH, including senators, his advisors, people in his administration...

at the rally in tulsa, some of his secret service became infected, campaign staffers, & traitor tot's whore got it & herman cain died from it.

& the last rally he had in minnesota:

At least 9 cases of COVID-19 traced to Trump rally in Minnesota
1 of those cases is known to have been infectious while at the event

Trump campaign rally in Minnesota linked to 9 COVID cases, 2 hospitalizations

By WCCO Staff | October 11, 2020 at 1:16 AM CDT - Updated October 11 at 1:28 PM

MINNEAPOLIS (WCCO) - As rural areas in Minnesota experience a surge of COVID-19 cases, state health officials say at least nine of those cases can be linked to a September campaign rally held by President Donald Trump.
At least 9 cases of COVID-19 traced to Trump rally in Minnesota

<psssst> ^^^ that article is from a fox news affiliate.
Have you considered that his supporters DON'T CARE? They know the risks, and go anyway. If he came here, I would too. Hell, I take a risk every time I go to the grocery store. I DON'T CARE. Maybe they don't either.

of course you don't care.... did YOU ever stop to think that you may then become a super spreader yerself? shedding yer germs to innocent people around you?

A) going to the grocery store is not an option for most people ... people HAVE TO eat. there probably are more people that cannot afford grocery delivery than can afford the extra charges.

B) most grocery stores have implemented guidelines to mitigate the risk & limit store capacity & have placed spots to ensure 6 ft distancing, unlike donny's circle jerks where people are crammed in side by side screaming their adoration unmasked - for their chosen one.

thanx for being donny's little poster girl for covididiots.
Ok. So if YOU are so scared, YOU wear a mask.
i'm guessing a lotta covidcooties are a'brewing & in a couple weeks, we'll hear how many cases the super spreader created.

Uh-uh, sure we will, just like you guys have said about every other rally he holds. I figured I wouldn’t even scroll all the way down the first page without seeing this predictable comment.
Well, we do hear about people having caught COVID at his events. Trump is a super spreader.

No, we heard about a handful of people in Tulsa, nowhere else. Grown men and women can asses their own risk. You Branch Covidians can stay home.
Over a thousand people showed up for Pence this Sat at the Villages...for Pence. Biden is lucky to get a couple of dozen. Lol
Yeah, the polls are screwed up, but we already knew that.
Biden doesn't hold open invitation rallies. Because of the risk of Covid. He invites a small number of people that can be safely distanced and that's it.

I wish there was a way he could increase his exposure on tv and twitter and that, like Trump does. Trump is the master at hogging the airwaves, but the only time Biden gets attention is for something negative, it seems.
Trump didn’t invite me to stand out side and cheer him on as he drove by.
Got it. Wasn't thinking of that.

I was still thinking of the 3 million people rally. Lol
Just reality .. even if Trump didn’t invite people to a rally they still would’ve stood outside by the thousands and thousands.. Trump rallies they let them know 18,000 capacity and there’s still 20,000 people outside.. you’re going to get your fucking ass kicked on November 3 and I love it I love ithahahah
You made your point; you don't need to be nasty about it. We'll see what happens.
So...yer back? Or just driving by?
Another episode in the soap opera called "Thinning the herd" :)
Man, his rallies just get lamer and lamer as he goes along.
Someone should tell Donnie that less is more. After a while, your riffing sounds like an endless vowel movement
after you've had too much to drink. You would think he would know this, you know being the successful
businessman he is. :auiqs.jpg:
Lik poor Sturgis, i heard they all died up there.
Both South and North Dakota had low COVID rates before the Sturgis rally. Now they are numbers 1 and 2 in the nation.
You mean they have more test
No, they have more people going to hospitals and dying.
Yes to get a test lol moron
You're the moron who thinks less testing means a lower COVID rate. A person of average intelligence would consider increased ICU's being used and hospitals filling up along with bodies piling up, all from COVID, would indicate increases in COVID-19 cases
Yea, they all died in the black hills.
i'm guessing a lotta covidcooties are a'brewing & in a couple weeks, we'll hear how many cases the super spreader created.
Where are the covid cases from previous (large) rallies ?
I must have missed that in the fake news.

a good number of people became infected at the super spreader he had at the WH, including senators, his advisors, people in his administration...

at the rally in tulsa, some of his secret service became infected, campaign staffers, & traitor tot's whore got it & herman cain died from it.

& the last rally he had in minnesota:

At least 9 cases of COVID-19 traced to Trump rally in Minnesota
1 of those cases is known to have been infectious while at the event

Trump campaign rally in Minnesota linked to 9 COVID cases, 2 hospitalizations

By WCCO Staff | October 11, 2020 at 1:16 AM CDT - Updated October 11 at 1:28 PM

MINNEAPOLIS (WCCO) - As rural areas in Minnesota experience a surge of COVID-19 cases, state health officials say at least nine of those cases can be linked to a September campaign rally held by President Donald Trump.
At least 9 cases of COVID-19 traced to Trump rally in Minnesota

<psssst> ^^^ that article is from a fox news affiliate.
I am not afraid. I do help those who are having a tough time with it.

View attachment 400826

that's nice. the whole board alreadyknows you have antibodies............. you've never failed to mention it when given the chance.

hopefully there will be life long immunity .... but don't be so cocky to think there will be. NO one knows - ... think ' flu season ' ... why is there one every year?

& you may also wanna think along the lines of chicken pox... once you get it, you may not get it again ( although my brother did get it again, the 1st time, he only broke out with 2 blisters - so apparently he didn't have enough antibodies to protect him from a 2nd viral attack )

BUT even with complete immunity from chicken pox - that same virus lies dorment within the nervous system; & can show itself years/decades later with shingles - which, depending on the nerve path - can lead to deafness/ blindness or worse.
COVID is closer to Pox than the flu. I have the antibodies and I help others. Just say thank you and its dormant not dorment.

here's your badge, wear it proudly.


& i don't need to thank you; just like i don't expect any thanks for being organ donor upon my demise.

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