Trumps rally tonight might be the biggest rally in the history of America

Trumps rally tonight might be the biggest rally in the history of America
View attachment 400751They have hangers and hangers full of ppl to see Trump! Wow
My working theory is that half of the people who go to one of those retarded, juvenile rallies are people who want to see the circus act known as Trump in person. Itā€™s like watching the midnight showing of the movie ā€œThe Roomā€.
Ok loser
Doesnā€™t it bother you that you support an insecure little girl trapped inside the the body of an orangutan for president? Hell, even other little girls donā€™t sound incoherent morons.
View attachment 401214

It seems like Biden crowd is strategically nonexistent.
You know, Bernieā€™s crowds were just as big as Trumpā€™s and he still lost to Hillary and Biden.

Biden rally!!!

View attachment 401270
You already know I said Bernie so you just sound stupid right now.

Not really, Bernie had big crowd, but not as big as Trump, and not often.

Second, you leftist socialists stole the nomination from the biggest socialist in your party, not once, but twice, in front of everyone, and now trying to steal the general elections. So yeah, keep talking about Bernie, as he's relevant.
Lol that just isnā€™t true. You just canā€™t accept his popularity for what it was.

No one stole anything. Hilary got debate questions beforehand. It was definitely a scandal, but she would have beat Bernie either way. Biden definitely didnā€™t get any of that treatment.

There is a word that describe people like you...

Nah, I just tell it like it is.

If he was so popular, and had rallies bigger than Trump's, why he isn't Democratic nominee?
i'm guessing a lotta covidcooties are a'brewing & in a couple weeks, we'll hear how many cases the super spreader created.
Where are the covid cases from previous (large) rallies ?
I must have missed that in the fake news.

a good number of people became infected at the super spreader he had at the WH, including senators, his advisors, people in his administration...

at the rally in tulsa, some of his secret service became infected, campaign staffers, & traitor tot's whore got it & herman cain died from it.

& the last rally he had in minnesota:

At least 9 cases of COVID-19 traced to Trump rally in Minnesota
1 of those cases is known to have been infectious while at the event

Trump campaign rally in Minnesota linked to 9 COVID cases, 2 hospitalizations

By WCCO Staff | October 11, 2020 at 1:16 AM CDT - Updated October 11 at 1:28 PM

MINNEAPOLIS (WCCO) - As rural areas in Minnesota experience a surge of COVID-19 cases, state health officials say at least nine of those cases can be linked to a September campaign rally held by President Donald Trump.
At least 9 cases of COVID-19 traced to Trump rally in Minnesota

<psssst> ^^^ that article is from a fox news affiliate.

9 Whole fucking cases.

i'm guessing a lotta covidcooties are a'brewing & in a couple weeks, we'll hear how many cases the super spreader created.
Where are the covid cases from previous (large) rallies ?
I must have missed that in the fake news.

a good number of people became infected at the super spreader he had at the WH, including senators, his advisors, people in his administration...

at the rally in tulsa, some of his secret service became infected, campaign staffers, & traitor tot's whore got it & herman cain died from it.

& the last rally he had in minnesota:

At least 9 cases of COVID-19 traced to Trump rally in Minnesota
1 of those cases is known to have been infectious while at the event

Trump campaign rally in Minnesota linked to 9 COVID cases, 2 hospitalizations

By WCCO Staff | October 11, 2020 at 1:16 AM CDT - Updated October 11 at 1:28 PM

MINNEAPOLIS (WCCO) - As rural areas in Minnesota experience a surge of COVID-19 cases, state health officials say at least nine of those cases can be linked to a September campaign rally held by President Donald Trump.
At least 9 cases of COVID-19 traced to Trump rally in Minnesota

<psssst> ^^^ that article is from a fox news affiliate.
Poverty is expanding. Malnutrition is expanding. More and more people are going to bed hungry. Around the world. The WHO organization estimates a doubling of this by next year easily. From the lockdowns.

death sure is a cure for malnutrition.

saddest thing is - it didn't have to be this way. if donny just did what needed to be done in the beginning & not ignoring/wishing it away, we would be in much better shape.

But now we are learning he did it right.

Sucks to be you.

We knew it all along.

But since Trump is so bad, maybe you'll catch it, die, and save the world some much needed oxygen.
Trumps rally tonight might be the biggest rally in the history of America
View attachment 400751They have hangers and hangers full of ppl to see Trump! Wow
My working theory is that half of the people who go to one of those retarded, juvenile rallies are people who want to see the circus act known as Trump in person. Itā€™s like watching the midnight showing of the movie ā€œThe Roomā€.
Ok loser
Doesnā€™t it bother you that you support an insecure little girl trapped inside the the body of an orangutan for president? Hell, even other little girls donā€™t sound incoherent morons.
View attachment 401214

It seems like Biden crowd is strategically nonexistent.
You know, Bernieā€™s crowds were just as big as Trumpā€™s and he still lost to Hillary and Biden.

Biden rally!!!

View attachment 401270
You already know I said Bernie so you just sound stupid right now.

Not really, Bernie had big crowd, but not as big as Trump, and not often.

Second, you leftist socialists stole the nomination from the biggest socialist in your party, not once, but twice, in front of everyone, and now trying to steal the general elections. So yeah, keep talking about Bernie, as he's relevant.
Lol that just isnā€™t true. You just canā€™t accept his popularity for what it was.

No one stole anything. Hilary got debate questions beforehand. It was definitely a scandal, but she would have beat Bernie either way. Biden definitely didnā€™t get any of that treatment.

There is a word that describe people like you...

Nah, I just tell it like it is.

If he was so popular, and had rallies bigger than Trump's, why he isn't Democratic nominee?
Because rallies arenā€™t an accurate measure of support lol. That is the entire point I am trying to make to you. That is why polling matters.
& i do. because i am not a trump humping poorly educated MAGAT.

Hey Playtex your fucking troll, I heard Donald Trump has THUMBS. Can you believe that? You know who ELSE had thumbs?

View attachment 401225


Man, thanks for pointing that out... great catch.

We all know Trump drinks water. Do you know who else drinks water?

View attachment 401244

did dolfi need 2 hands?

i'm guessing a lotta covidcooties are a'brewing & in a couple weeks, we'll hear how many cases the super spreader created.
Where are the covid cases from previous (large) rallies ?
I must have missed that in the fake news.

a good number of people became infected at the super spreader he had at the WH, including senators, his advisors, people in his administration...

at the rally in tulsa, some of his secret service became infected, campaign staffers, & traitor tot's whore got it & herman cain died from it.

& the last rally he had in minnesota:

At least 9 cases of COVID-19 traced to Trump rally in Minnesota
1 of those cases is known to have been infectious while at the event

Trump campaign rally in Minnesota linked to 9 COVID cases, 2 hospitalizations

By WCCO Staff | October 11, 2020 at 1:16 AM CDT - Updated October 11 at 1:28 PM

MINNEAPOLIS (WCCO) - As rural areas in Minnesota experience a surge of COVID-19 cases, state health officials say at least nine of those cases can be linked to a September campaign rally held by President Donald Trump.
At least 9 cases of COVID-19 traced to Trump rally in Minnesota

<psssst> ^^^ that article is from a fox news affiliate.

9 Whole fucking cases.


9 CONfirmed cases ... for each individual case - there are now 3-10 more infections going undiagnosed... & those 3-10 people each are shedding their germs to 3-10 MORE.

rub 2 braincells together & think critically for once, if you even can find 'em.
i'm guessing a lotta covidcooties are a'brewing & in a couple weeks, we'll hear how many cases the super spreader created.
Where are the covid cases from previous (large) rallies ?
I must have missed that in the fake news.

a good number of people became infected at the super spreader he had at the WH, including senators, his advisors, people in his administration...

at the rally in tulsa, some of his secret service became infected, campaign staffers, & traitor tot's whore got it & herman cain died from it.

& the last rally he had in minnesota:

At least 9 cases of COVID-19 traced to Trump rally in Minnesota
1 of those cases is known to have been infectious while at the event

Trump campaign rally in Minnesota linked to 9 COVID cases, 2 hospitalizations

By WCCO Staff | October 11, 2020 at 1:16 AM CDT - Updated October 11 at 1:28 PM

MINNEAPOLIS (WCCO) - As rural areas in Minnesota experience a surge of COVID-19 cases, state health officials say at least nine of those cases can be linked to a September campaign rally held by President Donald Trump.
At least 9 cases of COVID-19 traced to Trump rally in Minnesota

<psssst> ^^^ that article is from a fox news affiliate.
Poverty is expanding. Malnutrition is expanding. More and more people are going to bed hungry. Around the world. The WHO organization estimates a doubling of this by next year easily. From the lockdowns.

death sure is a cure for malnutrition.

saddest thing is - it didn't have to be this way. if donny just did what needed to be done in the beginning & not ignoring/wishing it away, we would be in much better shape.

But now we are learning he did it right.

Sucks to be you.

We knew it all along.

But since Trump is so bad, maybe you'll catch it, die, and save the world some much needed oxygen.

lol ... poor poor poorly educated ... you.

9 CONfirmed cases ... for each individual case - there are now 3-10 more infections going undiagnosed... & those 3-10 people each are shedding their germs to 3-10 MORE.
Oh my goodness, look at these astronomical numbers.
No telling what is going on at your local grocery store in comparison.
9 CONfirmed cases ... for each individual case - there are now 3-10 more infections going undiagnosed... & those 3-10 people each are shedding their germs to 3-10 MORE.
Oh my goodness, look at these astronomical numbers.
No telling what is going on at your local grocery store in comparison.


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use that snark & tell that to the people mourning those deaths...
i'm guessing a lotta covidcooties are a'brewing & in a couple weeks, we'll hear how many cases the super spreader created.
Where are the covid cases from previous (large) rallies ?
I must have missed that in the fake news.

FOX never mentions them at all but there have been spikes and deaths after every rally. Herman Caine got Covid at the Tulsa rally and died.

Spikes donā€™t come until a week to two weeks after the rally. Trump didnā€™t get sick until a week after his super spreader in the Rose Garden.

Every time Trump holds a rally, he kills a few of his voters. Not a very good strategy when youā€™re behind in the polls to sicken and kill your voters.

But thatā€™s Trump. When called on to make good decisions, he makes the wrong one. Thatā€™s why heā€™s lost so much money. Thatā€™s why heā€™s run 7 big companies into bankruptcy and American banks wonā€™t lend to him.

Trump has been a ā€œloserā€ all of his life. Bigly. Every time he promises to make people rich like him, heā€™s lying. And the people who have trusted him have lost everything.

Youā€™ve been conned. But give the man his due. This is the greatest con in the history of the world. Because you STILL believe him.

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