Trump's rambling CPAC speech leaves CNN analyst stunned: 'This is someone who is not well'

84 million felt differently the last election
Trump has done nothing to win them back
yeah, but this isn't the last election.....we have seen the great harm Xiden and the Demafascist have done. Trump doesn't have to "win them back" - Xiden and the Demafacist have shown, giving them power, means poverty and destruction
trump and obama both graduated from ivy league schools…meanwhile xiden went to UD or what it historically black Del State? hard to tell…moreover he plagerised his way through school

Obama is recalled as a precocious constitutional scholar, Grifty as "the dumbest student I ever had".

Lol, he gets over 60% of the Republican vote now. With the other candidates.

Please run Biden!

That's a CPAC straw's like polling a bunch of shithouse rats.
Obama is recalled as a precocious constitutional scholar, Grifty as "the dumbest student I ever had".

That's a CPAC straw's like polling a bunch of shithouse rats.
Obama was known as a partier that smoked pot and snorted coke....
Damn, are you stupid...

Joe Biden leads Donald Trump rather comfortably in national polling with a average of about 9%, 49% to 40%. Biden also leads Trump in most Battleground states.
In the poll Trump leads Xiden by 7 percent.
‘In particular, Avlon warned viewers against writing Trump off even though his power over the Republican Party appears to have diminished in recent months.

"It is easy to treat Trump as a side show because if you look at his, you know, posts on Truth Social, if you look at that rambling, 145-minute lie-filled speech, you'd say this is someone that is not well," he said. "Yet, we need to concede he's the front-runner for the Republican nomination and the more crowded the primary is, the more likely he is to win."

Avlon also said it would be a mistake to focus too much on Trump's verbal provocations given the other dangers he poses to the health of the American republic.

"He is somebody who is under multiple investigations right now, somebody who tried to overturn out democracy," Avlon noted. "But that is not a disqualifier in today's Republican Party. So I think we need to be wide-eyed about that right now."’

The GOP is likewise not well.
CNN only recycling their tired old template of Trump attacks.
We will see how it goes in 2024
‘Thursday’s testimony also revealed that during those 187 minutes, the president tweeted twice and watched TV following the events of the day like the rest of the world, and he did not move to stop the deadly attack. There was also evidence presented that Trump told an employee that “Mike Pence let me down.”’

And yet, given Trump’s treason, cowardice, and dereliction of duty, conservatives continue to support and vote for Trump.
Right because Joe Bidens speeches are never rambling or incoherent if only Trump had leaned foreward and started whispering for no apparent reason CNN would have had high praise for the speech.
This fails as a red herring fallacy, a cowardly and dishonest attempt to deflect.

The thread is about the fact that Trump is unfit to hold any public office.
‘Thursday’s testimony also revealed that during those 187 minutes, the president tweeted twice and watched TV following the events of the day like the rest of the world, and he did not move to stop the deadly attack. There was also evidence presented that Trump told an employee that “Mike Pence let me down.”’

And yet, given Trump’s treason, cowardice, and dereliction of duty, conservatives continue to support and vote for Trump.
What exactly did you want him to do?

Trump's rambling CPAC speech leaves CNN analyst stunned: 'This is someone who is not well'​

GET STUFFED. I literally just got done watching Trump's CPAC speech about an hour ago and it was 10,000X more coherent than anything Biden ever says! He adroitly went through much of the recent past while tying it in with things that happened during his time in office giving a clear, step-by-step accounting of what is going so very wrong now, why, and how he will fix it when reelected.

Let's face the truth: the only reason for this thread by you isn't because Trump was very bad, but because he gave a very GOOD, and effective speech.

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