Trump’s Reaction To Joe Biden’s Victory Is Not Surprising At All


Biden was never president for 47 years jackass, simple minds do simpleminded things

Bide was a jackass for 47 years tho. No doubt.
Newsflash...............BIDEN WON

Nope....fraud is not a win. Sry to burst your Biden Bubble Bubba

The Supreme Court has stepped in.....let's give it patient grasshoppers

Where's the fraud?
In the Democrat party.

Evidence? The evidence is lacking
Trump’s Reaction To Joe Biden’s Victory


He's going to be dragged out of the White House kicking and screaming. This is what will be written in history books. This will be his legacy.
Newsflash...............BIDEN WON

Nope....fraud is not a win. Sry to burst your Biden Bubble Bubba

The Supreme Court has stepped in.....let's give it patient grasshoppers

Where's the proof of fraud? They're not even filing lawsuits based on fraud jackass, :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Hey retard, the SCOTUS will have final say. You claim no fraud? Then prove EVERY SINGLE Biden vote legal. Now. Biden isn’t getting in. Invalidations are likely in a lot of areas.

SCOTUS is not presiding over a single cases, LMAO, wtf are you rambling on about?
Boy you’re retarded. They will have final say because it will get there. Showing how stupid you are. Nowhere did i mention current oversight jackass. Note you can’t prove all your votes legal.

Biden was never president for 47 years jackass, simple minds do simpleminded things

If its hardly lacking post the damn evidence, I almost forgot, you don't have any evidence.
Bide was a jackass for 47 years tho. No doubt.
Newsflash...............BIDEN WON

Nope....fraud is not a win. Sry to burst your Biden Bubble Bubba

The Supreme Court has stepped in.....let's give it patient grasshoppers

Where's the fraud?
In the Democrat party.

Evidence? The evidence is lacking
Newsflash...............BIDEN WON

Nope....fraud is not a win. Sry to burst your Biden Bubble Bubba

The Supreme Court has stepped in.....let's give it patient grasshoppers

Where's the proof of fraud? They're not even filing lawsuits based on fraud jackass, :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

In continuing Democrat Corruption.......

Judges in 3 states have denied Donald trump the right to file lawsuits on election fraud.

The Supreme Court will soon clear this up and open the path for the justified litigation to begin

Imagine Bidet and Harris going to prison for election fraud :laughing0301:


noun: bidet; plural noun: bidets
  1. a low oval basin used for washing one's genital and anal area.
Imagine donnie going to jail after being indicted as co-conspirator #1 and for misappropriation of funds allocated by congress, but stolen from the military budget, as a judge and an appeals court have already labeled as "Illegal".
You actually believe that Trump is going to win this?
I thought you were smarter than that.

You actually believed it was case closed just because the Left committed fraud ????

I thought you were smarter than that.

It's not case-closed, but it's pretty obvious that there's nothing meaningful there and that Biden will be your president.

You disagree?
Biden will always be known as the Illegitimate President. The Democrats are already planning a scheme to remove him.
More likely...he'll be sworn in and stronger than ever.

But dream on

You actually believe that Trump is going to win this?

I thought you were smarter than that.

Has he conceded?

No. What does that prove?

Well, for sure it proves you're a buffoon for answering. Secondly this case for the election results could perhaps last well into next year. Maybe four years. Will you go crazy if that happens?

A loser's response to pump of his base of angry losers.
Yeah cause when Gore lost to Bush... no one whined.



I just remembered something touching.

Mr. Gore was the Vice President.

So it was his duty as the president of the Senate to declare Mr. Bush as the President-elect.

Will Mr. Pence declare Mr. Biden as the President-elect?

(I hope that President Trump will let Vice President Pence do his duty.)
America lost.
For the leader of our country we elected a senile old man who literally has difficulty speaking more than a few sentences without getting confused or forgetting what he was thinking. And his running mate is a very unpopular women who is not even liked by her own party - whose opinions and beliefs mismatches at least 80% of the population.


You are an Idiot!
Trump's cult hoping the SCOTUS will step in and the conservative majority in a 5-4 ruling will order the election invaldated and rule that Trump can remain in office. If that did happen this country would INDEED be torn apart..literally.
The Left wants socialism....history already proved only evil comes from that....but they still believe. Maybe THIS time.

The Left wants God gone from all facets of America....yet it was built on faith in that same God.

The left wants to snuggle up to China....while China smiles and plots their demise.....fools?

The Left wants much easier immigration. WHY? If people can't build a good life in their own country will they magically change once here?
(No, most come for the free good life promised to them by the left.....for votes) ultimately this will pull everyone down.

I guess the shining star in the left's hat is the feather of transgenderism ans massive government ?

Neither of which makes any sense and both one has long since been proven implausible while the other impossible (scientifically)

What a demented and confused bunch you lefties are. That decided you will take this election at ANY cost and damn if you didn't pull it off.
So congrats. To the victor go the matter how they got them.
Who cares what the far left wants? They were just as big losers as trump. Been telling for months that a more centralist view was what as needed. We got rid of Donald Trump. Mostly we kept Representatives and Senators. The further left or right you ran, the worse you chance were.

There's a lot you apparently aren't aware of.

The Socialist / Communist squad appeals to young people....children mostly.
They are being heavily groomed to embrace it.

I guess you missed the national Poll recently that said a strong majority of people under the age of 25 favor Socialism and even Communism.

Still feeding the masses those lies....INCREDIBLE!

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