Trump's REAL Motivation for Seeking Office

He's been toying with the idea for years, and then tested the idiocy and tolerance of Americans when he ventured into the "birther" idea. Once he saw that balloon would float, he gained more confidence.

But the real motivator, the real trigger was the White House Correspondent's Dinner in 2011, when Obama filleted Trump with a sharp knife and laid bare his television celebrity Bozo status after being pushed into providing proof that he was born in Hawaii.

What we didn't know then, watching Trump sit perfectly still, his face frozen into a thin smile, surrounded by people laughing at Obama's zingers, was that was THE moment he decided to do it. Revenge.

He can't handle any kind of criticism, even when it's done in retaliation to one of his unprovoked and irrational attacks. And being ridiculed on live, national television instead of being fawned over by a bunch of sycophants on a Hollywood sound stage with a director who favors his slimy ass and an editor who will do his bidding, will not stand but will fall at any price. And we're going to pay the price. All of us.

Watch him in these videos. He's stone cold ready to kill. What an asshole.

And oh yeah, Seth Meyers ripped Trump a new one, too.

Moron2020 never fails to fail.
I guess you never listen to CTR.
Way back in 2010 Michael Savage starting hitting Donald over the head to run for President.
Trump had been toying with the idea ever since.
Now go crawl back into your obnoxious hole, you Globalist, self-hating POS.

Why don't you crawl out of yours and post a link that verifies your comment? Too lazy? Ah, a typical Trumper.....

Why don't you start giving me Links to all the radio interviews YOU"VE listened to?
Except you probably never listen to anything but the voices in your empty head.
He's been toying with the idea for years, and then tested the idiocy and tolerance of Americans when he ventured into the "birther" idea. Once he saw that balloon would float, he gained more confidence.

But the real motivator, the real trigger was the White House Correspondent's Dinner in 2011, when Obama filleted Trump with a sharp knife and laid bare his television celebrity Bozo status after being pushed into providing proof that he was born in Hawaii.

What we didn't know then, watching Trump sit perfectly still, his face frozen into a thin smile, surrounded by people laughing at Obama's zingers, was that was THE moment he decided to do it. Revenge.

He can't handle any kind of criticism, even when it's done in retaliation to one of his unprovoked and irrational attacks. And being ridiculed on live, national television instead of being fawned over by a bunch of sycophants on a Hollywood sound stage with a director who favors his slimy ass and an editor who will do his bidding, will not stand but will fall at any price. And we're going to pay the price. All of us.

Watch him in these videos. He's stone cold ready to kill. What an asshole.

And oh yeah, Seth Meyers ripped Trump a new one, too.

You could see it in his face, Obama was dropping nukes on his head and That POS trump had to just take it. From a black man. There was lava coming out of his ass he was so pissed off. And this POS wants revenge. You are right that is his whole motivation.

I mean imagine. his campaign had to take away his cell phone so he wouldn't tweet at 3 AM some stupid shit. This is the mafia dipshit cons will have squatting in the White House. His Mail Order Prostitute Mylantia with him and their hillbilly clan.
That's possibly correct, but still there's no doubt that Trump's core message or belief that our leaders are "weak" in trade, and presumably crime and terrorism is sincere. It is troubling that he continues to buy into racially divisive stuff that has been proven false like the Central Park Five and NY's stop and frisk under Ghouliani. But he won.

I didn't say that any or all of his talking points were false. I am speaking directly to his primary motivation for running in 2016.

Trump won, you lost get over it because there's more pain and suffering coming your way as Trump demolishes the Obama/Clinton legacy and builds a Trump tower on the site.
He's been toying with the idea for years, and then tested the idiocy and tolerance of Americans when he ventured into the "birther" idea. Once he saw that balloon would float, he gained more confidence.

But the real motivator, the real trigger was the White House Correspondent's Dinner in 2011, when Obama filleted Trump with a sharp knife and laid bare his television celebrity Bozo status after being pushed into providing proof that he was born in Hawaii.

What we didn't know then, watching Trump sit perfectly still, his face frozen into a thin smile, surrounded by people laughing at Obama's zingers, was that was THE moment he decided to do it. Revenge.

He can't handle any kind of criticism, even when it's done in retaliation to one of his unprovoked and irrational attacks. And being ridiculed on live, national television instead of being fawned over by a bunch of sycophants on a Hollywood sound stage with a director who favors his slimy ass and an editor who will do his bidding, will not stand but will fall at any price. And we're going to pay the price. All of us.

Watch him in these videos. He's stone cold ready to kill. What an asshole.

And oh yeah, Seth Meyers ripped Trump a new one, too.

a little little late idiot

Nope, very timely. Trump is going to implode. Let's start by seeing how many Chiefs of Staff he goes through in his first year.

you mean the one's Obastard fired??

Can you read? I said in ONE YEAR. Oh, that's right. You're a Trumper, therefore semi-illiterate.
That's possibly correct, but still there's no doubt that Trump's core message or belief that our leaders are "weak" in trade, and presumably crime and terrorism is sincere. It is troubling that he continues to buy into racially divisive stuff that has been proven false like the Central Park Five and NY's stop and frisk under Ghouliani. But he won.

I didn't say that any or all of his talking points were false. I am speaking directly to his primary motivation for running in 2016.

Trump won, you lost get over it because there's more pain and suffering coming your way as Trump demolishes the Obama/Clinton legacy and builds a Trump tower on the site.

Which will require him to raise taxes. You OK with that? Building a monument for his vanity?
He's been toying with the idea for years, and then tested the idiocy and tolerance of Americans when he ventured into the "birther" idea. Once he saw that balloon would float, he gained more confidence.

But the real motivator, the real trigger was the White House Correspondent's Dinner in 2011, when Obama filleted Trump with a sharp knife and laid bare his television celebrity Bozo status after being pushed into providing proof that he was born in Hawaii.

What we didn't know then, watching Trump sit perfectly still, his face frozen into a thin smile, surrounded by people laughing at Obama's zingers, was that was THE moment he decided to do it. Revenge.

He can't handle any kind of criticism, even when it's done in retaliation to one of his unprovoked and irrational attacks. And being ridiculed on live, national television instead of being fawned over by a bunch of sycophants on a Hollywood sound stage with a director who favors his slimy ass and an editor who will do his bidding, will not stand but will fall at any price. And we're going to pay the price. All of us.

Watch him in these videos. He's stone cold ready to kill. What an asshole.

And oh yeah, Seth Meyers ripped Trump a new one, too.

Moron2020 never fails to fail.
I guess you never listen to CTR.
Way back in 2010 Michael Savage starting hitting Donald over the head to run for President.
Trump had been toying with the idea ever since.
Now go crawl back into your obnoxious hole, you Globalist, self-hating POS.

Why don't you crawl out of yours and post a link that verifies your comment? Too lazy? Ah, a typical Trumper.....

Why don't you start giving me Links to all the radio interviews YOU"VE listened to?
Except you probably never listen to anything but the voices in your empty head.

Oh, so you CAN'T prove your statement. I see.
He's been toying with the idea for years, and then tested the idiocy and tolerance of Americans when he ventured into the "birther" idea. Once he saw that balloon would float, he gained more confidence.

But the real motivator, the real trigger was the White House Correspondent's Dinner in 2011, when Obama filleted Trump with a sharp knife and laid bare his television celebrity Bozo status after being pushed into providing proof that he was born in Hawaii.

What we didn't know then, watching Trump sit perfectly still, his face frozen into a thin smile, surrounded by people laughing at Obama's zingers, was that was THE moment he decided to do it. Revenge.

He can't handle any kind of criticism, even when it's done in retaliation to one of his unprovoked and irrational attacks. And being ridiculed on live, national television instead of being fawned over by a bunch of sycophants on a Hollywood sound stage with a director who favors his slimy ass and an editor who will do his bidding, will not stand but will fall at any price. And we're going to pay the price. All of us.

Watch him in these videos. He's stone cold ready to kill. What an asshole.

And oh yeah, Seth Meyers ripped Trump a new one, too.

He can get Obama back at the next White House Correspondent Dinner.
He's been toying with the idea for years, and then tested the idiocy and tolerance of Americans when he ventured into the "birther" idea. Once he saw that balloon would float, he gained more confidence.

But the real motivator, the real trigger was the White House Correspondent's Dinner in 2011, when Obama filleted Trump with a sharp knife and laid bare his television celebrity Bozo status after being pushed into providing proof that he was born in Hawaii.

What we didn't know then, watching Trump sit perfectly still, his face frozen into a thin smile, surrounded by people laughing at Obama's zingers, was that was THE moment he decided to do it. Revenge.

He can't handle any kind of criticism, even when it's done in retaliation to one of his unprovoked and irrational attacks. And being ridiculed on live, national television instead of being fawned over by a bunch of sycophants on a Hollywood sound stage with a director who favors his slimy ass and an editor who will do his bidding, will not stand but will fall at any price. And we're going to pay the price. All of us.

Watch him in these videos. He's stone cold ready to kill. What an asshole.

And oh yeah, Seth Meyers ripped Trump a new one, too.

Moron2020 never fails to fail.
I guess you never listen to CTR.
Way back in 2010 Michael Savage starting hitting Donald over the head to run for President.
Trump had been toying with the idea ever since.
Now go crawl back into your obnoxious hole, you Globalist, self-hating POS.

Why don't you crawl out of yours and post a link that verifies your comment? Too lazy? Ah, a typical Trumper.....

Why don't you start giving me Links to all the radio interviews YOU"VE listened to?
Except you probably never listen to anything but the voices in your empty head.

Oh, so you CAN'T prove your statement. I see.

I suggest you listen to Michael Savage for the next 5 days as he is boasting about how he started pushing Trump to run for President since 2010.
Of course I know you won't because you're intellectually dishonest. want a link to radio interviews.
How fucking stupid are you?
He's been toying with the idea for years, and then tested the idiocy and tolerance of Americans when he ventured into the "birther" idea. Once he saw that balloon would float, he gained more confidence.

But the real motivator, the real trigger was the White House Correspondent's Dinner in 2011, when Obama filleted Trump with a sharp knife and laid bare his television celebrity Bozo status after being pushed into providing proof that he was born in Hawaii.

What we didn't know then, watching Trump sit perfectly still, his face frozen into a thin smile, surrounded by people laughing at Obama's zingers, was that was THE moment he decided to do it. Revenge.

He can't handle any kind of criticism, even when it's done in retaliation to one of his unprovoked and irrational attacks. And being ridiculed on live, national television instead of being fawned over by a bunch of sycophants on a Hollywood sound stage with a director who favors his slimy ass and an editor who will do his bidding, will not stand but will fall at any price. And we're going to pay the price. All of us.

Watch him in these videos. He's stone cold ready to kill. What an asshole.

And oh yeah, Seth Meyers ripped Trump a new one, too.

a little little late idiot

Nope, very timely. Trump is going to implode. Let's start by seeing how many Chiefs of Staff he goes through in his first year.

you mean the one's Obastard fired??

Can you read? I said in ONE YEAR. Oh, that's right. You're a Trumper, therefore semi-illiterate.

you're outta you're good damned fuckin' mind.
You could see it in his face, Obama was dropping nukes on his head and That POS trump had to just take it. From a black man.

That's correct, it was killing him. In fact, Trump told another person there "A few years ago, he would have been serving us coffee." Oh wait, that wasn't Trump, I was thinking of somebody else. Oops.
He's been toying with the idea for years, and then tested the idiocy and tolerance of Americans when he ventured into the "birther" idea. Once he saw that balloon would float, he gained more confidence.

But the real motivator, the real trigger was the White House Correspondent's Dinner in 2011, when Obama filleted Trump with a sharp knife and laid bare his television celebrity Bozo status after being pushed into providing proof that he was born in Hawaii.

What we didn't know then, watching Trump sit perfectly still, his face frozen into a thin smile, surrounded by people laughing at Obama's zingers, was that was THE moment he decided to do it. Revenge.

He can't handle any kind of criticism, even when it's done in retaliation to one of his unprovoked and irrational attacks. And being ridiculed on live, national television instead of being fawned over by a bunch of sycophants on a Hollywood sound stage with a director who favors his slimy ass and an editor who will do his bidding, will not stand but will fall at any price. And we're going to pay the price. All of us.

Watch him in these videos. He's stone cold ready to kill. What an asshole.

And oh yeah, Seth Meyers ripped Trump a new one, too.

Trump's REAL Motivation for Seeking Office? Was it pussy?
Boy, i guess Democrat dunces never get tired of being wrong.

Democrats are never wrong. Just ask any one of them. It's like I've been saying since I joined this service, the best part about being a Democrat is never having to say you were wrong.
He's been toying with the idea for years, and then tested the idiocy and tolerance of Americans when he ventured into the "birther" idea. Once he saw that balloon would float, he gained more confidence.

But the real motivator, the real trigger was the White House Correspondent's Dinner in 2011, when Obama filleted Trump with a sharp knife and laid bare his television celebrity Bozo status after being pushed into providing proof that he was born in Hawaii.

What we didn't know then, watching Trump sit perfectly still, his face frozen into a thin smile, surrounded by people laughing at Obama's zingers, was that was THE moment he decided to do it. Revenge.

He can't handle any kind of criticism, even when it's done in retaliation to one of his unprovoked and irrational attacks. And being ridiculed on live, national television instead of being fawned over by a bunch of sycophants on a Hollywood sound stage with a director who favors his slimy ass and an editor who will do his bidding, will not stand but will fall at any price. And we're going to pay the price. All of us.

Watch him in these videos. He's stone cold ready to kill. What an asshole.

And oh yeah, Seth Meyers ripped Trump a new one, too.

What a stupid post. Really pins the idiotometer. SRSLY
Both the Democrat and Republican candidates running for President in 2016 were 'Birthers.' Makes you think there is something to it, no?
Why is that? Because he loaded up his speeches with promises and projects he can't possibly fulfill? Ready to put your taxes towards a $25,000,000,000 wall? Ha!

No, it's because he's giving up a pretty good lifestyle to do this job. If I had his kind of money, I would have retired long ago and lived on a beach in Hawaii.

Even if only one term, he's going to have to live the rest of his life with SS agents hanging on his belt everywhere he goes. He will no longer have the freedom he now leaves behind.

He didn't run for money, he didn't run for fame, he didn't run because of the lavish life he could live riding around on a private plane; he has his own private plane, he didn't run because he wanted a political career.

That's why.
If the Low Wage, Open Borders, Globalist Bloomberg ran, the Liberals would have jerked off in their pants.

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