Trump's revenge tour begins this week.

Trump will restart his rallies this month starting with the North Carolina Republican Party convention. As a confirmed left winger, I am looking forward to his return. We all know his first and main goal will be to seek revenge on each and every republican who he doesn't deem to be supportive enough of him. The bodies of the unfaithful will be piled high. The fact that many of those people are already in danger of losing their seats to Democrats doesn't make a bit of difference to him. They weren't supportive enough, and they will pay. Of course he will continue to make absurd claims about how the election was stolen from him, but he isn't capable of just making the same old absurd and totally debunked claims. He will have a fresh, new list of claims that are so crazy that even his minions might secretly think he has gone off the deep end. I was wrong when I said there weren't enough crazies to elect him the first time, but that was before the left realized just how terrible he is, and brought out more voters for his opponent than had ever voted before. Keep in mind that his approval rating never reached 50%. It should be entertaining to see him continue to destroy the right wing, and encouraging to know that with each rally, all those who opposed him will again vow to do everything they can to prevent him being elected again. Complacency in any election he is in won't be a problem. I say let his revenge tour begin. Let Trump be Trump. It's the best way to crush him, and his party, or to let him do it himself.
View attachment 497258
Biden is doing great. It's great having a president that doesn't resemble an exploding cigar.
View attachment 497272
A great job indeed, even the media is starting to report on Biden's inflation. He hasn't even been in office for 6 months. He is a disaster.
Democrats hate the poor.
Do you know who doesn't agree with you? The poor.
That is because they are low information. Just the way the Democrats like it.
Ohhh, Goodie!! Are you saying the poor are stupid just like you say the blacks are stupid? I gotta say I don't understand your strategy, but at least you are consistent.
Hold on, it's your party that shouts. YOU'RE TO STUPID TO GET AN I.D. But you support them, sad.
If you could get black folks to believe Democrats make that remark as much as you seem to believe it, you might have something.
Too stupid to get ID is a good way of telling them they are intelligent, don't you think?
I'm sorry. Right wing logic just doesn't make any sense to me.
We know, common sense doesn't make sense to liberals.
No. That's not it. You're just nuts.
I know my gender and don't encourage people to change theirs, now that's nuts. Follow the science.
He needs attention and money.
Also he loves this country. You can't loose with a leader like that.

And yet he did. Sucks for you.
Don't panic, fraud will be proven.

Nothing is going to cause Trump to replace Biden during his term.

As retarded as you are, even you don’t believe this.

Sorry, you got a lock on retarded. You keep saying there was no fraud. Just admit you prefer traitors running the country, with China's help. It won't hurt.

Trump is the leader of an authoritarian movement made up of an eclectic mix of extremists including Proud Boy fascists, Neo Nazis, white nationalists, religious fanatics and conspiracy theorists.​

Steve Schmidt issues dire warning: US just one election away from permanent Trumpian autocratic rule

"One of the gravest threats the country has ever faced"
Lincoln Project co-founder and GOP strategist turned Democrat Steve Schmidt, ahead of Donald Trump's speech this weekend to the North Carolina Republican Party issued a dire warning: America is just one election away from permanent autocratic rule from the former president and his allies.
In a 512 word Twitter thread Schmidt warns that Republicans have grown even stronger since the January 6 insurrection, and those who think Trump being out of the spotlight and off social media has weakened him are "fools." He also urges the media to stop focusing on the demise of Trump's blog.

Trump is the "presumptive nominee" for the 2024 presidential election, Schmidt, a student of history, says, warning that "elected officials of the Republican Party are obedient soldiers in Trump's cult of personality."
"His words will surely kill again," Schmidt says.
Here's the entire Twitter thread in full (a few minor changes made in capitalization due to the way Schmidt writes his tweets):
Today is the third day of profoundly stupid media coverage around the demise of the Trump blog. How should we assess Trump in this moment and specifically how do we gauge his relative power and influence? Some have posited that Trump's loss, social media bans, and inability to sustain a blog are evidence of his decline, irrelevance and diminishment. Many of these people have argued that saying Trump's name out loud is what fuels and sustains the Trump threat. All we need do, they claim, is to treat him like Voldemort, so long as no one speaks his name out loud, no problem. These people are fools and their delusions are dangerous for the survival of American democracy.
We are at an hour that requires people to wake up. Trump is powerful and he is a clear and PRESENT danger to our democratic society and national stability. Trump has the ability to kill and destroy with the spoken word. His words; his lies, delusions and conspiracy theories have caused bloodshed. That is what happened on January 6th. His words will surely kill again.
Trump is the leader of an authoritarian movement made up of an eclectic mix of extremists including Proud Boy fascists, Neo Nazis, white nationalists, religious fanatics and conspiracy theorists. The Republican Party is the vessel of this movement and the membership of that party is overwhelmingly united around the cause of Trump.
Trump is not just the front runner for the GOP nomination he is the presumptive nominee. Trump is in command of the party lock, stock and barrel. The elected officials of the Republican Party are obedient soldiers in Trump's cult of personality which can be measured in the tens of millions of people. This movement has become faithless to American democracy and it requires an almost Trumpian level of historical ignorance to not recognize it as one of the gravest threats the country has ever faced.
Trump's power and influence is both frightening and real.
It has been said that there are no dumb ideas. There are. High on the list is the notion that Trumps failed blog evidences his waning power. It doesn't. It means nothing. A Trump indictment will not kill off Trump or his movement, it will simply hasten his candidacy. When he becomes a candidate again Facebook and Twitter will lift their well earned bans.
We are in the early years of a great struggle in this country that will last a long time provided the pro democracy side can win elections because we are one away from seeing the autocratic side take power. They will not relinquish it again when they do.
The GOP was not chastened by January 6th. It has grown more extreme and it is on track to take back control of the House in 22. The pro democracy coalition won a great victory when Joe Biden became President. That victory has brought us some time but all the time in the world can't cure a willful and delusional blindness to the great danger, resilience, ambition and authoritarianism of Trumps movement.
Trump brought new voters to the GOP. In order to keep his vision for the GOP in motion, we all need to give whatever we can to Trump's new PAC. He will use his new PAC to oust RINOs in the primaries and to defeat liberal Democrats in the general elections. It is very important that Trump's new PAC be well funded.
Trump will restart his rallies this month starting with the North Carolina Republican Party convention. As a confirmed left winger, I am looking forward to his return. We all know his first and main goal will be to seek revenge on each and every republican who he doesn't deem to be supportive enough of him. The bodies of the unfaithful will be piled high. The fact that many of those people are already in danger of losing their seats to Democrats doesn't make a bit of difference to him. They weren't supportive enough, and they will pay. Of course he will continue to make absurd claims about how the election was stolen from him, but he isn't capable of just making the same old absurd and totally debunked claims. He will have a fresh, new list of claims that are so crazy that even his minions might secretly think he has gone off the deep end. I was wrong when I said there weren't enough crazies to elect him the first time, but that was before the left realized just how terrible he is, and brought out more voters for his opponent than had ever voted before. Keep in mind that his approval rating never reached 50%. It should be entertaining to see him continue to destroy the right wing, and encouraging to know that with each rally, all those who opposed him will again vow to do everything they can to prevent him being elected again. Complacency in any election he is in won't be a problem. I say let his revenge tour begin. Let Trump be Trump. It's the best way to crush him, and his party, or to let him do it himself.
View attachment 497258
Biden is doing great. It's great having a president that doesn't resemble an exploding cigar.
View attachment 497272
A great job indeed, even the media is starting to report on Biden's inflation. He hasn't even been in office for 6 months. He is a disaster.
Democrats hate the poor.
Do you know who doesn't agree with you? The poor.
That is because they are low information. Just the way the Democrats like it.
Ohhh, Goodie!! Are you saying the poor are stupid just like you say the blacks are stupid? I gotta say I don't understand your strategy, but at least you are consistent.
Hold on, it's your party that shouts. YOU'RE TO STUPID TO GET AN I.D. But you support them, sad.
If you could get black folks to believe Democrats make that remark as much as you seem to believe it, you might have something.
Too stupid to get ID is a good way of telling them they are intelligent, don't you think?
I'm sorry. Right wing logic just doesn't make any sense to me.
We know, common sense doesn't make sense to liberals.
No. That's not it. You're just nuts.
I know my gender and don't encourage people to change theirs, now that's nuts. Follow the science.
We are.... Doctor Joe Mengele's Science. Only it is approved of.
Trump brought new voters to the GOP. In order to keep his vision for the GOP in motion, we all need to give whatever we can to Trump's new PAC. He will use his new PAC to oust RINOs in the primaries and to defeat liberal Democrats in the general elections. It is very important that Trump's new PAC be well funded.
Yes lenny the oath keepers proud boys KKKers Qanon are reaching deep into their pockets for trump lol The money goes straight into his bank account SUCKERS
Trump will restart his rallies this month starting with the North Carolina Republican Party convention. As a confirmed left winger, I am looking forward to his return. We all know his first and main goal will be to seek revenge on each and every republican who he doesn't deem to be supportive enough of him. The bodies of the unfaithful will be piled high. The fact that many of those people are already in danger of losing their seats to Democrats doesn't make a bit of difference to him. They weren't supportive enough, and they will pay. Of course he will continue to make absurd claims about how the election was stolen from him, but he isn't capable of just making the same old absurd and totally debunked claims. He will have a fresh, new list of claims that are so crazy that even his minions might secretly think he has gone off the deep end. I was wrong when I said there weren't enough crazies to elect him the first time, but that was before the left realized just how terrible he is, and brought out more voters for his opponent than had ever voted before. Keep in mind that his approval rating never reached 50%. It should be entertaining to see him continue to destroy the right wing, and encouraging to know that with each rally, all those who opposed him will again vow to do everything they can to prevent him being elected again. Complacency in any election he is in won't be a problem. I say let his revenge tour begin. Let Trump be Trump. It's the best way to crush him, and his party, or to let him do it himself.
You are happy he is running again?

And here I thought you thought Trump was Hitler and a danger to democracy.

Looks like that was all a lie, either that, or you don't care if Hitler possibly gets back into power or destroys democracy once and for all.

So which is it?
The Trump Cult should get this straight - We want Trump to run!!! He is so beatable and would give President Biden a shoo in win in 2024. Trump is toxic for the GOP; everyone knows that except the Cult members, poor lost soals! Bigly!!!
They ransacked Guliani's home for no reason other than revenge. They are sifting through the former president's tax records (who of us could withstand such scrutiny?) looking for violations older than the statue of limitations, they impeached the former president using falsified evidence and now the entire resources of the FBI are being used to identify alleged participants in a criminal trespass case while the democrat party's propaganda arm in the media continues to hammer the former president who is banned from defending himself. Revenge? You betcha.
He'll be obediently supported by Hannity & Tucker & the rest, pushing his lie too:

Red meat! Red meat!
quick creepy old china joe Obiden needs someone to help him change his depends...and its number 2
Trump will restart his rallies this month starting with the North Carolina Republican Party convention. As a confirmed left winger, I am looking forward to his return. We all know his first and main goal will be to seek revenge on each and every republican who he doesn't deem to be supportive enough of him. The bodies of the unfaithful will be piled high. The fact that many of those people are already in danger of losing their seats to Democrats doesn't make a bit of difference to him. They weren't supportive enough, and they will pay. Of course he will continue to make absurd claims about how the election was stolen from him, but he isn't capable of just making the same old absurd and totally debunked claims. He will have a fresh, new list of claims that are so crazy that even his minions might secretly think he has gone off the deep end. I was wrong when I said there weren't enough crazies to elect him the first time, but that was before the left realized just how terrible he is, and brought out more voters for his opponent than had ever voted before. Keep in mind that his approval rating never reached 50%. It should be entertaining to see him continue to destroy the right wing, and encouraging to know that with each rally, all those who opposed him will again vow to do everything they can to prevent him being elected again. Complacency in any election he is in won't be a problem. I say let his revenge tour begin. Let Trump be Trump. It's the best way to crush him, and his party, or to let him do it himself.
You are happy he is running again?

And here I thought you thought Trump was Hitler and a danger to democracy.

Looks like that was all a lie, either that, or you don't care if Hitler possibly gets back into power or destroys democracy once and for all.

So which is it?
The Trump Cult should get this straight - We want Trump to run!!! He is so beatable and would give President Biden a shoo in win in 2024. Trump is toxic for the GOP; everyone knows that except the Cult members, poor lost soals! Bigly!!!
creepy old Joe will be dead by 24
He'll be obediently supported by Hannity & Tucker & the rest, pushing his lie too:

Red meat! Red meat!
quick creepy old china joe Obiden needs someone to help him change his depends...and its number 2
Solid Trumpian response there.
Trump will restart his rallies this month starting with the North Carolina Republican Party convention. As a confirmed left winger, I am looking forward to his return. We all know his first and main goal will be to seek revenge on each and every republican who he doesn't deem to be supportive enough of him. The bodies of the unfaithful will be piled high. The fact that many of those people are already in danger of losing their seats to Democrats doesn't make a bit of difference to him. They weren't supportive enough, and they will pay. Of course he will continue to make absurd claims about how the election was stolen from him, but he isn't capable of just making the same old absurd and totally debunked claims. He will have a fresh, new list of claims that are so crazy that even his minions might secretly think he has gone off the deep end. I was wrong when I said there weren't enough crazies to elect him the first time, but that was before the left realized just how terrible he is, and brought out more voters for his opponent than had ever voted before. Keep in mind that his approval rating never reached 50%. It should be entertaining to see him continue to destroy the right wing, and encouraging to know that with each rally, all those who opposed him will again vow to do everything they can to prevent him being elected again. Complacency in any election he is in won't be a problem. I say let his revenge tour begin. Let Trump be Trump. It's the best way to crush him, and his party, or to let him do it himself.
You are happy he is running again?

And here I thought you thought Trump was Hitler and a danger to democracy.

Looks like that was all a lie, either that, or you don't care if Hitler possibly gets back into power or destroys democracy once and for all.

So which is it?
The Trump Cult should get this straight - We want Trump to run!!! He is so beatable and would give President Biden a shoo in win in 2024. Trump is toxic for the GOP; everyone knows that except the Cult members, poor lost soals! Bigly!!!
creepy old Joe will be dead by 24
I doubt it, but it doesn't matter. Trump will still be toxic in 2024. A tree stump would draw more votes than that orange fool.
Trump will restart his rallies this month starting with the North Carolina Republican Party convention. As a confirmed left winger, I am looking forward to his return. We all know his first and main goal will be to seek revenge on each and every republican who he doesn't deem to be supportive enough of him. The bodies of the unfaithful will be piled high. The fact that many of those people are already in danger of losing their seats to Democrats doesn't make a bit of difference to him. They weren't supportive enough, and they will pay. Of course he will continue to make absurd claims about how the election was stolen from him, but he isn't capable of just making the same old absurd and totally debunked claims. He will have a fresh, new list of claims that are so crazy that even his minions might secretly think he has gone off the deep end. I was wrong when I said there weren't enough crazies to elect him the first time, but that was before the left realized just how terrible he is, and brought out more voters for his opponent than had ever voted before. Keep in mind that his approval rating never reached 50%. It should be entertaining to see him continue to destroy the right wing, and encouraging to know that with each rally, all those who opposed him will again vow to do everything they can to prevent him being elected again. Complacency in any election he is in won't be a problem. I say let his revenge tour begin. Let Trump be Trump. It's the best way to crush him, and his party, or to let him do it himself.
View attachment 497258
Biden is doing great. It's great having a president that doesn't resemble an exploding cigar.
View attachment 497272
A great job indeed, even the media is starting to report on Biden's inflation. He hasn't even been in office for 6 months. He is a disaster.
Democrats hate the poor.
Republicans love the poor so much that they want to make more of them.
Trump will restart his rallies this month starting with the North Carolina Republican Party convention. As a confirmed left winger, I am looking forward to his return. We all know his first and main goal will be to seek revenge on each and every republican who he doesn't deem to be supportive enough of him. The bodies of the unfaithful will be piled high. The fact that many of those people are already in danger of losing their seats to Democrats doesn't make a bit of difference to him. They weren't supportive enough, and they will pay. Of course he will continue to make absurd claims about how the election was stolen from him, but he isn't capable of just making the same old absurd and totally debunked claims. He will have a fresh, new list of claims that are so crazy that even his minions might secretly think he has gone off the deep end. I was wrong when I said there weren't enough crazies to elect him the first time, but that was before the left realized just how terrible he is, and brought out more voters for his opponent than had ever voted before. Keep in mind that his approval rating never reached 50%. It should be entertaining to see him continue to destroy the right wing, and encouraging to know that with each rally, all those who opposed him will again vow to do everything they can to prevent him being elected again. Complacency in any election he is in won't be a problem. I say let his revengeb tour begin. Let Trump be Trump. It's the best way to crush him, and his party, or to let him do it himself.
It'll be a shit show for the gop, when it's trying to rein in Biden and the progessives. Not that everything they propose is bad, some is good, but the left goes off its own crazy end too
Those 40 billion rounds of ammo purchased in the past 12 years in America will now become handy.
Ah....more of those subtle threats of violence we've learned to expect from trump fluffers.
Trump will restart his rallies this month starting with the North Carolina Republican Party convention. As a confirmed left winger, I am looking forward to his return. We all know his first and main goal will be to seek revenge on each and every republican who he doesn't deem to be supportive enough of him. The bodies of the unfaithful will be piled high. The fact that many of those people are already in danger of losing their seats to Democrats doesn't make a bit of difference to him. They weren't supportive enough, and they will pay. Of course he will continue to make absurd claims about how the election was stolen from him, but he isn't capable of just making the same old absurd and totally debunked claims. He will have a fresh, new list of claims that are so crazy that even his minions might secretly think he has gone off the deep end. I was wrong when I said there weren't enough crazies to elect him the first time, but that was before the left realized just how terrible he is, and brought out more voters for his opponent than had ever voted before. Keep in mind that his approval rating never reached 50%. It should be entertaining to see him continue to destroy the right wing, and encouraging to know that with each rally, all those who opposed him will again vow to do everything they can to prevent him being elected again. Complacency in any election he is in won't be a problem. I say let his revenge tour begin. Let Trump be Trump. It's the best way to crush him, and his party, or to let him do it himself.
I'm a student of history, including ancient history. Having said that, I also have to admit that I never truly understood or appreciated how relatively easy it could be for an unscrupulous demagogue like Trump to capture the hearts and minds of people who are so willing to be led wherever he leads them.

The one thing that still mystifies me is how a man can accomplish that while lying in such a transparent and obvious manner considering the fact that most people would never tolerate an inveterate liar in their own personal or professional lives and turning their lives upside down as a result of those lies.
Because trump cultists, for the most part, are really really stupid.
Trump will restart his rallies this month starting with the North Carolina Republican Party convention. As a confirmed left winger, I am looking forward to his return. We all know his first and main goal will be to seek revenge on each and every republican who he doesn't deem to be supportive enough of him. The bodies of the unfaithful will be piled high. The fact that many of those people are already in danger of losing their seats to Democrats doesn't make a bit of difference to him. They weren't supportive enough, and they will pay. Of course he will continue to make absurd claims about how the election was stolen from him, but he isn't capable of just making the same old absurd and totally debunked claims. He will have a fresh, new list of claims that are so crazy that even his minions might secretly think he has gone off the deep end. I was wrong when I said there weren't enough crazies to elect him the first time, but that was before the left realized just how terrible he is, and brought out more voters for his opponent than had ever voted before. Keep in mind that his approval rating never reached 50%. It should be entertaining to see him continue to destroy the right wing, and encouraging to know that with each rally, all those who opposed him will again vow to do everything they can to prevent him being elected again. Complacency in any election he is in won't be a problem. I say let his revenge tour begin. Let Trump be Trump. It's the best way to crush him, and his party, or to let him do it himself.
Was going to post it...lolol

I love it. He ain't Prez anymore.LOLOL

He can says a whole lotsa stuffy....HAHAHAHA

The money he will make off these rallies....LOLOLOL


Every libturd will see them....HAHA

He'll make Witter and Facefuck look like childs play...................hehehehehehehehehehe


Yep. He will make a lot of money off of his crazies.

Yeah. All the useless legal fees for 4 yrs of your bullshit.

What you morons did to this country to rid you of Trump. We're a fucking mess in 4 MONTHS

We need someone to unite us against your preplanned destruction of our country. Ain't happenin.

You control the shit holes....fine

Rest of us. Stick it

The Country is doing fine. It's your brain that's a mess. Seek help.

Shut up stupid. Believe in a Russia Hoax for 5 fucking years you dumb ass. You licked every drop out of Fauci's cock you fucking fool. How stupid can you be shit head.

Isn't it odd how trump fluffers go on with their sexual imagery all the time? I guess they go with what's familiar for themselves.
Trump will restart his rallies this month starting with the North Carolina Republican Party convention. As a confirmed left winger, I am looking forward to his return. We all know his first and main goal will be to seek revenge on each and every republican who he doesn't deem to be supportive enough of him. The bodies of the unfaithful will be piled high. The fact that many of those people are already in danger of losing their seats to Democrats doesn't make a bit of difference to him. They weren't supportive enough, and they will pay. Of course he will continue to make absurd claims about how the election was stolen from him, but he isn't capable of just making the same old absurd and totally debunked claims. He will have a fresh, new list of claims that are so crazy that even his minions might secretly think he has gone off the deep end. I was wrong when I said there weren't enough crazies to elect him the first time, but that was before the left realized just how terrible he is, and brought out more voters for his opponent than had ever voted before. Keep in mind that his approval rating never reached 50%. It should be entertaining to see him continue to destroy the right wing, and encouraging to know that with each rally, all those who opposed him will again vow to do everything they can to prevent him being elected again. Complacency in any election he is in won't be a problem. I say let his revengeb tour begin. Let Trump be Trump. It's the best way to crush him, and his party, or to let him do it himself.
It'll be a shit show for the gop, when it's trying to rein in Biden and the progessives. Not that everything they propose is bad, some is good, but the left goes off its own crazy end too
Those 40 billion rounds of ammo purchased in the past 12 years in America will now become handy.
40 billion rounds. I wonder how far 40 billion rounds would be together in line. Enough to get to Neptune?

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