Trump's Running Mate? Rush Limbuagh

Fat Bastardo

Senior Member
Jun 19, 2015
At the rate Trump is climbing in the polls it looks like he's on message (the GOP base loves him) and he's going to get the GOP nomination assuming he's not a Democrat mole. By now Trump has to be thinking about a running mate but for the life of me I can't think of who he might ask. BUT I can think of many who he won't ask.

He won't pick Carly Fiorina because she's a a screw up. She'd be the first one fired on Apprentice.

He really hates Jeb Bush and he knows what fuck up the Bush KKKlan is.

Maybe Christie? Christie has too much baggage and Trump really doesn't need another loudmouth.

The only one who come to mind is Ted Cruz. Ted has plenty of hate and Texas has a lot of electoral votes which would save Trump from his "racist" comments about Mexicans.

He will ask Jessie Ventura but Ventura will decline.

My prediction is when Trump wins the GOP nomination he will pick and unknown but he may ask some total butt head like Rush Limbaugh because Limbaugh has all the Repulican values that Trump lacks...Limbaugh is a prolific liar, Limbaugh can work the base like a master, Limbaugh is a child sex tourist, smuggler, a drug addict and a felon. Trump and Limbaugh are a Republican bullshit perfecta. Both of these assholes can blow smoke but that ain't all Limbaugh blows.

That would be the equivalent of obama running with arianna huffington as VP. Difference is that democrats would consider obama/huffington to be a serious ticket.
Trump and Cruz , course Rush would be fine with me but I don't think that Rush is interested .
That would be the equivalent of obama running with arianna huffington as VP. Difference is that democrats would consider obama/huffington to be a serious ticket.

Likewise Republican would consider Trump/Limbaugh a serious ticket.... Obama/Huffington are principled while Trump/Limbaugh are a couple of scoundrels. Obama/Huffington speak from their hearts and minds while Trump and Limbaugh talk out of their asses. Republicans love unprincipled shit talkers.
Trump isn't going to have a running mate as a republican. If he runs as a independent then it really doesn't matter who is running mate is because the election will be handed to Hillary on a silver platter.
Rush isn't a politician and has no desire to run for office.

Rush is losing sponsors. VP is a prefect gig for him. VPs are expected to be gas bags and a Republican VP who is a pedophile and a drug addict is just what the base loves.
Rush isn't a politician and has no desire to run for office.

Rush is losing sponsors. VP is a prefect gig for him. VPs are expected to be gas bags and a Republican VP who is a pedophile and a drug addict is just what the base loves.
You idiots have been talking that nonsense for 25 years. Yet there he still is...still #1 in talk radio by a HUGE margin.
Trump is bread and circuses. He's playing the role of Ross Perot. If anything, a third party run would split the Republican ticket and a Democrat would hold the White House for four more years.
Trump is bread and circuses. He's playing the role of Ross Perot. If anything, a third party run would split the Republican ticket and a Democrat would hold the White House for four more years.
as a Conservative that's exactly my plan Nosmo , I sure don't want bush or any other rino moderate .
Rush isn't a politician and has no desire to run for office.
He has too good of s gig right now to want to run for office.

Rush is losing sponsors. It's time for him to move on.
You guys never get tired of running that line, do you?

It's not a line. It's a fact. Rush is losing sponsors as well as being dropped by stations. Rush Limbaugh has become a major liability. Rush Limbaugh is costing stations MILLIONS

The head of one of the biggest radio companies in the country said Monday that the advertiser boycott of Rush Limbaugh cost him "millions" in 2012.

Lew Dickey, the CEO of Cumulus, wasspeaking to financial analysts about his companies' results. The boycott -- which saw scores of advertisers leave after Limbaugh called law student Sandra Fluke a "slut" and a "prostitute" because of her birth-control advocacy -- had "hit us pretty hard."

Limbaugh is the kind of political and economic poison Republicans love!

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