Trump's Stock Market is Cratering

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In January, when the market rose 7%, Trump was crowing every day about how great his economy was

That whole gain has been erased in one week

Where is Fat Donnie now?
the orange anus was in Ohio today bragging how great he was and bashing the 2 dem leaders Too bad Ryan wasn't there bragging about a ladies $1.50 raise
If that is a 40 hour a week job it is a 60 dollar a week raise. In a 50 week year it is 3000 more a year.

Got that Nancy?

The $1.50 was not an hour, it was per paycheck..

Got that bobby?

Do try and keep up.
A fair amount of people got bigger hourly raises than that and you know it. That means a lot to a lot of people. OK Chucky?
Think a little thinker Euphoria only lasts so long Trump is a blustering loud mouthed idiot and if it wasn't for companies great earnings as continued from Obama regime, this trump market would never have happened Trump should kiss Obamas ass

Alrighty then, sell, sell, sell...empty out that 401K.
Bought more AAPL


WASH it down with a Monster, shop at amazon, then go watch a netflix movie ...

Great buying opportunity AAPL store jammed in Ft Lauderdale

Certainly don't have any issues with Apple. But you're buying stock based on a jammed store in Ft Lauderdale, or is your big to do about buying an Apple product?
Been in AAPL way before they split 7 for 1 After the split it was 92
In January, when the market rose 7%, Trump was crowing every day about how great his economy was

That whole gain has been erased in one week

Where is Fat Donnie now?
the orange anus was in Ohio today bragging how great he was and bashing the 2 dem leaders Too bad Ryan wasn't there bragging about a ladies $1.50 raise
If that is a 40 hour a week job it is a 60 dollar a week raise. In a 50 week year it is 3000 more a year.

Got that Nancy?

The $1.50 was not an hour, it was per paycheck..

Got that bobby?

Do try and keep up.
A fair amount of people got bigger hourly raises than that and you know it. That means a lot to a lot of people. OK Chucky?

400 billion worth? Cause that's how much our debt is going up this year.
1,200 point loss today, largest one day point loss of the stock market in history. STOP with the winning already! What is that for the last two weeks, stock market down 8%? How's your Trump 401k looking today.

The business man, the deal maker. "You're going to have so much winning you'll get tired of winning".

Yeah we're tired of it. Go back to bankrupting your own 'businesses'.
In January, when the market rose 7%, Trump was crowing every day about how great his economy was

That whole gain has been erased in one week

Where is Fat Donnie now?
the orange anus was in Ohio today bragging how great he was and bashing the 2 dem leaders Too bad Ryan wasn't there bragging about a ladies $1.50 raise
If that is a 40 hour a week job it is a 60 dollar a week raise. In a 50 week year it is 3000 more a year.

Got that Nancy?

The $1.50 was not an hour, it was per paycheck..

Got that bobby?

Do try and keep up.
A fair amount of people got bigger hourly raises than that and you know it. That means a lot to a lot of people. OK Chucky?

What does that have to do with the point about Paul Ryan and his tweet? His tweet was about a person talking about $1.50 an payday raise.

so again, do try and keep up with the conversation if you want to be a part of it.
Trump loves boasting about historical numbers....the biggest this, the biggest dick, the biggest audience, you name it...the clown claims it......

The Dow has dropped more points today, than an US history....1000 and counting.....and although it may recover....its still making history.....
02/05/2018 03:26 pm ET Updated 21 minutes ago
Wall Street Plunges With Dow Falling Below 25,000
The Dow slide is the worst single day drop since the financial crisis in 2008.

Trump now is your turn to tweet the biggest......we're waiting, you low life!!!!!
1,200 point loss today, largest one day point loss of the stock market in history. STOP with the winning already! What is that for the last two weeks, stock market down 8%? How's your Trump 401k looking today.

The business man, the deal maker. "You're going to have so much winning you'll get tired of winning".

Yeah we're tired of it. Go back to bankrupting your own 'businesses'.
Amazing how he bleated when it was going up but slinks out of town when the market gets drumphed on
Trump loves boasting about historical numbers....the biggest this, the biggest dick, the biggest audience, you name it...the clown claims it......

The Dow has dropped more points today, than an US history....1000 and counting.....and although it may recover....its still making history.....
02/05/2018 03:26 pm ET Updated 21 minutes ago
Wall Street Plunges With Dow Falling Below 25,000
The Dow slide is the worst single day drop since the financial crisis in 2008.

Trump now is your turn to tweet the biggest......we're waiting, you low life!!!!!

At the lowest I think they said the stock market was down 1,600 points. It recovered 500 points to get to 1,175 point down which is the largest point drop in history.

Anyone with a 401k is now saying "oh crap" and has moved some or most of their portfolio to safe investments. This will likely not be the bottom, maybe by a long way.
In January, when the market rose 7%, Trump was crowing every day about how great his economy was

That whole gain has been erased in one week

Where is Fat Donnie now?
the orange anus was in Ohio today bragging how great he was and bashing the 2 dem leaders Too bad Ryan wasn't there bragging about a ladies $1.50 raise
If that is a 40 hour a week job it is a 60 dollar a week raise. In a 50 week year it is 3000 more a year.

Got that Nancy?

The $1.50 was not an hour, it was per paycheck..

Got that bobby?

Do try and keep up.
A fair amount of people got bigger hourly raises than that and you know it. That means a lot to a lot of people. OK Chucky?

What does that have to do with the point about Paul Ryan and his tweet? His tweet was about a person talking about $1.50 an payday raise.

so again, do try and keep up with the conversation if you want to be a part of it.
I don't need to meet any standards of yours. If you think I do, that is your problem. I was making a point about the fact there were raises and it is nothing to demean.
A skyrocketing economy, which is what we have been seeing with Trump, produces all kinds of pressures on the investment markets. Like higher interest rates, inflation, scare goods etc. This correction we are seeing is nothing more than the investment community trying to adjust to changing market pressures.

Looks like a panic

We need Trump to start tweeting

You don't understand the difference between a panic and a correction, do you Moon Bat?
Trump loves boasting about historical numbers....the biggest this, the biggest dick, the biggest audience, you name it...the clown claims it......

The Dow has dropped more points today, than an US history....1000 and counting.....and although it may recover....its still making history.....
02/05/2018 03:26 pm ET Updated 21 minutes ago
Wall Street Plunges With Dow Falling Below 25,000
The Dow slide is the worst single day drop since the financial crisis in 2008.

Trump now is your turn to tweet the biggest......we're waiting, you low life!!!!!
Trump Considering Firing Dow Jones Industrial Average
By Andy Borowitz 3:00 P.M.
Trump Considering Firing Dow Jones Industrial Average

WASHINGTON After watching it suffer its worst losses since he became President, Donald Trump is “seriously considering” firing the Dow Jones industrial Average, aides have confirmed.

According to the aides, Trump is “furious” at the D.J.I.A. for going down so precipitously and believes that it has treated him “very unfairly.”

“Increasingly, the President has become convinced that the Dow Jones Industrial Average is not on his team,” one aide said. “Seeing the negative Dow numbers in the corner of the TV screen has been wrecking eleven hours of every day for him.”

Reportedly, Trump is mulling replacing the Dow with a new system, in which Sarah Huckabee Sanders would appear every day at 4 p.m. to announce how high stocks had skyrocketed.

En route to an appearance in Ohio, Trump stopped short of saying that he would ask for the stock market index’s resignation, but his contempt for the Dow was palpable.

“The Dow Jones Industrial Average is a disgrace, and it should be very, very ashamed of itself,” he said.​
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At this moment, down almost 600 points since Friday.

My question is, why is Trump doing this? Who is he trying to harm?

Where are all the orange turd sycophants to give credit to him for the losses? It's like someone walked into the kitchen and turned on the light and all the roaches scattered under the refrigerator.

I give credit to him for taking the political fallout that comes with a raise in interest rates. This should have been done 5 years ago for the good of the country IMO.

Obama pretty well fucked the economy by keeping interest rates artificially low and cranking up the currency printing presses
At this moment, down almost 600 points since Friday.

My question is, why is Trump doing this? Who is he trying to harm?

Where are all the orange turd sycophants to give credit to him for the losses? It's like someone walked into the kitchen and turned on the light and all the roaches scattered under the refrigerator.

I give credit to him for taking the political fallout that comes with a raise in interest rates. This should have been done 5 years ago for the good of the country IMO.

Obama pretty well fucked the economy by keeping interest rates artificially low and cranking up the currency printing presses

Surely, you have saved some of the blame to pin on Bill Clinton.....
LOLOLOL...his words not mine...."The carnage stops right here, right now"......LOLOLOL
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