Trump’s Supreme Court just legalized bribery.


Diamond Member
Jun 3, 2014
According to trump’s supreme Court Justices, it’s now perfectly legal to give large sums of money and elaborate trips or damn near anything else to officials, including judges, as long as the gift comes after the ruling instead of before. In more precise terms, they just gave themselves a hall pass to accept lavish gifts from rich folks who happen to like their rulings. It’s obvious that this new ruling was custom designed to justify Clarence Thomas’s elaborate gifts from Harlan Crow. Think about that. Can you expect a fair ruling from a court when the judge knows he will receive gifts, and all he has to do is rule in favor of what ever the gift giver wants? Just another example of the unethical behavior of trump and his appointees are forcing on the American Public.

The current Supreme Court is the most corrupt in history. But why is it a surprise that a “conservative” court is the most corrupt? After all it was a “conservative” court that ruled in Citizens United that large donors can spend unlimited sums for a political candidate of their choosing. The Citizens United case permitted legal corruption.

Corruption and Conservative go together like Bonnie and Clyde.
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It's not law breaking cronyism, it was just a tip, just a gratuity for having used state power to steer million dollar contracts to the company post transaction. It's not like he was demanding payment up front before steering the contracts, only a poor down and out politician seeking funds.......It all depends on the meaning of "it"

Pretty cheap tip too. Even 10% would be a lot more. What a bunch of cheapskates!

The Crony Court.
I'm expecting lots of Fake News claims by the MAGAs. You can read it for yourself.
The majority decision jumped through hoops to justify this “gratuity.” To find that the statute at hand would bar “common gift giving” is absurd. Justifying corruption is what the current Supreme Court does, I am sure Clarence Thomas was more than happy to join the majority decision. Once again it is the “conservatives” on the court that uphold this corruption and the liberals who condemn it.
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Harlan Crow is just a good friend of Justice Thomas, and someone who doesn't have any cases before the Supreme Court.

Why do libs object so much to a honky and a brother being friends?
According to trump’s supreme Court Justices, it’s now perfectly legal to give large sums of money and elaborate trips or damn near anything else to officials, including judges, as long as the gift comes after the ruling instead of before. In more precise terms, they just gave themselves a hall pass to accept lavish gifts from rich folks who happen to like their rulings. It’s obvious that this new ruling was custom designed to justify Clarence Thomas’s elaborate gifts from Harlan Crow. Think about that. Can you expect a fair ruling from a court when the judge knows he will receive gifts, and all he has to do is rule in favor of what ever the gift giver wants? Just another example of the unethical behavior of trump and his appointees are forcing on the American Public.

The Supreme Court is going to find itself in a bad place with the public if people don't trust its rulings.
If your friend is rich, you are not allowed to go on vacation with him?

In what liberal fucktard world is this illegal?


Lefties lie again,
If your friend is rich, you are not allowed to go on vacation with him?

In what liberal fucktard world is this illegal?


Lefties lie again,
Only in Trumplandia is it normal for a Supreme Court justice to receive nearly $5,000,000 dollars in “gifts” or receive hundreds of thousands of dollars in luxury trips from a billionaire, and then call it a “vacation.” But of course the fact that Thomas kept the trips secret has no bearing on his guilt because as we all know keeping corruption secret is a sign of innocence.


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