Trump's Tax plan to make the rich richer

However, when it comes to taxes Trump's plan to lower taxes is significantly better than Crooked Hillary's plan to increase taxes. That is a no brainer.

Well...the experts seem to disagree:



Hillary Clinton's Tax Proposal: The Experts Weigh In
Donald Trump's Tax Proposal: The Experts Weigh In

So, you know...there's that.

I give anybody that proposes to cut taxes an "A" rating and anyone that proposes to increases taxes a "F" rating.

If somebody else has a different criteria then they are obviously an idiot or high on drugs.

How about you Moon Bat? Are you an idiot?

Now can you explain to me why an idiot would vote for somebody that wants to increase taxes in a country that is already one of the highest taxed countries in the world?

I have asked you that question and you run from it Moon Bat.
First of all, " of the highest taxed countries in the world"? By what standard? Certainly not statistics. We are number 25 on the list, behind the United Kingdom, Sweden, Mexico, Japan, Italy, Germany, Greece, and even France, just to name a few. So, your " of the highest taxed countries in the world..." seems to be an awfully generous use of the term highest.

Second, We have had administration after administration lowering taxes in order to strengthen our economy, and it just doesn't seem to help. Yet, every time - Reagan, and Clinton, in recent years - that taxes have been raised on the most wealthy, government revenue has increased, the budget has been strengthened, and the economy has gotten better. So, yeah. I'm ready to go back to trying what has been proven to work. Again, I will trust economic experts on their opinions of the two plans over yours. Thanks.

There are about 180 countries in the world so if we are in the top 25 then we are pretty damn high Moon Bat. Are you really this stupid or do you just pretend to be stupid on the internet?

Several American corporations have recent said fuck the US and its high corporate taxes and moved to Ireland where the tax rate is only about 6%.

The cost of government has increased every year in my life time. When I was born the combined cost of government was half of what it is now and the economy was booming.

Nobody has ever cut back on anything. The difference between the Republican and and Democrats is that the Democrats massively increase spending while the Republicans only slightly reduce the rate of the spending growth.

Reagan decreased income tax which stimulated the economy but he increased taxes in other areas. Reagan also increased the size of government and increased debt. Despite right wing love for him he is a model for big government not fiscal responsible conservative government. Reagan was a progressive that talked a good game but generally governed as a Liberal.

Now Moon Bat. How about answering the question that I have asked you twice before that you have run from.

Now can you explain to me why an idiot would vote for somebody that wants to increase taxes in a country that is already one of the highest taxed countries in the world?

I also have a follow up question.

How in the hell does the filthy ass ass government create anything when they take the money away from the people that earn it and give it away to the illegal aliens, Government Motors, unions, environmental wackos, Israel, welfare queens and Muslim refugees?

I want you to answer my questions directly or else I am going to say piss on you Moon Bat because you don't have jackshit but your partisan pig Moon Bat stupidity.
However, when it comes to taxes Trump's plan to lower taxes is significantly better than Crooked Hillary's plan to increase taxes. That is a no brainer.

Well...the experts seem to disagree:



Hillary Clinton's Tax Proposal: The Experts Weigh In
Donald Trump's Tax Proposal: The Experts Weigh In

So, you know...there's that.

I give anybody that proposes to cut taxes an "A" rating and anyone that proposes to increases taxes a "F" rating.

If somebody else has a different criteria then they are obviously an idiot or high on drugs.

How about you Moon Bat? Are you an idiot?

Now can you explain to me why an idiot would vote for somebody that wants to increase taxes in a country that is already one of the highest taxed countries in the world?

I have asked you that question and you run from it Moon Bat.
First of all, " of the highest taxed countries in the world"? By what standard? Certainly not statistics. We are number 25 on the list, behind the United Kingdom, Sweden, Mexico, Japan, Italy, Germany, Greece, and even France, just to name a few. So, your " of the highest taxed countries in the world..." seems to be an awfully generous use of the term highest.

Second, We have had administration after administration lowering taxes in order to strengthen our economy, and it just doesn't seem to help. Yet, every time - Reagan, and Clinton, in recent years - that taxes have been raised on the most wealthy, government revenue has increased, the budget has been strengthened, and the economy has gotten better. So, yeah. I'm ready to go back to trying what has been proven to work. Again, I will trust economic experts on their opinions of the two plans over yours. Thanks.

There are about 180 countries in the world so if we are in the top 25 then we are pretty damn high Moon Bat. Are you really this stupid or do you just pretend to be stupid on the internet?
LMFAO! so, you want to compare our taxes to the likes of, say, Malawi, Nigeria, Burundi?!?! Okay. You go with that. I fully agree that we have a higher tax rate than most undeveloped, third-world nations. You'll forgive me if I would prefer not to strive to make our economies more like undeveloped, third-world nations. But, hey! If that's your goal, more power to ya!
Trickle down was a myth. It's flood down. The only trickle is poverty trickles up when we do your Marxist crap
Really? When was your last raise, and for how much?

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I do management consulting contracts, so the price varies contract by contract. It's hard to say "raise" in that context. Why do you ask?'re talking about the ":flood down", yet income inequality is at the highest it has been in 60 years, and shows no sign of stopping. So, I'm just wondering where this "flooding" is happening.
It's fascist liberals can't afford for it to happen while you're feeding from the trough....both interest rates and inflation would necessarily skyrocket if people actually spend the money you gave them since it wasn't wealth you helped them create....
Wait a minute...Are we fascists? I thought we were socialists/Communists.
nope, just run of the mill fascists....
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Trump says he wants to lower taxes. There's only one problem with that, because if you lower taxes, you lower the revenue stream for the government, which means they have less money to spend on projects.

Trump has also said that he wants to build a wall, fix the infrastructure, and increase the size of the military.

If you cut the government's income, then how will it be able to afford all the costly programs that Trump is proposing?

It's almost as stupid as a person being told that their paycheck is going to be cut by a certain percentage, and then the person goes out and buys a new car, boat and vacation home.
Trump says he wants to lower taxes. There's only one problem with that, because if you lower taxes, you lower the revenue stream for the government, which means they have less money to spend on projects.

Trump has also said that he wants to build a wall, fix the infrastructure, and increase the size of the military.

If you cut the government's income, then how will it be able to afford all the costly programs that Trump is proposing?

It's almost as stupid as a person being told that their paycheck is going to be cut by a certain percentage, and then the person goes out and buys a new car, boat and vacation home.
Actually, that's a liberal,lie.....revenue will explode....
Trump says he wants to lower taxes. There's only one problem with that, because if you lower taxes, you lower the revenue stream for the government, which means they have less money to spend on projects.

Trump has also said that he wants to build a wall, fix the infrastructure, and increase the size of the military.

If you cut the government's income, then how will it be able to afford all the costly programs that Trump is proposing?

It's almost as stupid as a person being told that their paycheck is going to be cut by a certain percentage, and then the person goes out and buys a new car, boat and vacation home.
Actually, that's a liberal,lie.....revenue will explode....
It never has before when taxes are cut. What makes you think this time will be "different"?

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Trump says he wants to lower taxes. There's only one problem with that, because if you lower taxes, you lower the revenue stream for the government, which means they have less money to spend on projects.

Trump has also said that he wants to build a wall, fix the infrastructure, and increase the size of the military.

If you cut the government's income, then how will it be able to afford all the costly programs that Trump is proposing?

It's almost as stupid as a person being told that their paycheck is going to be cut by a certain percentage, and then the person goes out and buys a new car, boat and vacation home.
Actually, that's a liberal,lie.....revenue will explode....
It never has before when taxes are cut. What makes you think this time will be "different"?

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Sure it has...revenue soars when people are allowed to create wealth....

Public school?
Trump says he wants to lower taxes. There's only one problem with that, because if you lower taxes, you lower the revenue stream for the government, which means they have less money to spend on projects.

Trump has also said that he wants to build a wall, fix the infrastructure, and increase the size of the military.

If you cut the government's income, then how will it be able to afford all the costly programs that Trump is proposing?

It's almost as stupid as a person being told that their paycheck is going to be cut by a certain percentage, and then the person goes out and buys a new car, boat and vacation home.
Actually, that's a liberal,lie.....revenue will explode....
It never has before when taxes are cut. What makes you think this time will be "different"?

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
Sure it has...revenue soars when people are allowed to create wealth....

Public school?
Care to support that claim with some verifiable statistics?

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Trump says he wants to lower taxes. There's only one problem with that, because if you lower taxes, you lower the revenue stream for the government, which means they have less money to spend on projects.

Trump has also said that he wants to build a wall, fix the infrastructure, and increase the size of the military.

If you cut the government's income, then how will it be able to afford all the costly programs that Trump is proposing?

It's almost as stupid as a person being told that their paycheck is going to be cut by a certain percentage, and then the person goes out and buys a new car, boat and vacation home.
Actually, that's a liberal,lie.....revenue will explode....

But how are we going to pay for a larger military, a government built wall for the border, and fixing up our infrastructure if we cut taxes and the government has no revenue for those projects?

I know that the rich people that get tax cuts aren't going to pay for any of that.
leftist just hate the idea that the government won't get more money and power.

The mere fact that the government 'might' have to cut spending makes them piss themselves in fear.
Actually I would be okay with cutting spending.

Tell you what. Keeping in mind the increased spending that Trump's immigration proposals will require, how about you indicate where we can cut $9 trillion from the budget, without dramatically impacting the government's ability to function, in order to offset the $9 trillion in lost revenue that his "tax plan to give the rich more money" will cause.
the US spends ~ $4Trillion a year now

so you think cutting taxes and one policy will make it jump to $9 trillion.

think, maybe, your source is lying to you?
how is working class people having more money a bad thing?
how is working class people having more money a bad thing

You do realize (probably not) that thanks to that great republican program the EITC, a huge number of people pay no federal income tax? So how are you gonna "give" them more of their money? They already get it all back PLUS more.

What you are really doing is trying to justify giving the ultra wealthy more tax breaks and using low wage workers as your "reason" to cut more taxes for the ones that dont need it.

How is me and you, getting to keep more of our money a bad thing?

and it's leftist that set the poor at $0, the eitc allows families to get more than they give, which is another form of discrimination and bribery.
Because you won't. What we see in Michigan is Republicans give rich people tax breaks and and then when roads need fixing they raise taxes on the poor and middle class.
how is working class people having more money a bad thing?
how is working class people having more money a bad thing

You do realize (probably not) that thanks to that great republican program the EITC, a huge number of people pay no federal income tax? So how are you gonna "give" them more of their money? They already get it all back PLUS more.

What you are really doing is trying to justify giving the ultra wealthy more tax breaks and using low wage workers as your "reason" to cut more taxes for the ones that dont need it.

How is me and you, getting to keep more of our money a bad thing?

and it's leftist that set the poor at $0, the eitc allows families to get more than they give, which is another form of discrimination and bribery.
Because you won't. What we see in Michigan is Republicans give rich people tax breaks and and then when roads need fixing they raise taxes on the poor and middle class.

The top 1% of taxpayers pay 40% of taxes

The top 5% of taxpayers pay 60% of taxes

The bottom 50% of taxpayers pay 0% of taxes

Your tired, Marxist lies just get slaughtered by facts
Listen fool. When the GOP give the rich tax breaks and raise our gas tax or car registration fees or taxes car insurance, were paying plenty of taxes. And considering we don't make millions, that's not right.

Im sure you think it's right but you're either greedy rich or stupid broke
that is exactly what obama did
Since he didn't, I thought I would present this little reality shot for owebo. A Treasury Department study on the impact of tax bills since 1940, first released in 2006 and later updated, found that the 1981 tax cut reduced revenues by $208 billion in its first four years. (These figures are rendered in constant 2012 dollars.) The tax reform act of 1986, which was designed to be revenue neutral, reduced revenues by less than $1 billion four years after enactment.

On the other hand, Reagan’s tax increases in 1982, 1983, 1984 and 1987 boosted revenue by $137 billion.

Huh. So...Reagan's tax cuts reduced revenue, while his tax increases boosted revenue. But...but...but...owebo assured us that the exact opposite is what happens. Damn facts and reality!!!
leftist just hate the idea that the government won't get more money and power.

The mere fact that the government 'might' have to cut spending makes them piss themselves in fear.
Actually I would be okay with cutting spending.

Tell you what. Keeping in mind the increased spending that Trump's immigration proposals will require, how about you indicate where we can cut $9 trillion from the budget, without dramatically impacting the government's ability to function, in order to offset the $9 trillion in lost revenue that his "tax plan to give the rich more money" will cause.
the US spends ~ $4Trillion a year now

so you think cutting taxes and one policy will make it jump to $9 trillion.

think, maybe, your source is lying to you?
It's a 10 year forecast. Not annual.

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You Left wing Zombies are hilarious. Hillary is a Wall Street loving Neo Con. She is bought and paid for with Big Corp dollars.

LMFAO! so, you want to compare our taxes to the likes of, say, Malawi, Nigeria, Burundi?!?! Okay. You go with that. I fully agree that we have a higher tax rate than most undeveloped, third-world nations. You'll forgive me if I would prefer not to strive to make our economies more like undeveloped, third-world nations. But, hey! If that's your goal, more power to ya!

So you won't answer the questions Moon Bat.

Typical Libtard chickenshit.
Trump says he wants to lower taxes. There's only one problem with that, because if you lower taxes, you lower the revenue stream for the government, which means they have less money to spend on projects.

Trump has also said that he wants to build a wall, fix the infrastructure, and increase the size of the military.

If you cut the government's income, then how will it be able to afford all the costly programs that Trump is proposing?

It's almost as stupid as a person being told that their paycheck is going to be cut by a certain percentage, and then the person goes out and buys a new car, boat and vacation home.
Actually, that's a liberal,lie.....revenue will explode....
It never has before when taxes are cut. What makes you think this time will be "different"?

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
Sure it has...revenue soars when people are allowed to create wealth....

Public school?
Care to support that claim with some verifiable statistics?

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
Fucking Seriously?? You go to an inner city public school?

From JFK To Bush, Treasury Swelled After Tax Cuts | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD
Since he didn't, I thought I would present this little reality shot for owebo. A Treasury Department study on the impact of tax bills since 1940, first released in 2006 and later updated, found that the 1981 tax cut reduced revenues by $208 billion in its first four years. (These figures are rendered in constant 2012 dollars.) The tax reform act of 1986, which was designed to be revenue neutral, reduced revenues by less than $1 billion four years after enactment.

On the other hand, Reagan’s tax increases in 1982, 1983, 1984 and 1987 boosted revenue by $137 billion.

Huh. So...Reagan's tax cuts reduced revenue, while his tax increases boosted revenue. But...but...but...owebo assured us that the exact opposite is what happens. Damn facts and reality!!!
A liberal idiot calling people liars....priceless....
Trump says he wants to lower taxes. There's only one problem with that, because if you lower taxes, you lower the revenue stream for the government, which means they have less money to spend on projects.

Trump has also said that he wants to build a wall, fix the infrastructure, and increase the size of the military.

If you cut the government's income, then how will it be able to afford all the costly programs that Trump is proposing?

It's almost as stupid as a person being told that their paycheck is going to be cut by a certain percentage, and then the person goes out and buys a new car, boat and vacation home.
Actually, that's a liberal,lie.....revenue will explode....

But how are we going to pay for a larger military, a government built wall for the border, and fixing up our infrastructure if we cut taxes and the government has no revenue for those projects?

I know that the rich people that get tax cuts aren't going to pay for any of that.
Mexico is paying for the fucking wall....
Since he didn't, I thought I would present this little reality shot for owebo. A Treasury Department study on the impact of tax bills since 1940, first released in 2006 and later updated, found that the 1981 tax cut reduced revenues by $208 billion in its first four years. (These figures are rendered in constant 2012 dollars.) The tax reform act of 1986, which was designed to be revenue neutral, reduced revenues by less than $1 billion four years after enactment.

On the other hand, Reagan’s tax increases in 1982, 1983, 1984 and 1987 boosted revenue by $137 billion.

Huh. So...Reagan's tax cuts reduced revenue, while his tax increases boosted revenue. But...but...but...owebo assured us that the exact opposite is what happens. Damn facts and reality!!!
A liberal idiot calling people liars....priceless....
The only idiot here is...

Ya know what? Fuck off. The only claim you actually made, I challenged you to support. You didn't. Instead, I provided the evidence that obliterated your entire argument.

Your only other contribution has been to be an arrogant prick. So, yeah. Fuck off. That's about all your retarded ass deserves.

You are dismissed.

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