Trump's Tax Plan Will Pay for Itself

Sorry but schumers words weren't the problem. Obviously it wasn't being run well. Funny you think a senators words are so powerful. Haha
Read the story laughing boy learn something for a change!
It was heavily involved in Alt-A mortgages and reverse mortgages which in part resulted in its dramatic rise and has been suggested as the cause for its demise as large number of these questionable loans failed during the US subprime mortgage crisis of 2007-2009.[4]

Bad business.
Retard, passing tax-cuts DOES NOT REDUCE SPENDING.
No shit. But it leaves more money in the pockets of the people - where it belongs.
Uh....not if you cut spending...dimwit. Restore constitutional government and all of these problems go away instantly.

You are literally incapable of thinking more than one step at a time... :eusa_doh:

Except Trump has not suggested that's what he'll do. In fact, he's suggested he'll do just the opposite and add trillions in spending.
Obama cut the deficit in half, dope.
Obama more than quadrupled the deficit you dumb nitwit.... :lmao:

How does one take the national debt from $10 trillion to $20 trillion in only 8 years if they are reducing spending? You continue to take stupidity to unprecedented levels. :laugh:
Obama cut the deficit in half, dope.
For starters, it's important to explain to the low IQ welfare queen here that the outgoing president sets the budget for the new fiscal year before the incoming president is sworn in. Hence why Bush's first budget doesn't appear until 2002 when he was in office in 2001. So with that in mind, here is a side-by-side comparison of their presidencies...

Year #1
Bush (2002) $421 billion
Obama (2010) $1.652 trillion

Or 4x's what Bush had (and Bush was dealing with post 9/11). Does that sound like a "reduction" to you, liar?

Year #2
Bush (2003) $555 billion
Obama (2011) $1.229 trillion

Or more than 2x's what Bush had. Does that sound like a "reduction" to you, liar?

Year #3
Bush (2004) $596 billion
Obama (2012) $1.229 trillion

Or more than 2x's what Bush had. Does that sound like a "reduction" to you, liar?

Year #4
Bush (2005) $554 billion
Obama (2013) $672 billion

The first time in Obama's reign of terror that his annual deficit does not exceed a trillion dollars - but he still has a higher deficit than Bush. Does that sound like a "reduction" to you, liar?

Year #5
Bush (2006) $574 billion
Obama (2014) $1.086 trillion

Or more than 2x's what Bush had. Does that sound like a "reduction" to you, liar?

Year #6
Bush (2007) $501 billion
Obama (2015) $327 billion

It's not until year #6 that Obama posts a lower national deficit than Bush.

Year #7
Bush (2008) $1.017 trillion
Obama (2016) $1.423 trillion

Well that was short-lived! Once again, Obama has a higher deficit than Bush. Does that sound like a "reduction" to you, liar?

Which President Added Most to the U.S. Debt?

Obama cut the deficit in half, dope.
Obama more than quadrupled the deficit you dumb nitwit.... :lmao:

How does one take the national debt from $10 trillion to $20 trillion in only 8 years if they are reducing spending? You continue to take stupidity to unprecedented levels. :laugh:

There's a difference between the budget deficit and the national debt, Einstein.
I can't even imagine how nice it was to be Barack Obama. He could literally tell these left-wing nitwits like Husky Homo anything and these rubes would be just like "yeah...yeah....ok Dear Leader"!

They are so dumb and so blindly devoted that they don't even want to know the truth. Here is all Obama did:

Imagine I'm a Serial Killer. And imagine I killed 57 people in my first year. That's unheard of. More than anyone has ever killed in the lifetime before, much less a year. Now imagine in my second year I "only" kill 41 people. And then I write the local newspaper and I tell them "I cut the murder deficit! I cut the murder deficit! Everyone should celebrate me!".

That's all the idiot Obama did. He broke the record for the most unimaginable deficit ever. Then he was eventually forced to cut that (by the Republican Congress elected by the people) and he goes and tells his loyal twits how he "cut the deficit". Which is sort of true....if you only consider his deficits. He still had higher deficits than any other president in U.S. history. He just set the bar for failure so high that when he managed to slightly reduce his own failure, he sold it as a success and his own rubes were so stupid, they celebrated. :laugh:
There's a difference between the budget deficit and the national debt, Einstein.
Indeed! And here are the deficit numbers you dimwit. It's important to explain to the low IQ welfare queen here that the outgoing president sets the budget for the new fiscal year before the incoming president is sworn in. Hence why Bush's first budget doesn't appear until 2002 when he was in office in 2001. So with that in mind, here is a side-by-side comparison of their presidencies...

Year #1
Bush (2002) $421 billion
Obama (2010) $1.652 trillion

Or 4x's what Bush had (and Bush was dealing with post 9/11). Does that sound like a "reduction" to you, liar?

Year #2
Bush (2003) $555 billion
Obama (2011) $1.229 trillion

Or more than 2x's what Bush had. Does that sound like a "reduction" to you, liar?

Year #3
Bush (2004) $596 billion
Obama (2012) $1.229 trillion

Or more than 2x's what Bush had. Does that sound like a "reduction" to you, liar?

Year #4
Bush (2005) $554 billion
Obama (2013) $672 billion

The first time in Obama's reign of terror that his annual deficit does not exceed a trillion dollars - but he still has a higher deficit than Bush. Does that sound like a "reduction" to you, liar?

Year #5
Bush (2006) $574 billion
Obama (2014) $1.086 trillion

Or more than 2x's what Bush had. Does that sound like a "reduction" to you, liar?

Year #6
Bush (2007) $501 billion
Obama (2015) $327 billion

It's not until year #6 that Obama posts a lower national deficit than Bush.

Year #7
Bush (2008) $1.017 trillion
Obama (2016) $1.423 trillion

Well that was short-lived! Once again, Obama has a higher deficit than Bush. Does that sound like a "reduction" to you, liar?

Which President Added Most to the U.S. Debt?
It was heavily involved in Alt-A mortgages and reverse mortgages which in part resulted in its dramatic rise and has been suggested as the cause for its demise as large number of these questionable loans failed during the US subprime mortgage crisis of 2007-2009.[4]

Bad business.
Schumer purposely pulled the card out of the democrat created house of cards. If you don't want to get it you never will. That's up to you. I see at least you stopped blaming Bush for it. That's a start.
Obama cut the deficit in half, dope.
Obama more than quadrupled the deficit you dumb nitwit.... :lmao:

How does one take the national debt from $10 trillion to $20 trillion in only 8 years if they are reducing spending? You continue to take stupidity to unprecedented levels. :laugh:

Wow. I mean I know you are retarded by now, but you keep amazing, like the ever limping three-legged dog (but less dignified)

2009 deficit (submitted by Bush in 2008) - 1300 Billion.
2016 deficit - 587 billion

Debt is the sum of deficits that increases at ANY deficit. Cutting deficit DOES NOT REDUCE DEBT, only SURPLUS does that.
Tax cuts do not have to pay for themselves since they cost nothing to begin with

22% of GDP ...

... Ouch!
tax cuts do not cost anything

I can't make it any simpler than that

They might cost a lot. Look at the last tax cuts along with an expensive war. They cost jobs, they cost people's homes, they cost far too much.

the tax cut didn't cost anything.

the spending is responsible

Again, it cost. Just because you don't want this to be so, doesn't make it so.
22% of GDP ...

... Ouch!
tax cuts do not cost anything

I can't make it any simpler than that

They might cost a lot. Look at the last tax cuts along with an expensive war. They cost jobs, they cost people's homes, they cost far too much.

the tax cut didn't cost anything.

the spending is responsible

A tax cut costs billions in borrowing.
no it doesn't

the borrowing is done to support SPENDING

But cutting the taxes means the borrowing goes up.
Cutting deficit DOES NOT REDUCE DEBT, only SURPLUS does that.
Nobody says it does...dimwit. The numbers are all there. Barack Obama didn't "cut the deficit". His annual deficits were the highest in U.S. history.

You can't go from $10 trillion to $20 trillion in 8 years if you cut deficits, dimwit. The national debt would still increase - but not that much of you actually cut the deficit. You're a moron. A true-blue, honest-to-goodness, real-life moron.

Here are the actually numbers for the third time now in this thread alone...

For starters, it's important to explain to the low IQ welfare queen here that the outgoing president sets the budget for the new fiscal year before the incoming president is sworn in. Hence why Bush's first budget doesn't appear until 2002 when he was in office in 2001. So with that in mind, here is a side-by-side comparison of their presidencies...

Year #1
Bush (2002) $421 billion
Obama (2010) $1.652 trillion

Or 4x's what Bush had (and Bush was dealing with post 9/11). Does that sound like a "reduction" to you, liar?

Year #2
Bush (2003) $555 billion
Obama (2011) $1.229 trillion

Or more than 2x's what Bush had. Does that sound like a "reduction" to you, liar?

Year #3
Bush (2004) $596 billion
Obama (2012) $1.229 trillion

Or more than 2x's what Bush had. Does that sound like a "reduction" to you, liar?

Year #4
Bush (2005) $554 billion
Obama (2013) $672 billion

The first time in Obama's reign of terror that his annual deficit does not exceed a trillion dollars - but he still has a higher deficit than Bush. Does that sound like a "reduction" to you, liar?

Year #5
Bush (2006) $574 billion
Obama (2014) $1.086 trillion

Or more than 2x's what Bush had. Does that sound like a "reduction" to you, liar?

Year #6
Bush (2007) $501 billion
Obama (2015) $327 billion

It's not until year #6 that Obama posts a lower national deficit than Bush.

Year #7
Bush (2008) $1.017 trillion
Obama (2016) $1.423 trillion

Well that was short-lived! Once again, Obama has a higher deficit than Bush. Does that sound like a "reduction" to you, liar?

Which President Added Most to the U.S. Debt?
2009 deficit (submitted by Bush in 2008) - 1300 Billion.
2016 deficit - 587 billion
How convenient of you to leave out 2010 when Obama's deficit was $1.652 trillion.

That's right dimwit - $1.652 trillion. Does that look like a "cut" deficit to you? :lmao:
2009 deficit (submitted by Bush in 2008) - 1300 Billion.
2016 deficit - 587 billion
How convenient of you to leave out 2011 when Obama's deficit was $1.229 trillion.

That's right dimwit - $1.229 trillion. Does that look like a "cut" deficit to you? :lmao:
Obama cut the deficit in half, dope.
For starters, it's important to explain to the low IQ welfare queen here that the outgoing president sets the budget for the new fiscal year before the incoming president is sworn in. Hence why Bush's first budget doesn't appear until 2002 when he was in office in 2001. So with that in mind, here is a side-by-side comparison of their presidencies...

Year #1
Bush (2002) $421 billion
Obama (2010) $1.652 trillion

Or 4x's what Bush had (and Bush was dealing with post 9/11). Does that sound like a "reduction" to you, liar?

Year #2
Bush (2003) $555 billion
Obama (2011) $1.229 trillion

Or more than 2x's what Bush had. Does that sound like a "reduction" to you, liar?

Year #3
Bush (2004) $596 billion
Obama (2012) $1.229 trillion

Or more than 2x's what Bush had. Does that sound like a "reduction" to you, liar?

Year #4
Bush (2005) $554 billion
Obama (2013) $672 billion

The first time in Obama's reign of terror that his annual deficit does not exceed a trillion dollars - but he still has a higher deficit than Bush. Does that sound like a "reduction" to you, liar?

Year #5
Bush (2006) $574 billion
Obama (2014) $1.086 trillion

Or more than 2x's what Bush had. Does that sound like a "reduction" to you, liar?

Year #6
Bush (2007) $501 billion
Obama (2015) $327 billion

It's not until year #6 that Obama posts a lower national deficit than Bush.

Year #7
Bush (2008) $1.017 trillion
Obama (2016) $1.423 trillion

Well that was short-lived! Once again, Obama has a higher deficit than Bush. Does that sound like a "reduction" to you, liar?

Which President Added Most to the U.S. Debt?

View attachment 123773

Debt, defiicit? :dunno:
Cutting deficit DOES NOT REDUCE DEBT, only SURPLUS does that.
Nobody says it does...dimwit. The numbers are all there. Barack Obama didn't "cut the deficit". His annual deficits were the highest in U.S. history.

You can't go from $10 trillion to $20 trillion in 8 years if you cut deficits, dimwit. The national debt would still increase - but not that much of you actually cut the deficit. You're a moron. A true-blue, honest-to-goodness, real-life moron.

Here are the actually numbers for the third time now in this thread alone...

For starters, it's important to explain to the low IQ welfare queen here that the outgoing president sets the budget for the new fiscal year before the incoming president is sworn in. Hence why Bush's first budget doesn't appear until 2002 when he was in office in 2001. So with that in mind, here is a side-by-side comparison of their presidencies...

Year #1
Bush (2002) $421 billion
Obama (2010) $1.652 trillion

Or 4x's what Bush had (and Bush was dealing with post 9/11). Does that sound like a "reduction" to you, liar?

Year #2
Bush (2003) $555 billion
Obama (2011) $1.229 trillion

Or more than 2x's what Bush had. Does that sound like a "reduction" to you, liar?

Year #3
Bush (2004) $596 billion
Obama (2012) $1.229 trillion

Or more than 2x's what Bush had. Does that sound like a "reduction" to you, liar?

Year #4
Bush (2005) $554 billion
Obama (2013) $672 billion

The first time in Obama's reign of terror that his annual deficit does not exceed a trillion dollars - but he still has a higher deficit than Bush. Does that sound like a "reduction" to you, liar?

Year #5
Bush (2006) $574 billion
Obama (2014) $1.086 trillion

Or more than 2x's what Bush had. Does that sound like a "reduction" to you, liar?

Year #6
Bush (2007) $501 billion
Obama (2015) $327 billion

It's not until year #6 that Obama posts a lower national deficit than Bush.

Year #7
Bush (2008) $1.017 trillion
Obama (2016) $1.423 trillion

Well that was short-lived! Once again, Obama has a higher deficit than Bush. Does that sound like a "reduction" to you, liar?

Which President Added Most to the U.S. Debt?
You can't go from $10 trillion to $20 trillion in 8 years if you cut deficits, dimwit.
You can't?
What would the debt be if the deficits were constant from day one?

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