Trump's Tax Plan Will Pay for Itself

Tax cuts do not have to pay for themselves since they cost nothing to begin with

22% of GDP ...

... Ouch!
tax cuts do not cost anything

I can't make it any simpler than that

They might cost a lot. Look at the last tax cuts along with an expensive war. They cost jobs, they cost people's homes, they cost far too much.

The claim that a tax cut increases unemployment is too idiotic for words to describe. They also have never cost anyone their home. Incompetent Democrat meddling in the mortgage market did that.

You people are simply getting ridiculous with your shit slinging.
This idiot is claiming that 9/11 happened because we cut defense costs in the 90's.

why am I not surprised?
I don't do "claims" snowflake - I do facts. Had we not had a typical left-wing dillhole in the Oval Office during the 90's, 9/11 never happens. Bill Clinton didn't want to deal with Al Qaeda and he emboldened them when he cut and ran in Mogadishu (a fact that Al Qaeda is on record about).

You never could deal with facts Carby.
Yes that Bush economy after the tax cuts was great. Haha
Actually it was. I had just started my business back then and during the Clinton administration things were tough for small businesses I almost gave up. After the Bush tax cuts my business took off. What killed the economy in 2007 was due to bad loans. It had nothing to do with taxes. Obama could never improve the growth rate because he didn't want to try, didn't want to take a chance that it would work so we all suffered for 8 years. The very day Trump started talking tax relief the economy has started to take off again. My phone is ringing off the hook. You guys are not going to be able to rewrite history because we all have lived it, we know how tough it has been to make ends meet the last 8 years and still some of you for partisan reasons are prepared to keep the weak ass status quo. It's kind of shameful guys.

Economic Record: President Bush Jr.

President George W. Bush has the worst economic record of any president since Hoover. He holds the worst performance for GDP growth, stock market performance and job creation of any president of at least the most recent 11 presidents, and is near the bottom of the lists for all of the other measures below.
Yes that Bush economy after the tax cuts was great. Haha
Actually it was. I had just started my business back then and during the Clinton administration things were tough for small businesses I almost gave up. After the Bush tax cuts my business took off. What killed the economy in 2007 was due to bad loans. It had nothing to do with taxes. Obama could never improve the growth rate because he didn't want to try, didn't want to take a chance that it would work so we all suffered for 8 years. The very day Trump started talking tax relief the economy has started to take off again. My phone is ringing off the hook. You guys are not going to be able to rewrite history because we all have lived it, we know how tough it has been to make ends meet the last 8 years and still some of you for partisan reasons are prepared to keep the weak ass status quo. It's kind of shameful guys.

5 Reasons Americans Are Right To Blame Bush For The Economy
I obviously don't need to read that piece of garbage.
Yes that Bush economy after the tax cuts was great. Haha
Actually it was. I had just started my business back then and during the Clinton administration things were tough for small businesses I almost gave up. After the Bush tax cuts my business took off. What killed the economy in 2007 was due to bad loans. It had nothing to do with taxes. Obama could never improve the growth rate because he didn't want to try, didn't want to take a chance that it would work so we all suffered for 8 years. The very day Trump started talking tax relief the economy has started to take off again. My phone is ringing off the hook. You guys are not going to be able to rewrite history because we all have lived it, we know how tough it has been to make ends meet the last 8 years and still some of you for partisan reasons are prepared to keep the weak ass status quo. It's kind of shameful guys.

5 Reasons Americans Are Right To Blame Bush For The Economy
I obviously don't need to read that piece of garbage.
Yes that Bush economy after the tax cuts was great. Haha
Actually it was. I had just started my business back then and during the Clinton administration things were tough for small businesses I almost gave up. After the Bush tax cuts my business took off. What killed the economy in 2007 was due to bad loans. It had nothing to do with taxes. Obama could never improve the growth rate because he didn't want to try, didn't want to take a chance that it would work so we all suffered for 8 years. The very day Trump started talking tax relief the economy has started to take off again. My phone is ringing off the hook. You guys are not going to be able to rewrite history because we all have lived it, we know how tough it has been to make ends meet the last 8 years and still some of you for partisan reasons are prepared to keep the weak ass status quo. It's kind of shameful guys.

5 Reasons Americans Are Right To Blame Bush For The Economy
I obviously don't need to read that piece of garbage.

We need more republican policies:
President Bush has the worst record for private sector job creation of any president at least since WW2. He is the only post-WW2 president to have left the country with fewer people working than there were when he assumed office, despite having a larger population.
Those bush tax cuts were so great:
The median family income in the United States fared very poorly under President George W. Bush. The lackluster performance during his first term combined with the devastation of the Great Recession left the country's families with 3% less income at the end of his second term as they had at the start of his first term.
Where President Obama turned the terrible economic hand he was dealt into a middling economic result, President George W. Bush turned a middling economic hand into a terrible economic result. His presidency was characterized by extreme fiscal irresponsibility at a time when there was no real economic rationale for it, by an escalation of trickle-down policies that sapped consumer spending and economic health, and by rampant deregulation that created dramatic economic risks.

And they didn't learn anything from disaster...
a decrease in revenue is not a cost.

and spending , specifically spending in an amount greater than revenue ,causes deficits
why do you idiots think that government spending is so fucking sacrosanct?


Are you familiar with budgets... at all?

more than you obviously since you can't seem to understand spending not revenue causes deficits

Both cause deficits. It's called double-entry accounting, you certifiable retard. No one in any business, household, or government ignores revenue when addressing debt and deficits. Fucking kill yourself.

no revenue can never cause a deficit. the ONLY thing that causes a deficit is spending
You really believe you're own bullshit about cutting taxes never causes deficits?

revenue does not cause deficits only SPENDING, specifically SPENDING IN EXCESS OF REVENUE can cause a deficit

that you believe other wise is a sign of metal retardation

Are you familiar with budgets... at all?

more than you obviously since you can't seem to understand spending not revenue causes deficits

Both cause deficits. It's called double-entry accounting, you certifiable retard. No one in any business, household, or government ignores revenue when addressing debt and deficits. Fucking kill yourself.

no revenue can never cause a deficit. the ONLY thing that causes a deficit is spending
You really believe you're own bullshit about cutting taxes never causes deficits?

I think he's like 19 years old. Ignore him.
Not even close I'm older and obviously wiser than you
tax cuts do not cost anything

I can't make it any simpler than that

The tax plan Trump released yesterday is very similar to his campaign proposal with one exception ...

... it no longer claims to be "revenue neutral".

Hahahahahahahahaha ....

so what it still doesn't cost anything

spending costs money not tax cuts

So true ...

... and besides, we can easily make up the lost revenue by increasing productivity by 4% a year.

Hahahahahahahahahahaha ....
or better yet by cutting spending

So you favour eliminating military spending? Because that's the ONLY way you're going to balance the budget after these cuts.

it's not the ONLY way

you do realize th fucking government wastes billions of dollars a year don't you?
Tax cuts do not have to pay for themselves since they cost nothing to begin with

Really? Why is it that Republicans only obsess about the national debt when Democrats are in power - but ignore it when they are in power?
I wouldn't know since I'm not a republican

but why are dems worrying about it they didn't even bat any eye at a trillion dollar deficit when Obamamy said it?

and that has nothing to do with the FACT that a tax cut costs anything.

A tax cut is the only thing that is actually free.

The one and only way to ever create a deficit is to spend in excess of revenue
Tax cuts do not have to pay for themselves since they cost nothing to begin with


The COST of tax cuts is measured by the amount of revenue you lose that would otherwise be going to pay the bills.

It's like cutting your monthly credit card payment in half, without changing the amount you charge to your credit card.

no the cost of government is the amount of spending

if you never spend more than you make you never have a deficit do you?

it really isn't a difficult concept to understand

Politicians R or D will never stop spending as long as they have the credit card. Requiring them to tax to pay for what they spend is the only way to curb them.

no it's not the ONLY way
Tax cuts do not have to pay for themselves since they cost nothing to begin with

22% of GDP ...

... Ouch!
tax cuts do not cost anything

I can't make it any simpler than that

They might cost a lot. Look at the last tax cuts along with an expensive war. They cost jobs, they cost people's homes, they cost far too much.

the tax cut didn't cost anything.

the spending is responsible
Tax cuts do not have to pay for themselves since they cost nothing to begin with


The COST of tax cuts is measured by the amount of revenue you lose that would otherwise be going to pay the bills.

It's like cutting your monthly credit card payment in half, without changing the amount you charge to your credit card.

no the cost of government is the amount of spending

if you never spend more than you make you never have a deficit do you?

it really isn't a difficult concept to understand

Politicians R or D will never stop spending as long as they have the credit card. Requiring them to tax to pay for what they spend is the only way to curb them.

no it's not the ONLY way

Yes it is because without that requirement you can never get enough politicians with the will
to do anything else.
Tax cuts do not have to pay for themselves since they cost nothing to begin with

22% of GDP ...

... Ouch!
tax cuts do not cost anything

I can't make it any simpler than that

They might cost a lot. Look at the last tax cuts along with an expensive war. They cost jobs, they cost people's homes, they cost far too much.

the tax cut didn't cost anything.

the spending is responsible

A tax cut costs billions in borrowing.
Tax cuts do not have to pay for themselves since they cost nothing to begin with

22% of GDP ...

... Ouch!
tax cuts do not cost anything

I can't make it any simpler than that

They might cost a lot. Look at the last tax cuts along with an expensive war. They cost jobs, they cost people's homes, they cost far too much.

the tax cut didn't cost anything.

the spending is responsible

A tax cut costs billions in borrowing.
Your theory assumes that the government is entitled to a certain level of revenue.

That's obvious bullshit.
Tax cuts do not have to pay for themselves since they cost nothing to begin with


The COST of tax cuts is measured by the amount of revenue you lose that would otherwise be going to pay the bills.

It's like cutting your monthly credit card payment in half, without changing the amount you charge to your credit card.

no the cost of government is the amount of spending

if you never spend more than you make you never have a deficit do you?

it really isn't a difficult concept to understand

Politicians R or D will never stop spending as long as they have the credit card. Requiring them to tax to pay for what they spend is the only way to curb them.

no it's not the ONLY way
I have long said that the federal government should not be allowed to borrow money.
The Race Must Go to the Fastest, Not the Fatherest

Inheritance is unearned wealth and buys positions the heirs are unfit for. It is a drag on Capitalism to put Junior in charge of the business his Daddy built. Just think of how soon pro sports would become a joke if the players had the right to pass on their positions to their sons. If you believe in birth privileges, you are the joke.
So you want the federal government in control of people's family life? Lol

Familyism is even more primitive than tribalism. You richlovers want their Masters' spawn to dominate the rest of us in the name of family values. You're so simple-minded that you think the aristocrats can do anything they want and that we peasants cannot use our government to put a check on their abuses. The pampered snobs selfishly claim they have a right to their Daddy's money, but you pathetic bootlickers make it look like a society based on birth and not worth is the natural order of things.
Well, I grew up with nothing on the Indian reservation; that did not have any influence on stopping me from making something out of my life.
Walking Tall by Walking All Over People on Your Way Up

How does getting it automatically mean you deserve your success? Status quo is static, not dynamic. Whatever is doesn't mean that's what it is supposed to be.

You became a bootlicking Buttboy for the Bosses. Why would the rich let anyone talented compete with their sons? You class-climbed the ladder built by them in a way to make sure you wouldn't give them any trouble. All you ever dreamed of is getting accepted into the Country Club, being patted on the head by the Preppies, and being told, "We forgive you for not being born rich."

Sacrifice has no merit; it is merely brownnosing. Most of all, you believe you have a right to set up your sons (and now daughters) halfway to the finish line instead of telling them to do it the way you did. Therefore, you aren't really proud of the way you did it and don't deserve any rational person's respect.
I certainly don't think the federal government has a right to disperse or redistribute wealth whatsoever.
The Wall Street Kremlin

By GUBMINT!! you Selfists mean the 99%, whose productive value is arbitrarily pre-distributed by the 1% to itself. But your clique owns the mind-control monopoly that intimidates people into believing that the GUBMINT!!! is some outside demon that oppresses all 100% of us, as if we were occupied by a foreign power.

But we,the people, not you the Plutes, own the entire playing field for the next generation and no one has the right to tilt it just because "it's his money." That doesn't allow him to do anything anti-social, which amounts to bribing the referees so his son's mediocre prep school team always wins.

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