Trump's Tax Plan Will Pay for Itself

I think that it is kind of cute that you believe in flying unicorns.....
What crippling intellect you have displayed. When you can make a coherent point as opposed to childish one liners get back to us.

I didn't mean to cripple you with my intellect. I recommend that you read 30 minutes of Trump's incomplete sentences, in his 7th grade syntax. You'll feel right at home in no time!
I think that it is kind of cute that you believe in flying unicorns.....
What crippling intellect you have displayed. When you can make a coherent point as opposed to childish one liners get back to us.

I didn't mean to cripple you with my intellect. I recommend that you read 30 minutes of Trump's incomplete sentences, in his 7th grade syntax. You'll feel right at home in no time!

7th grade???

Absurd overestimate!
The real problem is that people earn far too little
No - the real problem is that people spend far too much and feel entitled to even more. Your absurd post here proves that.

When you have people protesting for a wage that exceeds their labor market value then you have a problem. Used to be if you wanted a higher wage you tried to find some way to increase your skills or value to an employer. It also used to be that people lived within their means and you didn't buy stuff you couldn't afford. I don't know when it happened but somewhere along the line we started demanding what we thought we deserved rather than what we earned.

Used to be if you wanted a higher wage you tried to find some way to increase your skills or value to an employer.

It used to be that wages grew with an increase in productivity and profits.
That was before the mass flood if illegal aliens.

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How can you say that when you look at living costs around the country?
Well for starters, the only place were "living costs" are an issue are in Dumobcrat-controlled areas like New York City. You go to conservative middle America where government doesn't provide every single need, want, and desire, and the cost of living is extremely low.

On top of that - I saw an amazing interview once with a single mom of 3 children who was $30,000 in debt and making minimum wage. She eliminated all $30,000 and even had a nest egg. It can absolutely be done and I saw it. It just requires someone to be frugal and responsible.

The problem with the left is that they believe they are entitled to live with iPhones, iPads, plasma TV's, and drive BMW's even if they don't earn a living to support that stuff.

Yes, the cost of living is low in North Dakota because the government doesn't "control" it. Has nothing to do with North Dakota being a wretched place to live.

Also, cost of living is super low in Republican-controlled Florida, isn't it dumbass?
Yes it is, dumbass
abolishing the death tax would make the economy boom…
The Race Must Go to the Fastest, Not the Fatherest

Inheritance is unearned wealth and buys positions the heirs are unfit for. It is a drag on Capitalism to put Junior in charge of the business his Daddy built. Just think of how soon pro sports would become a joke if the players had the right to pass on their positions to their sons. If you believe in birth privileges, you are the joke.
So you want the federal government in control of people's family life? Lol

Familyism is even more primitive than tribalism. You richlovers want your Masters' spawn to dominate the rest of us in the name of family values. You're so simple-minded that you think the aristocrats can do anything they want and that we peasants cannot use our government to put a check on their abuses. The pampered snobs selfishly claim they have a right to their Daddy's money, but you pathetic bootlickers make it look like a society based on birth and not worth is the natural order of things.

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Retard, passing tax-cuts DOES NOT REDUCE SPENDING.
No shit. But it leaves more money in the pockets of the people - where it belongs.
Uh....not if you cut spending...dimwit. Restore constitutional government and all of these problems go away instantly.

So go ahead assholes, cut the spending. Get a surplus at least as a projection, THEN cut taxes. Double fucking dare you douchebags.

Meanwhile the projections are for growing deficits as far as the eye can see and here you are with yet another tax-cut proposal on the table, talking about how it has no cost.

It's fucking laughable.
Retard, passing tax-cuts DOES NOT REDUCE SPENDING.
No shit. But it leaves more money in the pockets of the people - where it belongs.
Here is a prime example, you little nitwit. The waste, fraud, and abuse brought on by the failed left-wing ideology that you embrace is the problem. We do not have a revenue problem. We have a spending problem.
An updated report from the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office shows there is a growing gap between the compensation earned by federal and private employees with the same qualifications.

After accounting for differences in education, experience, and occupation, the report concluded that the federal government provides its workers with 17% more compensation than similar employees earn in the private sector.
That is a report directly from the government - so you're out of excuses snowflake. Besides - since when do you give a damn about the national debt? You celebrated like hell and fellated Barack Obama for piling $10 trillion on to the national debt.

Here’s a Pay Gap Worth Being Concerned About
So go ahead assholes, cut the spending. Get a surplus at least as a projection, THEN cut taxes. Double fucking dare you douchebags.
He's already done that, you ignorant dillhole. If you're going to discuss this stuff - how about not being completely ignorant of everything that is going on?

Amazing: U.S. Debt Decreased By More Than $60 Billion Since Trump Inauguration
Meanwhile the projections are for growing deficits as far as the eye can see and here you are with yet another tax-cut proposal on the table, talking about how it has no cost.
Says the guy who partied like a rock star over Barack Obama illegally and irresponsibly wastefully throwing trillions of dollars around for 8 years. Now you're suddenly "concerned"? Bwahahahahaha! :lmao:
Retard, passing tax-cuts DOES NOT REDUCE SPENDING.
No shit. But it leaves more money in the pockets of the people - where it belongs.
Here is a prime example, you little nitwit. The waste, fraud, and abuse brought on by the failed left-wing ideology that you embrace is the problem. We do not have a revenue problem. We have a spending problem.
An updated report from the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office shows there is a growing gap between the compensation earned by federal and private employees with the same qualifications.

After accounting for differences in education, experience, and occupation, the report concluded that the federal government provides its workers with 17% more compensation than similar employees earn in the private sector.
That is a report directly from the government - so you're out of excuses snowflake. Besides - since when do you give a damn about the national debt? You celebrated like hell and fellated Barack Obama for piling $10 trillion on to the national debt.

Here’s a Pay Gap Worth Being Concerned About


1. CUT IT.



What of this is not fair?
So go ahead assholes, cut the spending. Get a surplus at least as a projection, THEN cut taxes. Double fucking dare you douchebags.
He's already done that, you ignorant dillhole. If you're going to discuss this stuff - how about not being completely ignorant of everything that is going on?

Amazing: U.S. Debt Decreased By More Than $60 Billion Since Trump Inauguration
Meanwhile the projections are for growing deficits as far as the eye can see and here you are with yet another tax-cut proposal on the table, talking about how it has no cost.
Says the guy who partied like a rock star over Barack Obama illegally and irresponsibly wastefully throwing trillions of dollars around for 8 years. Now you're suddenly "concerned"? Bwahahahahaha! :lmao:

Trump got surplus?

No he did not retard. We have deficits as far as the eye can see and it would take HUGE spending cuts and economic growth to change that.
I didn't mean to cripple you with my intellect. I recommend that you read 30 minutes of Trump's incomplete sentences, in his 7th grade syntax. You'll feel right at home in no time!

Oh yeah you libs are sooooooo smart
We have deficits as far as the eye can see
That's because we have a serious spending problem. Revenues to the federal government reached record levels under Barack Obama.
Two federal agencies spent $13.5 million to maintain 2,441 vehicles they may not need, a congressional watchdog reported Tuesday.

“Given the billions of dollars spent annually to operate and maintain federally owned vehicles … it is critical for agencies to have sound fleet management practices,” the Government Accountability Office report said.

Customs and Border Protection didn’t know if 81% of its 2,300 official vehicles were used in 2015. The Natural Resources Conservation Service, a Department of Agriculture agency, didn’t know if nearly 600 of its 6,223 vehicles were used the same year.
Agencies Spent Millions on Vehicles They May Not Use
Look at the last tax cuts along with an expensive war. They cost jobs, they cost people's homes, they cost far too much.
You know what costs exponentially more? Failed left-wing ideology. Wars cost a lot more than a fully funded military - which deters aggression.

Bill Clinton gutted defense half a trillion dollars over his 8 years in office. A mere 8 months after he walked out, 9/11 occurred. Barack Obama didn't learn the lesson.
Tax cuts do not have to pay for themselves since they cost nothing to begin with

22% of GDP ...

... Ouch!
tax cuts do not cost anything

I can't make it any simpler than that

They might cost a lot. Look at the last tax cuts along with an expensive war. They cost jobs, they cost people's homes, they cost far too much.

The claim that a tax cut increases unemployment is too idiotic for words to describe. They also have never cost anyone their home. Incompetent Democrat meddling in the mortgage market did that.
Look at the last tax cuts along with an expensive war. They cost jobs, they cost people's homes, they cost far too much.
You know what costs exponentially more? Failed left-wing ideology. Wars cost a lot more than a fully funded military - which deters aggression.

Bill Clinton gutted defense half a trillion dollars over his 8 years in office. A mere 8 months after he walked out, 9/11 occurred. Barack Obama didn't learn the lesson.

This idiot is claiming that 9/11 happened because we cut defense costs in the 90's.

why am I not surprised?

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