Trump's Tax Plan Will Pay for Itself

Yes, the cost of living is low in North Dakota because the government doesn't "control" it. Has nothing to do with North Dakota being a wretched place to live.
What is "wretched" about it, my fragile little snowflake? The ultra clean air (no smog over North Dakota like there is over L.A.)? The vast amounts of nature? The lack of gang wars and drive by shootings?

Oh...I know! My fragile little snowflake here can't deal with not having a Starbucks within walking distance of his shitty little run down apartment. Pussy.
Walking Tall by Walking All Over People on Your Way Up

How does getting it automatically mean you deserve your success? Status quo is static, not dynamic. Whatever is doesn't mean that's what it is supposed to be.

You became a bootlicking Buttboy for the Bosses. Why would the rich let anyone talented compete with their sons? You class-climbed the ladder built by them in a way to make sure you wouldn't give them any trouble. All you ever dreamed of is getting accepted into the Country Club, being patted on the head by the Preppies, and being told, "We forgive you for not being born rich."

Sacrifice has no merit; it is merely brownnosing. Most of all, you believe you have a right to set up your sons (and now daughters) halfway to the finish line instead of telling them to do it the way you did. Therefore, you aren't really proud of the way you did it and don't deserve any rational person's respect.
Typical little left-wing "I'm a victim" self-pitty shit. Bill Gates built his own empire. His father wasn't in software or computers (he was an attorney). Same with Steve Jobs. Michael Dell. Mark Zuckerberg. Walt Disney. Oprah Winfrey. Sam Walton. The list is infinite.
abolishing the death tax would make the economy boom…
The Race Must Go to the Fastest, Not the Fatherest

Inheritance is unearned wealth and buys positions the heirs are unfit for. It is a drag on Capitalism to put Junior in charge of the business his Daddy built. Just think of how soon pro sports would become a joke if the players had the right to pass on their positions to their sons. If you believe in birth privileges, you are the joke.
So you want the federal government in control of people's family life? Lol

Familyism is even more primitive than tribalism. You richlovers want their Masters' spawn to dominate the rest of us in the name of family values. You're so simple-minded that you think the aristocrats can do anything they want and that we peasants cannot use our government to put a check on their abuses. The pampered snobs selfishly claim they have a right to their Daddy's money, but you pathetic bootlickers make it look like a society based on birth and not worth is the natural order of things.
Well, I grew up with nothing on the Indian reservation; that did not have any influence on stopping me from making something out of my life.
Walking Tall by Walking All Over People on Your Way Up

How does getting it automatically mean you deserve your success? Status quo is static, not dynamic. Whatever is doesn't mean that's what it is supposed to be.

You became a bootlicking Buttboy for the Bosses. Why would the rich let anyone talented compete with their sons? You class-climbed the ladder built by them in a way to make sure you wouldn't give them any trouble. All you ever dreamed of is getting accepted into the Country Club, being patted on the head by the Preppies, and being told, "We forgive you for not being born rich."

Sacrifice has no merit; it is merely brownnosing. Most of all, you believe you have a right to set up your sons (and now daughters) halfway to the finish line instead of telling them to do it the way you did. Therefore, you aren't really proud of the way you did it and don't deserve any rational person's respect.
I'm not gonna give my daughters any type of inheritance, Never said I was. But at the same time I certainly don't think the federal government has a right to disperse or redistribute wealth whatsoever.
The federal government has no credibility on the matter... fact
I didn't see anything about double-wides in that plan
What is it with liberals and mobile homes? You guys are hypocritical bigots of the first order. But to try and enlighten you vlad my boy it's the reduction of tax brackets that puts me into a better rate. this is long over due. Even democrats were pushing Obama to do this very thing to help the weak economy but Obama said no over and over again proving he likes it when people have less income. SUCKER.
I didn't see anything about double-wides in that plan
What is it with liberals and mobile homes? You guys are hypocritical bigots of the first order. But to try and enlighten you vlad my boy it's the reduction of tax brackets that puts me into a better rate. this is long over due. Even democrats were pushing Obama to do this very thing to help the weak economy but Obama said no over and over again proving he likes it when people have less income. SUCKER.

How is less brackets good? The jumps are too big. People will keep incomes lower to avoid a huge increase in taxes.
How is less brackets good? The jumps are too big. People will keep incomes lower to avoid a huge increase in taxes.
Wrong I would drop down to a lower rate. And that is good for everyone. Have you ever gotten a bonus and thought to yourself damn now that puts me in a higher rate? Now you won't have to worry when you earn a little extra. Also another good thing about the plan is the removal of the AMT alternative minimum tax. That has been a rip off ever since it was introduced by democrats like Pelosi. It wasn't used very often until Obama was in office and then the IRS went nuts with it causing people to have to borrow from a bank just to pay their taxes.

mexico will pay for it.
I am always amused when I read about how collecting less revenue, while spending the same amount on expenses, results in prosperity. It is kind of like visiting a museum full of Salvador Dali pictures.
22% of GDP ...

... Ouch!
tax cuts do not cost anything

I can't make it any simpler than that

The tax plan Trump released yesterday is very similar to his campaign proposal with one exception ...

... it no longer claims to be "revenue neutral".

Hahahahahahahahaha ....

so what it still doesn't cost anything

spending costs money not tax cuts

So true ...

... and besides, we can easily make up the lost revenue by increasing productivity by 4% a year.

Hahahahahahahahahahaha ....
or better yet by cutting spending

So you favour eliminating military spending? Because that's the ONLY way you're going to balance the budget after these cuts.
How is less brackets good? The jumps are too big. People will keep incomes lower to avoid a huge increase in taxes.
Wrong I would drop down to a lower rate. And that is good for everyone. Have you ever gotten a bonus and thought to yourself damn now that puts me in a higher rate? Now you won't have to worry when you earn a little extra. Also another good thing about the plan is the removal of the AMT alternative minimum tax. That has been a rip off ever since it was introduced by democrats like Pelosi. It wasn't used very often until Obama was in office and then the IRS went nuts with it causing people to have to borrow from a bank just to pay their taxes.

But now jumping up a bracket is huge. You might get a 3% raise that hits you with 15% more taxes. More brackets seem better so each jump is smaller.
Tax cuts do not have to pay for themselves since they cost nothing to begin with


The COST of tax cuts is measured by the amount of revenue you lose that would otherwise be going to pay the bills.

It's like cutting your monthly credit card payment in half, without changing the amount you charge to your credit card.

no the cost of government is the amount of spending

if you never spend more than you make you never have a deficit do you?

it really isn't a difficult concept to understand

Politicians R or D will never stop spending as long as they have the credit card. Requiring them to tax to pay for what they spend is the only way to curb them.
How is less brackets good? The jumps are too big. People will keep incomes lower to avoid a huge increase in taxes.
Wrong I would drop down to a lower rate. And that is good for everyone. Have you ever gotten a bonus and thought to yourself damn now that puts me in a higher rate? Now you won't have to worry when you earn a little extra. Also another good thing about the plan is the removal of the AMT alternative minimum tax. That has been a rip off ever since it was introduced by democrats like Pelosi. It wasn't used very often until Obama was in office and then the IRS went nuts with it causing people to have to borrow from a bank just to pay their taxes.

But now jumping up a bracket is huge. You might get a 3% raise that hits you with 15% more taxes. More brackets seem better so each jump is smaller.

But it only raises the taxes on the money in that bracket.
Tax cuts do not have to pay for themselves since they cost nothing to begin with

Really? Why is it that Republicans only obsess about the national debt when Democrats are in power - but ignore it when they are in power?

It serves as a handy excuse for opposing any increase to social welfare programs.

Deficits are now a useful rhetorical trope for the GOP, but nothing more.
I am always amused when I read about how collecting less revenue, while spending the same amount on expenses, results in prosperity. It is kind of like visiting a museum full of Salvador Dali pictures.

consider ramping up military spending on top of revenue lost due to tax cuts, and RW's are in a very familiar place ..... lala land.
I am always amused when I read about how collecting less revenue, while spending the same amount on expenses, results in prosperity. It is kind of like visiting a museum full of Salvador Dali pictures.

consider ramping up military spending on top of revenue lost due to tax cuts, and RW's are in a very familiar place ..... lala land.

...and don't forget the $1 trillion infrastructure upgrades! Then, we will be so prosperous, that they can eliminate taxes altogether!!!!
I am always amused when I read about how collecting less revenue, while spending the same amount on expenses, results in prosperity. It is kind of like visiting a museum full of Salvador Dali pictures.

consider ramping up military spending on top of revenue lost due to tax cuts, and RW's are in a very familiar place ..... lala land.

...and don't forget the $1 trillion infrastructure upgrades! Then, we will be so prosperous, that they can eliminate taxes altogether!!!!

Yep, Trump's bullshit and fairy dust will make us all rich.
This tax plan will increase economic growth. We tried it the other way folks! and it stagnated the nation and expanded the national debt. The national debt grew more under Obama than all of the other presidents combined. Who do you think will have to pay that? you and me and if we have any chance of repaying that debt we had better have a growth rate above a measly 1% or it won't get done without many of us and our children living a sub par life.
This tax plan will increase economic growth. We tried it the other way folks! and it stagnated the nation and expanded the national debt. The national debt grew more under Obama than all of the other presidents combined. Who do you think will have to pay that? you and me and if we have any chance of repaying that debt we had better have a growth rate above a measly 1% or it won't get done without many of us and our children living a sub par life.

Yes that Bush economy after the tax cuts was great. Haha

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