Trump's Tax Plan Will Pay for Itself

abolishing the death tax would make the economy boom…
The Race Must Go to the Fastest, Not the Fatherest

Inheritance is unearned wealth and buys positions the heirs are unfit for. It is a drag on Capitalism to put Junior in charge of the business his Daddy built. Just think of how soon pro sports would become a joke if the players had the right to pass on their positions to their sons. If you believe in birth privileges, you are the joke.
So you want the federal government in control of people's family life? Lol

That would be unacceptable to the states, because they are already controlling family life, by way of abortion restrictions on my wife and daughter.
abolishing the death tax would make the economy boom…
The Race Must Go to the Fastest, Not the Fatherest

Inheritance is unearned wealth and buys positions the heirs are unfit for. It is a drag on Capitalism to put Junior in charge of the business his Daddy built. Just think of how soon pro sports would become a joke if the players had the right to pass on their positions to their sons. If you believe in birth privileges, you are the joke.
So you want the federal government in control of people's family life? Lol

Familyism is even more primitive than tribalism. You richlovers want your Masters' spawn to dominate the rest of us in the name of family values. You're so simple-minded that you think the aristocrats can do anything they want and that we peasants cannot use our government to put a check on their abuses. The pampered snobs selfishly claim they have a right to their Daddy's money, but you pathetic bootlickers make it look like a society based on birth and not worth is the natural order of things.
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abolishing the death tax would make the economy boom…
The Race Must Go to the Fastest, Not the Fatherest

Inheritance is unearned wealth and buys positions the heirs are unfit for. It is a drag on Capitalism to put Junior in charge of the business his Daddy built. Just think of how soon pro sports would become a joke if the players had the right to pass on their positions to their sons. If you believe in birth privileges, you are the joke.
So you want the federal government in control of people's family life? Lol

That would be unacceptable to the states, because they are already controlling family life, by way of abortion restrictions on my wife and daughter.
Abortion does not protect my wife and two daughters in any way...
Again this retard line from a conservative.

Yes dummy it ABSOLUTELY HAS A COST: revenue reduction and increase in deficits and debt.

a decrease in revenue is not a cost.

and spending , specifically spending in an amount greater than revenue ,causes deficits
why do you idiots think that government spending is so fucking sacrosanct?


Are you familiar with budgets... at all?

more than you obviously since you can't seem to understand spending not revenue causes deficits

Both cause deficits. It's called double-entry accounting, you certifiable retard. No one in any business, household, or government ignores revenue when addressing debt and deficits. Fucking kill yourself.

no revenue can never cause a deficit. the ONLY thing that causes a deficit is spending
You really believe you're own bullshit about cutting taxes never causes deficits?
abolishing the death tax would make the economy boom…
The Race Must Go to the Fastest, Not the Fatherest

Inheritance is unearned wealth and buys positions the heirs are unfit for. It is a drag on Capitalism to put Junior in charge of the business his Daddy built. Just think of how soon pro sports would become a joke if the players had the right to pass on their positions to their sons. If you believe in birth privileges, you are the joke.
So you want the federal government in control of people's family life? Lol

Familyism is even more primitive than tribalism. You richlovers want their Masters' spawn to dominate the rest of us in the name of family values. You're so simple-minded that you think the aristocrats can do anything they want and that we peasants cannot use our government to put a check on their abuses. The pampered snobs selfishly claim they have a right to their Daddy's money, but you pathetic bootlickers make it look like a society based on birth and not worth is the natural order of things.
Well, I grew up with nothing on the Indian reservation, that did not have any influence on stopping me from making something out of my life. Collectivism is the most weak minded of philosophies
a decrease in revenue is not a cost.

and spending , specifically spending in an amount greater than revenue ,causes deficits
why do you idiots think that government spending is so fucking sacrosanct?


Are you familiar with budgets... at all?

more than you obviously since you can't seem to understand spending not revenue causes deficits

Both cause deficits. It's called double-entry accounting, you certifiable retard. No one in any business, household, or government ignores revenue when addressing debt and deficits. Fucking kill yourself.

no revenue can never cause a deficit. the ONLY thing that causes a deficit is spending
You really believe you're own bullshit about cutting taxes never causes deficits?

I think he's like 19 years old. Ignore him.

Are you familiar with budgets... at all?

more than you obviously since you can't seem to understand spending not revenue causes deficits

Both cause deficits. It's called double-entry accounting, you certifiable retard. No one in any business, household, or government ignores revenue when addressing debt and deficits. Fucking kill yourself.

no revenue can never cause a deficit. the ONLY thing that causes a deficit is spending
You really believe you're own bullshit about cutting taxes never causes deficits?

I think he's like 19 years old. Ignore him.
The federal government has no claim on perceived future taxes, every single election cycle should be a reboot...
abolishing the death tax would make the economy boom…
The Race Must Go to the Fastest, Not the Fatherest

Inheritance is unearned wealth and buys positions the heirs are unfit for. It is a drag on Capitalism to put Junior in charge of the business his Daddy built. Just think of how soon pro sports would become a joke if the players had the right to pass on their positions to their sons. If you believe in birth privileges, you are the joke.
So you want the federal government in control of people's family life? Lol

That would be unacceptable to the states, because they are already controlling family life, by way of abortion restrictions on my wife and daughter.
Abortion does not protect my wife and two daughters in any way...

When your daughters get pregnant by accident, and need an abortion, the'll want a safe, qualified facility in which to have it performed. It actually does protect them. Also, if your wife has the unfortunate luck of still being viable to produce more of your spawn, she, too, will want it flushed the fuck out if you happen to forget to pull out.
abolishing the death tax would make the economy boom…
The Race Must Go to the Fastest, Not the Fatherest

Inheritance is unearned wealth and buys positions the heirs are unfit for. It is a drag on Capitalism to put Junior in charge of the business his Daddy built. Just think of how soon pro sports would become a joke if the players had the right to pass on their positions to their sons. If you believe in birth privileges, you are the joke.
So you want the federal government in control of people's family life? Lol

Familyism is even more primitive than tribalism. You richlovers want their Masters' spawn to dominate the rest of us in the name of family values. You're so simple-minded that you think the aristocrats can do anything they want and that we peasants cannot use our government to put a check on their abuses. The pampered snobs selfishly claim they have a right to their Daddy's money, but you pathetic bootlickers make it look like a society based on birth and not worth is the natural order of things.
Well, I grew up with nothing on the Indian reservation, that did not have any influence on stopping me from making something out of my life. Collectivism is the most weak minded of philosophies

Well as long as it worked for you, your story is the only one that matters.

more than you obviously since you can't seem to understand spending not revenue causes deficits

Both cause deficits. It's called double-entry accounting, you certifiable retard. No one in any business, household, or government ignores revenue when addressing debt and deficits. Fucking kill yourself.

no revenue can never cause a deficit. the ONLY thing that causes a deficit is spending
You really believe you're own bullshit about cutting taxes never causes deficits?

I think he's like 19 years old. Ignore him.
The federal government has no claim on perceived future taxes, every single election cycle should be a reboot...

That has literally no relevance to the discussion, not to mention it's nonsensical. Like everything else you post.
How can you say that when you look at living costs around the country?
Well for starters, the only place were "living costs" are an issue are in Dumobcrat-controlled areas like New York City. You go to conservative middle America where government doesn't provide every single need, want, and desire, and the cost of living is extremely low.

On top of that - I saw an amazing interview once with a single mom of 3 children who was $30,000 in debt and making minimum wage. She eliminated all $30,000 and even had a nest egg. It can absolutely be done and I saw it. It just requires someone to be frugal and responsible.

The problem with the left is that they believe they are entitled to live with iPhones, iPads, plasma TV's, and drive BMW's even if they don't earn a living to support that stuff.
How can you say that when you look at living costs around the country?
Well for starters, the only place were "living costs" are an issue are in Dumobcrat-controlled areas like New York City. You go to conservative middle America where government doesn't provide every single need, want, and desire, and the cost of living is extremely low.

On top of that - I saw an amazing interview once with a single mom of 3 children who was $30,000 in debt and making minimum wage. She eliminated all $30,000 and even had a nest egg. It can absolutely be done and I saw it. It just requires someone to be frugal and responsible.

The problem with the left is that they believe they are entitled to live with iPhones, iPads, plasma TV's, and drive BMW's even if they don't earn a living to support that stuff.

Yes, the cost of living is low in North Dakota because the government doesn't "control" it. Has nothing to do with North Dakota being a wretched place to live.

Also, cost of living is super low in Republican-controlled Florida, isn't it dumbass?
Well as long as it worked for you, your story is the only one that matters. is the only one that matters. Because if he can do it, it proves it can be done. So stop with the excuses.

Just because going to the moon "can be done" doesn't mean everyone can do it, or we shouldn't make allowances in government for those who cannot go to the moon. Dumbfuck.
Both cause deficits. It's called double-entry accounting, you certifiable retard. No one in any business, household, or government ignores revenue when addressing debt and deficits. Fucking kill yourself.

no revenue can never cause a deficit. the ONLY thing that causes a deficit is spending
You really believe you're own bullshit about cutting taxes never causes deficits?

I think he's like 19 years old. Ignore him.
The federal government has no claim on perceived future taxes, every single election cycle should be a reboot...

That has literally no relevance to the discussion, not to mention it's nonsensical. Like everything else you post.
Normally, I give Rustic a pass, but that one was ......
abolishing the death tax would make the economy boom…
The Race Must Go to the Fastest, Not the Fatherest

Inheritance is unearned wealth and buys positions the heirs are unfit for. It is a drag on Capitalism to put Junior in charge of the business his Daddy built. Just think of how soon pro sports would become a joke if the players had the right to pass on their positions to their sons. If you believe in birth privileges, you are the joke.
So you want the federal government in control of people's family life? Lol

That would be unacceptable to the states, because they are already controlling family life, by way of abortion restrictions on my wife and daughter.
Abortion does not protect my wife and two daughters in any way...

Nor, does it harm your wife and daughters in any way.
abolishing the death tax would make the economy boom…
The Race Must Go to the Fastest, Not the Fatherest

Inheritance is unearned wealth and buys positions the heirs are unfit for. It is a drag on Capitalism to put Junior in charge of the business his Daddy built. Just think of how soon pro sports would become a joke if the players had the right to pass on their positions to their sons. If you believe in birth privileges, you are the joke.
So you want the federal government in control of people's family life? Lol

Familyism is even more primitive than tribalism. You richlovers want their Masters' spawn to dominate the rest of us in the name of family values. You're so simple-minded that you think the aristocrats can do anything they want and that we peasants cannot use our government to put a check on their abuses. The pampered snobs selfishly claim they have a right to their Daddy's money, but you pathetic bootlickers make it look like a society based on birth and not worth is the natural order of things.
Well, I grew up with nothing on the Indian reservation; that did not have any influence on stopping me from making something out of my life.
Walking Tall by Walking All Over People on Your Way Up

How does getting it automatically mean you deserve your success? Status quo is static, not dynamic. Whatever is doesn't mean that's what it is supposed to be.

You became a bootlicking Buttboy for the Bosses. Why would the rich let anyone talented compete with their sons? You class-climbed the ladder built by them in a way to make sure you wouldn't give them any trouble. All you ever dreamed of is getting accepted into the Country Club, being patted on the head by the Preppies, and being told, "We forgive you for not being born rich."

Sacrifice has no merit; it is merely brownnosing. Most of all, you believe you have a right to set up your sons (and now daughters) halfway to the finish line instead of telling them to do it the way you did. Therefore, you aren't really proud of the way you did it and don't deserve any rational person's respect.

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