Trump's Tax Plan Will Pay for Itself

I don't know, big tax cuts at a time we're $20 Trillion in Debt and about to spend a $Trillion on 'Infrastructure.' I would think the Government needs more revenue, not less.

Tax cuts make more increases lower tax revenue.....Kennedy and Reagan both knew this....
No shitface, it was never theirs to begin with, it was ours. remember how you tell us that corporations charge us for their taxes, and that we pay them?

This is BS, corporation profits is theirs not ours. You are correct though that their taxes are part of the costs of doing business and are reflected in the price of their goods and services. Which means lowering their taxes results in lower prices for us and that means our standard of living is higher and that means the economy grows more and creates more jobs.

This is BS, corporation profits is theirs not ours. You are correct though that their taxes are part of the costs of doing business

So are taxes theirs or are they a part of doing business?? Which is it

The money they use to pay their taxes comes from their revenues; it is their money that we gave them in return for their goods and services. And taxes are indeed an expense of doing business.
The only tax reform I can support is one that closes loopholes, makes the 1% responsible for their fair share, and lessens the burden on the working class. Trump can't do that so I can't support him.

Please define "fair share". How much should they pay? Give real numbers, I mean if you can.

Top 1% pay nearly half of federal income taxes
According to a projection from the non-partisan Tax Policy Center, the top 1 percent of Americans will pay 45.7 percent of the individual income taxes in 2014—up from 43 percent in 2013 and 40 percent in 2012 (the oldest period available). (Tweet this)

The bottom 80 percent of Americans are expected to pay 15 percent of all federal income taxes in 2014, according to the study. The bottom 60 percent are expected to pay less than 2 percent of federal income taxes.

So those who take all the money pay more in taxes, shocking. Inequality is out of control.
I don't know, big tax cuts at a time we're $20 Trillion in Debt and about to spend a $Trillion on 'Infrastructure.' I would think the Government needs more revenue, not less.

Tax cuts make more increases lower tax revenue.....Kennedy and Reagan both knew this....

And Reagan and bush both increased the debt , go figure.
I don't know, big tax cuts at a time we're $20 Trillion in Debt and about to spend a $Trillion on 'Infrastructure.' I would think the Government needs more revenue, not less.

Tax cuts make more increases lower tax revenue.....Kennedy and Reagan both knew this....

And Reagan and bush both increased the debt , go figure.

No...the democrats who controlled congress increased the debt...Reagan had an agreement...on dollar in tax increase, 2 dollars in cuts....he gave them the tax increases, and they lied and spent all the money his other tax cuts brought in...

We don't have a revenue problem, we have a spending problem......
I am deeply concerned that the next CEO of Goldman Sacs who encourages reckless and unethical business practices will not have enough of a golden parachute to retire to his own private island in the Caribbean. We all need to pitch in....
I don't know, big tax cuts at a time we're $20 Trillion in Debt and about to spend a $Trillion on 'Infrastructure.' I would think the Government needs more revenue, not less.

Tax cuts make more increases lower tax revenue.....Kennedy and Reagan both knew this....

And Reagan and bush both increased the debt , go figure.

No...the democrats who controlled congress increased the debt...Reagan had an agreement...on dollar in tax increase, 2 dollars in cuts....he gave them the tax increases, and they lied and spent all the money his other tax cuts brought in...

We don't have a revenue problem, we have a spending problem......

Reagan tripled the debt. Bush ruined a balanced budget. Do republicans not learn?
The lower the corporate taxes the better off the country is, and abolishing the capital gains tax and death tax would make the economy boom…
I don't know, big tax cuts at a time we're $20 Trillion in Debt and about to spend a $Trillion on 'Infrastructure.' I would think the Government needs more revenue, not less.

Tax cuts make more increases lower tax revenue.....Kennedy and Reagan both knew this....

I'm not sure about that. I think the Tax Cut issue is vastly overrated. I mean, they're gonna continue to spend like crazy. And we're already $20 Trillion in Debt. And Trump is proposing spending a $Trillion on 'Infrastructure.' Where's the Government get that kind of revenue? If you're gonna spend like crazy, you need tax revenue. I don't understand how they think they can spend a $Trillion on 'Infrastructure' while cutting tax revenue.
"We don't have a revenue problem, we have a spending problem......"

This is so true. If you look at any country that turned it's economy around from bad to more prosperous you will find tax cuts and reduced spending. Nobody and I mean NOBODY has ever raised taxes and spent their way to greater economic growth since WWII. NOBODY.
We should be focusing on cutting spending. Pushing major tax cuts while at the same time proposing spending a $Trillion on 'Infrastructure', just doesn't add up. We should only be focusing on cutting spending at this point.
I don't know, big tax cuts at a time we're $20 Trillion in Debt and about to spend a $Trillion on 'Infrastructure.' I would think the Government needs more revenue, not less.

Tax cuts make more increases lower tax revenue.....Kennedy and Reagan both knew this....

Carter lowered the capital gains tax with a far left Congress!
Republicans: cuts to the rich will benefit everyone!

Common sense: that's only if the weathly reinvest

Republicans: they will

Common sense: they won't

Donald trump: you can never be too greedy

What do you think business owners and the rich do with their money, genius? Mark Steyn points out that people like you think the rich put their gold coins in a warehouse and sit there all day moving it around with a bulldozer....vs . the reality where they expand their business, open new ones and create new and unique products that we want and need......
the reality where they expand their business, open new ones and create new and unique products that we want and need.....

Only if there is demand to do so.
Demand comes from people lining up with cash in hand to buy from you.

The smart growth play is to put the cash in the hands of the consumers rather than the producers.

No...the smart plan is to cut taxes for that businesses can invent and create new products that people decide they want...and with their own tax cuts they have the money to buy them, using the newly created jobs they get from the businesses creating more jobs to earn the income to provide for their families...

People can want anything. They have to be able to afford it or it does nothing. I think most people would be happy to be able to afford a washer and dryer or fix their homes without going into debt to do it.
1 in 4 large corporations pay zero in taxes. They're keeping what's ours.
That's not "yours". You're not entitled to it. If they aren't paying any taxes - there is a reason for it. They don't make enough money. Or they have enough deductions. Or they conduct business overseas. The list goes on and on. If the IRS didn't bring them down (and they would) then those "1-in-4 corporations" are completely compliant with the U.S. tax code, snowflake.
Oh they don't make enough money :cuckoo:
So why are people making minimum wage paying their fair share in taxes? They barely make a living wage.
Because they make enough money according to the U.S. tax code. This is not difficult - why are you struggling with it so much?

Those corporations are fully compliant or the IRS would take them down. That's an indisputable fact.
I'm struggling with it because it's wrong. They don't make enough money. Corporations bringing in millions and receiving the highest tax breaks while a single mom working for 9$ an hour is paying taxes out of her 250 checks. It's not right.

Reality check - single mom making $9/hr is not paying federal income tax. If she works 2000 hours per year, total income is $18,000, less standard deductions and exemptions will put her well below the threshold.

The real problem is that people earn far too little
Big corps seem to be taking there large profits & buying back there own stock, and gobbling up other business. multi billion company's like Walmart are not investing in hiring new employees improving there pay, hours or working conditions. I am looking but don't see the benefit for the average working person. both party's work in large part for there owners, the people who raise multi millions to buy or keep there jobs.
The real problem is that people earn far too little
No - the real problem is that people spend far too much and feel entitled to even more. Your absurd post here proves that.

When you have people protesting for a wage that exceeds their labor market value then you have a problem. Used to be if you wanted a higher wage you tried to find some way to increase your skills or value to an employer. It also used to be that people lived within their means and you didn't buy stuff you couldn't afford. I don't know when it happened but somewhere along the line we started demanding what we thought we deserved rather than what we earned.
The real problem is that people earn far too little
No - the real problem is that people spend far too much and feel entitled to even more. Your absurd post here proves that.

So, to recap. You believe people spend too much but believe that tax cuts for corps will allow them to expand their business. Then who buys their expanded production goods if everyone cuts back on spending?

You obviously are clueless. Business only exists because consumers spend.
The real problem is that people earn far too little
No - the real problem is that people spend far too much and feel entitled to even more. Your absurd post here proves that.
How can you say that when you look at living costs around the country? People aren't making enough to pay their bills. It's not that their spending too much it's that living costs, medical costs, education costs are too high and wages are too low. Simple math tells us that's bad for the economy.
When you have people protesting for a wage that exceeds their labor market value then you have a problem. Used to be if you wanted a higher wage you tried to find some way to increase your skills or value to an employer. It also used to be that people lived within their means and you didn't buy stuff you couldn't afford. I don't know when it happened but somewhere along the line we started demanding what we thought we deserved rather than what we earned.

You mean like engineers with masters and doctorates? Who got laid off wholesale,.

Maybe, not so much ....


Fiscal FactCheck: How Much Will Trump's Tax Plan Cost?

Tax cuts create revenue, they don't decrease revenue......the explosion in businesses expanding and new businesses opening is going to be huge.......more jobs, more tax payers more money to the federal government.....
So you've been believing that since Reagan?

The deficit is just a tool with which to attack social welfare programs.

Nothing more.

The Fittest Are the Enemy of the Fatherest

Over the years since the 1964 Civil Rights for the Uncivilized Act, we've dumped $20 trillion down the ghetto rathole. If that had been spent on the fittest instead, it would have paid for itself many times over and we'd have a surplus. It is more offensive to the degenerate feralphile hereditary ruling class to help the unprivileged talented than to neglect their pet pitbulls, so even though they may yap "racism," that is not what they are secretly concerned about.

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