Trump's Tax Plan Will Pay for Itself

When you have people protesting for a wage that exceeds their labor market value then you have a problem. Used to be if you wanted a higher wage you tried to find some way to increase your skills or value to an employer. It also used to be that people lived within their means and you didn't buy stuff you couldn't afford. I don't know when it happened but somewhere along the line we started demanding what we thought we deserved rather than what we earned.

You mean like engineers with masters and doctorates? Who got laid off wholesale,.
Fiat Pay

The plutocratic parasites who control the market arbitrarily determine market value. Before the pro athletes unionized, the fake "market value" of their skills was between fifty and a thousand times less than what it is today.
I don't know, big tax cuts at a time we're $20 Trillion in Debt and about to spend a $Trillion on 'Infrastructure.' I would think the Government needs more revenue, not less.

Tax cuts make more increases lower tax revenue.....Kennedy and Reagan both knew this....

And Reagan and bush both increased the debt , go figure.

No...the democrats who controlled congress increased the debt...Reagan had an agreement...on dollar in tax increase, 2 dollars in cuts....he gave them the tax increases, and they lied and spent all the money his other tax cuts brought in...

We don't have a revenue problem, we have a spending problem......

Reagan tripled the debt. Bush ruined a balanced budget. Do republicans not learn?
Pay Attention to the Voters and Put the Oinkonomists on Ignore

Why did Bush win in 2000 if the Clinton/Gore economic policies were so great? And why did his patrician snob Daddy win in 1988 if the Reagan/Bush policies were so ruinous?
When you have people protesting for a wage that exceeds their labor market value then you have a problem. Used to be if you wanted a higher wage you tried to find some way to increase your skills or value to an employer. It also used to be that people lived within their means and you didn't buy stuff you couldn't afford. I don't know when it happened but somewhere along the line we started demanding what we thought we deserved rather than what we earned.

You mean like engineers with masters and doctorates? Who got laid off wholesale,.

You got a link that shows wholesale layoffs for engineers? I highly doubt that.
abolishing the death tax would make the economy boom…
The Race Must Go to the Fastest, Not the Fatherest

Inheritance is unearned wealth and buys positions the heirs are unfit for. It is a drag on Capitalism to put Junior in charge of the business his Daddy built. Just think of how soon pro sports would become a joke if the players had the right to pass on their positions to their sons. If you believe in birth privileges, you are the joke.

Maybe, not so much ....


Fiscal FactCheck: How Much Will Trump's Tax Plan Cost?

Tax cuts create revenue, they don't decrease revenue......the explosion in businesses expanding and new businesses opening is going to be huge.......more jobs, more tax payers more money to the federal government.....
So you've been believing that since Reagan?

The deficit is just a tool with which to attack social welfare programs.

Nothing more.

The Fittest Are the Enemy of the Fatherest

Over the years since the 1964 Civil Rights for the Uncivilized Act, we've dumped $20 trillion down the ghetto rathole. If that had been spent on the fittest instead, it would have paid for itself many times over and we'd have a surplus. It is more offensive to the degenerate feralphile hereditary ruling class to help the unprivileged talented than to neglect their pet pitbulls, so even though they may yap "racism," that is not what they are secretly concerned about.

This is unadulterated bullshit. I do not believe all the programs that spent gobs of money on the so-called war on poverty were well-designed or managed, clearly we tried the wrong approaches. But if you're looking for somebody to blame for that I suggest you look to the Democratic Party, that was their big challenge for decades and they utterly failed. "degenerate feralphile hereditary ruling class" indeed.
The real problem is that people earn far too little
No - the real problem is that people spend far too much and feel entitled to even more. Your absurd post here proves that.

When you have people protesting for a wage that exceeds their labor market value then you have a problem. Used to be if you wanted a higher wage you tried to find some way to increase your skills or value to an employer. It also used to be that people lived within their means and you didn't buy stuff you couldn't afford. I don't know when it happened but somewhere along the line we started demanding what we thought we deserved rather than what we earned.

Used to be if you wanted a higher wage you tried to find some way to increase your skills or value to an employer.

It used to be that wages grew with an increase in productivity and profits.
When you have people protesting for a wage that exceeds their labor market value then you have a problem. Used to be if you wanted a higher wage you tried to find some way to increase your skills or value to an employer. It also used to be that people lived within their means and you didn't buy stuff you couldn't afford. I don't know when it happened but somewhere along the line we started demanding what we thought we deserved rather than what we earned.

You mean like engineers with masters and doctorates? Who got laid off wholesale,.
Fiat Pay

The plutocratic parasites who control the market arbitrarily determine market value. Before the pro athletes unionized, the fake "market value" of their skills was between fifty and a thousand times less than what it is today.

Total bullshit again. In the mid 60s a player named Curt Flood revolutionized pro sports when he challenged the team owners' right o basically control the players employment, and he won. Since then about 50 freakin' years ago, NOBODY controls the market value for labor. You sir are an absolute joke.
abolishing the death tax would make the economy boom…
The Race Must Go to the Fastest, Not the Fatherest

Inheritance is unearned wealth and buys positions the heirs are unfit for. It is a drag on Capitalism to put Junior in charge of the business his Daddy built. Just think of how soon pro sports would become a joke if the players had the right to pass on their positions to their sons. If you believe in birth privileges, you are the joke.

You don't think parents ought to be able to pass their farm, ranch, or business that they worked hard on for decades to their kinds? If the kids screw it up that inheritance goes back into the economy from whence it came no big deal. If they keep the operation going then so much the better for everyone else concerned.
tax cuts do not cost anything

I can't make it any simpler than that

The tax plan Trump released yesterday is very similar to his campaign proposal with one exception ...

... it no longer claims to be "revenue neutral".

Hahahahahahahahaha ....

so what it still doesn't cost anything

spending costs money not tax cuts

So true ...

... and besides, we can easily make up the lost revenue by increasing productivity by 4% a year.

Hahahahahahahahahahaha ....
or better yet by cutting spending

Yah, infrastructure and militaries come cheap.

Hahahahahahahahahaha ...

... rube.

Tax cuts do not have to pay for themselves since they cost nothing to begin with

Again this retard line from a conservative.

Yes dummy it ABSOLUTELY HAS A COST: revenue reduction and increase in deficits and debt.

a decrease in revenue is not a cost.

and spending , specifically spending in an amount greater than revenue ,causes deficits
why do you idiots think that government spending is so fucking sacrosanct?
abolishing the death tax would make the economy boom…
The Race Must Go to the Fastest, Not the Fatherest

Inheritance is unearned wealth and buys positions the heirs are unfit for. It is a drag on Capitalism to put Junior in charge of the business his Daddy built. Just think of how soon pro sports would become a joke if the players had the right to pass on their positions to their sons. If you believe in birth privileges, you are the joke.
So you want the federal government in control of people's family life? Lol

Tax cuts create revenue, they don't decrease revenue......the explosion in businesses expanding and new businesses opening is going to be huge.......more jobs, more tax payers more money to the federal government.....
So you've been believing that since Reagan?

The deficit is just a tool with which to attack social welfare programs.

Nothing more.

The Fittest Are the Enemy of the Fatherest

Over the years since the 1964 Civil Rights for the Uncivilized Act, we've dumped $20 trillion down the ghetto rathole. If that had been spent on the fittest instead, it would have paid for itself many times over and we'd have a surplus. It is more offensive to the degenerate feralphile hereditary ruling class to help the unprivileged talented than to neglect their pet pitbulls, so even though they may yap "racism," that is not what they are secretly concerned about.

I do not believe I suggest you look to the Democratic Party, that was their big challenge for decades and they utterly failed. "degenerate feralphile hereditary ruling class" indeed.
"I Got Mine and I'm Going to Give Yours Away"

Rich Liberals belong to the "A Punk Is a Hunk" club. Their Right Wing fraternity brothers keep bragging about the GOP's early civil rights votes, so that phenomenon was also bipartisan plutocratic class warfare against all other White people, especially against the High IQs. Those with talent create all the wealth and have the brains to confiscate it without getting caught, but not if they are humiliated from childhood on and become Cash Cows for the Corporate Cowboys. To waste money on the Dingdongs of the Bell Curve is the ultimate insult to intelligence.
Tax cuts do not have to pay for themselves since they cost nothing to begin with


The COST of tax cuts is measured by the amount of revenue you lose that would otherwise be going to pay the bills.

It's like cutting your monthly credit card payment in half, without changing the amount you charge to your credit card.

no the cost of government is the amount of spending

if you never spend more than you make you never have a deficit do you?

it really isn't a difficult concept to understand
Tax cuts do not have to pay for themselves since they cost nothing to begin with

Again this retard line from a conservative.

Yes dummy it ABSOLUTELY HAS A COST: revenue reduction and increase in deficits and debt.

a decrease in revenue is not a cost.

and spending , specifically spending in an amount greater than revenue ,causes deficits
why do you idiots think that government spending is so fucking sacrosanct?


Are you familiar with budgets... at all?
Tax cuts do not have to pay for themselves since they cost nothing to begin with

22% of GDP ...

... Ouch!
tax cuts do not cost anything

I can't make it any simpler than that
What are you talking about about? Taxs are the governments primary source of revenue, they are the balancing factor that determines our debt and deficit. If your paycheck gets cut in half does that make a difference in your lifestyle? Economics 101 dude

no spending determines the balance of our debt and deficit not revenue.

no government spending is sacrosanct
Tax cuts do not have to pay for themselves since they cost nothing to begin with

Again this retard line from a conservative.

Yes dummy it ABSOLUTELY HAS A COST: revenue reduction and increase in deficits and debt.

a decrease in revenue is not a cost.

and spending , specifically spending in an amount greater than revenue ,causes deficits
why do you idiots think that government spending is so fucking sacrosanct?


Are you familiar with budgets... at all?

more than you obviously since you can't seem to understand spending not revenue causes deficits
Tax cuts do not have to pay for themselves since they cost nothing to begin with

Again this retard line from a conservative.

Yes dummy it ABSOLUTELY HAS A COST: revenue reduction and increase in deficits and debt.

a decrease in revenue is not a cost.

and spending , specifically spending in an amount greater than revenue ,causes deficits
why do you idiots think that government spending is so fucking sacrosanct?


Are you familiar with budgets... at all?

more than you obviously since you can't seem to understand spending not revenue causes deficits

Both cause deficits. It's called double-entry accounting, you certifiable retard. No one in any business, household, or government ignores revenue when addressing debt and deficits. Fucking kill yourself.
You got a link that shows wholesale layoffs for engineers? I highly doubt that.

Check the late 1980's early 1990's. So many engineers were being laid off, many went back to school for a higher degree, only to still not find work. That's when the industry also got rid of their skilled machinests and replaced them with CNC machines. So it's not the unskilled dragging things down
Tax cuts do not have to pay for themselves since they cost nothing to begin with

Again this retard line from a conservative.

Yes dummy it ABSOLUTELY HAS A COST: revenue reduction and increase in deficits and debt.

a decrease in revenue is not a cost.

and spending , specifically spending in an amount greater than revenue ,causes deficits
why do you idiots think that government spending is so fucking sacrosanct?


Are you familiar with budgets... at all?

more than you obviously since you can't seem to understand spending not revenue causes deficits

Both cause deficits. It's called double-entry accounting, you certifiable retard. No one in any business, household, or government ignores revenue when addressing debt and deficits. Fucking kill yourself.

no revenue can never cause a deficit. the ONLY thing that causes a deficit is spending
No, stupid, it doesn't. That's ignorant left-wing propaganda that you're actually dumb enough to buy into.

If we reduced taxes to a grand total of $1 but spent $0 - would there be a deficit? Cost, debt, deficit, etc. can only come from spending, you dimwit. Good grief, what grade did you drop out of school?!?

Retard, passing tax-cuts DOES NOT REDUCE SPENDING.

There would be no fiscaly conservative objection to tax cut bill if it's cost of reduced revenues was offset with reduced spending.

What Republicans have been doing since forever is passing the easy, popular tax cuts without being able to pass unpopular spending cuts.

And yes, sure enough, there absolutely was a fiscal cost as a result.

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