Trump's Tax Plan Will Pay for Itself


Maybe, not so much ....


Fiscal FactCheck: How Much Will Trump's Tax Plan Cost?

Tax cuts create revenue, they don't decrease revenue......the explosion in businesses expanding and new businesses opening is going to be huge.......more jobs, more tax payers more money to the federal government.....
So you've been believing that since Reagan?

No...since Kennedy....then Reagan......when revenue to the government almost doubled.......after they cut taxes....
Republicans: cuts to the rich will benefit everyone!

Common sense: that's only if the weathly reinvest

Republicans: they will

Common sense: they won't

Donald trump: you can never be too greedy
So're frilly little panties are in a bunch about $6 trillion over 10 years but you celebrated Barack Obama adding $10 trillion over 8 years?!? :uhh:

Some lovely selective memory you got there...

Bush Admin threw the economy over the cliff... Now since the right wing take no responsibility for their actions...

So you get this ass elected with Russian Help (they are the enemies) and this budget would throw the economy over the cliff for the second time...
No shitface, it was never theirs to begin with, it was ours. remember how you tell us that corporations charge us for their taxes, and that we pay them?

This is BS, corporation profits is theirs not ours. You are correct though that their taxes are part of the costs of doing business and are reflected in the price of their goods and services. Which means lowering their taxes results in lower prices for us and that means our standard of living is higher and that means the economy grows more and creates more jobs.

This is BS, corporation profits is theirs not ours. You are correct though that their taxes are part of the costs of doing business

So are taxes theirs or are they a part of doing business?? Which is it

The money they use to pay their taxes comes from their revenues; it is their money that we gave them in return for their goods and services. And taxes are indeed an expense of doing business.
The only tax reform I can support is one that closes loopholes, makes the 1% responsible for their fair share, and lessens the burden on the working class. Trump can't do that so I can't support him.

The 1% is not only paying their fair share they are also paying the fair share of the 50% of Americans who pay no income tax.......
Like who? The elderly disabled and infants. Lol
Republicans: cuts to the rich will benefit everyone!

Common sense: that's only if the weathly reinvest

Republicans: they will

Common sense: they won't

Donald trump: you can never be too greedy

What do you think business owners and the rich do with their money, genius? Mark Steyn points out that people like you think the rich put their gold coins in a warehouse and sit there all day moving it around with a bulldozer....vs . the reality where they expand their business, open new ones and create new and unique products that we want and need......
This is BS, corporation profits is theirs not ours. You are correct though that their taxes are part of the costs of doing business and are reflected in the price of their goods and services. Which means lowering their taxes results in lower prices for us and that means our standard of living is higher and that means the economy grows more and creates more jobs.

This is BS, corporation profits is theirs not ours. You are correct though that their taxes are part of the costs of doing business

So are taxes theirs or are they a part of doing business?? Which is it

The money they use to pay their taxes comes from their revenues; it is their money that we gave them in return for their goods and services. And taxes are indeed an expense of doing business.
The only tax reform I can support is one that closes loopholes, makes the 1% responsible for their fair share, and lessens the burden on the working class. Trump can't do that so I can't support him.

The 1% is not only paying their fair share they are also paying the fair share of the 50% of Americans who pay no income tax.......
Like who? The elderly disabled and infants. Lol

You don't realize that 50% of the country, pay no federal income tax? Really?
This "tax plan" is nothing but a bright, shiny object to appease Trump's sheep as his 100 day review arrives on Saturday. He says it doesn't matter but he's fucking dancing as fast as he can, with a stupid one-page memo. It will work. Between this hyper bit of reality t.v. show bullshit and his rally in Redneckistan, Pennsylvania, he'll pull it off and keep his base happy for another month or so until they realize his health care reform will have them bumped off of Obamacare, which they don't realize is what they currently have.
Republicans: cuts to the rich will benefit everyone!

Common sense: that's only if the weathly reinvest

Republicans: they will

Common sense: they won't

Donald trump: you can never be too greedy

What do you think business owners and the rich do with their money, genius? Mark Steyn points out that people like you think the rich put their gold coins in a warehouse and sit there all day moving it around with a bulldozer....vs . the reality where they expand their business, open new ones and create new and unique products that we want and need......
I think they sit on it and invest it in themselves. That's why the top 1% has a majority of the nations money.
Republicans: cuts to the rich will benefit everyone!

Common sense: that's only if the weathly reinvest

Republicans: they will

Common sense: they won't

Donald trump: you can never be too greedy
Dumbocrats: fuck the rich! Get 'em! Communism will benefit everyone!

Common sense: won't. It always ends badly.

Dumbocrats: But it won't this time

Common sense: will. It always does.

Barack Obama: You left-wing nitwits...I'm rolling in tens of millions of dollars and and I don't share it with anyone.
The deficit dropped significantly during his administration.
Bwahahaha!!! You are such an ignorant little left-wing lap-dog. Snowflake - how in God's name could the deficit "drop significantly" if Obama nearly doubled the entire national debt during his Administration alone?!?

It took every President combined in U.S. history 232 years to rack up $10 trillion in debt. It took Barack Obama only 8 years to match that. This is basic math you dimwit.

The deficit skyrocketed to unimaginable levels under Barack Obama's first and second years. That's when the American people handed the House over to the Republican's who refused to keep that level of spending up. So Obama was forced to reduce the deficit from his record levels. He then twisted that into his own political gain with his dimwitted base (like you) by telling them: "look - I reduced the deficit!". Yeah - that "reduced" deficit was still exponentially higher than almost any president before him. It was merely "reduced" from his own previous record levels.

My God you left-wing hatriots are so easy to dupe. You people don't watch the news, read, or research. You just blindly swallow whatever the Dumbocrats tell you.

Bwahahaha!!! You are such an ignorant little left-wing lap-dog. Snowflake - how in God's name could the deficit "drop significantly" if Obama nearly doubled the entire national debt during his Administration alone?!?

This is BS, corporation profits is theirs not ours. You are correct though that their taxes are part of the costs of doing business

So are taxes theirs or are they a part of doing business?? Which is it

The money they use to pay their taxes comes from their revenues; it is their money that we gave them in return for their goods and services. And taxes are indeed an expense of doing business.
The only tax reform I can support is one that closes loopholes, makes the 1% responsible for their fair share, and lessens the burden on the working class. Trump can't do that so I can't support him.

The 1% is not only paying their fair share they are also paying the fair share of the 50% of Americans who pay no income tax.......
Like who? The elderly disabled and infants. Lol

You don't realize that 50% of the country, pay no federal income tax? Really?

And Trump's plan will increase that number.
Republicans: cuts to the rich will benefit everyone!

Common sense: that's only if the weathly reinvest

Republicans: they will

Common sense: they won't

Donald trump: you can never be too greedy

What do you think business owners and the rich do with their money, genius? Mark Steyn points out that people like you think the rich put their gold coins in a warehouse and sit there all day moving it around with a bulldozer....vs . the reality where they expand their business, open new ones and create new and unique products that we want and need......
I think they sit on it and invest it in themselves. That's why the top 1% has a majority of the nations money.

You really need to learn exactly do they invest it in themselves? And let's say they sat in their house and bought t.v.s and cars and food...guys what......those things have to be made by someone, they have to be delivered by someone, they have to be serviced by no matte what, the rich are creating jobs and tax payers........
Republicans: cuts to the rich will benefit everyone!

Common sense: that's only if the weathly reinvest

Republicans: they will

Common sense: they won't

Donald trump: you can never be too greedy

What do you think business owners and the rich do with their money, genius? Mark Steyn points out that people like you think the rich put their gold coins in a warehouse and sit there all day moving it around with a bulldozer....vs . the reality where they expand their business, open new ones and create new and unique products that we want and need......

When did you stop wanting to balance the budget?
Republicans: cuts to the rich will benefit everyone!

Common sense: that's only if the weathly reinvest

Republicans: they will

Common sense: they won't

Donald trump: you can never be too greedy

What do you think business owners and the rich do with their money, genius? Mark Steyn points out that people like you think the rich put their gold coins in a warehouse and sit there all day moving it around with a bulldozer....vs . the reality where they expand their business, open new ones and create new and unique products that we want and need......
I think they sit on it and invest it in themselves. That's why the top 1% has a majority of the nations money.

You really need to learn exactly do they invest it in themselves? And let's say they sat in their house and bought t.v.s and cars and food...guys what......those things have to be made by someone, they have to be delivered by someone, they have to be serviced by no matte what, the rich are creating jobs and tax payers........

Let the rich create some reduction in our deficit and debt. By paying taxes.
No, stupid, it doesn't. That's ignorant left-wing propaganda that you're actually dumb enough to buy into.

If we reduced taxes to a grand total of $1 but spent $0 - would there be a deficit? Cost, debt, deficit, etc. can only come from spending, you dimwit. Good grief, what grade did you drop out of school?!?

Trump has proposed trillions in new spending, dope.
When did you stop wanting to balance the budget?
Balance it?!? I want a surplus to pay off the debt. Let's start right now by cutting $1 trillion in illegal/unconstitutional socialist spending. Agreed?

No?!? Yeah...didn't think so. :doubt:

You hate the U.S. - you're not the least bit interested in doing anything for your country. You're only interested in bashing all things right-wing.
No, stupid, it doesn't. That's ignorant left-wing propaganda that you're actually dumb enough to buy into.

If we reduced taxes to a grand total of $1 but spent $0 - would there be a deficit? Cost, debt, deficit, etc. can only come from spending, you dimwit. Good grief, what grade did you drop out of school?!?

Trump has proposed trillions in new spending, dope.
Yep...proof that he's a life-long libtard. But...he's also proposing significant cuts too. Something Barack Obama and the Dumbocrats never did.

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