Trump's Tax Plan Will Pay for Itself

How is social spending unconstitutional, asshole?????
Because the U.S. Constitution specifically restricts the federal government to 18 enumerated powers and feeding the hungry isn't one of them. Housing isn't one of them. Retirement (aka Social Security) isn't one of them. Healthcare isn't one of them.

If you weren't such a lazy and ignorant asshole, you would have read the U.S. Constitution and realized that much already. But you prefer to live your life ignorant and at the end of government handouts.
Tax cuts do not have to pay for themselves since they cost nothing to begin with

22% of GDP ...

... Ouch!
tax cuts do not cost anything

I can't make it any simpler than that
What are you talking about about? Taxs are the governments primary source of revenue, they are the balancing factor that determines our debt and deficit. If your paycheck gets cut in half does that make a difference in your lifestyle? Economics 101 dude
Tax revenues are determined in part by the tax rate and in part by the tax base. The argument is that a lower corporate tax will induce US companies to stay here and some foreign companies to incorporate here, creating more jobs and expanding the tax base, so it is impossible to say at this time if total federal tax revenues will increase of decrease because of the tax reforms proposed by the President.
I agree
Tax cuts do not have to pay for themselves since they cost nothing to begin with

22% of GDP ...

... Ouch!
tax cuts do not cost anything

I can't make it any simpler than that
What are you talking about about? Taxs are the governments primary source of revenue, they are the balancing factor that determines our debt and deficit. If your paycheck gets cut in half does that make a difference in your lifestyle? Economics 101 dude
Tax revenues are determined in part by the tax rate and in part by the tax base. The argument is that a lower corporate tax will induce US companies to stay here and some foreign companies to incorporate here, creating more jobs and expanding the tax base, so it is impossible to say at this time if total federal tax revenues will increase of decrease because of the tax reforms proposed by the President.
Since when will a foreign company come here just because of our tax base? If they did, and brought a few jobs, the majority of their jobs would still be in 3rd world countries
The deficit dropped significantly during his administration.
Bwahahaha!!! You are such an ignorant little left-wing lap-dog. Snowflake - how in God's name could the deficit "drop significantly" if Obama nearly doubled the entire national debt during his Administration alone?!?

View attachment 123535

Nah, man...take a few puffs of this 'snowflake' crack, and you will believe it, too.

View attachment 123536
What's snowflake crack? Pot?
How is social spending unconstitutional, asshole?????
Because the U.S. Constitution specifically restricts the federal government to 18 enumerated powers and feeding the hungry isn't one of them. Housing isn't one of them. Retirement (aka Social Security) isn't one of them. Healthcare isn't one of them.

If you weren't such a lazy and ignorant asshole, you would have read the U.S. Constitution and realized that much already. But you prefer to live your life ignorant and at the end of government handouts.
Still waiting you lazy kunt.
How is social spending unconstitutional, asshole?????
Because the U.S. Constitution specifically restricts the federal government to 18 enumerated powers and feeding the hungry isn't one of them. Housing isn't one of them. Retirement (aka Social Security) isn't one of them. Healthcare isn't one of them.

If you weren't such a lazy and ignorant asshole, you would have read the U.S. Constitution and realized that much already. But you prefer to live your life ignorant and at the end of government handouts.
Still waiting you lazy kunt.
Uh....I just answersed it you ignorant high school dropout. :lmao:
How is social spending unconstitutional, asshole?????
Because the U.S. Constitution specifically restricts the federal government to 18 enumerated powers and feeding the hungry isn't one of them. Housing isn't one of them. Retirement (aka Social Security) isn't one of them. Healthcare isn't one of them.

If you weren't such a lazy and ignorant asshole, you would have read the U.S. Constitution and realized that much already. But you prefer to live your life ignorant and at the end of government handouts.
Still waiting you lazy kunt.
Uh....I just answersed it you ignorant high school dropout. :lmao:
No shyteface, you were going to show us where it says that president spend our tax dollars, you ignorant POS
But hey those huge corporations need their welfare. Amirite? No, you are not right. It's not "welfare" to allow someone to keep what was already theirs to begin with. :laugh:
No shitface, it was never theirs to begin with, it was ours. remember how you tell us that corporations charge us for their taxes, and that we pay them?
1 in 4 large corporations pay zero in taxes. They're keeping what's ours.
That's not "yours". You're not entitled to it. If they aren't paying any taxes - there is a reason for it. They don't make enough money. Or they have enough deductions. Or they conduct business overseas. The list goes on and on. If the IRS didn't bring them down (and they would) then those "1-in-4 corporations" are completely compliant with the U.S. tax code, snowflake.
1 in 4 large corporations pay zero in taxes. They're keeping what's ours.
That's not "yours". You're not entitled to it. If they aren't paying any taxes - there is a reason for it. They don't make enough money. Or they have enough deductions. Or they conduct business overseas. The list goes on and on. If the IRS didn't bring them down (and they would) then those "1-in-4 corporations" are completely compliant with the U.S. tax code, snowflake.
Its a rap! Forever more you are nothing but a lying piece of garbage. Addios scum!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But hey those huge corporations need their welfare. Amirite? No, you are not right. It's not "welfare" to allow someone to keep what was already theirs to begin with. :laugh:
No shitface, it was never theirs to begin with, it was ours. remember how you tell us that corporations charge us for their taxes, and that we pay them?
Who is this "ours", dimwit? You don't work for the government. You're a parasite. You're not entitled to shit :asshole:

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