Trump's taxes to be released to the public just like every President since Nixon

Sew, you wanted a law that covers the release of the returns to the committees which can vote to release the returns to the public.
Where does the law say they can release them?

Quote the statute.

Sounds like Former United States Secretary of the Treasury Steven Mnuchin may be in hot water.

Lock him up!
(a)Returns and return information
(1)Federal employees and other persons
It shall be unlawful for any officer or employee of the United States or any person described in section 6103(n) (or an officer or employee of any such person), or any former officer or employee, willfully to disclose to any person, except as authorized in this title, any return or return information (as defined in section 6103(b)). Any violation of this paragraph shall be a felony punishable upon conviction by a fine in any amount not exceeding $5,000, or imprisonment of not more than 5 years, or both, together with the costs of prosecution, and if such offense is committed by any officer or employee of the United States, he shall, in addition to any other punishment, be dismissed from office or discharged from employment upon conviction for such offense.
QUICK, call Congress and tell them they're breaking the law! Tell them which law they're breaking!
Or, you dope, maybe it’s ok to take note of the fact that the law doesn’t allow Congress to disseminate documents that are private. Yet that is exactly what Congress doing.

Are you lib blowholes so in the bag for the Democrats that you can’t even acknowledge that they are not legally allowed to release it. Their own tax law says as much.
Or, you dope, maybe it’s ok to take note of the fact that the law doesn’t allow Congress to disseminate documents that are private. Yet that is exactly what Congress doing.

Are you lib blowholes so in the bag for the Democrats that you can’t even acknowledge that they are not legally allowed to release it. Their own tax law says as much.

Duh, please cite the law that says they can't release them.
Where does the law say they can release them?

Quote the statute.
If you can read the link tells yous the law that allows the IRS to release the tax forms to the committees when they request them and the committee can vote to release the documents to the public as long as the private information is blocked out. It is in the links I posted.
The odds in Las Vegas say Trump and his minions will rot in hell way before scumbag Democrats.
Meh, long term Democrats will vanish from American history. Their party is already circling the drain. RIP Dem party, the world will not miss you.
Aw, gee, how about SCOTUS.

Or the 3 judge appellant ruling, upheld by the full appellant court, and the Supreme Court which let the ruling stand.

All finding or allowing to stand that the Ways and Means Committee;

1) Were authorized to view the tax returns
2) Were permitted to make private financial information public as part of legislative processes.
3) That their investigation into the application of IRS audit rules for president was a legitimate legislative process.

Legally, due process has been met. There's nothing left but the conspiracies.
Wow, just wow.

Before Nixon it was Mitt Romney dad ( I believe ) that released his returns but before that no one cared but now you care because it is the opposition but what if it were Biden?

Remember you guys do this nonsense and then when it is turned against you then you scream how wrong it is!

Trump Tax Returns are private and are not for public view unless he want to show them!

Now if Congress want to make it law that future candidates have to show them then by all means but not until then!
what is Trump concerned about that no other President since 1970 was worried about. It makes you wonder.
Meh, long term Democrats will vanish from American history. Their party is already circling the drain. RIP Dem party, the world will not miss you.

Laughing.....what a delightful fantasy you have.

Good luck with that.
Then try going naked! Meantime, most reveal their tax returns because it contains nothing but their personal income, not a dozen private corporations you depend on, and if you don't wear clothes or turn over your return, no other president has been stood up, and shaken down by his opposing political party and had his private returns STOLEN from him by some bogus court in order to boost THEIR election chances.
You are showing what a dumbass you are. They are asking for his personal tax returns not corporations he is involved with. One of his corporations was just found guilty of tax fraud.
A fucking truly horrendous decision to release his taxes to Congress. We all immediately knew that his taxes would get “leaked” to the press.

But no! The Dims are even more brazen than that. Incredibly enough.

They actually have the audacity to just blithely publicize another citizen’s private financial papers. Papers which are required to be turned over to the government deserve more privacy.

There is no law requiring a candidate to release the taxes for scrutiny.

In fact the law about taxes is that it is illegal (criminal) to publicly release them, a felony, in fact!

26 U.S. Code § 7213 - Unauthorized disclosure of information​

Imagine that? Congress is committing a felony.
Trump minions are just like Osama bin Laden's wives. They are a bunch of clueless bitches that will stand up for anything he does.
Trump's taxes to be released to the public just like every President since Nixon.
If there is nothing big to expose, why did he not want them released.
We will see.

What's because he knows a witch-hunt when he sees one.

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