Trump's taxes to be released to the public just like every President since Nixon

Asshole, no president since Nixon has had tax returns that involved the financial dealings of many corporations, so of course there is something to expose, Trump's business structure to his stock owners and board of directors and competitors, which as soon as the democrats get hold of them will use to attack Trump with to drive him out of business and keep him out of office!

If there was anything really WRONG with Trump's taxes, the IRS would have caught it long long ago.

Correct me if I am wrong but I thought the tRump Organization was a privately held company therefore no stock holders. Is that not correct?
Correct me if I am wrong but I thought the tRump Organization was a privately held company therefore no stock holders. Is that not correct?

Imaginary stockholders and Trump's obligation to them are just the latest excuse.

Hell, I'm still waiting for the result of the investigation into Obama's Birth Certificate that Trump promised.
That's about the dumbest excuse I've heard all week.

With the simple vote of the Ways and Means Committee, the committee can disclose to the public whatever they'd like of an executive session, using the Rules of the House of Representatives.
With the simple vote of the Ways and Means Committee, the committee can disclose to the public whatever they'd like of an executive session, using the Rules of the House of Representatives.
The "committee" is illegal in the first place.
The "committee" is illegal in the first place.

Says you, citing yourself. And you're nobody.

Meanwhile, back in reality, the actual Ways and Means Committee asserted their authority to access Trump's tax records. With the appellant court both siding with the Ways and Means Committee and recognizing their authority to release private financial information to the public.

Our sources are not equal.
Your death fantasies aside, it does resolve the legal questions regarding the release of the tax returns. Its within the investigative and legislative processes authorized for the Ways and Means Committee to both collect and release them.

Which makes all these pseudo-legal declarations by our resident arm chair legal scholars to the contrary rather.......masturbatory.

So tell the class, what legislative end is being served?

So tell the class, what legislative end is being served?


Ask the Ways and Means Committee. They lay out their reasoning in the appellant court ruling I've been citing. I can give you the name if you'd like.

Its a solid argument. The appellant court recognized it as a valid legislative end and affirmed their authority based on it.

The Ways and Means Committee cited the same basis in their vote to release Trump's tax returns.

Ask the Ways and Means Committee. They lay out their reasoning in the appellant court ruling I've been citing. I can give you the name if you'd like.

Its a solid argument. The appellant court recognized it as a valid legislative end and affirmed their authority based on it.

The Ways and Means Committee cited the same basis in their vote to release Trump's tax returns.


OK, so what legislation has been drafted or put forward for a vote?

Trump's taxes to be released to the public just like every President since Nixon.
If there is nothing big to expose, why did he not want them released.
We will see.

The fact is there is no requirement for any president or candidate to release his tax returns or medical records in order to serve as president
If one wants to run for public office then we the people are entitled to see the tax returns.
Yeah, but it's still sounding a little fuzzy regarding what exactly will be released - and when. I've been watching it on CNN.

Oh, and BTW - Trump lied about being under audit. An audit never even started until the House and Ways Committee requested Trump's tax returns.
the article only says there wasn’t one during his time in office, not that there wasn’t one when he made that claim during the campaign.

this is much ado about nothing but petty dems trying to get back at the president. Most will be redacted, and there is nothing criminal going to be exposed…and will only be his time in office…

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