Trump's taxes to be released to the public just like every President since Nixon

You are showing what a dumbass you are.
What? Did I forget to pull my pants up again, exposing my ElmoMudd briefs?

They are asking for his personal tax returns not corporations he is involved with.
You really want to stick with that, Dummy?

One of his corporations was just found guilty of tax fraud.
By the IRS? Nope, but another anti-Trump Democrat who has made getting Trump by hook or crook their life mission. Surprise surprise. You're still an idiot as always. Do you ever get the sense that you are 30 points below the IQ of most other people here?

You should.
What? Did I forget to pull my pants up again, exposing my ElmoMudd briefs?

You really want to stick with that, Dummy?

By the IRS? Nope, but another anti-Trump Democrat who has made getting Trump by hook or crook their life mission. Surprise surprise. You're still an idiot as always. Do you ever get the sense that you are 30 points below the IQ of most other people here?

You should.

And here we go with more of the conspiracies!

You can always tell when you've won the debate when the deplorables have to invent a new conspiracy to bolster their failed worldview.
Trump is the one facing legal problems. But don't take my word for it, just ask his lawyers & listen to him go off the deep end on a daily basis as you cry over his troubles.
I’m not crying you ass obsessed retard. It’s merely been pointed out that it’s illegal to release tax returns without the person’s permission. They are private documents per court decisions. No matter how much you cry about it.
I’m not crying you ass obsessed retard. It’s merely been pointed out that it’s illegal to release tax returns without the person’s permission. They are private documents per court decisions. No matter how much you cry about it.

Which court decisions? Because the appellant court ruling of,




Found that the Ways and Means Committee had the authority to make private financial documents public as part of investigative and legislative processes with a full vote of the committee.

Which the committee just did.

Trump's taxes to be released to the public just like every President since Nixon​

LIAR. The last nine presidents of forty-six VOLUNTEERED to release their tax returns, they did not have a court order their release against their will in a witch-hunt looking for something they can find after digging through a man's life for seven years to finally be able to charge them with!
Which court decisions? Because the appellant court ruling of,




Found that the Ways and Means Committee had the authority to make private financial documents public as part of investigative and legislative processes with a full vote of the committee.

Which the committee just did.
Sorry you stupid fuck. It’s been posted multiple times in this very thread that it’s is ILLEGAL to release those returns without Trump’s permission. Period. Per the LAW. They can’t vote to perform an illegal act dim bulb. No matter how much you really really want them to. Orange Man Bad is not a legal reason. Keep flailing...
Sorry you stupid fuck. It’s been posted multiple times in this very thread that it’s is ILLEGAL to release those returns without Trump’s permission. Period. Per the LAW. They can’t vote to perform an illegal act dim bulb. No matter how much you really really want them to. Orange Man Bad is not a legal reason. Keep flailing...

Except it isn't. The 3 judge appellant ruling found that the Ways and Means Committee has the authority to release private financial information to the public as part of their investigative and legislative processes.

"The Trump Parties insist that the Request imposes too great a burden because it threatens to expose private financial information of the Trump Parties and will deny the Trump Parties their due process rights by interfering with an ongoing audit. These certainly are burdens on the Trump Parties. As discussed above, should the Committee find it necessary, it is possible that the information turned over to the Chairman might be made public. This is certainly inconvenient, but not to the extent that it represents an unconstitutional burden violating the separation of powers. Congressional investigations sometimes expose the private information of the entities, organizations, and individuals that they investigate. This does not make them overly burdensome. It is the nature of the investigative and legislative processes."

This ruling was upheld by the full appellant court. And upheld by the Supreme Court, without a single dissent.

Remember, and this point is important: You have no idea what you're talking about. It limits your ability to make coherent legal arguments. Or to recognize when the courts have dismantled your entire premise.
Except it isn't. The 3 judge appellant ruling found that the Ways and Means Committee has the authority to release private financial information to the public as part of their investigative and legislative processes.

"The Trump Parties insist that the Request imposes too great a burden because it threatens to expose private financial information of the Trump Parties and will deny the Trump Parties their due process rights by interfering with an ongoing audit. These certainly are burdens on the Trump Parties. As discussed above, should the Committee find it necessary, it is possible that the information turned over to the Chairman might be made public. This is certainly inconvenient, but not to the extent that it represents an unconstitutional burden violating the separation of powers. Congressional investigations sometimes expose the private information of the entities, organizations, and individuals that they investigate. This does not make them overly burdensome. It is the nature of the investigative and legislative processes."

This ruling was upheld by the full appellant court. And upheld by the Supreme Court, without a single dissent.

Remember, and this point is important: You have no idea what you're talking about. It limits your ability to make coherent legal arguments. Or to recognize when the courts have dismantled your entire premise.
Remember this. You have already been shown to be a liar with zero knowledge of what you’re talking about. This committee can not vote to perform an illegal act of releasing tax returns. That’s would mean Pelosi, Schumer, Biden, and every other Dem would have to have their returns published by anybody who asked for them. Which you wouldn’t then cry about. Now that you’ve been beaten again, next lie please. Remember, releasing to a COMMITTEE and releasing to the PUBLIC are not the same thing pinhead.
Remember this. You have already been shown to be a liar with zero knowledge of what you’re talking about. This committee can not vote to perform an illegal act of releasing tax returns. That’s would mean Pelosi, Schumer, Biden, and every other Dem would have to have their returns published by anybody who asked for them. Which you wouldn’t then cry about. Now that you’ve been beaten again, next lie please. Remember, releasing to a COMMITTEE and releasing to the PUBLIC are not the same thing pinhead.

Says you, citing you. But I'm not quoting me. I'm quoting the appellant court:

The Trump Parties insist that the Request imposes too great a burden because it threatens to expose private financial information of the Trump Parties and will deny the Trump Parties their due process rights by interfering with an ongoing audit. These certainly are burdens on the Trump Parties. As discussed above, should the Committee find it necessary, it is possible that the information turned over to the Chairman might be made public. This is certainly inconvenient, but not to the extent that it represents an unconstitutional burden violating the separation of powers. Congressional investigations sometimes expose the private information of the entities, organizations, and individuals that they investigate. This does not make them overly burdensome.
It is the nature of the investigative and legislative processes.

You say its illegal for the Ways and Means Committee to release that information. The appellant court affirms that its within the Ways and Means Commitee's power to do. Our sources are not equal.

Why would I or any rational person ignore the appellant court and instead believe you.....citing you? You don't know what you're talking about.
Says you, citing you. But I'm not quoting me. I'm quoting the appellant court:

The Trump Parties insist that the Request imposes too great a burden because it threatens to expose private financial information of the Trump Parties and will deny the Trump Parties their due process rights by interfering with an ongoing audit. These certainly are burdens on the Trump Parties. As discussed above, should the Committee find it necessary, it is possible that the information turned over to the Chairman might be made public. This is certainly inconvenient, but not to the extent that it represents an unconstitutional burden violating the separation of powers. Congressional investigations sometimes expose the private information of the entities, organizations, and individuals that they investigate. This does not make them overly burdensome.
It is the nature of the investigative and legislative processes.

You say its illegal for the Ways and Means Committee to release that information. The appellant court affirms that its within the Ways and Means Commitee's power to do. Our sources are not equal.

Why would I or any rational person ignore the appellant court and instead believe you.....citing you? You don't know what you're talking about.
No asswipe, you’re getting beaten here and in the other thread you’re spewing your verbal diarrhea in. The LAW says they can’t release those returns. They are private documents per court decision going back to Nixon you ignorant fuck. You can either STFU or keep showing how ignorant you are. By the way dumbfuck, the law I cite has been posted here multiple times. Your ignorance doesn’t make it go away.
No asswipe, you’re getting beaten here and in the other thread you’re spewing your verbal diarrhea in. The LAW says they can’t release those returns. They are private documents per court decision going back to Nixon you ignorant fuck. You can either STFU or keep showing how ignorant you are. By the way dumbfuck, the law I cite has been posted here multiple times. Your ignorance doesn’t make it go away.

The law....according to you. Citing yourself. Which is legally meaningless as you're nobody.

Meanwhile, the courts have found that the Ways and Means Committee *does* have the authority to both acquire Trump's tax returns and make them public.

You ignore the 3 judge appellant ruling, the full appellant court that upheld that ruling, and the Supreme Court that upheld that ruling without a single dissent....and insist you know better.

Nope. Try again.
The law....according to you. Citing yourself. Which is legally meaningless as you're nobody.

Meanwhile, the courts have found that the Ways and Means Committee *does* have the authority to both acquire Trump's tax returns and make them public.

You ignore the 3 judge appellant ruling, the full appellant court that upheld that ruling, and the Supreme Court that upheld that ruling without a single dissent....and insist you know better.

Nope. Try again.
Hey dummy. Your stupidity isn’t really surprising. Learn to read. The law I cited has been posted here multiple times. You just choose to ignore it because it causes your whole narrative to crumble. The committee still can not vote to perform an illegal act of leaking private documents. Period. Per THE LAW. Now dumbfuck, show us where SCOTUS has authorized a PUBLIC release of Trump’s tax returns. Not a committee or Congress thing. PUBLIC. You won’t because it isn’t there.
Hey dummy. Your stupidity isn’t really surprising. Learn to read. The law I cited has been posted here multiple times. You just choose to ignore it because it causes your whole narrative to crumble. The committee still can not vote to perform an illegal act of leaking private documents. Period. Per THE LAW. Now dumbfuck, show us where SCOTUS has authorized a PUBLIC release of Trump’s tax returns. Not a committee or Congress thing. PUBLIC. You won’t because it isn’t there.

The law was directly addressed by the court, that found that the Ways and Means Committee did have the authority to disclose the executive session to the public with a vote of the committee, per the rules of the House of Representatives.

However, despite no guarantee of confidentiality in the Chairman’s Request, the statute does address the Trump Parties’ concerns. “[A]ny return or return information which can be associated with, or otherwise identify, directly or indirectly, a particular taxpayer shall be furnished to such committee only when sitting in closed executive session unless such taxpayer otherwise consents in writing to such disclosure.” 26 U.S.C. § 6103(f)(1). What occurs during an executive session of a committee may not be disclosed to the public without a vote of the committee. Rules of the House of Representatives, 117th Cong., Rule XI, cl. 2(k)(7) (2021).

A ruling affirmed by the full appellant court and upheld unanimously by the Supreme Court.

Smiling.....but you know better than all of them, huh? Good luck with that.
Trump's taxes to be released to the public just like every President since Nixon.
If there is nothing big to expose, why did he not want them released.
We will see.

The trump Nazis believe their beloved leader's tax information is no one's business. Not so much that for a Democrat running for president. It's odd that Tricky Dick willingly gave his tax information to the public. After all, when his corruption was exposed, he resigned his office. While trump would openly boast of his corrupt acts to the press, but prosecutors and reporters ignored his endless braggadocio.

The wealthy media owners, most state attorneys general, and local district attorneys were opposed to any actions proposed to hold trump accountable. It was public pressure that pushed Pelosi to impeach the crook. Without that pressure Pelosi was content to see trump use the office of the President to cheat taxpayers, sell political favors, and line his pockets.

There is no law requiring the release of private documents. Tax returns have been deemed private documents by the courts since Nixon’s days. Releasing them would result in a lot of legal problems for those involved.

Don't bet on it with the Garland DOJ.

Don't bet on it with the Garland DOJ.


The appellant court has already affirmed that the Ways and Means Committee had the authority to both gain access to Trump's private finanacial information....and release them to the public.
The appellant court has already affirmed that the Ways and Means Committee had the authority to both gain access to Trump's private finanacial information....and release them to the public.

And I hope every fucking one of them dies a long slow deaths from covid. This has nothing to do with their official congressional duties, it's just spite. So let justice be done.

And I hope every fucking one of them dies a long slow deaths from covid. This has nothing to do with their official congressional duties, it's just spite. So let justice be done.


Your death fantasies aside, it does resolve the legal questions regarding the release of the tax returns. Its within the investigative and legislative processes authorized for the Ways and Means Committee to both collect and release them.

Which makes all these pseudo-legal declarations by our resident arm chair legal scholars to the contrary rather.......masturbatory.

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