Trump's taxes to be released to the public just like every President since Nixon

Hell yes we want to find something!


Yeah, fortunately, that's not how the law works.
It took 3 years for Chairman Neal of the House Ways and Means Committee to get Trump tax returns - even though it's a law and should have been done immediately.
You're right, it is the law, so if it took 3 years for ways and means to get them, then obviously they weren't going through proper channels to get them.

Rather than abide by the law, congress was trying to force the issue outside of the law, without the need for executive session, which is the law, and eventually, they got them to do it, likely so they could do what they are doing now, which is why it took 3 years.
Perhaps it's time for the law. Would deter alot of shysters from running. The average person would have no problems letting people see them. But when it comes to Uber wealthy then there's an issue. Why?
Aw, gee, how about SCOTUS.
All scotus did is remove the block Trump was trying to prevent access to his returns. Congress still has to operate inside the law in order to get them, and they still have to abide by the law once they have them.

Also, the Constitutions unreasonable search and seizure clause still protects the president, meaning, congress, no matter how much they think Trump is a bad guy, still needs to have a reason to access his returns. Simply "we need to see what's in them to see if he committed a crime" is not a legitimate reason, just like the police won't get a search warrant unless they have probable cause, and they know what they are looking for.
Yeah, but who honestly expected Trump to keep his word on the matter?

I'm still waiting for what his 'investigators in Hawaii' found out on Obama's Birth Certificate.

I won't be holding my breath on either promise.
It was one of his earliest lies. He has taken prevarication to new extents.
If you can read the link tells yous the law that allows the IRS to release the tax forms to the committees when they request them and the committee can vote to release the documents to the public as long as the private information is blocked out. It is in the links I posted.
If have read through that to find the last relative to the law which allows them to release the information to the public, please point to the clause, because all you've done here is just post a 20+ page section of tax law that nobody is going to read through.
If have read through that to find the last relative to the law which allows them to release the information to the public, please point to the clause, because all you've done here is just post a 20+ page section of tax law that nobody is going to read through.
If you can't read it is not my fault
I'm ambivelent. The Ways and Means Committee has every authority to release the returns. But I don't know that there is much point to it.
They shouldn’t have to. The President should have released them as promised. It’s about transparency and a warning to the next president who doesn’t release them.
Trump's taxes to be released to the public just like every President since Nixon.
If there is nothing big to expose, why did he not want them released.
We will see. asked why a president while in office did not want his tax returns released for the hostile media to scrutinize and bloviate about his discrepancies that know know nothing about? Really? You really asked why he did not want them released?

FYI, Einstein.......he was the most scrutinized president in history and if you think the IRS didn't look for issues in his returns then you are delusional. asked why a president while in office did not want his tax returns released for the hostile media to scrutinize and bloviate about his discrepancies that know know nothing about? Really? You really asked why he did not want them released?

FYI, Einstein.......he was the most scrutinized president in history and if you think the IRS didn't look for issues in his returns then you are delusional.
He had a loan for millions that he had gotten from a foreign govt. which he did not disclose in his financial disclosures to Congress when becoming president.
If the Democrats do release his returns then they own what comes next because they have no reason to do this except to play politics as usual…
What comes next? Biden releasing his taxes?

He already did that
They shouldn’t have to. The President should have released them as promised. It’s about transparency and a warning to the next president who doesn’t release them.
The President is not required to....the majority of President haven't. I grant you, this is a big deal....this is a big warning from the Demafascsit, that if you cross the party, they will abuse their offices, and power to come after you and they don't care about the law, or your rights.

Thank you for reminding us, just how important it is, to make sure they are never in power again

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