Trumps travel ban. Times up

Trumps Travel ban has been explained as a 90 day moratorium on travel from a handful of countries so that extreme vetting measures can be established.

Although the travel restrictions have been blocked by the courts there have been no restrictions to prevent him from improving our vetting measures. Had the ban not been blocked, the 90 day period would have long expired. So what does he have to show for it from a vetting standpoint?

Is he really trying to improve vetting or is he just trying to block people from traveling here and gain a political victory to a hateful base?

Please help me understand Trumps goals in relation to the 90 day timeframe and extreme vetting initiatives.
After the latest Muzzie terror attack in London, that 90 days now extends out to "Indefinitely" - until we say so... a 5-4 SCOTUS should help with that.
Interesting. So you think the 90 days was to get the ball rolling on an indefinite travel ban. I think that is what the liberals are seeing as his motive here and why it is being blocked by the courts. Extreme vetting means no entry, I think you are on to something.

I support it, mind you; I think Islam at-large is the last global Warrior Religion; inherently and irredeemably hostile to The West; water & oil; best we remain separated, over time.

That said, I have no problem with the idea of speculating that Drumpf's stupidly and clumsily -executed 90-day ban on SOME Muslim countries is merely the tip of the iceberg.

If that's the true behind-the-scenes motive, then, for once, and in this very narrow context, he's on to something; it's just that he can't execute in Washington worth $hit.

And that's all on him - his deficiencies and ignorance and arrogance - and not a reflection on The System.
I completely diasagree with what you are supporting but I appreciate your honesty about it. Nice to have straight forward honest debate without all the stupid partisan spin
Trumps Travel ban has been explained as a 90 day moratorium on travel from a handful of countries so that extreme vetting measures can be established.

Although the travel restrictions have been blocked by the courts there have been no restrictions to prevent him from improving our vetting measures. Had the ban not been blocked, the 90 day period would have long expired. So what does he have to show for it from a vetting standpoint?

Is he really trying to improve vetting or is he just trying to block people from traveling here and gain a political victory to a hateful base?

Please help me understand Trumps goals in relation to the 90 day timeframe and extreme vetting initiatives.

It's winning under the Supreme's court
Trumps Travel ban has been explained as a 90 day moratorium on travel from a handful of countries so that extreme vetting measures can be established.

Although the travel restrictions have been blocked by the courts there have been no restrictions to prevent him from improving our vetting measures. Had the ban not been blocked, the 90 day period would have long expired. So what does he have to show for it from a vetting standpoint?

Is he really trying to improve vetting or is he just trying to block people from traveling here and gain a political victory to a hateful base?

Please help me understand Trumps goals in relation to the 90 day timeframe and extreme vetting initiatives.
After the latest Muzzie terror attack in London, that 90 days now extends out to "Indefinitely" - until we say so... a 5-4 SCOTUS should help with that.
Interesting. So you think the 90 days was to get the ball rolling on an indefinite travel ban. I think that is what the liberals are seeing as his motive here and why it is being blocked by the courts. Extreme vetting means no entry, I think you are on to something.

I support it, mind you; I think Islam at-large is the last global Warrior Religion; inherently and irredeemably hostile to The West; water & oil; best we remain separated, over time.

That said, I have no problem with the idea of speculating that Drumpf's stupidly and clumsily -executed 90-day ban on SOME Muslim countries is merely the tip of the iceberg.

If that's the true behind-the-scenes motive, then, for once, and in this very narrow context, he's on to something; it's just that he can't execute in Washington worth $hit.

And that's all on him - his deficiencies and ignorance and arrogance - and not a reflection on The System.
I completely diasagree with what you are supporting but I appreciate your honesty about it. Nice to have straight forward honest debate without all the stupid partisan spin

It's sending a message..
Trumps Travel ban has been explained as a 90 day moratorium on travel from a handful of countries so that extreme vetting measures can be established.

Although the travel restrictions have been blocked by the courts there have been no restrictions to prevent him from improving our vetting measures. Had the ban not been blocked, the 90 day period would have long expired. So what does he have to show for it from a vetting standpoint?

Is he really trying to improve vetting or is he just trying to block people from traveling here and gain a political victory to a hateful base?

Please help me understand Trumps goals in relation to the 90 day timeframe and extreme vetting initiatives.

This is some kind of Left talking point that stems from ignorance of the Court decision. The Admin was enjoined from WORKING on or implementing the travel ban. There IS no "clock running"..
What are you talking about? It was a 90 day pause on travel so extreme vetting could be instituted. 90 days is long over where's the vetting. This isn't a talking point? Have you heard it used anywhere? It's just me looking at a situation that isn't quite making sense. Care to explain it for me? So far Kondor has given the explaination that is making the most sense
equal opportunity for the World makes no sense . Let them build their own opportunity Slade . Only reason for importing Chinese was to build rail roads and not some silly idea of Equal Opportunity Slade !!
That's your opinion... I want the best of the best coming here and making America the great nation that it is like we've done for hundreds of years
Trumps Travel ban has been explained as a 90 day moratorium on travel from a handful of countries so that extreme vetting measures can be established.

Although the travel restrictions have been blocked by the courts there have been no restrictions to prevent him from improving our vetting measures. Had the ban not been blocked, the 90 day period would have long expired. So what does he have to show for it from a vetting standpoint?

Is he really trying to improve vetting or is he just trying to block people from traveling here and gain a political victory to a hateful base?

Please help me understand Trumps goals in relation to the 90 day timeframe and extreme vetting initiatives.
He's trying to keep muslim butchers out of the country. Why do you want them here?
I dont want Muslim butchers here. I'd like to see what this "extreme vetting" plan is, don't you? Where is it?
The liberal scum keep blocking it.
Do you really not understand the question or are you punting around it because you can't answer. I'm asking about the vetting. 90 days is up
No, they are not. The courts have blocked the travel restriction which included the vetting. If Trump had tried to implement the new vetting while under court injunction, there would have been a real legal issue, instead of these phony obstruction issues.

So, the travel restriction 90 days along with the heightened vetting program will begin the day after the SCOTUS hands the appellate court their asses.
What is your source for this information about the heightened vetting program? I'd like to see it in more detail.
equal opportunity for the World makes no sense . Let them build their own opportunity Slade . Only reason for importing Chinese was to build rail roads and not some silly idea of Equal Opportunity Slade !!
That's your opinion... I want the best of the best coming here and making America the great nation that it is like we've done for hundreds of years
-------------------------------------------- sure its my reasoning and opinion countering your opinion Slade .
Trumps Travel ban has been explained as a 90 day moratorium on travel from a handful of countries so that extreme vetting measures can be established.

Although the travel restrictions have been blocked by the courts there have been no restrictions to prevent him from improving our vetting measures. Had the ban not been blocked, the 90 day period would have long expired. So what does he have to show for it from a vetting standpoint?

Is he really trying to improve vetting or is he just trying to block people from traveling here and gain a political victory to a hateful base?

Please help me understand Trumps goals in relation to the 90 day timeframe and extreme vetting initiatives.
After the latest Muzzie terror attack in London, that 90 days now extends out to "Indefinitely" - until we say so... a 5-4 SCOTUS should help with that.
Interesting. So you think the 90 days was to get the ball rolling on an indefinite travel ban. I think that is what the liberals are seeing as his motive here and why it is being blocked by the courts. Extreme vetting means no entry, I think you are on to something.

I support it, mind you; I think Islam at-large is the last global Warrior Religion; inherently and irredeemably hostile to The West; water & oil; best we remain separated, over time.

That said, I have no problem with the idea of speculating that Drumpf's stupidly and clumsily -executed 90-day ban on SOME Muslim countries is merely the tip of the iceberg.

If that's the true behind-the-scenes motive, then, for once, and in this very narrow context, he's on to something; it's just that he can't execute in Washington worth $hit.

And that's all on him - his deficiencies and ignorance and arrogance - and not a reflection on The System.
I completely diasagree with what you are supporting but I appreciate your honesty about it. Nice to have straight forward honest debate without all the stupid partisan spin

It's sending a message..
So extreme vetting was all BS... he wants to ban Muslims to send a message? Ok got it
equal opportunity for the World makes no sense . Let them build their own opportunity Slade . Only reason for importing Chinese was to build rail roads and not some silly idea of Equal Opportunity Slade !!
That's your opinion... I want the best of the best coming here and making America the great nation that it is like we've done for hundreds of years
-------------------------------------------- sure its my reasoning and opinion countering your opinion Slade .
That's fine, thanks for sharing
Trumps Travel ban has been explained as a 90 day moratorium on travel from a handful of countries so that extreme vetting measures can be established.

Although the travel restrictions have been blocked by the courts there have been no restrictions to prevent him from improving our vetting measures. Had the ban not been blocked, the 90 day period would have long expired. So what does he have to show for it from a vetting standpoint?

Is he really trying to improve vetting or is he just trying to block people from traveling here and gain a political victory to a hateful base?

Please help me understand Trumps goals in relation to the 90 day timeframe and extreme vetting initiatives.

It's winning under the Supreme's court
------------------------------- hope so Bear !!
He's trying to keep muslim butchers out of the country. Why do you want them here?
I dont want Muslim butchers here. I'd like to see what this "extreme vetting" plan is, don't you? Where is it?
The liberal scum keep blocking it.
Do you really not understand the question or are you punting around it because you can't answer. I'm asking about the vetting. 90 days is up
No, they are not. The courts have blocked the travel restriction which included the vetting. If Trump had tried to implement the new vetting while under court injunction, there would have been a real legal issue, instead of these phony obstruction issues.

So, the travel restriction 90 days along with the heightened vetting program will begin the day after the SCOTUS hands the appellate court their asses.
What is your source for this information about the heightened vetting program? I'd like to see it in more detail.
Read the EO.
gotta ask Trump I suppose , anything coming from this board is simply speculation I guess . All I hope for is that he has made it harder for muslims to enter the USA but I sure don't know and I don't think anyone else on this board knows . Just my GUESS Trouble .
agreed... sure be great if our media would ask those types of questions instead of loading up the gotchyas and digging for more drama

No. The media is too busy attacking Trump with fake news. They could ask those questions, but no one has time.
Muslims - We want to KILL Americans

Liberals - We welcome you, just remember after you are done killing Americans vote Dem.

Actually, for the liberals that would be: We welcome you, just remember that before you kill Americans, be sure to vote Democrat so we can make it much easier for you to kill Americans, preferably conservatives.
I dont want Muslim butchers here. I'd like to see what this "extreme vetting" plan is, don't you? Where is it?
The liberal scum keep blocking it.
Do you really not understand the question or are you punting around it because you can't answer. I'm asking about the vetting. 90 days is up
No, they are not. The courts have blocked the travel restriction which included the vetting. If Trump had tried to implement the new vetting while under court injunction, there would have been a real legal issue, instead of these phony obstruction issues.

So, the travel restriction 90 days along with the heightened vetting program will begin the day after the SCOTUS hands the appellate court their asses.
What is your source for this information about the heightened vetting program? I'd like to see it in more detail.
Read the EO.
I did read it. Section 2 covers the vetting measures but basically just says that DNI, SHS and the SOS shall evaluate the vetting in those 7 countries and submit a report. There are no specifics about improving any vetting measures. I see no reason why they can't be evaluating the situation right now if they don't already have action items to take.... that's exactly what they should be doing now, they don't need an executive order to evaluate vetting processes and make them better... that's their job
maybe they are conservative by their meaning of the word conservative but that doesn't mean that they are American style Conservatives adhereing to Western / American law , tradition and ways of doing things Slade .
maybe they are conservative by their meaning of the word conservative but that doesn't mean that they are American style Conservatives adhereing to Western / American law , tradition and ways of doing things Slade .
Can you provide a few examples please?
The UK is a target right now because it is too soft on lslamic terrorism. There is probably a correlation between origins and travels of the terrorists and US Travel banned countries. You people insist on making this a 100 percent Muslim ban which is false. The truth is, the travel bannec countries are fertile hot beds for Islamo extremist terror and present a threat to the West. Stop perpetuating the lie that this is an outright ban on Muslims.

Better yet, ask the Democrats to run on removing Obama's travel ban that Trump approved and is continuing. See how far that gets you.
Care to address the OP and answer the question about vetting?
Care to stop bullshitting? Terrorist can't be vetted. Block them all.
Block all muslims or block everyone from those restricted countries?

The Left does not want to vet. Vetting means background checks, surveillance, it all takes time. Further, how accurate is vetting a person from Yemen vs someone from New Jersey? Here's a solution, if someone wants in to the US from one of the 7 banned countries and valid data is lacking, they need to understand the situation and that their circumstance of entry to the US from a hostile territory is not the same as one from a friendly or at least territory where valid data is available to mitigate the probability that they are a threat. Come up with a process where the emigrating person has some onus or skin in the game to get themselves vetted. But then, that still won't be good enough for the Left
Again you dodge the question and jump to the partisan attacks. I guess we all know the answer, that there is no plan for the extreme vetting, all he's got so far is ban Muslims starting with the ones in the 7 countries from the EO

Partisan aside, 7 countries represent a terrorist threat to Western Countries. Are you building the case for these people to come unvetted or building a case for extreme vetting or are you simply playing politics because your hatred for Trump's victory exceeds your care for Western Civilization safety? My bet is that former.
Care to address the OP and answer the question about vetting?
Care to stop bullshitting? Terrorist can't be vetted. Block them all.
Block all muslims or block everyone from those restricted countries?

The Left does not want to vet. Vetting means background checks, surveillance, it all takes time. Further, how accurate is vetting a person from Yemen vs someone from New Jersey? Here's a solution, if someone wants in to the US from one of the 7 banned countries and valid data is lacking, they need to understand the situation and that their circumstance of entry to the US from a hostile territory is not the same as one from a friendly or at least territory where valid data is available to mitigate the probability that they are a threat. Come up with a process where the emigrating person has some onus or skin in the game to get themselves vetted. But then, that still won't be good enough for the Left
Again you dodge the question and jump to the partisan attacks. I guess we all know the answer, that there is no plan for the extreme vetting, all he's got so far is ban Muslims starting with the ones in the 7 countries from the EO

Partisan aside, 7 countries represent a terrorist threat to Western Countries. Are you building the case for these people to come unvetted or building a case for extreme vetting or are you simply playing politics because your hatred for Trump's victory exceeds your care for Western Civilization safety? My bet is that former.
If you're asking what I support it is absolutely better vetting for any country or area that needs improvement.
Care to stop bullshitting? Terrorist can't be vetted. Block them all.
Block all muslims or block everyone from those restricted countries?

The Left does not want to vet. Vetting means background checks, surveillance, it all takes time. Further, how accurate is vetting a person from Yemen vs someone from New Jersey? Here's a solution, if someone wants in to the US from one of the 7 banned countries and valid data is lacking, they need to understand the situation and that their circumstance of entry to the US from a hostile territory is not the same as one from a friendly or at least territory where valid data is available to mitigate the probability that they are a threat. Come up with a process where the emigrating person has some onus or skin in the game to get themselves vetted. But then, that still won't be good enough for the Left
Again you dodge the question and jump to the partisan attacks. I guess we all know the answer, that there is no plan for the extreme vetting, all he's got so far is ban Muslims starting with the ones in the 7 countries from the EO

Partisan aside, 7 countries represent a terrorist threat to Western Countries. Are you building the case for these people to come unvetted or building a case for extreme vetting or are you simply playing politics because your hatred for Trump's victory exceeds your care for Western Civilization safety? My bet is that former.
If you're asking what I support it is absolutely better vetting for any country or area that needs improvement.

What does "Better Vetting" mean to you. Please describe in details.
Block all muslims or block everyone from those restricted countries?

The Left does not want to vet. Vetting means background checks, surveillance, it all takes time. Further, how accurate is vetting a person from Yemen vs someone from New Jersey? Here's a solution, if someone wants in to the US from one of the 7 banned countries and valid data is lacking, they need to understand the situation and that their circumstance of entry to the US from a hostile territory is not the same as one from a friendly or at least territory where valid data is available to mitigate the probability that they are a threat. Come up with a process where the emigrating person has some onus or skin in the game to get themselves vetted. But then, that still won't be good enough for the Left
Again you dodge the question and jump to the partisan attacks. I guess we all know the answer, that there is no plan for the extreme vetting, all he's got so far is ban Muslims starting with the ones in the 7 countries from the EO

Partisan aside, 7 countries represent a terrorist threat to Western Countries. Are you building the case for these people to come unvetted or building a case for extreme vetting or are you simply playing politics because your hatred for Trump's victory exceeds your care for Western Civilization safety? My bet is that former.
If you're asking what I support it is absolutely better vetting for any country or area that needs improvement.

What does "Better Vetting" mean to you. Please describe in details.
I can't, from my research we have close to a 2 year vetting process that looks pretty damn thorough. I heard reports during the campaign saying that some areas are hard to vett, then I heard a bunch of rhetoric from Trump about how bad our vetting is... so now that he is im charge I'd just like to see his plan to fix the bad vetting system. If banning Muslims or banning everybody from 6 counties is all he can come up with them that's pretty weak

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