Trumps travel ban. Times up

Trumps Travel ban has been explained as a 90 day moratorium on travel from a handful of countries so that extreme vetting measures can be established.

Although the travel restrictions have been blocked by the courts there have been no restrictions to prevent him from improving our vetting measures. Had the ban not been blocked, the 90 day period would have long expired. So what does he have to show for it from a vetting standpoint?

Is he really trying to improve vetting or is he just trying to block people from traveling here and gain a political victory to a hateful base?

Please help me understand Trumps goals in relation to the 90 day timeframe and extreme vetting initiatives.

The UK is a target right now because it is too soft on lslamic terrorism. There is probably a correlation between origins and travels of the terrorists and US Travel banned countries. You people insist on making this a 100 percent Muslim ban which is false. The truth is, the travel bannec countries are fertile hot beds for Islamo extremist terror and present a threat to the West. Stop perpetuating the lie that this is an outright ban on Muslims.

Better yet, ask the Democrats to run on removing Obama's travel ban that Trump approved and is continuing. See how far that gets you.
Care to address the OP and answer the question about vetting?
We should engage our Commerce Clause and stop creating more terrorists, with our non-existent, common Offense clause.
Trumps Travel ban has been explained as a 90 day moratorium on travel from a handful of countries so that extreme vetting measures can be established.

Although the travel restrictions have been blocked by the courts there have been no restrictions to prevent him from improving our vetting measures. Had the ban not been blocked, the 90 day period would have long expired. So what does he have to show for it from a vetting standpoint?

Is he really trying to improve vetting or is he just trying to block people from traveling here and gain a political victory to a hateful base?

Please help me understand Trumps goals in relation to the 90 day timeframe and extreme vetting initiatives.
After the latest Muzzie terror attack in London, that 90 days now extends out to "Indefinitely" - until we say so... a 5-4 SCOTUS should help with that.
Interesting. So you think the 90 days was to get the ball rolling on an indefinite travel ban. I think that is what the liberals are seeing as his motive here and why it is being blocked by the courts. Extreme vetting means no entry, I think you are on to something.
Did you know, that tourism is the first, second, and third largest employer, in twenty-nine States?
Trumps Travel ban has been explained as a 90 day moratorium on travel from a handful of countries so that extreme vetting measures can be established.

Although the travel restrictions have been blocked by the courts there have been no restrictions to prevent him from improving our vetting measures. Had the ban not been blocked, the 90 day period would have long expired. So what does he have to show for it from a vetting standpoint?

Is he really trying to improve vetting or is he just trying to block people from traveling here and gain a political victory to a hateful base?

Please help me understand Trumps goals in relation to the 90 day timeframe and extreme vetting initiatives.

The UK is a target right now because it is too soft on lslamic terrorism. There is probably a correlation between origins and travels of the terrorists and US Travel banned countries. You people insist on making this a 100 percent Muslim ban which is false. The truth is, the travel bannec countries are fertile hot beds for Islamo extremist terror and present a threat to the West. Stop perpetuating the lie that this is an outright ban on Muslims.

Better yet, ask the Democrats to run on removing Obama's travel ban that Trump approved and is continuing. See how far that gets you.
Care to address the OP and answer the question about vetting?
Care to stop bullshitting? Terrorist can't be vetted. Block them all.
We have a Commerce Clause, not a Socialism on a National basis clause.
Trumps Travel ban has been explained as a 90 day moratorium on travel from a handful of countries so that extreme vetting measures can be established.

Although the travel restrictions have been blocked by the courts there have been no restrictions to prevent him from improving our vetting measures. Had the ban not been blocked, the 90 day period would have long expired. So what does he have to show for it from a vetting standpoint?

Is he really trying to improve vetting or is he just trying to block people from traveling here and gain a political victory to a hateful base?

Please help me understand Trumps goals in relation to the 90 day timeframe and extreme vetting initiatives.
He's trying to keep muslim butchers out of the country. Why do you want them here?
I dont want Muslim butchers here. I'd like to see what this "extreme vetting" plan is, don't you? Where is it? IS a religious ban. So much for that pesky 1st Amendment, eh?
It's a terrorist ban. You can call it whatever your America hating ass wants.
Vandal imitators? Why make new laws.
Trumps Travel ban has been explained as a 90 day moratorium on travel from a handful of countries so that extreme vetting measures can be established.

Although the travel restrictions have been blocked by the courts there have been no restrictions to prevent him from improving our vetting measures. Had the ban not been blocked, the 90 day period would have long expired. So what does he have to show for it from a vetting standpoint?

Is he really trying to improve vetting or is he just trying to block people from traveling here and gain a political victory to a hateful base?

Please help me understand Trumps goals in relation to the 90 day timeframe and extreme vetting initiatives.
After the latest Muzzie terror attack in London, that 90 days now extends out to "Indefinitely" - until we say so... a 5-4 SCOTUS should help with that.
Interesting. So you think the 90 days was to get the ball rolling on an indefinite travel ban. I think that is what the liberals are seeing as his motive here and why it is being blocked by the courts. Extreme vetting means no entry, I think you are on to something.
------------------------------- hope so , also hope that Trump gets his favorable ruling , lets get that ball rolling . As I have often asked , why are any more or any muslim imports needed in the USA Slade .
Because, the right wing likes to burden You, with a common Offense.
Trumps Travel ban has been explained as a 90 day moratorium on travel from a handful of countries so that extreme vetting measures can be established.

Although the travel restrictions have been blocked by the courts there have been no restrictions to prevent him from improving our vetting measures. Had the ban not been blocked, the 90 day period would have long expired. So what does he have to show for it from a vetting standpoint?

Is he really trying to improve vetting or is he just trying to block people from traveling here and gain a political victory to a hateful base?

Please help me understand Trumps goals in relation to the 90 day timeframe and extreme vetting initiatives.
Hes trying to prevent the muslim problem in Europe, from happening in the US. I guess left leaning judges dont want him to do that, so we are fucked.

There is no Muslim problem in Europe. There is a terrorist problem, but since more Muslims have died trying to fight these extremists for you to call this a muslin problem is ignorant.
Trumps Travel ban has been explained as a 90 day moratorium on travel from a handful of countries so that extreme vetting measures can be established.

Although the travel restrictions have been blocked by the courts there have been no restrictions to prevent him from improving our vetting measures. Had the ban not been blocked, the 90 day period would have long expired. So what does he have to show for it from a vetting standpoint?

Is he really trying to improve vetting or is he just trying to block people from traveling here and gain a political victory to a hateful base?

Please help me understand Trumps goals in relation to the 90 day timeframe and extreme vetting initiatives.
I am not hateful and i resent you saying any different based on nothing more than a difference of opinion you may have with me.

I voted for Trump and I supported temporarily limiting travel until they could adapt a more effective screening process.

With that said, your asking a fair question that i hope someone can answer. Ild like to know what steps have been taken

Sent from my SM-G920P using Tapatalk
I don't think you are hateful just for supporting Trump or the travel ban, I wasn't implying that. I was speaking to the people like Miketx and others that don't want any Muslims In this country. Concerns over our safety are very real and fair, so I'd like to see solutions. The 90 day travel ban as I understood it was so they could make vetting better, so I'm just trying to find out what they have done
mostly all talk and mostly no action.
Trumps Travel ban has been explained as a 90 day moratorium on travel from a handful of countries so that extreme vetting measures can be established.

Although the travel restrictions have been blocked by the courts there have been no restrictions to prevent him from improving our vetting measures. Had the ban not been blocked, the 90 day period would have long expired. So what does he have to show for it from a vetting standpoint?

Is he really trying to improve vetting or is he just trying to block people from traveling here and gain a political victory to a hateful base?

Please help me understand Trumps goals in relation to the 90 day timeframe and extreme vetting initiatives.

The UK is a target right now because it is too soft on lslamic terrorism. There is probably a correlation between origins and travels of the terrorists and US Travel banned countries. You people insist on making this a 100 percent Muslim ban which is false. The truth is, the travel bannec countries are fertile hot beds for Islamo extremist terror and present a threat to the West. Stop perpetuating the lie that this is an outright ban on Muslims.

Better yet, ask the Democrats to run on removing Obama's travel ban that Trump approved and is continuing. See how far that gets you.
Care to address the OP and answer the question about vetting?
Care to stop bullshitting? Terrorist can't be vetted. Block them all.
Block all muslims or block everyone from those restricted countries?
----------------------- block ALL muslim but the 6 countries is a good start in my opinion Slade .
Why is that?
Trumps Travel ban has been explained as a 90 day moratorium on travel from a handful of countries so that extreme vetting measures can be established.

Although the travel restrictions have been blocked by the courts there have been no restrictions to prevent him from improving our vetting measures. Had the ban not been blocked, the 90 day period would have long expired. So what does he have to show for it from a vetting standpoint?

Is he really trying to improve vetting or is he just trying to block people from traveling here and gain a political victory to a hateful base?

Please help me understand Trumps goals in relation to the 90 day timeframe and extreme vetting initiatives.

or is he just trying to block people from traveling here and gain a political victory to a hateful base?

Nailed it right there. Trump will pick his ego over America every time, and his base of inbreds are happy to stroke it.

Trumps Travel ban has been explained as a 90 day moratorium on travel from a handful of countries so that extreme vetting measures can be established.

Although the travel restrictions have been blocked by the courts there have been no restrictions to prevent him from improving our vetting measures. Had the ban not been blocked, the 90 day period would have long expired. So what does he have to show for it from a vetting standpoint?

Is he really trying to improve vetting or is he just trying to block people from traveling here and gain a political victory to a hateful base?

Please help me understand Trumps goals in relation to the 90 day timeframe and extreme vetting initiatives.

The UK is a target right now because it is too soft on lslamic terrorism. There is probably a correlation between origins and travels of the terrorists and US Travel banned countries. You people insist on making this a 100 percent Muslim ban which is false. The truth is, the travel bannec countries are fertile hot beds for Islamo extremist terror and present a threat to the West. Stop perpetuating the lie that this is an outright ban on Muslims.

Better yet, ask the Democrats to run on removing Obama's travel ban that Trump approved and is continuing. See how far that gets you.

I will explain this for you Slade---------->

It is now a political question of the Commander and Chiefs powers. So much has been made from both sides, that he can, or can NOT do this, the question needs answered. The constitution says he can. The lower courts claim he can NOT.
Where does the Constitution say he can? In right wing fantasy.
Trumps Travel ban has been explained as a 90 day moratorium on travel from a handful of countries so that extreme vetting measures can be established.

Although the travel restrictions have been blocked by the courts there have been no restrictions to prevent him from improving our vetting measures. Had the ban not been blocked, the 90 day period would have long expired. So what does he have to show for it from a vetting standpoint?

Is he really trying to improve vetting or is he just trying to block people from traveling here and gain a political victory to a hateful base?

Please help me understand Trumps goals in relation to the 90 day timeframe and extreme vetting initiatives.
I am not hateful and i resent you saying any different based on nothing more than a difference of opinion you may have with me.

I voted for Trump and I supported temporarily limiting travel until they could adapt a more effective screening process.

With that said, your asking a fair question that i hope someone can answer. Ild like to know what steps have been taken

Sent from my SM-G920P using Tapatalk
I don't think you are hateful just for supporting Trump or the travel ban, I wasn't implying that. I was speaking to the people like Miketx and others that don't want any Muslims In this country. Concerns over our safety are very real and fair, so I'd like to see solutions. The 90 day travel ban as I understood it was so they could make vetting better, so I'm just trying to find out what they have done
Anyone who wants those animals here is insane.
Just Standard, right wing "hate on the poor"?
Trumps Travel ban has been explained as a 90 day moratorium on travel from a handful of countries so that extreme vetting measures can be established.

Although the travel restrictions have been blocked by the courts there have been no restrictions to prevent him from improving our vetting measures. Had the ban not been blocked, the 90 day period would have long expired. So what does he have to show for it from a vetting standpoint?

Is he really trying to improve vetting or is he just trying to block people from traveling here and gain a political victory to a hateful base?

Please help me understand Trumps goals in relation to the 90 day timeframe and extreme vetting initiatives.

The UK is a target right now because it is too soft on lslamic terrorism. There is probably a correlation between origins and travels of the terrorists and US Travel banned countries. You people insist on making this a 100 percent Muslim ban which is false. The truth is, the travel bannec countries are fertile hot beds for Islamo extremist terror and present a threat to the West. Stop perpetuating the lie that this is an outright ban on Muslims.

Better yet, ask the Democrats to run on removing Obama's travel ban that Trump approved and is continuing. See how far that gets you.
Care to address the OP and answer the question about vetting?
Care to stop bullshitting? Terrorist can't be vetted. Block them all.
Block all muslims or block everyone from those restricted countries?

The Left does not want to vet. Vetting means background checks, surveillance, it all takes time. Further, how accurate is vetting a person from Yemen vs someone from New Jersey? Here's a solution, if someone wants in to the US from one of the 7 banned countries and valid data is lacking, they need to understand the situation and that their circumstance of entry to the US from a hostile territory is not the same as one from a friendly or at least territory where valid data is available to mitigate the probability that they are a threat. Come up with a process where the emigrating person has some onus or skin in the game to get themselves vetted. But then, that still won't be good enough for the Left
No more than background investigations are a solution for gun lovers.
Trumps Travel ban has been explained as a 90 day moratorium on travel from a handful of countries so that extreme vetting measures can be established.

Although the travel restrictions have been blocked by the courts there have been no restrictions to prevent him from improving our vetting measures.

1. Slade demonstrates in his title how radical leftist and the FAKE NEWS propaganda media have to distort and lie about Trump's proposed program in order to oppose it. 'Trump's 'Travel Ban''. He goes on to admit it is not a 'ban' at all but merely a 90-day delay which gives the US Govt time to thoroughly 'vet' people coming form highly populated / 'infected' terrorist regions.

Former President Obama originally put 6 nations on a list of terrorist-threat nations. He admitted that his vetting process was extremely flawed. His own Intel agencies declared ISIS had infiltrated the ranks of Syrian 'refugees' while Obama was bringing in Syrian Refugees into the US. Driving home the exclamation point behind the reason Obama put these nations on a list and his admission that his vetting process was / is flawed, a terrorist to whom Obama gave a visa and welcomed into the country murdered 7 Americans in California.
-- Just days before the attack, while in Europe, Obama MOCKED Americans for their voiced concerns for our National Security and their safety, declaring all they had to fear was 'widows and orphans'. The terrorist who killed the 7 Americans in Ca was neither. Obama and the terrorist attack only proved American concern for our national security and their safety was VALID.
*** Obama never apologized for mocking US citizens just before the deadly terrorist attack on US soil. Instead, he sent out his US AG to threaten any American who exercised their Constitutional Right of Free Speech by condemning the Islamist Extremist attack with prosecution.

There was no liberal condemnation of Obama's heinous behavior of his protectionist reaction against American citizens in order to protect / defend Islamic Extremists. Comparatively, after the Islamic Extremist attacks in England, liberals / snowflakes are attacking Trump / calling Trump a 'POS' for wanting to protect American citizens by imposing a 90-Day Travel DELAY to thoroughly investigate anyone coming from those 6 countries OBAMA identified as threats to the United States.

2. Perhaps the OP should do some research and educate himself before posting 'Fake News'. Trump has instituted changes to Obama's admittedly flawed / failed vetting process:

The Trump Administration Is Now Vetting Visa Applicants’ Social Media Accounts

For travelers visiting the U.S., getting a visa just got a lot harder

Trump enacts new vetting process for foreigners entering the US

'Fake' / 'False' media / reporting is what happens when someone allows their bias and / or hate get in the way of the FACTS. Unfortunately we have seen a tidal wave of this since Hillary lost the 2016 Presidential election.
Trumps Travel ban has been explained as a 90 day moratorium on travel from a handful of countries so that extreme vetting measures can be established.

Although the travel restrictions have been blocked by the courts there have been no restrictions to prevent him from improving our vetting measures. Had the ban not been blocked, the 90 day period would have long expired. So what does he have to show for it from a vetting standpoint?

Is he really trying to improve vetting or is he just trying to block people from traveling here and gain a political victory to a hateful base?

Please help me understand Trumps goals in relation to the 90 day timeframe and extreme vetting initiatives.
Hes trying to prevent the muslim problem in Europe, from happening in the US. I guess left leaning judges dont want him to do that, so we are fucked.

There is no Muslim problem in Europe. There is a terrorist problem, but since more Muslims have died trying to fight these extremists for you to call this a muslin problem is ignorant.
It's all trumps fault
Trumps Travel ban has been explained as a 90 day moratorium on travel from a handful of countries so that extreme vetting measures can be established.

Although the travel restrictions have been blocked by the courts there have been no restrictions to prevent him from improving our vetting measures. Had the ban not been blocked, the 90 day period would have long expired. So what does he have to show for it from a vetting standpoint?

Is he really trying to improve vetting or is he just trying to block people from traveling here and gain a political victory to a hateful base?

Please help me understand Trumps goals in relation to the 90 day timeframe and extreme vetting initiatives.

Everyone knew, and everyone knows, that it had nothing to do with a time period in order to get things sorted.
Trumps Travel ban has been explained as a 90 day moratorium on travel from a handful of countries so that extreme vetting measures can be established.

Although the travel restrictions have been blocked by the courts there have been no restrictions to prevent him from improving our vetting measures. Had the ban not been blocked, the 90 day period would have long expired. So what does he have to show for it from a vetting standpoint?

Is he really trying to improve vetting or is he just trying to block people from traveling here and gain a political victory to a hateful base?

Please help me understand Trumps goals in relation to the 90 day timeframe and extreme vetting initiatives.

Everyone knew, and everyone knows, that it had nothing to do with a time period in order to get things sorted.
How come libs always know what "everyone" knows and "everyone" knew? that's a sure sign of mental disorder I'd say.
Trumps Travel ban has been explained as a 90 day moratorium on travel from a handful of countries so that extreme vetting measures can be established.

Although the travel restrictions have been blocked by the courts there have been no restrictions to prevent him from improving our vetting measures.

1. Slade demonstrates in his title how radical leftist and the FAKE NEWS propaganda media have to distort and lie about Trump's proposed program in order to oppose it. 'Trump's 'Travel Ban''. He goes on to admit it is not a 'ban' at all but merely a 90-day delay which gives the US Govt time to thoroughly 'vet' people coming form highly populated / 'infected' terrorist regions.

Former President Obama originally put 6 nations on a list of terrorist-threat nations. He admitted that his vetting process was extremely flawed. His own Intel agencies declared ISIS had infiltrated the ranks of Syrian 'refugees' while Obama was bringing in Syrian Refugees into the US. Driving home the exclamation point behind the reason Obama put these nations on a list and his admission that his vetting process was / is flawed, a terrorist to whom Obama gave a visa and welcomed into the country murdered 7 Americans in California.
-- Just days before the attack, while in Europe, Obama MOCKED Americans for their voiced concerns for our National Security and their safety, declaring all they had to fear was 'widows and orphans'. The terrorist who killed the 7 Americans in Ca was neither. Obama and the terrorist attack only proved American concern for our national security and their safety was VALID.
*** Obama never apologized for mocking US citizens just before the deadly terrorist attack on US soil. Instead, he sent out his US AG to threaten any American who exercised their Constitutional Right of Free Speech by condemning the Islamist Extremist attack with prosecution.

There was no liberal condemnation of Obama's heinous behavior of his protectionist reaction against American citizens in order to protect / defend Islamic Extremists. Comparatively, after the Islamic Extremist attacks in England, liberals / snowflakes are attacking Trump / calling Trump a 'POS' for wanting to protect American citizens by imposing a 90-Day Travel DELAY to thoroughly investigate anyone coming from those 6 countries OBAMA identified as threats to the United States.

2. Perhaps the OP should do some research and educate himself before posting 'Fake News'. Trump has instituted changes to Obama's admittedly flawed / failed vetting process:

The Trump Administration Is Now Vetting Visa Applicants’ Social Media Accounts

For travelers visiting the U.S., getting a visa just got a lot harder

Trump enacts new vetting process for foreigners entering the US

'Fake' / 'False' media / reporting is what happens when someone allows their bias and / or hate get in the way of the FACTS. Unfortunately we have seen a tidal wave of this since Hillary lost the 2016 Presidential election.
Haha, you are funny man. Let me make this response very simple for you.

1. I called it a Travel Ban because thats the term being used to describe it. Look at Trumps Twitter today. He calls it a TRAVEL BAN...

"Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump 7h7 hours ago
The Justice Dept. should have stayed with the original Travel Ban, not the watered down, politically correct version they submitted to S.C."

2. I was addressing the spun narrative that it is simply a 90 day pause which is appearing to be more and more BS. Trumps motives to follow through with what he was barking about during the campaign, to ban Muslims, seem to be floating to the surface.

3. What was my fake news?? Be specific... I was addressing a topic and asking a question. So what was fake?

I appreciate you listing some travel restrictions that have been imposed, I was hoping to look at those and include them in the discussion.

Kondor3 and imawhosure have given the best explanations for what has been going on... Kondor, does see this as the first step to the ultimate goal of banning or limiting muslims from coming to the USA which he fully supports. Imawhosure, address the political motives behind whats going on, acknowledging that this has moved beyond a simple travel "pause" but is now a fight about power and what Trump is able and not able to do as president.
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Damn, Kennedy just made the OP's point, that the 90 day period has come and gone, on Outnumbered today (36 minutes in) First time I've heard this question brought up in the MSM. Is somebody at USMB leaking to Fox?!

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