Trump's Treason and Impeachable Abuse of Power

There's no treason. There is doing what democrats don't like.

"There is doing what democrats don't like"?

Two points: Patriots object to Trump's behavior, which is arguably a violation of Artt. II of The Constitution; and, treason, has not yet been considered, but, is not out of the question.

If two of those who have already agreed to talk to the Mueller Investigation, acknowledge Trump did in fact engage in a Conspiracy to obstruct justice into foreign attacks on our election, it might be an allegation for his impeachment, and up to the Senate to decide his guilt or innocence.

The House of Representatives determines what is treason during an impeachment. It is up to them. So, if enough citizens are convinced that trump committed treason and influence their Representatives of such, he can be tried for treason according to the Constitution of the United States.

Trump has on various occasions committed what can be logically and fairly viewed as acts of treason. His meeting in the WH with Russian operatives where he shared classified information with them is one example. Of course, trump's defense is that as President he had the right to declassify the information on the spot without consulting with the Intelligence operatives and agencies harmed by his disclosure. That is treason.

His latest act with China and ZTE is another example.

So impeachment to you is political?


Impeachment has always been political. Prosecutors has always had discretion and great power in determining who the prosecute and who they let escape justice.

But it has always been tied to breaking a specific rule or law. With Johnson it was firing a cabinet member in opposition to a specific law. for Clinton it was perjury under oath.

With Trump it right now is purely "I don't like him"
Trump has attempted to deceive about his knowledge of his campaigns connections to the Russian's and meetings with Russians. This includes his deception during a meeting with the FBI Director and meetings with other officials of the DOJ. Lying to those Federal Officials is a felony.

When did he directly talk to Federal Officials about this?

World War 1 started because of a political leader was assassinated

World War 2 started because of invasions and death camps

(If Trump haters have there way)

World War 3 started because of Facebook posts
The House of Representatives determines what is treason during an impeachment. It is up to them. So, if enough citizens are convinced that trump committed treason and influence their Representatives of such, he can be tried for treason according to the Constitution of the United States.

Trump has on various occasions committed what can be logically and fairly viewed as acts of treason. His meeting in the WH with Russian operatives where he shared classified information with them is one example. Of course, trump's defense is that as President he had the right to declassify the information on the spot without consulting with the Intelligence operatives and agencies harmed by his disclosure. That is treason.

His latest act with China and ZTE is another example.

So impeachment to you is political?

Impeachment has always been political. Prosecutors has always had discretion and great power in determining who the prosecute and who they let escape justice.

But it has always been tied to breaking a specific rule or law. With Johnson it was firing a cabinet member in opposition to a specific law. for Clinton it was perjury under oath.

With Trump it right now is purely "I don't like him"
Trump has attempted to deceive about his knowledge of his campaigns connections to the Russian's and meetings with Russians. This includes his deception during a meeting with the FBI Director and meetings with other officials of the DOJ. Lying to those Federal Officials is a felony.

When did he directly talk to Federal Officials about this?
He spoke to Comey and has spoken to DOJ officials.
There's no treason. There is doing what democrats don't like.

"There is doing what democrats don't like"?

Two points: Patriots object to Trump's behavior, which is arguably a violation of Artt. II of The Constitution; and, treason, has not yet been considered, but, is not out of the question.

If two of those who have already agreed to talk to the Mueller Investigation, acknowledge Trump did in fact engage in a Conspiracy to obstruct justice into foreign attacks on our election, it might be an allegation for his impeachment, and up to the Senate to decide his guilt or innocence.

The whole article?

If you ask what would be in the Articles of Impeachment, I doubt that Treason will be one of them. My comment was theoretical, obviously. However, Trump's comments in terms of word and tweet are clear and convincing to me that he has attempted to obstruct Justice.

Before you ask, and investigation is not a Witch Hunt, it is one which seeks to find wrong doing as well as exculpatory evidence, when a crime has been committed. The crime in question is the unlawful use of money or a thing of value used in conspiracy to influence an election.

The irony today is the Freedom Caucus will lay the claim that the HRC canaign committee needs to be investigated for the same thing they and trump claim is a Witch Hunt, i.e. a foreign entanglement.

No one dare claim Nunes is a genius.
There's no treason. There is doing what democrats don't like.

"There is doing what democrats don't like"?

Two points: Patriots object to Trump's behavior, which is arguably a violation of Artt. II of The Constitution; and, treason, has not yet been considered, but, is not out of the question.

If two of those who have already agreed to talk to the Mueller Investigation, acknowledge Trump did in fact engage in a Conspiracy to obstruct justice into foreign attacks on our election, it might be an allegation for his impeachment, and up to the Senate to decide his guilt or innocence.

So impeachment to you is political?


Impeachment has always been political. Prosecutors has always had discretion and great power in determining who the prosecute and who they let escape justice.

But it has always been tied to breaking a specific rule or law. With Johnson it was firing a cabinet member in opposition to a specific law. for Clinton it was perjury under oath.

With Trump it right now is purely "I don't like him"
Trump has attempted to deceive about his knowledge of his campaigns connections to the Russian's and meetings with Russians. This includes his deception during a meeting with the FBI Director and meetings with other officials of the DOJ. Lying to those Federal Officials is a felony.

When did he directly talk to Federal Officials about this?

World War 1 started because of a political leader was assassinated

World War 2 started because of invasions and death camps

(If Trump haters have there way)

World War 3 started because of Facebook posts

That didn't answer the question.
Trump received a $500 million bribe from the Chinese when they bought 1 of his resorts in Indonesia, and immediately Trump moved to endanger American security by letting a Chinese telecom company steal U.S. technology. ZTE was banned for violating U.S. sanctions against North Korea and Iran, but Trump is choosing to ignore this because all of a sudden he is concerned about a loss of Chinese jobs.

I don't understand how Trump supporters can ignore this blatant un-American decision. He is giving aid to an hostile power in exchange for money. This decision proves he cares more about his personal wealth than the safety of the chumps who voted for him, let alone the opposition.

He should immediately be impeached for treason.

He has also already abused his power in exactly the same way Nixon did. Watergate Articles Of Impeachment

See Article 1 section 1.

1 of the reasons Nixon was going to be impeached was because he sicked the IRS on the owners of the Los Angeles Times because they wrote negative editorials about him.

Well, Trump wants the postal service to double postal rates on because the owner also owns the Washington Post which writes negative editorials about him.

So Trump you agree with a president that commits treason and abuses executive power?

How you would be crying, if Obama had doubled your taxes because you wrote something negative about him on USA message boards.

I know you are a bunch of hypocrites who worship at the altar of Trump.

Lol, you retards just crack me up.

“We got him now!” #740,118,010
There's no treason. There is doing what democrats don't like.

"There is doing what democrats don't like"?

Two points: Patriots object to Trump's behavior, which is arguably a violation of Artt. II of The Constitution; and, treason, has not yet been considered, but, is not out of the question.

If two of those who have already agreed to talk to the Mueller Investigation, acknowledge Trump did in fact engage in a Conspiracy to obstruct justice into foreign attacks on our election, it might be an allegation for his impeachment, and up to the Senate to decide his guilt or innocence.

The whole article?

If you ask what would be in the Articles of Impeachment, I doubt that Treason will be one of them. My comment was theoretical, obviously. However, Trump's comments in terms of word and tweet are clear and convincing to me that he has attempted to obstruct Justice.

Before you ask, and investigation is not a Witch Hunt, it is one which seeks to find wrong doing as well as exculpatory evidence, when a crime has been committed. The crime in question is the unlawful use of money or a thing of value used in conspiracy to influence an election.

The irony today is the Freedom Caucus will lay the claim that the HRC canaign committee needs to be investigated for the same thing they and trump claim is a Witch Hunt, i.e. a foreign entanglement.

No one dare claim Nunes is a genius.

When you start with "we need to get rid of this guy" and the proceed to "lets find shit on him" it is the classical definition of a witch hunt.

"We know she's a witch, we just need to prove it before we pile rocks on top of her"
The House of Representatives determines what is treason during an impeachment. It is up to them. So, if enough citizens are convinced that trump committed treason and influence their Representatives of such, he can be tried for treason according to the Constitution of the United States.

Trump has on various occasions committed what can be logically and fairly viewed as acts of treason. His meeting in the WH with Russian operatives where he shared classified information with them is one example. Of course, trump's defense is that as President he had the right to declassify the information on the spot without consulting with the Intelligence operatives and agencies harmed by his disclosure. That is treason.

His latest act with China and ZTE is another example.

So impeachment to you is political?

Impeachment has always been political. Prosecutors has always had discretion and great power in determining who the prosecute and who they let escape justice.

But it has always been tied to breaking a specific rule or law. With Johnson it was firing a cabinet member in opposition to a specific law. for Clinton it was perjury under oath.

With Trump it right now is purely "I don't like him"
Trump has attempted to deceive about his knowledge of his campaigns connections to the Russian's and meetings with Russians. This includes his deception during a meeting with the FBI Director and meetings with other officials of the DOJ. Lying to those Federal Officials is a felony.

When did he directly talk to Federal Officials about this?
Not only has he talked to federal officials on numerous occasions, he has maintained a long standing policy of misinforming and deceiving his knowledge of these meetings. Enough for any sensible jury to conclude he is lying.
So impeachment to you is political?

Impeachment has always been political. Prosecutors has always had discretion and great power in determining who the prosecute and who they let escape justice.

But it has always been tied to breaking a specific rule or law. With Johnson it was firing a cabinet member in opposition to a specific law. for Clinton it was perjury under oath.

With Trump it right now is purely "I don't like him"
Trump has attempted to deceive about his knowledge of his campaigns connections to the Russian's and meetings with Russians. This includes his deception during a meeting with the FBI Director and meetings with other officials of the DOJ. Lying to those Federal Officials is a felony.

When did he directly talk to Federal Officials about this?
Not only has he talked to federal officials on numerous occasions, he has maintained a long standing policy of misinforming and deceiving his knowledge of these meetings. Enough for any sensible jury to conclude he is lying.

You got records of this right?

Oh wait, you covered yourself from having to prove anything by your second statement.

How fucking convenient.
Trump received a $500 million bribe from the Chinese when they bought 1 of his resorts in Indonesia, and immediately Trump moved to endanger American security by letting a Chinese telecom company steal U.S. technology. ZTE was banned for violating U.S. sanctions against North Korea and Iran, but Trump is choosing to ignore this because all of a sudden he is concerned about a loss of Chinese jobs.

I don't understand how Trump supporters can ignore this blatant un-American decision. He is giving aid to an hostile power in exchange for money. This decision proves he cares more about his personal wealth than the safety of the chumps who voted for him, let alone the opposition.

He should immediately be impeached for treason.

He has also already abused his power in exactly the same way Nixon did. Watergate Articles Of Impeachment

See Article 1 section 1.

1 of the reasons Nixon was going to be impeached was because he sicked the IRS on the owners of the Los Angeles Times because they wrote negative editorials about him.

Well, Trump wants the postal service to double postal rates on because the owner also owns the Washington Post which writes negative editorials about him.

So Trump you agree with a president that commits treason and abuses executive power?

How you would be crying, if Obama had doubled your taxes because you wrote something negative about him on USA message boards.

I know you are a bunch of hypocrites who worship at the altar of Trump.

I am just overwhelmed by the patriotism and the desire from our liberal brethren to protect this nation from corruption, crime, and enemies of the state - both foreign and domestic.

Even though they did not bat an eye for 8 years while Barry funded, supplied, armed, trained, aided, abetted, protected and defended terrorists, going as far as dragging the U.S. into 2 un-Constitutional, un-approved wars to help terrorists like Al Qaeda - who slaughtered 3,000...and 4...Americans - to take over / try to take over their own countries....

Even though they showed no concern when Barry protected ISIS Black Market oil facilities that provided ISIS 40% of their funding for terrorist attacks - like the one on Paris - or how he protected terrorist-supporting Hezbollah drug ops....

Even though they did not falter in their support / defense when Barry illegally armed Mexican Drug Cartels, resulting in the deaths of Americans....

Even though they did not question when Barry illegally spied on Americans, reporters, the media, US SENATORS, and even USSC Justices...

Even though they did not get upset when Obama repeatedly violated both Constitution and La, surpassing any previous requirements necessary for Impeachment...

Even NOW when it has been exposed / proven - by the US IG - that Barry's Cabinet, DOJ, NIA, CIA, and FBI conspired to illegally prevent a Presidential candidate from winning and to affect a coup of the newly-elected President should he win...

You can still count on snowflakes to run to the fight to push the conspirator's message, continue to accuse the GOP without evidence, and deny until death the evidence showing the crimes of their Liberal Extremist leaders / traitors.

God bless America....
Any thoughts on how to speed up the “until death” thing?
Trump received a $500 million bribe from the Chinese when they bought 1 of his resorts in Indonesia, and immediately Trump moved to endanger American security by letting a Chinese telecom company steal U.S. technology. ZTE was banned for violating U.S. sanctions against North Korea and Iran, but Trump is choosing to ignore this because all of a sudden he is concerned about a loss of Chinese jobs.

I don't understand how Trump supporters can ignore this blatant un-American decision. He is giving aid to an hostile power in exchange for money. This decision proves he cares more about his personal wealth than the safety of the chumps who voted for him, let alone the opposition.

He should immediately be impeached for treason.

He has also already abused his power in exactly the same way Nixon did. Watergate Articles Of Impeachment

See Article 1 section 1.

1 of the reasons Nixon was going to be impeached was because he sicked the IRS on the owners of the Los Angeles Times because they wrote negative editorials about him.

Well, Trump wants the postal service to double postal rates on because the owner also owns the Washington Post which writes negative editorials about him.

So Trump you agree with a president that commits treason and abuses executive power?

How you would be crying, if Obama had doubled your taxes because you wrote something negative about him on USA message boards.

I know you are a bunch of hypocrites who worship at the altar of Trump.

Lol, you retards just crack me up.

“We got him now!” #740,118,010

why not remind everyone how we have Hillary now and make it the daily double ?
Trump received a $500 million bribe from the Chinese when they bought 1 of his resorts in Indonesia, and immediately Trump moved to endanger American security by letting a Chinese telecom company steal U.S. technology. ZTE was banned for violating U.S. sanctions against North Korea and Iran, but Trump is choosing to ignore this because all of a sudden he is concerned about a loss of Chinese jobs.

I don't understand how Trump supporters can ignore this blatant un-American decision. He is giving aid to an hostile power in exchange for money. This decision proves he cares more about his personal wealth than the safety of the chumps who voted for him, let alone the opposition.

He should immediately be impeached for treason.

He has also already abused his power in exactly the same way Nixon did. Watergate Articles Of Impeachment

See Article 1 section 1.

1 of the reasons Nixon was going to be impeached was because he sicked the IRS on the owners of the Los Angeles Times because they wrote negative editorials about him.

Well, Trump wants the postal service to double postal rates on because the owner also owns the Washington Post which writes negative editorials about him.

So Trump you agree with a president that commits treason and abuses executive power?

How you would be crying, if Obama had doubled your taxes because you wrote something negative about him on USA message boards.

I know you are a bunch of hypocrites who worship at the altar of Trump.

Lol, you retards just crack me up.

“We got him now!” #740,118,010

why not remind everyone how we have Hillary now and make it the daily double ?

We don’t have HIllary. Your dodge fails.
There's no treason. There is doing what democrats don't like.

"There is doing what democrats don't like"?

Two points: Patriots object to Trump's behavior, which is arguably a violation of Artt. II of The Constitution; and, treason, has not yet been considered, but, is not out of the question.

If two of those who have already agreed to talk to the Mueller Investigation, acknowledge Trump did in fact engage in a Conspiracy to obstruct justice into foreign attacks on our election, it might be an allegation for his impeachment, and up to the Senate to decide his guilt or innocence.

Impeachment has always been political. Prosecutors has always had discretion and great power in determining who the prosecute and who they let escape justice.

But it has always been tied to breaking a specific rule or law. With Johnson it was firing a cabinet member in opposition to a specific law. for Clinton it was perjury under oath.

With Trump it right now is purely "I don't like him"
Trump has attempted to deceive about his knowledge of his campaigns connections to the Russian's and meetings with Russians. This includes his deception during a meeting with the FBI Director and meetings with other officials of the DOJ. Lying to those Federal Officials is a felony.

When did he directly talk to Federal Officials about this?

World War 1 started because of a political leader was assassinated

World War 2 started because of invasions and death camps

(If Trump haters have there way)

World War 3 started because of Facebook posts

That didn't answer the question.

Neither Trump or Flynn (technically)
Although Trump's removal from office by the impeachment process is warranted and justified, it won't solve the problem; Pence is just as bad as Trump, if not worse.

The only solution to the Trump/Pence disaster is to vote them out of office in 2020.
Trump received a $500 million bribe from the Chinese when they bought 1 of his resorts in Indonesia, and immediately Trump moved to endanger American security by letting a Chinese telecom company steal U.S. technology. ZTE was banned for violating U.S. sanctions against North Korea and Iran, but Trump is choosing to ignore this because all of a sudden he is concerned about a loss of Chinese jobs.

I don't understand how Trump supporters can ignore this blatant un-American decision. He is giving aid to an hostile power in exchange for money. This decision proves he cares more about his personal wealth than the safety of the chumps who voted for him, let alone the opposition.

He should immediately be impeached for treason.

He has also already abused his power in exactly the same way Nixon did. Watergate Articles Of Impeachment

See Article 1 section 1.

1 of the reasons Nixon was going to be impeached was because he sicked the IRS on the owners of the Los Angeles Times because they wrote negative editorials about him.

Well, Trump wants the postal service to double postal rates on because the owner also owns the Washington Post which writes negative editorials about him.

So Trump you agree with a president that commits treason and abuses executive power?

How you would be crying, if Obama had doubled your taxes because you wrote something negative about him on USA message boards.

I know you are a bunch of hypocrites who worship at the altar of Trump.

1 of the reasons Nixon was going to be impeached was because he sicked the IRS on the owners of the Los Angeles Times because they wrote negative editorials about him.

Wtf? Yet you ignore Obama sicked the IRS on the tea party???

No you are the fucking hypocrite.


Although Trump's removal from office by the impeachment process is warranted and justified, it won't solve the problem; Pence is just as bad as Trump, if not worse.

The only solution to the Trump/Pence disaster is to vote them out of office in 2020.

Justified for what, that they hurt your feelings?
There's no treason. There is doing what democrats don't like.

"There is doing what democrats don't like"?

Two points: Patriots object to Trump's behavior, which is arguably a violation of Artt. II of The Constitution; and, treason, has not yet been considered, but, is not out of the question.

If two of those who have already agreed to talk to the Mueller Investigation, acknowledge Trump did in fact engage in a Conspiracy to obstruct justice into foreign attacks on our election, it might be an allegation for his impeachment, and up to the Senate to decide his guilt or innocence.

The whole article?

If you ask what would be in the Articles of Impeachment, I doubt that Treason will be one of them. My comment was theoretical, obviously. However, Trump's comments in terms of word and tweet are clear and convincing to me that he has attempted to obstruct Justice.

Before you ask, and investigation is not a Witch Hunt, it is one which seeks to find wrong doing as well as exculpatory evidence, when a crime has been committed. The crime in question is the unlawful use of money or a thing of value used in conspiracy to influence an election.

The irony today is the Freedom Caucus will lay the claim that the HRC canaign committee needs to be investigated for the same thing they and trump claim is a Witch Hunt, i.e. a foreign entanglement.

No one dare claim Nunes is a genius.

When you start with "we need to get rid of this guy" and the proceed to "lets find shit on him" it is the classical definition of a witch hunt.

"We know she's a witch, we just need to prove it before we pile rocks on top of her"

Marty, methinks you were born in the wrong century. The only way I want to get rid of Trump is when he is up for reelection, something which I very much doubt will occur.

don't support impeachment, unless high crimes committed by Trump can be proved beyond a reasonable doubt, IMO Pence is the devil in blue jean, and would be worse than Trump on issues of Civil Rights and Equal Rights for all.

Pence is no patriot, his claim that he is a Christian First, a Conservative and then a Republican is proof enough; he may say all citizens are equal, but clearly believes some citizens are more equal than others.
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America needs a military coup to oust trump and his cronies, send them to an isolated island where they can live in primitive huts. Give them some fishing line, hooks and nets and let them survive, or not, on there wits and natural abilities. Otherwise f'em, let the island rats gobble them up.
There's no treason. There is doing what democrats don't like.

"There is doing what democrats don't like"?

Two points: Patriots object to Trump's behavior, which is arguably a violation of Artt. II of The Constitution; and, treason, has not yet been considered, but, is not out of the question.

If two of those who have already agreed to talk to the Mueller Investigation, acknowledge Trump did in fact engage in a Conspiracy to obstruct justice into foreign attacks on our election, it might be an allegation for his impeachment, and up to the Senate to decide his guilt or innocence.

The whole article?

If you ask what would be in the Articles of Impeachment, I doubt that Treason will be one of them. My comment was theoretical, obviously. However, Trump's comments in terms of word and tweet are clear and convincing to me that he has attempted to obstruct Justice.

Before you ask, and investigation is not a Witch Hunt, it is one which seeks to find wrong doing as well as exculpatory evidence, when a crime has been committed. The crime in question is the unlawful use of money or a thing of value used in conspiracy to influence an election.

The irony today is the Freedom Caucus will lay the claim that the HRC canaign committee needs to be investigated for the same thing they and trump claim is a Witch Hunt, i.e. a foreign entanglement.

No one dare claim Nunes is a genius.

When you start with "we need to get rid of this guy" and the proceed to "lets find shit on him" it is the classical definition of a witch hunt.

"We know she's a witch, we just need to prove it before we pile rocks on top of her"

Marty, methinks you were born in the wrong century. The only way I want to get rid of Trump is when he is up for reelection, something which I very much doubt will occur.

don't support impeachment, unless high crimes committed by Trump can be proved beyond a reasonable doubt, IMO Pence is the devil in blue jean, and would be worse than Trump on issues of Civil Rights and Equal Rights for all.

Pence is no patriot, his claim that he is a Christian First, a Conservative and then a Republican is proof enough; he may say all citizens are equal, but clearly believes some citizens are more equal than others.

You said what is going on now is not a "witch hunt". I have shown that it can be considered one.

The whole purpose of the constant investigations is to drum Trump out of office. It's a paper based coup attempt, nothing more or less.

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