Trump's Vegas Rant

Yes, Trump is losing his mind. Who talks such nonsense?

The usual ridiculous lies from the right – Trump’s ‘kidding,’ Trump’s ‘joking,’ Trump’s not being serious, you lefttards just don’t ‘get Trump,’ we like Trump because he’s ‘entertaining’; childish and idiotic, Trump represents his supporters well.
Dems are obsessed with Trump because, well because Joe Biden none of them have any interest in that old dust bag. Joe is about as exciting as watching grass grow in August.
You consider this exciting? Sane people call it pathetic and embarrassing.
The usual ridiculous lies from the right – Trump’s ‘kidding,’ Trump’s ‘joking,’ Trump’s not being serious, you lefttards just don’t ‘get Trump,’ we like Trump because he’s ‘entertaining’; childish and idiotic, Trump represents his supporters well.
Another case study in enabling.

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