Trumps word salad press briefing

He's never just stuck to the topic at hand when in front of cameras, he squeezes in as much as he thinks they will tolerate. And I've seen him shift gears midsentence many times over the years. That's just him.


I've seen his speeches before. Many of them. So much so that they got boring. It was the same thing over and over (for the last 4 years).... I haven't lately, tbh. But I've never heard him get this bad.
I've seen his speeches before. Many of them. So much so that they got boring. It was the same thing over and over (for the last 4 years).... I haven't lately, tbh. But I've never heard him get this bad.

You're entitled to your opinion, as am I. Just don't pretend your opinion is actually a fact.

Do you see what I'm talking about? He's saying the same exact opposite thing, in the same paragraph.

Nothing opposite about it. I agree he jumps around, he's always jumped around in his off the cuff speaking. The guy has a photographic memory, according to his SIL, and is very smart and astute as well as undisciplined. You get what you see.

He fought Congress on numerous immigration issues, funding for the wall being the biggest one. You don't like Trump, it's obvious, so for you, being fair in your assessment isn't possible. You're like a bad in-law that uses a microscope on the behavior of the "outsider" while pretty much ignoring the train wreck in their own blood relative.

I ain't saying he's at Biden's level. Maybe at Biden's level 2 years ago. But almost 2 years from now, Trump will have 3 years left to be president. Biden has less than a year.
That's patently ridiculous. And Biden is running for 4 MORE years. Look at video of Biden two years ago. Trump today would run circles around him then, too. Biden is sick. There's good reasons they're hiding him and have been since he started running back in 2019.
Maybe I do have some comprehension issues. I'm getting on up there in age my self. Maybe you could help me out with this. He said Biden doesn't have to go through congress to have the authority to secure the border. Then said he didn't have to either. But where I get confused is the next sentence. Here, I'll post it.
Trump then said "I fought congress on it."

Do you see what I'm talking about? He's saying the same exact opposite thing, in the same paragraph.
He fought Congress on funding for the wall. YOu don't remember this?
I can't make heads or tails on what subject he's talking about, throughout most of this briefing. He starts out with the scotus ruling. Which I agree with. But then he starts rambling about everything from ISIS, prisons in the congo, how Biden didn't need authorization from congress. But then follows up admitting he had to fight congress for it. Or something like that.

Maybe he's losing it.
"So I say respectfully to president Biden, you have the authorization right now, I did it. I didn't go to congress and say do I have to write the clause. I fought congress on it. Close the borders. You can do it right now. You have everything. Use my policies. My policies were great. Everybody said it. Use my policies."

Mumbling bumbling word salad. This is like something we'd expect from Biden.

His mental decline is sad to watch,
I can't make heads or tails on what subject he's talking about, throughout most of this briefing. He starts out with the scotus ruling. Which I agree with. But then he starts rambling about everything from ISIS, prisons in the congo, how Biden didn't need authorization from congress. But then follows up admitting he had to fight congress for it. Or something like that.

Maybe he's losing it.
"So I say respectfully to president Biden, you have the authorization right now, I did it. I didn't go to congress and say do I have to write the clause. I fought congress on it. Close the borders. You can do it right now. You have everything. Use my policies. My policies were great. Everybody said it. Use my policies."

Mumbling bumbling word salad. This is like something we'd expect from Biden.

So, you're saying that Trump is an elderly person with cognitive issues, therefore, he should not be prosecuted for anything but it's still OK if he runs for president?
So, you're saying that Trump is an elderly person with cognitive issues, therefore, he should not be prosecuted for anything but it's still OK if he runs for president?

I'm saying he's showing signs of cognitive issues.

He and everyone else should be prosecuted for any laws they break.
His mental decline is sad to watch,

It's sad for all those who go through this in their elderly years. I've seen a lot of my family and friends go through this. Some get old and you can't even tell it.
I'm saying he's showing signs of cognitive issues.

He and everyone else should be prosecuted for any laws they break.
Well, we have a double standard going on here. The left says that no matter how many laws you break or what they are, if you are an elderly man with cognitive issues it would be hard to get a jury to convict you so that person should not be prosecuted. So, either that thinking is wrong, or we shouldn't be prosecuting the elderly man Trump who has cognitive issues.
Well Trump talks sense.....I'd not expect leftists or #nevertrumpers to understand.

DO any of you believe this ^^^^^ (he is doing this name confusion on purpose) or is trump just mixing up names like every human does at times.
Screenshot 2024-03-05 at 10.46.40 AM.png
I can't make heads or tails on what subject he's talking about, throughout most of this briefing. He starts out with the scotus ruling. Which I agree with. But then he starts rambling about everything from ISIS, prisons in the congo, how Biden didn't need authorization from congress. But then follows up admitting he had to fight congress for it. Or something like that.

Maybe he's losing it.
"So I say respectfully to president Biden, you have the authorization right now, I did it. I didn't go to congress and say do I have to write the clause. I fought congress on it. Close the borders. You can do it right now. You have everything. Use my policies. My policies were great. Everybody said it. Use my policies."

Mumbling bumbling word salad. This is like something we'd expect from Biden.

He did cover a lot of subjects quickly -
Maybe it was simply just too much for you?
He sounds like a goddamn moron whenever he talks. He’s so unbelievably embarrassing.

EDIT: I am laughing my ass off at this entire video lol. This idiot can’t even run a hotdog stand let alone the presidency.

Was it the peace or the prosperity that troubled you the most?

Be honest.

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