Trump's words on January 6 were not near as bad as Maxine Water's

all of them

so since you can't refute a single thing i said, you decided to lie instead


This is why you folks will always be miserable and complaining about being on the wrong side of wonder you are so triggered by kids learning it
Yes, the double standard is appalling. 25 people died as the result of those nightly riots by the Antifa thugs.
and over 2000 law enforcement officials were injured along with over 2 dozen Secrete Service were injured and the POTUS had to be moved to a secure bunker when the left staged a violent insurrection at the gates of the White House !
the left supported the real insurrectionists when they tried to storm the WH gates and injured over 2 dozen Secrete Service members .the lefts leaders cried foul when teargas was used to clear the violent traitors from around the area .
Was that before or after you welched on your bet?
Was that before or after you welched on your bet?
No matter how much you dic suckers try to both sides the insurrection by going "but but what about BLM" -- what you always fail at is....

What BLM was protesting is a REAL THING.......

What you morons were storming the Capitol for is bullshit, lies, and it has shown you to be easily led morons....

The 2 are not the same and history will solidify that.....20 years from now, right-wingers will talk about J6 like they talk about the Iraq invasion.....pretend the Democrats did it
Oh yeah, our weaponized justice department does not go after democrats
On January 6, Trump could have been reading fucking salsa recipes from the stage. It didn't matter. These people SHOWED UP to "save America from Satan", or whatever the hell it is you folks think you're doing.

Months and months and months of lies, daily, hourly, consistently. After having been told by any number of staffers, lawyers, other Republicans and audit companies that he had LOST.

So his "words on January 6" are not the issue, and any honest person knows that. Your attempt at deflection fails, miserably.
In Mpls, during the Floyd riots, a police station was burned to the ground, shots were hurled at police, two post offices were burned, 200 businesses burned and looted, the smoke plume was visible 45 miles out for a week.
That was a fucking direct attack on civil authority and other citizens making Jan 6th look like fucking amateur hour.
Plenty of people were arrested for looting and rioting -- can you tell me which ones blamed it on Maxine Waters?

"Between May 30 and June 2 2020, the height of the racial justice protests, 427 "unrest-related" arrests were made in D.C., including 24 juveniles, the police department says. On June 1 alone, more than five times the number of people were arrested than on the day the Capitol was stormed, with 289 people booked."

Why are you having such a hard time answering the question?
No, they weren't, moron. They were lionized just like George Floyd by hoodrat thugs like you.
100% right, and she has said worse than that. Trump's comments weren't even close to Waters'. But as you said, we know the reason she isn't prosecuted.
Ya, no one ransacked the Capitol on her behalf. Poor Maxine.
No but they rioted in 57 Cities for over a year ( Taking 5 Blocks of a Major US City and holding it for almost 90 days ) ,and 1/6 Lasted Hours
On behalf of Maxine? Do tell.
Can you show me where any of the J6 rioters were charged with murder?

And if you think "Antifa" is taking orders from Maxine Waters, you are bigger moron than I thought....

Let me know when you folks have "Antifa" in open court blaming Maxine Waters for looting a Dollar General

Like how this guy is in open court blaming Trump for trying to overturn the election...

“It’s Donald Trump himself spewing the lies and using his position to authorize this assault,” Shamansky told jurors Tuesday during the trial’s opening statements."

That isn't the prosecutor who said that, that is a lawyer for one of those J6 patriots you love caping for....

Or how about these ten other people you call "Patriots" also blaming Trump...

"Lawyers for at least 10 people charged over their roles in the Capitol attack so far have blamed Trump directly for their clients' involvement in the siege that left five dead."

And you still can't find me nobody from "Antifa" or "BLM" saying in court that it was Maxine that told them to do it?
Are you not pretending to be a conservative today.

You confuse the new people when you drop your facade.

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