Trumpsters, stop blaming democrats

"Conservatism" -such as it is- sells great in Murica.....It suffers from the "conservatives", who campaign like libertarians, then govern like demoncrats.

Naming names isn't necessary, you know damn well who they are.
Conservatism is still desirable in real/core America amongst real core Americans…I won’t argue that…sadly and unfortunately TRUE conservatism has no place in all the blue shitholes where the filthy populous programmed and harvested by the left resides.
Dems have done a bang-up job creating classes of voters whom HATE all things conservative.
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Tired of listening to this nonsense of playing good and bad cop.

It's just chaos.

Leftists scold leftists from both sides.

I will be interested in your thread if you argue in the context of federalism and anti-federalism, tradition and left debauchery and so on. Something that has always distinguished between right and left since the Jefferson and Lincoln wars.

Stop fooling around, there are no Republicans in the USA
Really? So when do the leftists go after the woke? And I mean trash on Hollywood and Universities, the regulation entitities, the whole works..........

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