Trumpsters, stop blaming democrats

I do not know how to relate to Putin. In Russia now the politics are left, he has always been an anti-communist, but he has never been an anti-federalist. During the Bush era, he was friends with the United States and Yanukovych, whom he supported, was clearly right.
His real position is not clear, he is too mysterious.
"The left" isn't going anywhere because the right requires a ready scapegoat to explain why they never do anything for The People.
The Repubs do for the people. The Rockefeller Repubs must end. Repub leadership being RINOS after November will be just another tourniquet on the blood leaking. Progs are blinded by their own selfish desires. Desires that are demands with violence and much of it based on craziness. The first rule is for the Republic to keep going with unalienable rights. And we have been negligent in our observance of the government and those empowered by their totalitarian edicts, but they have made sure they observe us.
And Putin?
I'm not going to talk bullshit about Putin, just because some Trump and Biden bedding wants it. Putin's anti-communist positions are close to me, but I don't like the politics that is being carried out now. But Putin doesn't fucking write laws, he executes them.
Putin has a strange and, in my opinion, false view of communism and Russian history. Since the beginning of the 1990s, his position has not changed. He rejects communism, but he believes that Russia before the Bolsheviks was a unitary state. This is not true. The reforms of 1861 made the Russian Empire a free state. There were counter-reforms, but they did not bring back unitarism.

This is what is not clear in Putin.

He combines anti-communism with centralism.
There is a conceptual conflict here. If the state gives resources and power down to the regions and small nations, then it is right. If it is centralized, then it is left, and there can be only 2 of these directions, and nothing in the middle. Because the return of resources down is the decentralization of power and the liberation of peoples from exploitation.

Therefore, it cannot be that there is both freedom and centralization at the same time.
It is one thing if the federals control the observance of rights in the states - this does not contradict anti-federalism, and it is quite another thing when they subordinate the states to the federal vertical of power and begin to impose their will in all matters.
But there is hypocrisy in Putin's official speeches. His rhetoric of the "bipolarity of the world" does not correspond to reality, at least with regard to the military aspect. There is no military parity between the US and RF. The US Army since Nixon has been professional and vastly funded, all this time, more than all other armies combined. Therefore, even now, when queers have been allowed into the American army, it is still not comparable to any other army in the world.

If parity is achieved by something, then only by zombies or fraud.
And in general, there was no cold war. Relations escalated only when the US was on the left, or vice versa, when the Soviet KGB opposed the American right, and this was not always the case.
Well who else is to blame for the high inflation and CPI rates, a recession, retirement accounts being drained away, the price of oil rising to $130 per barrel as it did, $5 per gallon or more gasoline prices, dependence on Venezuela and the Saudis for oil, shortages, supply line disruptions, millions of illegals swarming the border, an epidemic of crime and drugs, more COVID deaths than there were under Trump, a dishonorable withdrawal from Afghanistan, a still-increasing trade imbalance with China, Iran getting closer to having nukes, North Korea waving their dicks in our faces, and a war in Ukraine that could go nuclear?

That would be Democrats and Democrats alone.
McCarthy, McTurtle and the rest of the GOP collaborators, who refuse to stand firm, and just go along with every stupid idea that the demoncrats trot out.

You seem to have forgotten how we got Trump.
Stop fooling around, there are no Republicans in the USA
Oh good…I hate “Republicans” almost as much as I hate leftist Democrats.
Traditional conservatism doesn’t sell in America and it‘s all the fault of traditional conservatives as they never conserved or preserved a damn thing.
I side with Conservatives, I vote with Conservatives BUT they are the most nutless, spineless, big mouth pieces of worthless dogshit that ever were. They sat on their hands and turned a blind eye to the emergence of fucked in the head leftists. They empowered the Left, they allowed them to write and enforce the PC rule book.
The Left told them what they could say, how and what to think and they rolled over and complied with a smile. “Conservatives” didn’t have the balls to keep heterosexual white Christian males cool in a nation founded, built, run and funded by heterosexual white Christian males.
The Left has owned their sackless asses for decades....FUCK traditional Conservatives!
Oh good…I hate “Republicans” almost as much as I hate leftist Democrats.
Traditional conservatism doesn’t sell in America and it‘s all the fault of traditional conservatives as they never conserved or preserved a damn thing.
I side with Conservatives, I vote with Conservatives BUT they are the most nutless, spineless, big mouth pieces of worthless dogshit that ever were. They sat on their hands and turned a blind eye to the emergence of fucked in the head leftists. They empowered the Left, they allowed them to write and enforce the PC rule book.
The Left told them what they could say, how and what to think and they rolled over and complied with a smile. “Conservatives” didn’t have the balls to keep heterosexual white Christian males cool in a nation founded, built, run and funded by heterosexual white Christian males.
The Left has owned their sackless asses for decades....FUCK traditional Conservatives!
That's right, but only without the "white men". Traditional Republicans didn't say anything about "whites", this is also a trick of the Trumpsters.
Oh good…I hate “Republicans” almost as much as I hate leftist Democrats.
Traditional conservatism doesn’t sell in America and it‘s all the fault of traditional conservatives as they never conserved or preserved a damn thing.
I side with Conservatives, I vote with Conservatives BUT they are the most nutless, spineless, big mouth pieces of worthless dogshit that ever were. They sat on their hands and turned a blind eye to the emergence of fucked in the head leftists. They empowered the Left, they allowed them to write and enforce the PC rule book.
The Left told them what they could say, how and what to think and they rolled over and complied with a smile. “Conservatives” didn’t have the balls to keep heterosexual white Christian males cool in a nation founded, built, run and funded by heterosexual white Christian males.
The Left has owned their sackless asses for decades....FUCK traditional Conservatives!
"Conservatism" -such as it is- sells great in Murica.....It suffers from the "conservatives", who campaign like libertarians, then govern like demoncrats.

Naming names isn't necessary, you know damn well who they are.
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"Conservatism" -such as it is- sells great im Murica.....It suffers from the "conservatives", who campaign like libertarians, then govern like demoncrats.

Naming names isn't necessary, you know damn well who they are.
That is the EXACT reason we ended up with Trump.

Most citizens are, in some form, libertarian, but keep getting promises from the establishment and getting exactly SQUAT.

Business as usual will no longer cut it.
"Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy. Its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery.” Winston Churchill
Take it away. Churchill was the master of two communists - Stalin and F. Roosevelt. This pig is the main communist. Putting him on a par with Jefferson is blasphemy
Trumpsters, stop blaming democrats
Well, that’s not going to happen.

Falsely blaming Democrats for everything wrong under the sun is all conservative have.

Conservatives have nothing of merit to contribute, all they have is attacking their political opposition.

It’s further proof that conservatism is vacuous and bankrupt political dogma.
I'm not going to talk bullshit about Putin, just because some Trump and Biden bedding wants it. Putin's anti-communist positions are close to me, but I don't like the politics that is being carried out now. But Putin doesn't fucking write laws, he executes them.
^^^ Putin troll

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