TSA fails again.

What does fat have to do with anything? You try throwing around luggage all day and see how fat you get!

It is just more bullshit from the unknowing.
I doubt he realizes that fact. My guess is he's simply targetting a few who hassled him going through security.

Some people are fucking morons and check what few brains they have with their luggage at the counter. When they get to security, instead of having checked the TSA website and properly bagged their toiletries plus "demetalized" their attire, they wait until they're next in line and hold up dozens of people due to lack of literacy, proper attitude and common fucking courtesy.

Thousands of passengers and yours truly have wasted tens of thousands of hours over the years due to fucking morons who can't plan more than five minutes ahead. It's not TSA's fault, they're just doing their job. It's the fucking morons who think they are "special" and have "rights" who hold up the fucking line.

Never been hassled. Bags checked at a well tipped nonTSA employee who won't rip off my shit belt in checked bag with boots, pockets empty and flip flops on. What is a crying shame is that even in countries with tighter security at airports one does not have to do all that, and especally for an organization with a 95% failure rate.

What you don't see is that well-tipped non-TSA employee then hands that bag off to a TSA employee who screens your luggage. What did you accomplish other than waste your money on the tip? The end result is the same.[/QUOTE

One, I know the skycap doesn't rip shit off to much. Two, he likely graduated high school so doesn't really need to steal shit out of bags, and three, TSA has yet to make any news from screening bags unless it's about what they stole. Matter of fact, more can be said about TSA screwing up baggage handling then can be said for them speeding it up.

OK, shit for brains! Enough of your idiocy!

A skycap tags your luggage and then does what with it? He takes it inside the terminal to a TSA baggage screener who then places it on a conveyer to the airline handling your flight. The skycap is never alone with your luggage and neither is the TSA screener because they are under constant video surveillance and are constantly surrounded by other people.

Who undergoes an intensive background check prior to being hired? The TSA screener.

Who puts your luggage into the area where the airline stores bags waiting your flight? An airline employee.

Who puts your luggage on the baggage cart to take it to the plane? An airline employee.

Who loads your luggage into the cargo compartment of the aircraft? An airline employee.

Who has sufficient time to steal something from your bag? The airline employee.

Who watches those airline employees? No one!

Who can steal your stuff easily? The airline employee.

BTW, you screwed up the quote again! You are dumber than a bag of hammers.

Says the guy who works for aTSA, lol. Sorry bub, but. It's largely you retards who get fought stealing from luggage. Tell you what, give us an instance where TSA made a huge bust. Then I'll show you one where you idgiots screwed it up. Still I have more then you. So yeah, getting rid of your gravy train job would be best, but at a minimum, at least make y'all do like cops have to do and make TSA prove an red for their existence. PD's have to do it to get funding. Also bump the hireing standards to to cut down on all the fatties and hood rats.
TSA: Thousands Standing Around.

it would be lovely if you spoke about things you knew at least a little bit about

I'm a retired airline transport pilot. I flew for 31 years. Still in the game as an instructor. In my last 15 years, I racked up 1.7 million miles with American Airlines alone. I flew many thousands more on other airlines to and from trips with my company.

I've been through an airport or two and have TSA horror stories aplenty.

It would be lovely if you spoke about things you knew at least a little bit about.

Ya. Betyou heard a million more to. TSA as it is now is useless..
....All TSA is is a parking place for fat black highschool dropouts that can't even point to one instance where their presence prevented anything.
1) You've been caught in multiple falsehoods by other seasoned travelers.

2) You are flatout lying about the qualifications of TSA agents. Many, in fact, are vets. TSA Careers and Airport Security Jobs | TSA Salary and Training Requirements | Requirements for Federal Law Enforcement Jobs
TSA Employment and Training Requirements
Although education and experience requirements for TSA jobs vary according to the position and rank, minimum requirements include:

  • Must be a United States citizen
  • Must be at least 18 years old
  • Must possess a high school diploma
  • Must be able to pass a drug screening and medical evaluation
  • Pass a background investigation, which includes a credit check and a criminal check
It is also common for many individuals seeking TSA jobs to pursue formal degree programs from accredited colleges and universities. Typical degree programs often include: police science, criminology, criminal justice, and sociology, just to name a few.

All candidates for TSA jobs who meet the agency’s minimum requirements are evaluated through the employment of a number of tests/assessments, which include:

  • Computer Based Test: Tests English language proficiency and x-ray interpretation aptitude
  • Color vision test
  • A structured interview that assesses an individual’s decision-making abilities and the ability to work with teams and with the general publics
  • Drug screening
  • Medical evaluation that includes a vision screening, hearing exam, and a joint mobility exam
  • Background investigation
Upon completion of all pre-employment assessments, individuals are then categorized in one of the following categories:

  • Best qualified: Demonstrates a superior level in all evaluation criteria
  • Highly qualified: Demonstrates a satisfactory level in all evaluation criteria
  • Qualified: Demonstrates minimal or basic satisfactory qualifications
New TSA agents must complete a standard course of training before beginning work.

The TSA Online Learning Center (OLC) is a centralized learning management system that supports the delivery of all TSA learning and development programs. Within the OLC is the TSA Screener Training Program, which includes study in x-ray operation, screening of persons, searching accessible property, searching checked baggage, and operating machines that test for explosives.

All new employees must complete more than 120 hours of classroom and on-the-job training and undergo a number of tests before they receive their work assignment. Individuals assigned to screen both passengers and baggage must complete additional training.

All TSA employees must complete an annual certification process that includes written tests, image interpretation tests, and a third-party evaluation.

3) Nearly every post you make about TSA is laced with racial bigotry, which tells me your problem with TSA is more related to racial animosity than a government agency.
....All TSA is is a parking place for fat black highschool dropouts that can't even point to one instance where their presence prevented anything.
1) You've been caught in multiple falsehoods by other seasoned travelers.

2) You are flatout lying about the qualifications of TSA agents. Many, in fact, are vets. TSA Careers and Airport Security Jobs | TSA Salary and Training Requirements | Requirements for Federal Law Enforcement Jobs
TSA Employment and Training Requirements
Although education and experience requirements for TSA jobs vary according to the position and rank, minimum requirements include:

  • Must be a United States citizen
  • Must be at least 18 years old
  • Must possess a high school diploma
  • Must be able to pass a drug screening and medical evaluation
  • Pass a background investigation, which includes a credit check and a criminal check
It is also common for many individuals seeking TSA jobs to pursue formal degree programs from accredited colleges and universities. Typical degree programs often include: police science, criminology, criminal justice, and sociology, just to name a few.

All candidates for TSA jobs who meet the agency’s minimum requirements are evaluated through the employment of a number of tests/assessments, which include:

  • Computer Based Test: Tests English language proficiency and x-ray interpretation aptitude
  • Color vision test
  • A structured interview that assesses an individual’s decision-making abilities and the ability to work with teams and with the general publics
  • Drug screening
  • Medical evaluation that includes a vision screening, hearing exam, and a joint mobility exam
  • Background investigation
Upon completion of all pre-employment assessments, individuals are then categorized in one of the following categories:

  • Best qualified: Demonstrates a superior level in all evaluation criteria
  • Highly qualified: Demonstrates a satisfactory level in all evaluation criteria
  • Qualified: Demonstrates minimal or basic satisfactory qualifications
New TSA agents must complete a standard course of training before beginning work.

The TSA Online Learning Center (OLC) is a centralized learning management system that supports the delivery of all TSA learning and development programs. Within the OLC is the TSA Screener Training Program, which includes study in x-ray operation, screening of persons, searching accessible property, searching checked baggage, and operating machines that test for explosives.

All new employees must complete more than 120 hours of classroom and on-the-job training and undergo a number of tests before they receive their work assignment. Individuals assigned to screen both passengers and baggage must complete additional training.

All TSA employees must complete an annual certification process that includes written tests, image interpretation tests, and a third-party evaluation.

3) Nearly every post you make about TSA is laced with racial bigotry, which tells me your problem with TSA is more related to racial animosity than a government agency.

Um not really but think what you want while you defend a big government agency with a 95% fail rate You have also sunk to the lowest low any left wing nut job can sink to by pulling the race card. You are a lame duck and a coward. I'm at my phone now I got some stuff for ya later though.
Um not really but think what you want while you defend a big government agency with a 95% fail rate You have also sunk to the lowest low any left wing nut job can sink to by pulling the race card. You are a lame duck and a coward. I'm at my phone now I got some stuff for ya later though.
Translation: You got me, DW. Yes, I fucking lied like a schoolboy about TSA qualifications. Yes, I hate blacks in government jobs. Because I'm too a big of a spineless asshole to admit this, I'll just fall back on calling you a Liberal.

Have a nice day enjoying your lies and hate, Crixus. I guarantee it won't make you any happier.
I doubt he realizes that fact. My guess is he's simply targetting a few who hassled him going through security.

Some people are fucking morons and check what few brains they have with their luggage at the counter. When they get to security, instead of having checked the TSA website and properly bagged their toiletries plus "demetalized" their attire, they wait until they're next in line and hold up dozens of people due to lack of literacy, proper attitude and common fucking courtesy.

Thousands of passengers and yours truly have wasted tens of thousands of hours over the years due to fucking morons who can't plan more than five minutes ahead. It's not TSA's fault, they're just doing their job. It's the fucking morons who think they are "special" and have "rights" who hold up the fucking line.

Never been hassled. Bags checked at a well tipped nonTSA employee who won't rip off my shit belt in checked bag with boots, pockets empty and flip flops on. What is a crying shame is that even in countries with tighter security at airports one does not have to do all that, and especally for an organization with a 95% failure rate.

What you don't see is that well-tipped non-TSA employee then hands that bag off to a TSA employee who screens your luggage. What did you accomplish other than waste your money on the tip? The end result is the same.[/QUOTE

One, I know the skycap doesn't rip shit off to much. Two, he likely graduated high school so doesn't really need to steal shit out of bags, and three, TSA has yet to make any news from screening bags unless it's about what they stole. Matter of fact, more can be said about TSA screwing up baggage handling then can be said for them speeding it up.

OK, shit for brains! Enough of your idiocy!

A skycap tags your luggage and then does what with it? He takes it inside the terminal to a TSA baggage screener who then places it on a conveyer to the airline handling your flight. The skycap is never alone with your luggage and neither is the TSA screener because they are under constant video surveillance and are constantly surrounded by other people.

Who undergoes an intensive background check prior to being hired? The TSA screener.

Who puts your luggage into the area where the airline stores bags waiting your flight? An airline employee.

Who puts your luggage on the baggage cart to take it to the plane? An airline employee.

Who loads your luggage into the cargo compartment of the aircraft? An airline employee.

Who has sufficient time to steal something from your bag? The airline employee.

Who watches those airline employees? No one!

Who can steal your stuff easily? The airline employee.

BTW, you screwed up the quote again! You are dumber than a bag of hammers.

Says the guy who works for aTSA, lol. Sorry bub, but. It's largely you retards who get fought stealing from luggage. Tell you what, give us an instance where TSA made a huge bust. Then I'll show you one where you idgiots screwed it up. Still I have more then you. So yeah, getting rid of your gravy train job would be best, but at a minimum, at least make y'all do like cops have to do and make TSA prove an red for their existence. PD's have to do it to get funding. Also bump the hireing standards to to cut down on all the fatties and hood rats.

I don't work for the TSA dumb ass. I am a public high school teacher.

I know of several big busts made by the TSA, but you probably are not aware of them. These busts are made by using techniques and methods that the TSA does not want disclosed because it will make the bad guys change their tactics.

My daughter discovered a major money smuggling operation while she was with the TSA. She also found numerous weapons during her 3 years.

When I flew back during the holidays, I forgot and left a knife that I intended to leave at my daughter's house in my carry-on bag. They found it and politely disposed of it for me.

I have never seen anyone that worked for the TSA who looked like you described, I think your own prejudices are affecting your vision. Speaking of vision, you need to start proofreading your posts. They suck!
Never been hassled. Bags checked at a well tipped nonTSA employee who won't rip off my shit belt in checked bag with boots, pockets empty and flip flops on. What is a crying shame is that even in countries with tighter security at airports one does not have to do all that, and especally for an organization with a 95% failure rate.

What you don't see is that well-tipped non-TSA employee then hands that bag off to a TSA employee who screens your luggage. What did you accomplish other than waste your money on the tip? The end result is the same.[/QUOTE

One, I know the skycap doesn't rip shit off to much. Two, he likely graduated high school so doesn't really need to steal shit out of bags, and three, TSA has yet to make any news from screening bags unless it's about what they stole. Matter of fact, more can be said about TSA screwing up baggage handling then can be said for them speeding it up.

OK, shit for brains! Enough of your idiocy!

A skycap tags your luggage and then does what with it? He takes it inside the terminal to a TSA baggage screener who then places it on a conveyer to the airline handling your flight. The skycap is never alone with your luggage and neither is the TSA screener because they are under constant video surveillance and are constantly surrounded by other people.

Who undergoes an intensive background check prior to being hired? The TSA screener.

Who puts your luggage into the area where the airline stores bags waiting your flight? An airline employee.

Who puts your luggage on the baggage cart to take it to the plane? An airline employee.

Who loads your luggage into the cargo compartment of the aircraft? An airline employee.

Who has sufficient time to steal something from your bag? The airline employee.

Who watches those airline employees? No one!

Who can steal your stuff easily? The airline employee.

BTW, you screwed up the quote again! You are dumber than a bag of hammers.

Says the guy who works for aTSA, lol. Sorry bub, but. It's largely you retards who get fought stealing from luggage. Tell you what, give us an instance where TSA made a huge bust. Then I'll show you one where you idgiots screwed it up. Still I have more then you. So yeah, getting rid of your gravy train job would be best, but at a minimum, at least make y'all do like cops have to do and make TSA prove an red for their existence. PD's have to do it to get funding. Also bump the hireing standards to to cut down on all the fatties and hood rats.

I don't work for the TSA dumb ass. I am a public high school teacher.

I know of several big busts made by the TSA, but you probably are not aware of them. These busts are made by using techniques and methods that the TSA does not want disclosed because it will make the bad guys change their tactics.

My daughter discovered a major money smuggling operation while she was with the TSA. She also found numerous weapons during her 3 years.

When I flew back during the holidays, I forgot and left a knife that I intended to leave at my daughter's house in my carry-on bag. They found it and politely disposed of it for me.

I have never seen anyone that worked for the TSA who looked like you described, I think your own prejudices are affecting your vision. Speaking of vision, you need to start proofreading your posts. They suck!

Wow, a public highschool teacher. Bigger loser then a fat ass TSA slob. Wouldn't brag about that Bucky. Y'all are worse then the TSA with their 95% fail rate. It's a conspiracy, public educators make dumb hood rats to be employed by TSA. Can't believe you admit that like your proud of it. Even worse, you proud of your kids for taking a job as an old woman groper. Lol, that's a hoot! 95% fail rate. TSA's numbers not mine. But with you being a public educator, I can see why those numbers look good to you. Y'all are about as useless
Um not really but think what you want while you defend a big government agency with a 95% fail rate You have also sunk to the lowest low any left wing nut job can sink to by pulling the race card. You are a lame duck and a coward. I'm at my phone now I got some stuff for ya later though.
Translation: You got me, DW. Yes, I fucking lied like a schoolboy about TSA qualifications. Yes, I hate blacks in government jobs. Because I'm too a big of a spineless asshole to admit this, I'll just fall back on calling you a Liberal.

Have a nice day enjoying your lies and hate, Crixus. I guarantee it won't make you any happier.[/QUOTE Not really. On the road. But arguing a point with a democrat coward is pointless. Past the whole application I dare you. Especially the part that discusses a "Felony Conviction" and what constitutes one. Again, lazy turds like you and your hero AL sharpton always go to the race card. That makes you a cowardly low life.
What you don't see is that well-tipped non-TSA employee then hands that bag off to a TSA employee who screens your luggage. What did you accomplish other than waste your money on the tip? The end result is the same.[/QUOTE

One, I know the skycap doesn't rip shit off to much. Two, he likely graduated high school so doesn't really need to steal shit out of bags, and three, TSA has yet to make any news from screening bags unless it's about what they stole. Matter of fact, more can be said about TSA screwing up baggage handling then can be said for them speeding it up.

OK, shit for brains! Enough of your idiocy!

A skycap tags your luggage and then does what with it? He takes it inside the terminal to a TSA baggage screener who then places it on a conveyer to the airline handling your flight. The skycap is never alone with your luggage and neither is the TSA screener because they are under constant video surveillance and are constantly surrounded by other people.

Who undergoes an intensive background check prior to being hired? The TSA screener.

Who puts your luggage into the area where the airline stores bags waiting your flight? An airline employee.

Who puts your luggage on the baggage cart to take it to the plane? An airline employee.

Who loads your luggage into the cargo compartment of the aircraft? An airline employee.

Who has sufficient time to steal something from your bag? The airline employee.

Who watches those airline employees? No one!

Who can steal your stuff easily? The airline employee.

BTW, you screwed up the quote again! You are dumber than a bag of hammers.

Says the guy who works for aTSA, lol. Sorry bub, but. It's largely you retards who get fought stealing from luggage. Tell you what, give us an instance where TSA made a huge bust. Then I'll show you one where you idgiots screwed it up. Still I have more then you. So yeah, getting rid of your gravy train job would be best, but at a minimum, at least make y'all do like cops have to do and make TSA prove an red for their existence. PD's have to do it to get funding. Also bump the hireing standards to to cut down on all the fatties and hood rats.

I don't work for the TSA dumb ass. I am a public high school teacher.

I know of several big busts made by the TSA, but you probably are not aware of them. These busts are made by using techniques and methods that the TSA does not want disclosed because it will make the bad guys change their tactics.

My daughter discovered a major money smuggling operation while she was with the TSA. She also found numerous weapons during her 3 years.

When I flew back during the holidays, I forgot and left a knife that I intended to leave at my daughter's house in my carry-on bag. They found it and politely disposed of it for me.

I have never seen anyone that worked for the TSA who looked like you described, I think your own prejudices are affecting your vision. Speaking of vision, you need to start proofreading your posts. They suck!

Wow, a public highschool teacher. Bigger loser then a fat ass TSA slob. Wouldn't brag about that Bucky. Y'all are worse then the TSA with their 95% fail rate. It's a conspiracy, public educators make dumb hood rats to be employed by TSA. Can't believe you admit that like your proud of it. Even worse, you proud of your kids for taking a job as an old woman groper. Lol, that's a hoot! 95% fail rate. TSA's numbers not mine. But with you being a public educator, I can see why those numbers look good to you. Y'all are about as useless
Wow! I'm impressed. I thought there was no way you could make yourself look like a bigger dumb ass, but you just proved me wrong. Kudos!
some airport make family wait outside, Ft Lauderdale let them in the baggage area, at least during off hours for red eye flights to help the person they are meeting with their bags. Not a lot of handlers to drag and carry bags at that hours for people like me.

I try to stay away from airports during rush hours if possible.

Security/police outside do make sure cars don't stop or park on the curb

Security is mostly to keep bombs and knives etc from getting on the planes for hijackings.

For children flying alone, handicapped and elderly you see people come and go to get them at least to a point where they can be handed over to airport or flight staff. You can't keep all non passengers totally out.

Hours to get through the airport and on board is prohibitive enough already. For people in pain it is torture and then a long flight to your destination. and more security to get out...........might as well just shoot me

Fire TSA, Hire real cops, maybe some returning vets who have spent a little time spotting bad guys , buy them guns and dogs and there you go. We can stop paying Shaniqua D'Quanza and Meguel Lopez to sit on their fat asses and the airports would actually be safe. I'll be fair here this guy seems to have moved his weapons legally. TSA still needs to be cut or reformed.

Maybe if TSA paid more than minimum wage, qualified people would apply. Americans want everyone to do their job but they don't want to pay them up do it.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
What you don't see is that well-tipped non-TSA employee then hands that bag off to a TSA employee who screens your luggage. What did you accomplish other than waste your money on the tip? The end result is the same.[/QUOTE

One, I know the skycap doesn't rip shit off to much. Two, he likely graduated high school so doesn't really need to steal shit out of bags, and three, TSA has yet to make any news from screening bags unless it's about what they stole. Matter of fact, more can be said about TSA screwing up baggage handling then can be said for them speeding it up.

OK, shit for brains! Enough of your idiocy!

A skycap tags your luggage and then does what with it? He takes it inside the terminal to a TSA baggage screener who then places it on a conveyer to the airline handling your flight. The skycap is never alone with your luggage and neither is the TSA screener because they are under constant video surveillance and are constantly surrounded by other people.

Who undergoes an intensive background check prior to being hired? The TSA screener.

Who puts your luggage into the area where the airline stores bags waiting your flight? An airline employee.

Who puts your luggage on the baggage cart to take it to the plane? An airline employee.

Who loads your luggage into the cargo compartment of the aircraft? An airline employee.

Who has sufficient time to steal something from your bag? The airline employee.

Who watches those airline employees? No one!

Who can steal your stuff easily? The airline employee.

BTW, you screwed up the quote again! You are dumber than a bag of hammers.

Says the guy who works for aTSA, lol. Sorry bub, but. It's largely you retards who get fought stealing from luggage. Tell you what, give us an instance where TSA made a huge bust. Then I'll show you one where you idgiots screwed it up. Still I have more then you. So yeah, getting rid of your gravy train job would be best, but at a minimum, at least make y'all do like cops have to do and make TSA prove an red for their existence. PD's have to do it to get funding. Also bump the hireing standards to to cut down on all the fatties and hood rats.

I don't work for the TSA dumb ass. I am a public high school teacher.

I know of several big busts made by the TSA, but you probably are not aware of them. These busts are made by using techniques and methods that the TSA does not want disclosed because it will make the bad guys change their tactics.

My daughter discovered a major money smuggling operation while she was with the TSA. She also found numerous weapons during her 3 years.

When I flew back during the holidays, I forgot and left a knife that I intended to leave at my daughter's house in my carry-on bag. They found it and politely disposed of it for me.

I have never seen anyone that worked for the TSA who looked like you described, I think your own prejudices are affecting your vision. Speaking of vision, you need to start proofreading your posts. They suck!

Wow, a public highschool teacher. Bigger loser then a fat ass TSA slob. Wouldn't brag about that Bucky. Y'all are worse then the TSA with their 95% fail rate. It's a conspiracy, public educators make dumb hood rats to be employed by TSA. Can't believe you admit that like your proud of it. Even worse, you proud of your kids for taking a job as an old woman groper. Lol, that's a hoot! 95% fail rate. TSA's numbers not mine. But with you being a public educator, I can see why those numbers look good to you. Y'all are about as useless

You are pitiful. So much anger wrapped up in so much ignorance.

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