Tucker is darling of Putin and the Kremlin Security's Information and telecommunications Dept. to support war in Ukraine

I confess, I have not listened to Tucker (though I have read) since it became public, of him being pushed to the Russian people as supporting propaganda for Putin's war. Are you saying his is backtracking and coming around to support of Ukraine, NATO and US positions? I have not read that. Can you point me to a an article?

He isn't back tracking nor did he ever waver from supporting the US. He has been calling out congress for being into a headlong rush to go to war. Your media, fueled by a comment he made during the impeachment party regarding his claim he supported Russia ( over the democrats ) has gone into full spin mode. Lest we forget, MSM hates anything Fox.

He's mentioned what you ask on his show, several times. Maybe a good place to start.
He isn't back tracking nor did he ever waver from supporting the US. He has been calling out congress for being into a headlong rush to go to war. Your media, fueled by a comment he made during the impeachment party regarding his claim he supported Russia ( over the democrats ) has gone into full spin mode. Lest we forget, MSM hates anything Fox.

He's mentioned what you ask on his show, several times. Maybe a good place to start.
Joe is not going to war, for nut balls in congress. Who cares what PMSNBC hates. You have not heard me quote them on this. Tell you what. Let me know when the Russian government quits pushing Tucker to the front of their propaganda campaign to the Russian people. After all, it is not like I wrote any of the reports on the internet quoting Russian government memos. I already pay Tuck minimal attention. Besides, I am unswayable on things like this, though Russia not ordering him on the playlist as a favored speaker for their side might help.
Joe is not going to war, for nut balls in congress. Who cares what PMSNBC hates. You have not heard me quote them on this. Tell you what. Let me know when the Russian government quits pushing Tucker to the front of their propaganda campaign to the Russian people. After all, it is not like I wrote any of the reports on the internet quoting Russian government memos. I already pay Tuck minimal attention. Besides, I am unswayable on things like this, though Russia not ordering him on the playlist as a favored speaker for their side might help.
Russia is probably tripping all over the MSM spun bull that you and your buddies were foaming at the mouth over.

Memo says to use 'select' portions of his statements......you know, selective editing, just like you fell for from your own MSM.

Pure propaganda....suck it up dude.
Russia is probably tripping all over the MSM spun bull that you and your buddies were foaming at the mouth over.

Memo says to use 'select' portions of his statements......you know, selective editing, just like you fell for from your own MSM.

Pure propaganda....suck it up dude.
That is the way it is done, alright, but easier with juice quotes support Russia. Tuck just the gift that keeps on giving.
That is the way it is done, alright, but easier with juice quotes support Russia. Tuck just the gift that keeps on giving.
How would you know?

I've seen several things from you and others here.

No one likes Tucker. Ok, your and others choices.

Most don't follow him.....then it's ok to accept hearsay from others.

All rely on what others have claimed and reported, without reservation.

The 'leaked memo' suggests using 'fragments' from Carlson's show, as much as possible.

You don't realize it, but those sites that have been quoted about what Carlson said are doing exactly the same thing. You know, just like Russia, selectively editing to create a false narrative.

PT Barnum said a sucker is born every minute. You and others have proved that.
How would you know?

I've seen several things from you and others here.

No one likes Tucker. Ok, your and others choices.

Most don't follow him.....then it's ok to accept hearsay from others.

All rely on what others have claimed and reported, without reservation.

The 'leaked memo' suggests using 'fragments' from Carlson's show, as much as possible.

You don't realize it, but those sites that have been quoted about what Carlson said are doing exactly the same thing. You know, just like Russia, selectively editing to create a false narrative.

PT Barnum said a sucker is born every minute. You and others have proved that.
It is enough for me, Tucker was chosen by Putin's intelligentsia. They didn't do it for his anti-Russia stance, as he does not have one. I heard some of what was quoted in the article, myself, live on the air. Sounded like he was pitching for the other team, to me.
It is enough for me, Tucker was chosen by Putin's intelligentsia. They didn't do it for his anti-Russia stance, as he does not have one. I heard some of what was quoted in the article, myself, live on the air. Sounded like he was pitching for the other team, to me.
Sounded does not prove anything.

He was also chosen by the MSM who has a terrible dislike for anything Fox. They employed the same propaganda tactics as Russia and you all bought it hook, line and sinker.
Sounded does not prove anything.

He was also chosen by the MSM who has a terrible dislike for anything Fox. They employed the same propaganda tactics as Russia and you all bought it hook, line and sinker.
Are you saying I should watch more MSM to get the low down on whether Tucker is low down? I had schooling in propaganda and propaganda tactics and I have been on USMB for 2 years, seeing propaganda fore all of both years, including an election cycle. Who do you think you are talking to? Don't try to shit me son. I have seen turds up close.
Are you saying I should watch more MSM to get the low down on whether Tucker is low down? I had schooling in propaganda and propaganda tactics and I have been on USMB for 2 years, seeing propaganda fore all of both years, including an election cycle. Who do you think you are talking to? Don't try to shit me son. I have seen turds up close.
Not at all. I think you should see how deep the water is before you go jumping in.

If you had schooling on propaganda, dude, you didn't pay attention too well. It's quite evident in your 'follow the yellow brick road' posts.

I been here since 2014 and on other forums since 1998.

Dude, I wouldn't shit you, you're my favorite turd.
Not at all. I think you should see how deep the water is before you go jumping in.

If you had schooling on propaganda, dude, you didn't pay attention too well. It's quite evident in your 'follow the yellow brick road' posts.

I been here since 2014 and on other forums since 1998.

Dude, I wouldn't shit you, you're my favorite turd.
Didn't mean to hurt your feelings, but I don't know you from Adam and do know where I have been. So things not going well for Tucker, now tool of Putin and Trump talking about what a genius Putin is for his handling of Ukraine. Probably only a matter of time before Donny start making excuses for his Putin Puffing point of view. Don't know where you been or who you are, but you ain't looking to swift from where I'm sitting, chum(p).
Didn't mean to hurt your feelings, but I don't know you from Adam and do know where I have been. So things not going well for Tucker, now tool of Putin and Trump talking about what a genius Putin is for his handling of Ukraine. Probably only a matter of time before Donny start making excuses for his Putin Puffing point of view. Don't know where you been or who you are, but you ain't looking to swift from where I'm sitting, chum(p).
Dude, take a lot bigger dude than you to hurt my feelings.

You're just another lame Trump hater tossing BS out into the dark void. Been hearing dudes like you for ages....and much better to boot.

Tucker is and will do fine. You hate him, fine with me.

Continue with your little Tucker hissy fits, believe me, they are real fun to watch.

Dude, take a lot bigger dude than you to hurt my feelings.

You're just another lame Trump hater tossing BS out into the dark void. Been hearing dudes like you for ages....and much better to boot.

Tucker is and will do fine. You hate him, fine with me.

Continue with your little Tucker hissy fits, believe me, they are real fun to watch.

Thanks. I might, as you guys are like shooting fish in a barrel when you start defending people on the wrong sided of history.
Thanks. I might, as you guys are like shooting fish in a barrel when you start defending people on the wrong sided of history.

At least we aren't like you guys and play the circular firing squad.
No. I am just talking about his take on Ukraine, our foreign policy regarding Ukraine being led by President Biden, his views on NATO, who he thinks is responsible, and general stance favoring the Russian perspective more than the American perspective.
NATO and Biden are responsible. NATO's job is not to be taking bribes as they do but to prevent Europe's countries from invading smaller ones starting another war....They failed...They failed fucking big again.

The Eukraine war was avoidable--Nato/US could have stopped it before it started but not with a corrupt weak europe in Nato and a senile corrupt bribe Taking Biden in the US.
At least we aren't like you guys and play the circular firing squad.
No, more like you guys just play circle jerk for political purposes. Is it your turn to be pivot man?
NATO and Biden are responsible. NATO's job is not to be taking bribes as they do but to prevent Europe's countries from invading smaller ones starting another war....They failed...They failed fucking big again.

The Eukraine war was avoidable--Nato/US could have stopped it before it started but not with a corrupt weak europe in Nato and a senile corrupt bribe Taking Biden in the US.
Russia is responsible. The free world knows the one that invades a country at peace is responsible, and you are on the wrong side of history again. No wonder you guys felt marginalized. You support marginal views, making you look bad to everybody else.

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