Tuesday state election results breaking in favor of Democrats

  • 2018 LOST midterm in a wipeout
  • 2020 LOST election of both houses and presidency
  • 2021 LOST both special elections of GA senate
  • 2022 FAILED in historic underperformance in out of power midterms
  • 2023 LOST soundly in VA, KY, and OH
  • 2024…. More MAGA losses?
It does make me wonder about these polls in general. I think that the polling companies are oversampling Republicans because they were caught flat-footed by Trump's "Win" in 2016, even though Republicans have won very little since then.

At a time when Democrats can’t decide what women and a men are, spending is out of control, inflation is the highest in four decades, and their progressives want to put everyone into a racial box, voters are looking at you and saying “Nah, I’ll stick with that instead of the bizarre shitshow that the GOP has become.

Actually, the bizarre shit show is actually treating gender identity as a real issue, when in fact, big corporations have already moved on.

Here's the real problem, and we've had this discussion before. If the GOP ran on its real agenda of screwing the working class to benefit the investor class, it would lose every election. So it needs these bullshit social issues like abortion and transgender to get stupid white people to vote against their own economic interests.

Yes, inflation is at a 40 year high on a GLOBAL level. Demand has outstripped supply as India and China start living like Americans.
  • 2018 LOST midterm in a wipeout
  • 2020 LOST election of both houses and presidency
  • 2021 LOST both special elections of GA senate
  • 2022 FAILED in historic underperformance in out of power midterms
  • 2023 LOST soundly in VA, KY, and OH
  • 2024…. More MAGA losses?

The only caveat was 2021 in VA when parents revolted against Democrats’ approaches to education.
  • 2018 LOST midterm in a wipeout
  • 2020 LOST election of both houses and presidency
  • 2021 LOST both special elections of GA senate
  • 2022 FAILED in historic underperformance in out of power midterms
  • 2023 LOST soundly in VA, KY, and OH
  • 2024…. More MAGA losses?
This also guarantees the continuing decline of the nation. In a joke for Prog control, they are running ads more white guy centric for the military. Much less woke as we are now in war status. They put a lot more soldiers in recruiting offices. A percentage are saying they do not want to fight for Israel anymore. Which should make you happy. And these guys are most likely Republicans.
In Tuesday night’s off-year elections, the incumbent Democratic governor in Kentucky — a state President Joe Biden lost by 26 points — handily won reelection.​

So? Dumb Bell Edwards won the governorship in LA after LA went for every republican president going back to Reagan. We're still a red state.

A lot of people don't even bother to vote for the governor. Doesn't mean KY is going blue any time soon.
The only caveat was 2021 in VA when parents revolted against Democrats’ approaches to education.

You mean they lied by turning a case of relationship abuse into a false narrative about transgender bathrooms?

Here's how you can already tell that the GOP is going to lose the transgender debate. Big corporations are way ahead of you, encouraging employees to use the pronouns of their choice and supporting transgenders rights in the workplace.

Just like they were ahead of the curve on gay marriage, offering domestic partner benefits to gay couples long before the country had a bout of good sense and legalized them.
  • 2018 LOST midterm in a wipeout
  • 2020 LOST election of both houses and presidency
  • 2021 LOST both special elections of GA senate
  • 2022 FAILED in historic underperformance in out of power midterms
  • 2023 LOST soundly in VA, KY, and OH
  • 2024…. More MAGA losses?
2024 will be a referendum on 80 year old "blue boy". Good Luck!!

How many times do you need to keep getting knocked to the floor, MAGA? Over and over again, you keep losing. And over and over again, you keep lying to yourself that it’s everybody else’s fault except your own and - especially - your Orange God.

This country needs a healthy conservative alternative to the Democrats. But right now, the Republican Party is anything but that. You’ve become a party of batshit crazy conspiracy loons, enthralled with your grifting messiah who uses you as a wallet, trapped in a media echo chamber that tells you what you want to hear, and driving away anyone who doesn’t slavishly adhere to your narrow ideological Dear Leader devotion, ie “RINOs”.

At a time when Democrats can’t decide what women and a men are, spending is out of control, inflation is the highest in four decades, and their progressives want to put everyone into a racial box, voters are looking at you and saying “Nah, I’ll stick with that instead of the bizarre shitshow that the GOP has become.

The GOP will keep getting the electoral crap beaten out of them until they decide to grow up and become a serious political party dedicated to winning again, rather than this bizarre cult that triggers their lizard brains because feelingz.

2024 is there for the taking for the Republicans. Almost all of the candidates on stage at the Republican debate would almost certainly beat Biden. But instead, the Orange Cult will nominate Trump again because “He’s a fighter! He really won in 2020! White grievance! Wah wah wah!” And the continual MAGA losses since 2017 will most likely continue.

In Tuesday night’s off-year elections, the incumbent Democratic governor in Kentucky — a state President Joe Biden lost by 26 points — handily won reelection. Democrats not only rebuffed Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin’s bid for total control of the state legislature by keeping the state Senate — they flipped the state House, too. And the party held a state Supreme Court seat in the nation’s largest Electoral College battleground of Pennsylvania. …​

the results on Tuesday — taken together with a string of special elections throughout the year that showed Democratic candidates outperforming Biden’s vote shares in districts across the country — serve as a powerful counterpoint to the party’s doom-and-gloom over the president’s poll numbers.​

Democrats’ victories won’t make those polls go away, but they should prompt a rethinking of the current political moment, with a year to go until the next general election.​

So you think the best way to achieve a “healthy” repub party is for conservative candidates to become libs?

Thats kinda crazy you know
I caught a clip of Vivek on CNN. He said they have a branding problem; that the GOP doctrine is sound. Unbelievable.
Yep. Denial of reality is a horrible thing. The women want their abortion rights, period.

I'm a pro-choice Republican, we need to grow brains and recognize reality.
It does make me wonder about these polls in general. I think that the polling companies are oversampling Republicans because they were caught flat-footed by Trump's "Win" in 2016, even though Republicans have won very little since then.

Actually, the bizarre shit show is actually treating gender identity as a real issue, when in fact, big corporations have already moved on.

Here's the real problem, and we've had this discussion before. If the GOP ran on its real agenda of screwing the working class to benefit the investor class, it would lose every election. So it needs these bullshit social issues like abortion and transgender to get stupid white people to vote against their own economic interests.

Yes, inflation is at a 40 year high on a GLOBAL level. Demand has outstripped supply as India and China start living like Americans.

The strange part is all the very worse has bi-partisan support ... Democrats vote for "trickle-down" economics while they campaign against it ... Republicans will vote from any and all pork-barrel CRs and then rail against over-spending ... hypocrites, every one of them ...

HAW HAW HAW ... and MAGA MIke is sending yet another pork-barrel CR to the Senate ... way to go GOP, way to go ...
  • 2018 LOST midterm in a wipeout
  • 2020 LOST election of both houses and presidency
  • 2021 LOST both special elections of GA senate
  • 2022 FAILED in historic underperformance in out of power midterms
  • 2023 LOST soundly in VA, KY, and OH
  • 2024…. More MAGA losses?
America lost in the 2020 election
DeSantis is a horrible Presidential candidate, and I don’t like some of the things he’s done here in Florida, but he is a model of what a successful post-MAGA cult GOP might look like.

Um, not really.

Ever since Tricky Dick, the GOP has gotten the white working class to swallow the poison pill of plutocracy by wrapping in in the chewy bacon of racism, homophobia and religious zealotry.

Trump just dialed that shit up to 11.

It's like when you all tolerate your racist friend until he embarrasses you by blurting out the N-word in mixed company.

As wretched as Trump is, at least he's honest.
The strange part is all the very worse has bi-partisan support ... Democrats vote for "trickle-down" economics while they campaign against it ... Republicans will vote from any and all pork-barrel CRs and then rail against over-spending ... hypocrites, every one of them ...

HAW HAW HAW ... and MAGA MIke is sending yet another pork-barrel CR to the Senate ... way to go GOP, way to go ...

I agree, both parties have a bad habit of following the path of least resistance.
It does make me wonder about these polls in general. I think that the polling companies are oversampling Republicans because they were caught flat-footed by Trump's "Win" in 2016, even though Republicans have won very little since then.

Actually, the bizarre shit show is actually treating gender identity as a real issue, when in fact, big corporations have already moved on.

Here's the real problem, and we've had this discussion before. If the GOP ran on its real agenda of screwing the working class to benefit the investor class, it would lose every election. So it needs these bullshit social issues like abortion and transgender to get stupid white people to vote against their own economic interests.

Yes, inflation is at a 40 year high on a GLOBAL level. Demand has outstripped supply as India and China start living like Americans.
If they want to know what's going to happen in Michigan next year they need to go to college campus' and ask young women. MSU, UofM, Eastern, Western, Central MI

BTW my alma mater is playing tonight 7:30pm ESPN2. Eastern MI. If you hate me politically here I want you to tune in and root against Eastern. Give you a reason to watch.

We're playing Toledo. Ohio Team. So its sort of like Ohio vs Michigan. Sorta. LOL.

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