Tuesday state election results breaking in favor of Democrats

Dont you just love it when these asshole say the only way to win is to become a soulless POS Democrat. :auiqs.jpg:
Trump is neither godly or is hung-up on abortion. I'm sick of losing due to holy-rollers backing pro-life hopefuls. They need to exhibit some common sense.
After winning the VA Governor’s seat, you planned on losing the VA House? Yeah...lie to us some more.
The VA Governor's race was a protest vote, IMO. Republicans didn't win the Gubernatorial race as much as dims LOST it.

With the number of mindless 'proles that Sponge Brains Shits Pants keeps hiring to stack paperclips in DC, Virginia is turning Blue. Has been for a while.

Enjoy yourself while you can.
The funny thing about the polls is that outside of some state Presidential polls in the Midwest, most polls have been underestimating Democratic strength.
Well, there is that.

But also, Trump is getting what, 60% of the vote...


That leaves 40%. Lets say of the 40%--10 to 20 percent are never Trumpers. He’s not going to get a lot of bump from when the other folks drop out.
A Haji terrorist has nothing on a wild-eyed dem woman when it come to abortion.

I say we give them what they want....I mean who needs more future dems and burdens on society anyway?

The gop needs to exhibit some common sense when it comes to the utility of abortion.
Pretty good night for America. Looks like the Republican message of make America suck isn’t resonating. Looks like the 2024 election will be a blood bath for pubs. Maybe they’ll move away from grievance politics and back to working on solutions after 6 straight years of failure. I know.. optimistic of me.
This is why I ignore silly assed polls that are a year out. They start out favorably for Republicans and everyone touts them and gloats over them.

Then...reality sets in and crunch time comes...and people vote with their heads.
Yes, abortion is an issue that fires up the Democratic base. The problem is that people shouldn’t be one issue voters. Even if a person is pro-choice, they shouldn’t ignore all the other issues where Democrats are completely wrong, which is the vast majority. I fear that is what is happening.
That’s ironic, don’t you think? If anyone’s been one-issue, it’s been the Right to Life groups.
This country needs a healthy conservative alternative to the Democrats. But right now, the Republican Party is anything but that. You’ve become a party of batshit crazy conspiracy loons, enthralled with your grifting messiah who uses you as a wallet, trapped in a media echo chamber that tells you what you want to hear, and driving away anyone who doesn’t slavishly adhere to your narrow ideological Dear Leader devotion, ie “RINOs”.
Last people we need to take advice from is Dems and TDS butt hurt peeps.

We have a Conservative SCOTUS because we didnt listen to you.

Let that sink in a burn a bit. MAGA

In sports, if a coach keeps doing the same thing and keeps losing, he gets fired.

In MAGA, you keep lying to yourself, keep blaming everyone except yourselves, and keep losing.
Leftist in Rinos lost their shit when Trump won. So much so they have been throwing tantrums for 7 years now.

They lost SCOTUS and they thought it was in the bag. Their misuse of the Judiciary for power has been stopped for decades possibly.
The best analogy for MAGA continuously losing is the patient dying of COVID who didn’t believe COVID was real.

Not coincidentally, that person was MAGA.
The only good thing I can say about Youngkin is that he isn't Ralph Blackface Northam, but so far t looks like this huge democratic win in Virginia is really just a slight shift in an otherwise close divide.
In sports, if a coach keeps doing the same thing and keeps losing, he gets fired.

In MAGA, you keep lying to yourself, keep blaming everyone except yourselves, and keep losing.
You fvkers Muled the last elevtion to win and import voters from the Southern Border
Leftist in Rinos lost their shit when Trump won. So much so they have been throwing tantrums for 7 years now.

They lost SCOTUS and they thought it was in the bag. Their misuse of the Judiciary for power has been stopped for decades possibly.

You’ve been losing continuously for seven years. You think making your party cult less and less appealing to more and more people is a sign of success.

That’s because MAGA is about identity and tribalism, not about winning elections.
The best analogy for MAGA continuously losing is the patient dying of COVID who didn’t believe COVID was real.

Not coincidentally, that person was MAGA.
As again other coutries used treatments that saved lives while ours was make a buck

Africa and India totals were less deaths than us with 2.6 billion people. Let that sink in.
Abortion will continue to be a losing issue for Repubs nationally. As for congressional elections coming next year, we'll see how much of a price they pay, if any, for exposing themselves as being both unwilling and unable to govern.
Republicans got their wish in repealing Roe v Wade

Now, they are learning to stay away from the issue. They will never allow voters to decide again.
They will run for state seats and be noncommittal on abortion, then ram through bans when they take state legislatures

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