Tuesday state election results breaking in favor of Democrats

I caught a clip of Vivek on CNN. He said they have a branding problem; that the GOP doctrine is sound.


The branding problem is people like Vivek.

Look, some of the issues animating the base are justified, be they border security and immigration, gender socialization, opioids, etc. And given that the elites have ignored their problems, one can understand their desire to support someone like Trump who spoke to their issues when everyone else was ignoring them. And after the GFC and the Iraq War - which affected them but barely touched the elites - their anger at the elites and the system was justified.

But after eight years of this shit, everyone else sees what this narcissistic conman is about. And they keep rejecting him and his base.

MAGA fundamentally misunderstands what happened in 2016. Exit polls showed that most people who voted for Trump did so because they were voting against Hillary. IOW the country had grown tired of the Clintons - understandably - and gave this new guy a chance. But most of the country quickly found out that Trump was about chaos. Most people don’t want chaos, even if they want change. That is why people have continuously rejected MAGA almost everywhere outside of deep red places the first chance they got.
How many times do you need to keep getting knocked to the floor, MAGA? Over and over again, you keep losing. And over and over again, you keep lying to yourself that it’s everybody else’s fault except your own and - especially - your Orange God.

This country needs a healthy conservative alternative to the Democrats. But right now, the Republican Party is anything but that. You’ve become a party of batshit crazy conspiracy loons, enthralled with your grifting messiah who uses you as a wallet, trapped in a media echo chamber that tells you what you want to hear, and driving away anyone who doesn’t slavishly adhere to your narrow ideological Dear Leader devotion, ie “RINOs”.

At a time when Democrats can’t decide what women and a men are, spending is out of control, inflation is the highest in four decades, and their progressives want to put everyone into a racial box, voters are looking at you and saying “Nah, I’ll stick with that instead of the bizarre shitshow that the GOP has become.

The GOP will keep getting the electoral crap beaten out of them until they decide to grow up and become a serious political party dedicated to winning again, rather than this bizarre cult that triggers their lizard brains because feelingz.

2024 is there for the taking for the Republicans. Almost all of the candidates on stage at the Republican debate would almost certainly beat Biden. But instead, the Orange Cult will nominate Trump again because “He’s a fighter! He really won in 2020! White grievance! Wah wah wah!” And the continual MAGA losses since 2017 will most likely continue.

In Tuesday night’s off-year elections, the incumbent Democratic governor in Kentucky — a state President Joe Biden lost by 26 points — handily won reelection. Democrats not only rebuffed Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin’s bid for total control of the state legislature by keeping the state Senate — they flipped the state House, too. And the party held a state Supreme Court seat in the nation’s largest Electoral College battleground of Pennsylvania. …​

the results on Tuesday — taken together with a string of special elections throughout the year that showed Democratic candidates outperforming Biden’s vote shares in districts across the country — serve as a powerful counterpoint to the party’s doom-and-gloom over the president’s poll numbers.​

Democrats’ victories won’t make those polls go away, but they should prompt a rethinking of the current political moment, with a year to go until the next general election.​


relevant are some polls one year prior to the election.

yes. yes.
I haven't seen any final tallies for Virginia but it looks like it wasn't a big blue wave. They just eked enough seats to get control. I wouldn't jump to draw any clear conclusions. My gut instinct is that this had a lot to do with Virginians being pissed by all the hostage-taking in Richmond. Everything has been held hostage in the budget negotiations this past year. We have had a court vacancy locally they have refused to confirm anybody for "until the budget gets resolved" going on almost a year. It isn't like this is some superfluous extra position. It is the only judge in the general district court. They have been having to ship in judges from other parts of the state just to hear simple traffic cases and the like.
If Pubs have no chance next year, why are Dems trying to get Trump off the ballot?

If he will be easy to beat, let him run.

When you say he can’t win, then try everything you can to keep him off the ballot….it smacks of utter bullshit.
Abortion will continue to be a losing issue for Repubs nationally. As for congressional elections coming next year, we'll see how much of a price they pay, if any, for exposing themselves as being both unwilling and unable to govern.

I do have to admire the right. They stick with their beliefs. They don't want to give in on killing babies, even if it costs them elections.

Democrats, on the other hand, would vote to decapitate their own mothers if it would further their political careers and fatten their wallets.
Virginia is the Suburbs of DC, no surprise dims did well. Biden has hired hundreds of thousands of goobermint workers and most of them live in Virginia. Shocking that they'd vote their own Rice Bowl.....

Beshear is a Kentucky sweetheart. From a family of professional KY politicians. And Republicans have complete control, a Veto-Proof majority, in both their House and Senate. A big majority. Bigly Kentucky General Assembly - Wikipedia So I don't know what dims are crowing about there. Beshear is a token. All but powerless

I don't believe the abortion vote in Ohio had anything to do with Party. The time has come, there is enough technology, people have become more and more sophisticated...... The time has come.

I don't see what dims are yapping about. None of these results is a surprise or mean a GD thing.
Yes, abortion is an issue that fires up the Democratic base. The problem is that people shouldn’t be one issue voters. Even if a person is pro-choice, they shouldn’t ignore all the other issues where Democrats are completely wrong, which is the vast majority. I fear that is what is happening.
How many times do you need to keep getting knocked to the floor, MAGA? Over and over again, you keep losing. And over and over again, you keep lying to yourself that it’s everybody else’s fault except your own and - especially - your Orange God.

This country needs a healthy conservative alternative to the Democrats. But right now, the Republican Party is anything but that. You’ve become a party of batshit crazy conspiracy loons, enthralled with your grifting messiah who uses you as a wallet, trapped in a media echo chamber that tells you what you want to hear, and driving away anyone who doesn’t slavishly adhere to your narrow ideological Dear Leader devotion, ie “RINOs”.

At a time when Democrats can’t decide what women and a men are, spending is out of control, inflation is the highest in four decades, and their progressives want to put everyone into a racial box, voters are looking at you and saying “Nah, I’ll stick with that instead of the bizarre shitshow that the GOP has become.

The GOP will keep getting the electoral crap beaten out of them until they decide to grow up and become a serious political party dedicated to winning again, rather than this bizarre cult that triggers their lizard brains because feelingz.

2024 is there for the taking for the Republicans. Almost all of the candidates on stage at the Republican debate would almost certainly beat Biden. But instead, the Orange Cult will nominate Trump again because “He’s a fighter! He really won in 2020! White grievance! Wah wah wah!” And the continual MAGA losses since 2017 will most likely continue.

In Tuesday night’s off-year elections, the incumbent Democratic governor in Kentucky — a state President Joe Biden lost by 26 points — handily won reelection. Democrats not only rebuffed Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin’s bid for total control of the state legislature by keeping the state Senate — they flipped the state House, too. And the party held a state Supreme Court seat in the nation’s largest Electoral College battleground of Pennsylvania. …​

the results on Tuesday — taken together with a string of special elections throughout the year that showed Democratic candidates outperforming Biden’s vote shares in districts across the country — serve as a powerful counterpoint to the party’s doom-and-gloom over the president’s poll numbers.​

Democrats’ victories won’t make those polls go away, but they should prompt a rethinking of the current political moment, with a year to go until the next general election.​

The Dems are just too strong. The Squad > Lindsey Graham
Yep. Denial of reality is a horrible thing. The women want their abortion rights, period.

I'm a pro-choice Republican, we need to grow brains and recognize reality.
Well, you can start with realizing the reality that a great many fathers want abortion rights too instead of trying to characterize abortion as strictly a women’s issue.
Virginia is the Suburbs of DC, no surprise dims did well. Biden has hired hundreds of thousands of goobermint workers and most of them live in Virginia. Shocking that they'd vote their own Rice Bowl.....

Beshear is a Kentucky sweetheart. From a family of professional KY politicians. And Republicans have complete control, a Veto-Proof majority, in both their House and Senate. A big majority. Bigly Kentucky General Assembly - Wikipedia So I don't know what dims are crowing about there. Beshear is a token. All but powerless

I don't believe the abortion vote in Ohio had anything to do with Party. The time has come, there is enough technology, people have become more and more sophisticated...... The time has come.

I don't see what dims are yapping about. None of these results is a surprise or mean a GD thing.
After winning the VA Governor’s seat, you planned on losing the VA House? Yeah...lie to us some more.
Last people we need to take advice from is Dems and TDS butt hurt peeps.

We have a Conservative SCOTUS because we didnt listen to you.

Let that sink in a burn a bit. MAGA

Dont you just love it when these asshole say the only way to win is to become a soulless POS Democrat. :auiqs.jpg:

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