Tuesday state election results breaking in favor of Democrats

This is why I ignore silly assed polls that are a year out. They start out favorably for Republicans and everyone touts them and gloats over them.

Then...reality sets in and crunch time comes...and people vote with their heads.


I do have to admire the right. They stick with their beliefs. They don't want to give in on killing babies, even if it costs them elections.

Democrats, on the other hand, would vote to decapitate their own mothers if it would further their political careers and fatten their wallets.

And we've developed into a hedonistic society without morals that is apparently okay with that.
A good night for dems means a bad night for America. It will be a tough fight to keep our specific freedoms and rights guaranteed by the constitution over the next few years. Democrats will be busy inventing new ways to control the population and make us less safe

You no longer have any rights...Constitutional or otherwise.
What you Do still have is the delusion that you do or might.
From here out America continues it's hard turn Left. Not really anything that can be done now.

The best you (or any Right winger) can do now is RUN for the hills and hope they don't find you.

Americans did nothing. Losing strategy.
Abortion is mostly a non-issue that is promoted up by democrat propagandists and the sheep comply.
If it wasn’t abortion it would be another non-issue.
NYT said it’s also because voters like Biden economic policies. How stupid can democrat voters be?

They're very stupid.
Pretty good night for America. Looks like the Republican message of make America suck isn’t resonating. Looks like the 2024 election will be a blood bath for pubs. Maybe they’ll move away from grievance politics and back to working on solutions after 6 straight years of failure. I know.. optimistic of me.

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Yes, bub. Looks like reps will be buried in '24. But no crystal ball. But if reps can't win in this environemnt...when would they?

Most of the new voters coming up are commie, genderqueer or anarchists. They hate gods, religion and conservative views which they term as fascist nazis. It is just a matter of time, bub. Once the dems can replace the SCOTUS justices with radicals...the takeover will be complete. The dems will own every branch of government including the military and all the alphabet agencies. As well as owning anything else that matters. And as a last hurrah, the dems will pull the plug on AM radio as they walk out the door.
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Yes, bub. Looks like reps will be buried in '24. But no crystal ball. But if reps can't win in this environemnt...when would they?

Most of the new voters coming up are commie, genderqueer or anarchists. They hate gods, religion and conservative views which they term as fascist nazis. It is just a matter of time, bub. Once the dems can replace the SCOTUS justices with radicals...the takeover will be complete. The dems will own every branch of government including the military and all the alphabet agencies. As well as owning anything else that matters. And as a last hurrah, the dems will pull the plug on AM radio as they walk out the door.
That's quite an unhinged diatribe.

Did you get that from the RT network?
How many times do you need to keep getting knocked to the floor, MAGA? Over and over again, you keep losing. And over and over again, you keep lying to yourself that it’s everybody else’s fault except your own and - especially - your Orange God.

This country needs a healthy conservative alternative to the Democrats. But right now, the Republican Party is anything but that. You’ve become a party of batshit crazy conspiracy loons, enthralled with your grifting messiah who uses you as a wallet, trapped in a media echo chamber that tells you what you want to hear, and driving away anyone who doesn’t slavishly adhere to your narrow ideological Dear Leader devotion, ie “RINOs”.

At a time when Democrats can’t decide what women and a men are, spending is out of control, inflation is the highest in four decades, and their progressives want to put everyone into a racial box, voters are looking at you and saying “Nah, I’ll stick with that instead of the bizarre shitshow that the GOP has become.

The GOP will keep getting the electoral crap beaten out of them until they decide to grow up and become a serious political party dedicated to winning again, rather than this bizarre cult that triggers their lizard brains because feelingz.

2024 is there for the taking for the Republicans. Almost all of the candidates on stage at the Republican debate would almost certainly beat Biden. But instead, the Orange Cult will nominate Trump again because “He’s a fighter! He really won in 2020! White grievance! Wah wah wah!” And the continual MAGA losses since 2017 will most likely continue.

In Tuesday night’s off-year elections, the incumbent Democratic governor in Kentucky — a state President Joe Biden lost by 26 points — handily won reelection. Democrats not only rebuffed Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin’s bid for total control of the state legislature by keeping the state Senate — they flipped the state House, too. And the party held a state Supreme Court seat in the nation’s largest Electoral College battleground of Pennsylvania. …​

the results on Tuesday — taken together with a string of special elections throughout the year that showed Democratic candidates outperforming Biden’s vote shares in districts across the country — serve as a powerful counterpoint to the party’s doom-and-gloom over the president’s poll numbers.​

Democrats’ victories won’t make those polls go away, but they should prompt a rethinking of the current political moment, with a year to go until the next general election.​

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Reps are useless at modern day politics. Most of the new voters coming up are commie or genderqueer or anarchists. They hate gods, religion and conservative views which they term as fascist nazis. It is just a matter of time, bub.

Once the dems can replace the SCOTUS justices with radicals...the takeover will be complete. The dems will own every branch of government including the military and all the alphabet agencies. As well as owning anything else that matters.

...and as a last hurrah, the dems will pull the plug on AM radio.

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Pretty good night for America. Looks like the Republican message of make America suck isn’t resonating. Looks like the 2024 election will be a blood bath for pubs. Maybe they’ll move away from grievance politics and back to working on solutions after 6 straight years of failure. I know.. optimistic of me.
No doubt abut it, abortionists won big time last night.
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Back in the day, it was not life or death depending on if a dem or rep got in. The 2 and 4 year election cycle was not that big a deal as most everyone was on the same or similar wavelength...but not any longer. Every election in America seems like America's very survival rests on the outcome. You can't run a country like that. Sooner or later, you will lose an election. Nor should a healthy country be knocking on the door of implosion every other week.

Unless the dems see the light and turn rep...these are our choices:

1) Do nothing...live as tax slaves under perpetual dem rule and be disarmed.

2) Civil War - formal secession. Form the America First Union / Conservative States of America Union / Conservative Union...or whatever you want to call it. Dems will wipe you out with the military...which they own.

3) Informal Secession - Still form the America First Union / Conservative States of America Union / Conservative Union...or whatever you want to call it. Then disregarded Federal law as the dems have done for ages.

4) Vote dem and accelerate the collapse - may make for an easier 'peaceful' divorce. And if there is a hot civil war, dems will send in the military and wipe reps out. Reps have zero organization or $ to fight any war.

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