Tugging on Superman's Cape

How many Muslims have you seen condemning the Paris attacks? How many have you seen signing up to fight ISIS?
The truth is all Muslims share varying degrees of support for ISIS because they all believe the basic tenet that the world is divided between the dar al harb and the dar al salaam.

Most of the people fighting ISIS are Muslims.
idiot. That's because most of the people in the region are Muslims period.
How many Muslims from outside of the region are volunteering to go fight with the Kurds? And how many are volunteering to fight with ISIS?
Ya, and they're fighting ISIS.
No, idiot. The vast majority of people from outside the region are signing up to fight with isIS.
When you consider the recent actions of ISIL, it makes one wonder what their strategy/endgame is. They've bombed a Russian airliner, attacked the French in Paris and the threatened to extend their terrorist campaign to D.C. What possible sense does it make for an organization with a tenuous hold on a piece of ME desert to make enemies of the world's largest militaries? The easy answer is that they're crazy and we need to kill them all. While both of those options may be true the question remains, "what possible upside do they see?"

IMO, they know their following in the Muslim world is very small. Most Muslims are like you and your neighbors, they just want to go about their lives in peace. Turning this situation around is the only way they have of establishing the caliphate, given their numbers and relative weakness in a conventional military sense. To accomplish this they have to provoke an over-reaction in the non-Muslim world that makes suspects of all the followers of Islam.

In recent days we've seen people falling all over themselves to provide them with what they need. Presidential candidates and governors of some states are labeling refugees as terrorist plants, talking about shutting down mosques and not allowing them to settle in the states. It plays into the hands of the terrorists. It allows them to say that Muslims will never be accepted and that jihad is the only answer. It aids in the radicalization of Muslim youth, already marginalized, poverty-stricken and poorly educated, both in their home countries and in many places in the diaspora.

This isn't a plea to "be nice" to terrorists in the hope that they'll think better of us. This is a warning that lumping all Muslims together will only increase the radical tendencies of what is right now a very small proportion of the Islamic world. ISIL and Al Qaeda realize this this and, therefore, are going out of their way to "tug on Superman's cape" in hopes of a backlash from the West that galvanizes Muslims around the world into starting Armageddon and hastening the creation of a new caliphate. Don't fall for the rhetoric. It's what they want. The danger isn't that we'll be letting terrorists in, but that we'll be creating more among the Muslims already here.
Playing into their hands is a misnomer. They will kill you or I regardless of how we view them. Extermination is the only solution and inviting in the unknown is just stupid.
How many Muslims have you seen condemning the Paris attacks? How many have you seen signing up to fight ISIS?
The truth is all Muslims share varying degrees of support for ISIS because they all believe the basic tenet that the world is divided between the dar al harb and the dar al salaam.

Most of the people fighting ISIS are Muslims.
idiot. That's because most of the people in the region are Muslims period.
How many Muslims from outside of the region are volunteering to go fight with the Kurds? And how many are volunteering to fight with ISIS?
Ya, and they're fighting ISIS.
No, idiot. The vast majority of people from outside the region are signing up to fight with isIS.

What "vast majority" is this?
How many Muslims have you seen condemning the Paris attacks? How many have you seen signing up to fight ISIS?
The truth is all Muslims share varying degrees of support for ISIS because they all believe the basic tenet that the world is divided between the dar al harb and the dar al salaam.

Most of the people fighting ISIS are Muslims.
idiot. That's because most of the people in the region are Muslims period.
How many Muslims from outside of the region are volunteering to go fight with the Kurds? And how many are volunteering to fight with ISIS?
Ya, and they're fighting ISIS.
No, idiot. The vast majority of people from outside the region are signing up to fight with isIS.

What "vast majority" is this?
Are you really stupid or just playing?
How many Muslims have you seen condemning the Paris attacks? How many have you seen signing up to fight ISIS?
The truth is all Muslims share varying degrees of support for ISIS because they all believe the basic tenet that the world is divided between the dar al harb and the dar al salaam.

Most of the people fighting ISIS are Muslims.


Does that mean you're going to convert, or whistle Dixie?
How many Muslims have you seen condemning the Paris attacks? How many have you seen signing up to fight ISIS?
The truth is all Muslims share varying degrees of support for ISIS because they all believe the basic tenet that the world is divided between the dar al harb and the dar al salaam.

Most of the people fighting ISIS are Muslims.


Does that mean you're going to convert, or whistle Dixie?

You're not making any sense - what does that have to do with what is being discussed?
How many Muslims have you seen condemning the Paris attacks? How many have you seen signing up to fight ISIS?
The truth is all Muslims share varying degrees of support for ISIS because they all believe the basic tenet that the world is divided between the dar al harb and the dar al salaam.

Most of the people fighting ISIS are Muslims.
idiot. That's because most of the people in the region are Muslims period.
How many Muslims from outside of the region are volunteering to go fight with the Kurds? And how many are volunteering to fight with ISIS?
Ya, and they're fighting ISIS.
No, idiot. The vast majority of people from outside the region are signing up to fight with isIS.

What "vast majority" is this?

This: "Most of the people fighting ISIS are Muslims."

That is due to proximity.

Parisians weren't Muslims, nor are the American cities they've threatened.

Your post was the typical soft-headed attempt to pretend that there is no threat, no danger.
There seems to be little doubt that ISIS wants and needs the fight in order to remain relevant to their believers.

We shall see if they can get off any more sneak attacks before they are eliminated. When they pop up under another name.........shampoo....rinse....repeat.
You missed the point of the OP. It wasn't about not offending Muslim extremists. It was about how to avoid creating new extremists by not treating all Muslims as if they were terrorists.

No, I got that. He seems to be saying we should not treat the REAL Syrian Refugees like terrorists just because there are a few 'bad apples' in the bunch.

UNFORTUNATELY out of the 10 'apples' on the table, 3 have the potential to have enough poison in them to kill you. Knowing that, you wouldn't simply say, "I am not going to treat all the apples as if they may contain poison, I will treat the ones that don't differently'. The problem is you don't know which ones are good and which ones are bad. If it was any sane person they would not start handing them out to their friends and family to eat. They would do whatever it took to ensure 100% - not just try to test the best we can and then hope for the best - that the apples they eat will not kill them.

If there is a chance that we compromise our national security and Americans could potentially die in attacks like there were in Paris, sorry, but you're not coming in...not right away. We can keep you out of the US, provide you with housing, close, food, & protection until we are SURE none of them are terrorists or terrorist supporters. It's called common sense.
You still don't get it. Number 1, there's no "HE" mentioned in my post. I was talking about "WE". Number 2, No matter what you do some bad apples are going to get through. The important thing is that we don't create any new bad apples by treating everyone as if they were terrorists.
Thats like what one? Two?
The actual, number isn't as important as the proof that you're wrong.
LOL. If you say so.
The truth is that there is not overwhelming condemnation among Muslims for these acts. And in many cases outright support, as we saw in the Turkish soccer match video.
The actual, number isn't as important as the proof that you're wrong.
The truth is that there is not overwhelming condemnation among Muslims for these acts. And in many cases outright support, as we saw in the Turkish soccer match video.
What's overwhelming? I suspect it's a movable feast that becomes whatever suits your purpose at any given time. That being said, you're missing the point of the OP. It's about what WE do in response in order to not create more terrorists, NOT what others are doing. I can't do much about the actions of others, but I hope I could in some small way influence what we're doing, i.e. warn people about the trap ISIS has laid out into which you and politicians like Trump are driving us.
Most of the people fighting ISIS are Muslims.
idiot. That's because most of the people in the region are Muslims period.
How many Muslims from outside of the region are volunteering to go fight with the Kurds? And how many are volunteering to fight with ISIS?
Ya, and they're fighting ISIS.
No, idiot. The vast majority of people from outside the region are signing up to fight with isIS.

What "vast majority" is this?

This: "Most of the people fighting ISIS are Muslims."

That is due to proximity.

Parisians weren't Muslims, nor are the American cities they've threatened.

Your post was the typical soft-headed attempt to pretend that there is no threat, no danger.

Doesn't matter if it's due to "proximity" - they are fighting against ISIS.

You can sit down now.
Sunnis and Shias have been killing each other for centuries. Fact is they both claim to represent the only true Muslim faith.

It would seem reasonable to expect that after all the years of violence between the two sects that the Muslim-killing-Muslim numbers would be at the top of any reporting of numbers killed.


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