Tulsi’s Populist ‘Country-First’ Anti-War Crusade


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
She's hitting all the right notes for many Americans and plans to take her campaign all the way to the convention.

From The American Conservative web site

“What is it that makes people hate politics?” she asked the crowd after her customary “aloha” greeting. She believes it’s the same reasons that she finds it off-putting: “I hate the pay-to-play politics that rules the day in Washington.” She hates the hyper-partisanship, the politicians “who love to talk a lot but refuse to actually listen,” and the leaders who carelessly “send our nation’s sons and daughters off to fight in wars that have nothing to do with our country’s national security.”

Taking advantage of the holiday, she spoke about being inspired by Abraham Lincoln and his 1858 “House Divided” speech. She described a country still divided today, on matters of politics, race, gender, and even “what cable news channel you watch.”

Briefly contrasting what she hates with what she loves, Gabbard said unreservedly, “I love our country. I love the people of this country.” Multiple times she used the phrase “Country First” to describe her policies and her movement. The difference in intentions between her slogan and Donald Trump’s “America First” would be hard to parse.

I hope she gets some air time.

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