Turkey will veto Sweden and Finland NATO membership.

Conveniently Omitted by Historians Who Believe That Stalin Trusted Hitler

The Soviet Union had already crushed the Japanese threat to them in 1939, at Khalkhin Gol in Mongolia, led by Marshall Zhukov, who also destroyed the Nazi war machine. Khalkhin Gol also saved Alaska.

You do realize your posts are not worth responding to don’t you?
Thing is that Sweden and Finland don't need to join NATO. They're in the EU. If Russia invades, the EU will fight back. The US will supply arms anyway. So..... it's all about pissing Putin off.
The EU is not a military alliance.

They are doing it to protect their sovereignty.
The Turkish sultan, in response to the request of the Euro-Atlantists not to interfere with the admission of Finland and Sweden to NATO, modestly asked to hang all his enemies
There is no downside to Finland and Sweden joining NATO.
Erdogan has the veto, but may not use it.
Maybe we can convince him a veto is a bad idea?

There is a downside for Turkey, otherwise they wouldn't consider it.
Previously, a herring made "strange" sounds [farting] near the coast of Sweden, and the Swedes thought that these were Russian submarines.
Now Russian submarines will be sailing near the coast of Sweden, and the Swedes will pray that this is a farting herring
True. But one has to wonder about that commitment, with the rise of the extreme right wing happening in so much of Europe.

Well, far right extremism has always been there. And yes, there have always been issues with NATO about whether certain countries (Greece) would actually honor the alliance. Tom Clancy did a Greece one.
Well, far right extremism has always been there
But is experiencing a resurgence in political power and support.

Hell, the right wing goofballs in Britain got conned into Brexit by the typical "scary brown people" rhetoric. It won't take a very artful conman to convince them to let foreigners eat shit.
But is experiencing a resurgence in political power and support.

Hell, the right wing goofballs in Britain got conned into Brexit by the typical "scary brown people" rhetoric. It won't take a very artful conman to convince them to let foreigners eat shit.

No, I don't think so. It's always been there. Just because you're noticing it now, doesn't mean it hasn't always been there.

Brexit wasn't about far right. The BNP were the last successful far right party, being successful about 10-20 years ago. Nick Griffin was their leader and when he left the party in 2014, it all fell apart, mostly because besides him, there wasn't another person in the party that could even tie his own shoe laces.
No, I don't think so. It's always been there
Saying it has "always been there" means nothing. Polio has always been here and still is. By every account and by every measure, the extreme right wing in Europe is experiencing a resurgence.

Brexit absolutely only succeeded because of far right xenophobia and bigotry. Take that out, and it doesn't even come close to passing. That's just a fact. They didn't even know what they were voting for.
Saying it has "always been there" means nothing. Polio has always been here and still is. By every account and by every measure, the extreme right wing in Europe is experiencing a resurgence.

Brexit absolutely only succeeded because of far right xenophobia and bigotry. Take that out, and it doesn't even come close to passing. That's just a fact. They didn't even know what they were voting for.

Brexit succeeded because of other things. Since the 1990s the media has been anti-EU. The reasons for that are certain rich people who want to have more power for themselves, less regulations in business. These are "British Empire" people, people who love bribes because it makes things easier for them to earn money.
It had nothing much to do with the far right and xenophobia and bigotry.

Of course, these people played on people's xenophobia and bigotry, but it's not the reason why it happened. These people would say anything to get what they wanted, and they did. They lied, and lied and lied. They used the media to get what they wanted. But Britain is one of the least fascist and racist countries in Europe.

REAL far right exists. France has the Le Pens. People who can take far right and make it popular. France has always had a strong far right, the Vichy France in WW2 wasn't a surprise to anyone.

Germany had its far right in the 1920s and 1930s and West Germany did well to get rid of it.
Austria had Jorg Haider, who managed to kill himself in a car accident (after drinking).
Hungary has its right leader now.

You get populist figures and they increase the support for the far right when they're on top, and then when they disappear then it seems like the far right has gone away. It hasn't.
Brexit succeeded because of other things

It succeeded because of xenophobia.

Just as Roe v Wade is being overturned because of religious nuttery.

Take these out of the equation, and neither event occurs. And it's not even close.
France has the Le Pens.
And what has happened to LePens's support over the last decade?

There is no argument to be had. The far right is resurging in Europe

That would be like saying Montana would have to give up their nukes if the US wanted them in Washington instead,
States do not have nukes that are stationed in the state, because the cost, maintenance, launch codes, personnel, etc. are all handled by the federation, NOT by the state.
That would be wrong, like believing the Soviets gave the launch codes to Castro for those short range nukes they put in Cuba.
The country where nukes are located, is NOT who controls them.
When the US put nukes in Turkey, they were not Turkish nukes.
The Ukraine never owned any nukes.
They were Russian nukes, controlled by Moscow.
The USSR was always extremely centralized, going back to the paranoia of Stalin.
There is no way the Ukraine ever gave up anything except that they could have reclaimed the fissile material if they had wanted to.
But they certainly never could have programmed or launched any of those missiles.
Your out of your fucking mind, None of those countries were colonized nor has any country been colonized by NATO or it's member states since it's formation.

Wrong. The US always tries to steal the resources of every country they can, and the US did steal the resource of Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Egypt, Panama, Grenada, Nicaragua, Chile, etc.
That would be like saying Montana would have to give up their nukes if the US wanted them in Washington instead,
States do not have nukes that are stationed in the state, because the cost, maintenance, launch codes, personnel, etc. are all handled by the federation, NOT by the state.
That would be wrong, like believing the Soviets gave the launch codes to Castro for those short range nukes they put in Cuba.
The country where nukes are located, is NOT who controls them.
When the US put nukes in Turkey, they were not Turkish nukes.
The Ukraine never owned any nukes.
They were Russian nukes, controlled by Moscow.
The USSR was always extremely centralized, going back to the paranoia of Stalin.
There is no way the Ukraine ever gave up anything except that they could have reclaimed the fissile material if they had wanted to.
But they certainly never could have programmed or launched any of those missiles.
Ukraine could have reconfigured them and made them operational.

This is exactly why Russia signed the treaty with them

That would be like saying Montana would have to give up their nukes if the US wanted them in Washington instead,
States do not have nukes that are stationed in the state, because the cost, maintenance, launch codes, personnel, etc. are all handled by the federation, NOT by the state.
That would be wrong, like believing the Soviets gave the launch codes to Castro for those short range nukes they put in Cuba.
The country where nukes are located, is NOT who controls them.
When the US put nukes in Turkey, they were not Turkish nukes.
The Ukraine never owned any nukes.
They were Russian nukes, controlled by Moscow.
The USSR was always extremely centralized, going back to the paranoia of Stalin.
There is no way the Ukraine ever gave up anything except that they could have reclaimed the fissile material if they had wanted to.
But they certainly never could have programmed or launched any of those missiles.
They gave them up as a deal.........Possession is 9/10 ths of the law..........For that they would be their own country.

They were part of Russia.......so they are part owner.

Doesn't matter ..........anyone LIKE PUTIN who continues to threaten Nuclear War needs to have a bullet put in his head.

It succeeded because of xenophobia.

Just as Roe v Wade is being overturned because of religious nuttery.

Take these out of the equation, and neither event occurs. And it's not even close.

And what has happened to LePens's support over the last decade?

There is no argument to be had. The far right is resurging in Europe

Go on then, make your argument that it was all down to xenophobia.

The question you need to ask is "who was pushing Brexit?"

Le Pen's support has risen because of Marie Le Pen. Because she's presenting her party as not far right. So she's getting more support than just the far right support. She changed the name of the party, changed policies. Is that a rise in the number of far right people? Or just a clever strategy?

Fine, if there's no argument to be had then we've got nothing to say. Either you're interested to see what other people have to say, or you've make your mind up and we're wasting our time.


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