Turnout by Republicans Was Great. It's Just That Many of Them Didn't Vote for Republicans

uthoritarian, by definition, is NEVER conservative
Authoritarianism is the Ultimate form of Conservatism when one understands that the main concepts of True Conservatism are Law/Order and Right/Wrong.
That has never existed in history
Exactly. Mostly because human nature resists the basic concepts of Right and Wrong because they don’t always result in fun and happiness for everyone. The vast majority of humans are too weak of spine and willpower to do what they SHOULD rather than what they WANT to do.
Authoritarianism is the Ultimate form of Conservatism when one understands that the main concepts of True Conservatism are Law/Order and Right/Wrong.

No, it isn't. Authoritarian dictatorship requires the State to arbitrarily and capriciously enact laws that entangle everyone.

It is impossible to live a legal life under a dictatorship.
Exactly. Mostly because human nature resists the basic concepts of Right and Wrong because they don’t always result in fun and happiness for everyone. The vast majority of humans are too weak of spine and willpower to do what they SHOULD rather than what they WANT to do.

Of course, because who gets to determine what is right and wrong?
No, it isn't. Authoritarian dictatorship requires the State to arbitrarily and capriciously enact laws that entangle everyone
As it should. As long as those laws are based on The Eternal Constants of Right and Wrong, there’s no problem with thst. There should NEVER be an expectation that one has the Right or Privilege to think, speak or act Wrongly.
Of course, because who gets to determine what is right and wrong?
Right and Wrong were codified eons ago when humanity first started forming communities. It existed long before thst in the human Soul, placed there by the powers that created us.
As it should. As long as those laws are based on The Eternal Constants of Right and Wrong, there’s no problem with thst. There should NEVER be an expectation that one has the Right or Privilege to think, speak or act Wrongly.

And, once again, who gets to determine what those are?
Right and Wrong were codified eons ago when humanity first started forming communities. It existed long before thst in the human Soul, placed there by the powers that created us.

No, they weren't. There is no universal code. What was correct for the inuit, would not be correct for the Lydians.
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And, once again, who gets to determine what those are?
Nobody gets to determine them. They have existed for eons. If you don’t understand them I have to assume you have no Soul and are therefore not worth continuing to talk to.
Nobody gets to determine them. They have existed for eons. If you don’t understand them I have to assume you have no Soul and are therefore not worth continuing to talk to.

Ahhh, yes, the ever present if I can't talk AT you, I am going to take my ball and go home.

No, they weren't. There is no universal code. What was correct for the inuit, would not be correct for the Lydians.
True. Morals are community norms. Valid morals assist the survival of the community. That morals are not universal is demonstrated by the different norms in different communities.
True. Morals are community norms. Valid morals assist the survival of the community. That morals are not universal is demonstrated by the different norms in different communities.

Ethics are a more persistent constant. Morals change every generation, so they are not a valid measure for anything.
I don’t see it as any proof of fraud. I know that quite often I will only vote for certain offices on the ballot. This is most often because the other offices don’t have a candidate I can ideologically support.

Just because someone voted Republican for one office, it should not be just assumed they would or will vote that way for every office on the ballot.
So you are happy that the Demofascists have almost completely ruined this country. Thanks for playing.
And yet you desire a dictatorship.

Makes you even more of a trained seal. More like a chimpanzee to be honest, but, I think you get the drift.
This is the new Demofacists party....

They have 2 pat answers for things. If it is news they dislike, it is Fake News. And if a republican loses an election, it was "stolen".
So, if it wasnt stolen, are you saying that there are more stupid people than their are intelligent people, which is why old rich white people like Joe the racist Biden wins?
So, if it wasnt stolen, are you saying that there are more stupid people than their are intelligent people, which is why old rich white people like Joe the racist Biden wins?

There is certainly no shortage of stupid people.

But by your standard, everyone who does not vote the way you want them to vote are stupid? Not even close.
Funny that some of you insist that the Georgia senate election was stolen. Every official in positions of power in the Georgia election system are republican, from the Gov down.
So you are happy that the Demofascists have almost completely ruined this country. Thanks for playing
I’m not happy with ANY politicians of ANY party currently or pretty much back to the Andrew Jackson Administration. Neither party has any moral high ground to stand on. At least the current Democrats are generally honest about being soulless wastes of flesh and oxygen; whereas their opponents try to mask themselves with unfulfilled platitudes about doing the Eight things. I won’t vote for the Dems but at least they’re honest about who/what they are.

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