Twitter fight

The butthurt Russia tinfoil hat folks want The Donald to stop tweeting because they cannot handle the truth! The Donald pwnd that Muzzie midget occupying the Mayor's office in London, get over it already and move on, like the Muzzie midget alleges he did. :p

Actually....I kind of want him to keep on tweeting and twitting :lol:

The butthurt Russia tinfoil hat folks want The Donald to stop tweeting because they cannot handle the truth! The Donald pwnd that Muzzie midget occupying the Mayor's office in London, get over it already and move on, like the Muzzie midget alleges he did. :p

Actually....I kind of want him to keep on tweeting and twitting :lol:


See that silly funny shit? Get over it, you and the rest of the loon brigade, it's fucking stupid

I want to see him keep doing it's hilarious watching you dope chase your tails. Trump plays you like a fiddle and I'd almost be willing to bet he's not even doing the tweeting.....that would be priceless
The butthurt Russia tinfoil hat folks want The Donald to stop tweeting because they cannot handle the truth! The Donald pwnd that Muzzie midget occupying the Mayor's office in London, get over it already and move on, like the Muzzie midget alleges he did. :p

Actually....I kind of want him to keep on tweeting and twitting :lol:


See that silly funny shit? Get over it, you and the rest of the loon brigade, it's fucking stupid

I want to see him keep doing it's hilarious watching you dope chase your tails. Trump plays you like a fiddle and I'd almost be willing to bet he's not even doing the tweeting.....that would be priceless

You're scraping the bottom of the barrel in order to dredge up excuses. The problem is - his own words and frequently contradictory statements and claims are just like his tweets.
Sassy and her granddaddy's bigotry is much more naked today than it was back when they were denying their bigotry.

I like to think I had a lot to do with getting them to drop their masks. :D

Their cure for all "muzzies" is extermination. How...Christian of them.

typical leftist slam on Christians.....asswipe....

It is not "Christian" to sit around and let Islam attack us, kill us, and take over our country.....let them stay in their own countries.....we don't need to kill them unless they attack us......(which is what Iran is threatening to do)
Facebook is full of Americans apologising to London for their Presidents latest spew. Its just a weird minority of haters that think it is ok.
We understand.
unfortunately America has been infected with leftardism originating from Europe....
Facebook is full of Americans apologising to London for their Presidents latest spew. Its just a weird minority of haters that think it is ok.
We understand.
unfortunately America has been infected with leftardism originating from Europe....
Its great to be reminded that not all Americans are arseholes in trumps image. I think its heartwarming.
The #RussianWrs are a terrified little group, aren't they?

Oh shut up, people are dying from Muzzie terrorism and you think spewing your worn out routine is funny? It's not and you people defending the Muzzie mayor need to pull your heads out of your rears
Worse to be in an office/business setting these days....and of be on the road.
But I'm not like you....I don't cower easily.
"On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron." - H.L. Mencken

Achievement unlocked!

If you had a bunch of armed policemen running around your neighborhood don't tell me that you wouldn't be alarmed.....


Hence Kahn's statement to the public.
I bet that sails a mile above Eagle's head. :lol:

Yup. Given the fact that British police are not normally armed, it's a good move to reassure people.

Notice that the #RussianWrs are calling the mayor names now. Fear is doing that to them.....absolute fear. The same fear that is making them willing to hand over all their civil rights with both trembling hands.
Sassy and her granddaddy's bigotry is much more naked today than it was back when they were denying their bigotry.

I like to think I had a lot to do with getting them to drop their masks. :D

Their cure for all "muzzies" is extermination. How...Christian of them.

typical leftist slam on Christians.....asswipe....

It is not "Christian" to sit around and let Islam attack us, kill us, and take over our country.....let them stay in their own countries.....we don't need to kill them unless they attack us......(which is what Iran is threatening to do)
So that "other cheek" thing was just if convenient, eh?
The butthurt Russia tinfoil hat folks want The Donald to stop tweeting because they cannot handle the truth! The Donald pwnd that Muzzie midget occupying the Mayor's office in London, get over it already and move on, like the Muzzie midget alleges he did. :p

Actually....I kind of want him to keep on tweeting and twitting :lol:


See that silly funny shit? Get over it, you and the rest of the loon brigade, it's fucking stupid

I want to see him keep doing it's hilarious watching you dope chase your tails. Trump plays you like a fiddle and I'd almost be willing to bet he's not even doing the tweeting.....that would be priceless

It's pretty easy to tell when it is and isn't Cheetolini. If it makes sense and is spelled correctly...not him. #Sad
This is what the Mayor of Londonstan said about the Manchester terror acts:

Khan made a statement expressing grief and vowing that the terrorists “would not win”. Khan then added: “Londoners will see an increased police presence today and over the course of the next few days. There’s no reason to be alarmed.”

This is Trump's response..

“At least seven dead and 48 wounded in terror attack and mayor of London says there is “no reason to be alarmed!” Trump tweeted.

What did Trump get wrong?

Cancel Donald Trump state visit, says Sadiq Khan, after London attack tweets

You seriously have to ask?

First off - by misrepresenting what Khan said - ie, don't be alarmed if you see an increase police presence.

He misrepresented nothing.

Police on the street, or police not on the street. There is still cause for alarm.

What did Khan say?

“Londoners will see an increased police presence today and over the course of the next few days. There’s no reason to be alarmed.”

Kind takes on a whole new meaning when you remove the first sentence, but that's the way you guys spin isn't it? :rolleyes-41:

Nope. Doesn't change a thing. There was and is in any case cause for alarm. It was quite frankly a stupid thing to say.

Geez. Only to a Trumpster who'll defend Trump to his dying Tweet.

The UK welcomes their Islamist guests -

The Muslim Mayor does not want Trump to visit. I wouldn't visit London either as it's not safe. It has become the Middle East city of Londonstan.

This just goes to show what an idiot this mayor is. Trump would know how to deal with the terrorists and make his recommendations, so the mayor is trying to block his visit. What a cowardly mayor. Only speaks out when he has a goon squad behind him. I can only surmise that we'll get more acts of terror in the UK.

The mayor and PM needs to appoint a czar against Islamic terrorism and crack down inside the Muslim ghettos in order to get the intel they need. Security for its citizens is only part of the answer. They're not getting it or the Muslim mayor refuses to do this in order to crack down on the terrorists. The guy is comfortably numb, i.e. has mental illness.

I guess the mayor is right after all. Increased police, terror attacks, stabbing shooting, nothing to be concerned about.
I'm still amazed that people truly believe that is Trump tweeting. POTUS, business man, oodles of things he has to do, but has time to tweet instead of having an assistant do it for him.

It is hard to believe we have a president that stays in direct contact with the people.
What did Trump get wrong?
Wow. You've genuinely posed and presented that question as though it isn't rhetorical. Just wow.
So the people of Londonstan have nothing to worry about?
They may well have things to worry about, but as London's mayor noted, the increased police and security personnel isn't among them.
Why would that ever be something anyone needs to worry about? Pretty silly thing for the Mayor to say in my opinion. There is a reason for the increase in police presence and that reason is indeed reason to worry.
What did Trump get wrong?
Wow. You've genuinely posed and presented that question as though it isn't rhetorical. Just wow.
So the people of Londonstan have nothing to worry about?
They may well have things to worry about, but as London's mayor noted, the increased police and security personnel isn't among them.
Why would that ever be something anyone needs to worry about? Pretty silly thing for the Mayor to say in my opinion. There is a reason for the increase in police presence and that reason is indeed reason to worry.
Why would that ever be something anyone needs to worry about?
One would need to spend a good amount of time as a London resident to understand the answer to that question.
This is what the Mayor of Londonstan said about the Manchester terror acts:

Khan made a statement expressing grief and vowing that the terrorists “would not win”. Khan then added: “Londoners will see an increased police presence today and over the course of the next few days. There’s no reason to be alarmed.”

This is Trump's response..

“At least seven dead and 48 wounded in terror attack and mayor of London says there is “no reason to be alarmed!” Trump tweeted.

What did Trump get wrong?

Cancel Donald Trump state visit, says Sadiq Khan, after London attack tweets

This was Trump's first response to the terror attack. A snarky tweet about the Mayor of London's comments. How disrespectful!

How would you have felt if the PM of England had sent a message like "So much for airport and cockpit security" after 9/11 without saying that England stands with the USA in decrying this cowardly act of terror, or our thoughts and prayers are with the victims and their families.

Not to mention shamelessly politicizing these deaths to push a ban on Muslims coming into the US.

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