Two more questions for partisans

Not enough people are actually sitting down and having a conversation WITH the "other side" - they're all just talking AT the other side. It's so crazy.

It's more the left than the right.

Kate's law was passed mostly by a Republican Congress. Now it goes to the Senate. Take note on how many Democrats vote against it.

Kate's law is pretty much common sense. It's extra penalties for felons who return to this country after deportation. Now who could possible be against that? I'll tell you who, the Democrats.

So where is the middle ground or "having a conversation" with people who think that way? Americans who are placing political power over safety of the people in their country?

Please link to the text of the law and to the hotel results in the house. Thanks.

Senate Democrats block GOP ‘Kate’s Law’ plan to defund sanctuary cities

Oh. So it IS NOT simply extra penalties for felons who return after being deported. There is more to it than that. Who would have guessed that you would misrepresent the facts?
Now that political "discourse" in this country has devolved to little more than personal attacks, hyperbole and distortion aimed at the other "side" -- and I obviously ain't just talking about USMB -- and now that the two "sides" can exist in alternate universes in terms of the "news" they choose to believe, it would be nice to have a template from which the rest of us can view this crippling debacle.

I'm sure we can all agree that the constant use of vicious personal attacks, hyperbole and distortion will not change a person's mind, and instead will almost certainly just serve to strengthen their already-held beliefs. Human nature.

So, two questions:

Would it be safe to say that you're no longer interested in changing the minds of the other side?

Would it also be safe to say that your goal now is to beat the other side, and if so, what would that look like on a practical basis?

1. I am very interested in changing minds. I just don't believe that it can be done on a significant scale.

2. Get whites to vote in a bloc similar to hispanics if not blacks. That would give us a chance to drive policy in the short term, and play strong defense once the nation goes minority majority.

Great post. I'm touched by the hint of honesty. You are making progress.

I am always completely honest.

If this is the first time you've detected that, it is you who has made "progress".

Sweet reply. Tell me more about how us whites can keep power. Careful though. Mac might accuse you of employing identity politics. Silly me! He'd never do that.
Of course you do. You want the government to protect your imaginary white privilege.

How did you go from point A to point Z? I see you didn't take my advice about seeing a shrink about these weird obsessions of yours.

Guy, your property is worth half of what it was worth because the One Percenters you worship moved all the good paying jobs to Mexico. Again, anyone who was worth anything got the fuck out of Cleveland,and who can blame them. I was there for a week and was depressed.

So now here you are bitching about the other poor people who couldn't move out, just like you couldn't.

What kind of convoluted thinking is that? Okay genius, if the property value decrease in my suburb is because of jobs moving to Mexico, why is it other nearby suburbs who didn't have white flight hold their property value and even increased in some places?

We never had any poor people here until the blacks moved in. Once that happened, good people moved out. You can thank your wonderful federal government for that. Our city should have fought HUD and their lowlifes moving in. Your federal government is ruining neighborhoods all across America. That's what caused property values to decrease. On top of that, when good people started moving out, the city implemented costly and and time consuming landlord regulations, and that means investors don't want to invest here. They will invest in suburbs where the city just leaves them alone. No half-way intelligent investor will invest in a headache.

But you still want to believe you are better, and not some loser whose boss won't even pay for his health insurance.

Here's another suggestion: I think you should write down all these weird obsessions you have, and that way when you realize you have a real problem and seek help, you can hand the doctor your lists (I'm sure it will take more than one page) and that way he can get right to work on you. The sooner the better too!

What is curious is how the left wing fights gentrification.
Now that political "discourse" in this country has devolved to little more than personal attacks, hyperbole and distortion aimed at the other "side" -- and I obviously ain't just talking about USMB -- and now that the two "sides" can exist in alternate universes in terms of the "news" they choose to believe, it would be nice to have a template from which the rest of us can view this crippling debacle.

I'm sure we can all agree that the constant use of vicious personal attacks, hyperbole and distortion will not change a person's mind, and instead will almost certainly just serve to strengthen their already-held beliefs. Human nature.

So, two questions:

Would it be safe to say that you're no longer interested in changing the minds of the other side?

Would it also be safe to say that your goal now is to beat the other side, and if so, what would that look like on a practical basis?

1. I am very interested in changing minds. I just don't believe that it can be done on a significant scale.

2. Get whites to vote in a bloc similar to hispanics if not blacks. That would give us a chance to drive policy in the short term, and play strong defense once the nation goes minority majority.

Great post. I'm touched by the hint of honesty. You are making progress.

I am always completely honest.

If this is the first time you've detected that, it is you who has made "progress".

Sweet reply. Tell me more about how us whites can keep power. Careful though. Mac might accuse you of employing identity politics. Silly me! He'd never do that.

Keep power?

I said nothing about keeping power. I see no evidence that we HAVE power.

I want policy that protects and advances our interests.

As opposed to the policies of the modern era that has been mostly, actively AGAINST them.
Now that political "discourse" in this country has devolved to little more than personal attacks, hyperbole and distortion aimed at the other "side" -- and I obviously ain't just talking about USMB -- and now that the two "sides" can exist in alternate universes in terms of the "news" they choose to believe, it would be nice to have a template from which the rest of us can view this crippling debacle.

I'm sure we can all agree that the constant use of vicious personal attacks, hyperbole and distortion will not change a person's mind, and instead will almost certainly just serve to strengthen their already-held beliefs. Human nature.

So, two questions:

Would it be safe to say that you're no longer interested in changing the minds of the other side?

Would it also be safe to say that your goal now is to beat the other side, and if so, what would that look like on a practical basis?

1. I am very interested in changing minds. I just don't believe that it can be done on a significant scale.

2. Get whites to vote in a bloc similar to hispanics if not blacks. That would give us a chance to drive policy in the short term, and play strong defense once the nation goes minority majority.

Great post. I'm touched by the hint of honesty. You are making progress.

I am always completely honest.

If this is the first time you've detected that, it is you who has made "progress".

Sweet reply. Tell me more about how us whites can keep power. Careful though. Mac might accuse you of employing identity politics. Silly me! He'd never do that.

Keep power?

I said nothing about keeping power. I see no evidence that we HAVE power.

I want policy that protects and advances our interests.

As opposed to the policies of the modern era that has been mostly, actively AGAINST them.

Aww. Poor thing.

Being white is such a struggle. If only we could vote in unison like the negroes do. We'd have a chance to finally drive policy!
Not enough people are actually sitting down and having a conversation WITH the "other side" - they're all just talking AT the other side. It's so crazy.

It's more the left than the right.

Kate's law was passed mostly by a Republican Congress. Now it goes to the Senate. Take note on how many Democrats vote against it.

Kate's law is pretty much common sense. It's extra penalties for felons who return to this country after deportation. Now who could possible be against that? I'll tell you who, the Democrats.

So where is the middle ground or "having a conversation" with people who think that way? Americans who are placing political power over safety of the people in their country?

Please link to the text of the law and to the hotel results in the house. Thanks.

Senate Democrats block GOP ‘Kate’s Law’ plan to defund sanctuary cities

Oh. So it IS NOT simply extra penalties for felons who return after being deported. There is more to it than that. Who would have guessed that you would misrepresent the facts?

Nope, no more to it than that. Now that we have more power in the Senate, they are going to try and pass the bill again. If the Democrats vote it down again, it will make an interesting 2018 election--especially those who vote it down that are up for reelection.
Not enough people are actually sitting down and having a conversation WITH the "other side" - they're all just talking AT the other side. It's so crazy.

It's more the left than the right.

Kate's law was passed mostly by a Republican Congress. Now it goes to the Senate. Take note on how many Democrats vote against it.

Kate's law is pretty much common sense. It's extra penalties for felons who return to this country after deportation. Now who could possible be against that? I'll tell you who, the Democrats.

So where is the middle ground or "having a conversation" with people who think that way? Americans who are placing political power over safety of the people in their country?

Please link to the text of the law and to the hotel results in the house. Thanks.

Senate Democrats block GOP ‘Kate’s Law’ plan to defund sanctuary cities

Oh. So it IS NOT simply extra penalties for felons who return after being deported. There is more to it than that. Who would have guessed that you would misrepresent the facts?

Nope, no more to it than that. Now that we have more power in the Senate, they are going to try and pass the bill again. If the Democrats vote it down again, it will make an interesting 2018 election--especially those who vote it down that are up for reelection.

You sit there and lie with such ease. How does that feel?
I want policy that protects and advances our interests.
You were kind enough to provide a full and honest answer to the question I pose in the OP, whether I agreed with it or not.

Others want desperately to deflect from the topic by putting you on the defensive, which is their standard deflect/pivot/attack strategy.

Anyway, thanks for your response.
1. I am very interested in changing minds. I just don't believe that it can be done on a significant scale.

2. Get whites to vote in a bloc similar to hispanics if not blacks. That would give us a chance to drive policy in the short term, and play strong defense once the nation goes minority majority.

Great post. I'm touched by the hint of honesty. You are making progress.

I am always completely honest.

If this is the first time you've detected that, it is you who has made "progress".

Sweet reply. Tell me more about how us whites can keep power. Careful though. Mac might accuse you of employing identity politics. Silly me! He'd never do that.

Keep power?

I said nothing about keeping power. I see no evidence that we HAVE power.

I want policy that protects and advances our interests.

As opposed to the policies of the modern era that has been mostly, actively AGAINST them.

Aww. Poor thing.

Being white is such a struggle. If only we could vote in unison like the negroes do. We'd have a chance to finally drive policy!

Fairly standard response from the Left, ie to ridicule the very idea that whites have interests or needs to have their interest protected or advanced though/by national policy.

This represents a very serious hostility towards white people.

And as it represents the propaganda driven Conventional Wisdom, it shows that part of the problem is that even discussing white interests is Taboo.

And that is quite a problem, for whites, for society , for the nation.

How can you have a stable or just society when it is taboo for the largest single ethnic group to even talk about their interests?
I want policy that protects and advances our interests.
You were kind enough to provide a full and honest answer to the question I pose in the OP, whether I agreed with it or not.

Others want desperately to deflect from the topic by putting you on the defensive, which is their standard deflect/pivot/attack strategy.

Anyway, thanks for your response.

You're welcome.
It's more the left than the right.

Kate's law was passed mostly by a Republican Congress. Now it goes to the Senate. Take note on how many Democrats vote against it.

Kate's law is pretty much common sense. It's extra penalties for felons who return to this country after deportation. Now who could possible be against that? I'll tell you who, the Democrats.

So where is the middle ground or "having a conversation" with people who think that way? Americans who are placing political power over safety of the people in their country?

Please link to the text of the law and to the hotel results in the house. Thanks.

Senate Democrats block GOP ‘Kate’s Law’ plan to defund sanctuary cities

Oh. So it IS NOT simply extra penalties for felons who return after being deported. There is more to it than that. Who would have guessed that you would misrepresent the facts?

Nope, no more to it than that. Now that we have more power in the Senate, they are going to try and pass the bill again. If the Democrats vote it down again, it will make an interesting 2018 election--especially those who vote it down that are up for reelection.

You sit there and lie with such ease. How does that feel?

What am I lying about exactly?
Great post. I'm touched by the hint of honesty. You are making progress.

I am always completely honest.

If this is the first time you've detected that, it is you who has made "progress".

Sweet reply. Tell me more about how us whites can keep power. Careful though. Mac might accuse you of employing identity politics. Silly me! He'd never do that.

Keep power?

I said nothing about keeping power. I see no evidence that we HAVE power.

I want policy that protects and advances our interests.

As opposed to the policies of the modern era that has been mostly, actively AGAINST them.

Aww. Poor thing.

Being white is such a struggle. If only we could vote in unison like the negroes do. We'd have a chance to finally drive policy!

Fairly standard response from the Left, ie to ridicule the very idea that whites have interests or needs to have their interest protected or advanced though/by national policy.

This represents a very serious hostility towards white people.

And as it represents the propaganda driven Conventional Wisdom, it shows that part of the problem is that even discussing white interests is Taboo.

And that is quite a problem, for whites, for society , for the nation.

How can you have a stable or just society when it is taboo for the largest single ethnic group to even talk about their interests?

Are the interests of white Americans exactly the same as the interests of black Americans?
I am always completely honest.

If this is the first time you've detected that, it is you who has made "progress".

Sweet reply. Tell me more about how us whites can keep power. Careful though. Mac might accuse you of employing identity politics. Silly me! He'd never do that.

Keep power?

I said nothing about keeping power. I see no evidence that we HAVE power.

I want policy that protects and advances our interests.

As opposed to the policies of the modern era that has been mostly, actively AGAINST them.

Aww. Poor thing.

Being white is such a struggle. If only we could vote in unison like the negroes do. We'd have a chance to finally drive policy!

Fairly standard response from the Left, ie to ridicule the very idea that whites have interests or needs to have their interest protected or advanced though/by national policy.

This represents a very serious hostility towards white people.

And as it represents the propaganda driven Conventional Wisdom, it shows that part of the problem is that even discussing white interests is Taboo.

And that is quite a problem, for whites, for society , for the nation.

How can you have a stable or just society when it is taboo for the largest single ethnic group to even talk about their interests?

Are the interests of white Americans exactly the same as the interests of black Americans?

Shouldn't we all have the same interests?
Sweet reply. Tell me more about how us whites can keep power. Careful though. Mac might accuse you of employing identity politics. Silly me! He'd never do that.

Keep power?

I said nothing about keeping power. I see no evidence that we HAVE power.

I want policy that protects and advances our interests.

As opposed to the policies of the modern era that has been mostly, actively AGAINST them.

Aww. Poor thing.

Being white is such a struggle. If only we could vote in unison like the negroes do. We'd have a chance to finally drive policy!

Fairly standard response from the Left, ie to ridicule the very idea that whites have interests or needs to have their interest protected or advanced though/by national policy.

This represents a very serious hostility towards white people.

And as it represents the propaganda driven Conventional Wisdom, it shows that part of the problem is that even discussing white interests is Taboo.

And that is quite a problem, for whites, for society , for the nation.

How can you have a stable or just society when it is taboo for the largest single ethnic group to even talk about their interests?

Are the interests of white Americans exactly the same as the interests of black Americans?

Shouldn't we all have the same interests?

Absolutely. And we do. Which is why I find the argument that there are white interests and black interests to be kind of odd.
I am always completely honest.

If this is the first time you've detected that, it is you who has made "progress".

Sweet reply. Tell me more about how us whites can keep power. Careful though. Mac might accuse you of employing identity politics. Silly me! He'd never do that.

Keep power?

I said nothing about keeping power. I see no evidence that we HAVE power.

I want policy that protects and advances our interests.

As opposed to the policies of the modern era that has been mostly, actively AGAINST them.

Aww. Poor thing.

Being white is such a struggle. If only we could vote in unison like the negroes do. We'd have a chance to finally drive policy!

Fairly standard response from the Left, ie to ridicule the very idea that whites have interests or needs to have their interest protected or advanced though/by national policy.

This represents a very serious hostility towards white people.

And as it represents the propaganda driven Conventional Wisdom, it shows that part of the problem is that even discussing white interests is Taboo.

And that is quite a problem, for whites, for society , for the nation.

How can you have a stable or just society when it is taboo for the largest single ethnic group to even talk about their interests?

Are the interests of white Americans exactly the same as the interests of black Americans?

Answering a question with a question?
Keep power?

I said nothing about keeping power. I see no evidence that we HAVE power.

I want policy that protects and advances our interests.

As opposed to the policies of the modern era that has been mostly, actively AGAINST them.

Aww. Poor thing.

Being white is such a struggle. If only we could vote in unison like the negroes do. We'd have a chance to finally drive policy!

Fairly standard response from the Left, ie to ridicule the very idea that whites have interests or needs to have their interest protected or advanced though/by national policy.

This represents a very serious hostility towards white people.

And as it represents the propaganda driven Conventional Wisdom, it shows that part of the problem is that even discussing white interests is Taboo.

And that is quite a problem, for whites, for society , for the nation.

How can you have a stable or just society when it is taboo for the largest single ethnic group to even talk about their interests?

Are the interests of white Americans exactly the same as the interests of black Americans?

Shouldn't we all have the same interests?

Absolutely. And we do. Which is why I find the argument that there are white interests and black interests to be kind of odd.

Even if we did, it is legitimate for different groups to want their interests advanced differently.
What kind of convoluted thinking is that? Okay genius, if the property value decrease in my suburb is because of jobs moving to Mexico, why is it other nearby suburbs who didn't have white flight hold their property value and even increased in some places?

Yes, yes, Ray, the Darkies are the reason why your life is so unhappy. YOu need to keep telling yourself that.

We never had any poor people here until the blacks moved in. Once that happened, good people moved out. You can thank your wonderful federal government for that. Our city should have fought HUD and their lowlifes moving in. Your federal government is ruining neighborhoods all across America. That's what caused property values to decrease. On top of that, when good people started moving out, the city implemented costly and and time consuming landlord regulations, and that means investors don't want to invest here. They will invest in suburbs where the city just leaves them alone. No half-way intelligent investor will invest in a headache.

Yes, yes, Ray, the Federal government is making you miserable.

Look, guy, before the Republicans fucked it all up, I had property in the kind of town you talk about, Cicero, IL. I bought a place for 55K in 1987 and sold it for 109K in 2000. And this was when the neighborhood became majority Hispanic (I think I was the last white guy on the block). So please, please don't get on here and tell me your life is miserable because of the government or the darkies, because it just won't pass the laugh test.

There is no evidence of Limbaugh's maid doing anything for him. He was being blackmailed by her and her ex-con husband. Limbaugh paid for a while, but after some time, he fired her and stop giving them money. That's why the police had to give her and her husband immunity from the crimes they were committing against him.

There was no evidence against Limbaugh other than say-so. And nobody goes to prison for a bag of weed unless it's a very good size bag of it. People in prison for weed are sellers caught with huge quantities, and that's a single digit percentage across the country.

Guy, there was plenty of evidence against Limbaugh, including emails where he asked his maid to score Oxycotin for him.

Rich and White- Get Rehab.

Poor and black- Get Prison.

It's wrong. It's fucked up.

The thing is, I'm not a mean-spirited person. I have no problem with the fact Limpballs didn't go to jail. Treatment was the humane course of action. Poor folks should have the same course.
Aww. Poor thing.

Being white is such a struggle. If only we could vote in unison like the negroes do. We'd have a chance to finally drive policy!

Fairly standard response from the Left, ie to ridicule the very idea that whites have interests or needs to have their interest protected or advanced though/by national policy.

This represents a very serious hostility towards white people.

And as it represents the propaganda driven Conventional Wisdom, it shows that part of the problem is that even discussing white interests is Taboo.

And that is quite a problem, for whites, for society , for the nation.

How can you have a stable or just society when it is taboo for the largest single ethnic group to even talk about their interests?

Are the interests of white Americans exactly the same as the interests of black Americans?

Shouldn't we all have the same interests?

Absolutely. And we do. Which is why I find the argument that there are white interests and black interests to be kind of odd.

Even if we did, it is legitimate for different groups to want their interests advanced differently.

Nope. It is not. That is where you go off the rails.
Fairly standard response from the Left, ie to ridicule the very idea that whites have interests or needs to have their interest protected or advanced though/by national policy.

This represents a very serious hostility towards white people.

And as it represents the propaganda driven Conventional Wisdom, it shows that part of the problem is that even discussing white interests is Taboo.

And that is quite a problem, for whites, for society , for the nation.

How can you have a stable or just society when it is taboo for the largest single ethnic group to even talk about their interests?

Are the interests of white Americans exactly the same as the interests of black Americans?

Shouldn't we all have the same interests?

Absolutely. And we do. Which is why I find the argument that there are white interests and black interests to be kind of odd.

Even if we did, it is legitimate for different groups to want their interests advanced differently.

Nope. It is not. That is where you go off the rails.

Why is it not?

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