Two New Yorkers who moved to my area saw explosions bring down World Trade Centers

Please watch these two short videos (36 and 9 seconds) of WTC7's 6.5 second vertical collapse without the words "controlled demolition" going through your mind.

The reason why so many people believe the Towers were brought down by controlled demolition is they have seen controlled demolitions on television and the similarity in the way the Towers fell have them convinced that nothing else could produce the perfect "pancaking" effect they saw. The explanation offered by a group of architects and structural engineers on a Discovery Channel program disputes that belief with the logical argument that key structural members were melted by intense fire, gave way and initiated the progressive vertical collapse. But even that perfectly credible and logical explanation is the least convincing reason why I reject the controlled demolition theory.

Start with the fact that there are perhaps three or four demolition contractors in the U.S. with the kind of expertise and experience it would take to accomplish such an elaborate task. Even if it were possible to somehow induce one of those crews to undertake what clearly would be the most egregious crime in American history, consider the fact that the World Trade Center employed a highly efficient, armed security force which was supervised by an exceptionally conscientious manager. Do you believe it would be possible for a crew of sappers to get past them with case after case of explosives and related equipment and weave a timed network of demolition charges without being noticed? Do you know how long a job like that would take -- times two?

And even if all of the above were indeed possible, how many individual sappers would a job like that require? Six? Eight? A dozen? These people are not criminal mass murderers. They are extraordinary tradesmen, decent people with families and jobs they are content with. They aren't cynical Timothy McVeighs who hate everything and everybody. And even if they were, and if you were one of them, would you risk being involved in something like that with the possibility of even one accomplice being caught and informing? And how about the instigators who might conceive and fund such an operation. Would they assume such a risk?

When you think about all that would be involved in effecting the controlled demolition of the World Trade Center the possibility of it actually being carried out is beyond reason. It is pure fantasy.

There are at least four good questions to ask when evaluating the Bush/Cheney explanation for the destruction of the World Trade Center buildings.

First, WTC7 collapsed in roughly the same way as the Twin Towers, yet was not struck by an aircraft.

"Second, the fires in these buildings were not as big, hot (they never came close to temperatures required to melt steel), or long lasting as fires in steel-framed high-rises that have not induced collapses.

"In 1991, a fire in Philadelphia burned for 18 hours, in 2004, a fire in Caracas burned for 17 hours. But neither fire produced even a partial collapse.

"The World Trade Center's north and south towers burned only 102 and 56 minutes, respectively, before they collapsed. WTC7, moreover, had fires on only a few floors, according to several witnesses and all the photographic evidence.

"Third, total collapse of steel-framed high-rise buildings have never been brought about by fire and externally caused structural damage. All such collapses have been caused by explosives in the procedure known as 'controlled demolition.'

"Fourth, the collapse of these three buildings all manifested many standard features of the kind of controlled demolition know as 'implosion' such as: sudden onset (whereas steel, if weakened by fire, would gradually begin to sag); straight-down collapse (as opposed to falling over); collapse at virtual free-fall speed (indicating the massive steel columns in the core of each building had been broken into many pieces--which is what explosives do in controlled demolitions); the production of molten metal; and the occurrence of multiple explosions."

I don't know the truth about what happened on 9/11/2001.
I do know I can't rely on Bush/Cheney for anything except fantasy.

The American Empire pp.7-8
"Seconds after the first massive explosion below in the basement still rattled the floor, I hear another explosion from way above," said Rodriguez. "Although I was unaware at the time, this was the airplane hitting the tower, it occurred moments after the first explosion."

"But before Rodriguez had time to think, co-worker Felipe David stormed into the basement office with severe burns on his face and arms, screaming for help and yelling 'explosion! explosion! explosion!'"

Patriots Question 9/11

Here is William's first quotes from a CNN interview right after it happened:

William Rodriguez said:
RODRIGUEZ: I was in the basement, which is the support floor for the maintenance company, and we hear like a big rumble. Not like an impact, like a rumble, like moving furniture in a massive way. And all of sudden we hear another rumble, and a guy comes running, running into our office, and all of skin was off his body. All of the skin.

How did it get from a "Big rumble" like "moving furniture" in his CNN quote to a "massive explosion" later?

Answer me this. In his CNN quote, he says he heard two rumbles. After the second rumble the guy comes running screaming with his skin hanging off. If it was the first rumble that was the explosion, why didn't the guy come running and screaming when the first rumble happened? Why did he come running in after the second rumble, which according to you and William, was the plane impact?

George, care to discuss the above?

Thass some silly shit. Rodriguez didn't see the guy coming till after the second rumble/explosion because he (the skinless guy) was in an elevator. Maybe next we can analyze the length of Rodriguez's shoe laces before and after initial impact.

So the question is what explosion occurred to make the guy's skin come off? It must have happened before he got in the elevator.
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Here is William's first quotes from a CNN interview right after it happened:

How did it get from a "Big rumble" like "moving furniture" in his CNN quote to a "massive explosion" later?

Answer me this. In his CNN quote, he says he heard two rumbles. After the second rumble the guy comes running screaming with his skin hanging off. If it was the first rumble that was the explosion, why didn't the guy come running and screaming when the first rumble happened? Why did he come running in after the second rumble, which according to you and William, was the plane impact?

George, care to discuss the above?

Thass some silly shit. Rodriguez didn't see the guy coming till after the second rumble/explosion because he (the skinless guy) was in an elevator. Maybe next we can analyze the length of Rodriguez's shoe laces before and after initial impact.

So the question is what explosion occurred to make the guy's skin come off? It must have happened before he got in the elevator.

you dumbfuck
I now know two New Yorkers who watched the World Trade Centers come down first hand and up close.

They moved to a new area because of what they saw.

They say what they saw was definately explosives that brought down the World Trade Center buildings.

They seen and heard the explosives as far down as 30 floors below from where the top floors coming down.

Thank God for your two friends who saw this, since every camera in the city seemed to miss it.

George, care to discuss the above?

Thass some silly shit. Rodriguez didn't see the guy coming till after the second rumble/explosion because he (the skinless guy) was in an elevator. Maybe next we can analyze the length of Rodriguez's shoe laces before and after initial impact.

So the question is what explosion occurred to make the guy's skin come off? It must have happened before he got in the elevator.

you dumbfuck

Since you will not back up that claim I won't even ask.
Thass some silly shit. Rodriguez didn't see the guy coming till after the second rumble/explosion because he (the skinless guy) was in an elevator. Maybe next we can analyze the length of Rodriguez's shoe laces before and after initial impact.

So the question is what explosion occurred to make the guy's skin come off? It must have happened before he got in the elevator.

you dumbfuck

Since you will not back up that claim I won't even ask.
it doesn't really NEED backup to anyone that has a fully functional braion
so that leaves YOU out you fucking moron
George, care to discuss the above?

Thass some silly shit. Rodriguez didn't see the guy coming till after the second rumble/explosion because he (the skinless guy) was in an elevator. Maybe next we can analyze the length of Rodriguez's shoe laces before and after initial impact.

So the question is what explosion occurred to make the guy's skin come off? It must have happened before he got in the elevator.

you dumbfuck


you dumbfuck

Since you will not back up that claim I won't even ask.
it doesn't really NEED backup to anyone that has a fully functional braion
so that leaves YOU out you fucking moron

The typical diveydick move. When you can't support your claims you call people morons. You're just another fat ass joke.
Thass some silly shit. Rodriguez didn't see the guy coming till after the second rumble/explosion because he (the skinless guy) was in an elevator. Maybe next we can analyze the length of Rodriguez's shoe laces before and after initial impact.

So the question is what explosion occurred to make the guy's skin come off? It must have happened before he got in the elevator.

you dumbfuck

Since you will not back up that claim I won't even ask.
it doesn't really NEED backup to anyone that has a fully functional braion
so that leaves YOU out you fucking moron

The typical diveydick move. When you can't support your claims you call people morons. You're just another fat ass joke.
who said i couldnt?
i just said i didnt need to
and to do so for a dumbfuck like you would be a waste of time

you dumbfuck

it doesn't really NEED backup to anyone that has a fully functional braion
so that leaves YOU out you fucking moron

The typical diveydick move. When you can't support your claims you call people morons. You're just another fat ass joke.
who said i couldnt?
i just said i didnt need to
and to do so for a dumbfuck like you would be a waste of time

Do you really need to keep proving my point about how you hide behind ad homs when you can't support a claim?
So the question is what explosion occurred to make the guy's skin come off? It must have happened before he got in the elevator.
back that up please.

"We heard a loud rumble, then all of a sudden we heard another rumble like someone moving a whole lot of furniture," Rodriguez said. "And then the elevator opened and a man came into our office and all of his skin was off." - Collapsed Trade Center towers still dangerous - September 12, 2001
So the question is what explosion occurred to make the guy's skin come off? It must have happened before he got in the elevator.
back that up please.

"We heard a loud rumble, then all of a sudden we heard another rumble like someone moving a whole lot of furniture," Rodriguez said. "And then the elevator opened and a man came into our office and all of his skin was off." - Collapsed Trade Center towers still dangerous - September 12, 2001
that doesn't prove an explosive
it does prove the jet fuel if you had a functioning brain
The typical diveydick move. When you can't support your claims you call people morons. You're just another fat ass joke.
who said i couldnt?
i just said i didnt need to
and to do so for a dumbfuck like you would be a waste of time

Do you really need to keep proving my point about how you hide behind ad homs when you can't support a claim?
you are a fucking delusional dipshit
just like the rest of you troofer morons

First, WTC7 collapsed in roughly the same way as the Twin Towers, yet was not struck by an aircraft.

The question of Building 7 did give me much pause until I watched the animated explanation by those architects, structural engineers (including those who designed the Towers), and other experts on a Discovery Channel documentary. They answered all of the questions quite satisfactorily. Especially the most prominent question re: Building 7.

What is not widely known is then Mayor Rudy Giuliani, in his infinite wisdom, years before 9/11/01 had ordered that an emergency command center be established in preparation for a disaster -- such as a terrorist attack on the City. The site he chose was Building 7. Against Fire Department regulations he ordered that an electrical power generator be installed on the command center floor and that a large storage tank of diesel fuel be situated in the basement with a feed line to that generator. The idle generator contained fifty gallons of diesel.

When the main Towers fell the force of the collapse blew in the windows of Building 7 driving huge chunks of debris inside, including burning fireballs, which ignited the diesel -- along with the propane tanks for an emergency cooking stove on the Command Center floor.
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who said i couldnt?
i just said i didnt need to
and to do so for a dumbfuck like you would be a waste of time

Do you really need to keep proving my point about how you hide behind ad homs when you can't support a claim?
you are a fucking delusional dipshit
just like the rest of you troofer morons

Do you really need to keep proving my point about how you hide behind ad homs when you can't support a claim?

First, WTC7 collapsed in roughly the same way as the Twin Towers, yet was not struck by an aircraft.

The question of Building 7 did give me much pause until I watched the animated explanation by those architects, structural engineers (including those who designed the Towers), and other experts on a Discovery Channel documentary. They answered all of the questions quite satisfactorily. Especially the most prominent question re: Building 7.

What is not widely known is then Mayor Rudy Giuliani, in his infinite wisdom, years before 9/11/01 had ordered that an emergency command center be established in preparation for a disaster -- such as a terrorist attack on the City. The site he chose was Building 7. Against Fire Department regulations he ordered that an electrical power generator be installed on the command center floor and that a large storage tank of diesel fuel be situated in the basement with a feed line to that generator. The idle generator contained fifty gallons of diesel.

When the main Towers fell the force of the collapse blew in the windows of Building 7 driving huge chunks of debris inside, including burning fireballs, which ignited the diesel -- along with the propane tanks for an emergency cooking stove on the Command Center floor.

It took them seven years to figure that out?
So the question is what explosion occurred to make the guy's skin come off? It must have happened before he got in the elevator.
back that up please.

"We heard a loud rumble, then all of a sudden we heard another rumble like someone moving a whole lot of furniture," Rodriguez said. "And then the elevator opened and a man came into our office and all of his skin was off." - Collapsed Trade Center towers still dangerous - September 12, 2001

thats your proof that it happened BEFORE HE GOT IN THE ELEVATOR? :lol:
It took them seven years to figure that out?
I'm sure that was known at the highest levels but not released as general information for obvious reasons. The documentary I've referred to was broadcast several years ago and once (that I'm aware of) more recently.

There is a lot more detailed information available about Building 7 via Google.

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