Two New Yorkers who moved to my area saw explosions bring down World Trade Centers

I now know two New Yorkers who watched the World Trade Centers come down first hand and up close.

They moved to a new area because of what they saw.

They say what they saw was definately explosives that brought down the World Trade Center buildings.

They seen and heard the explosives as far down as 30 floors below from where the top floors coming down.
Eyewitnesses to exceptionally startling events are notoriously unreliable. This is because witnessing an event which is exceptionally startling because of its magnitude causes the mind to replace certain unique components of the event with imagined components of a more readily comprehensible nature.

There is no question that a gigantic passenger aircraft striking a massive stone and steel structure will produce an explosive noise, which occurred as a very real component of your friends' recollection. They definitely heard an explosion but the surrounding circumstances became rearranged in their minds in a sequence which is more acceptable to their imaginations.

The raging fires that melted the steel supports and initiated the progressive collapse also caused various explosions which were audible at street level.
I now know two New Yorkers who watched the World Trade Centers come down first hand and up close.

They moved to a new area because of what they saw.

They say what they saw was definately explosives that brought down the World Trade Center buildings.

They seen and heard the explosives as far down as 30 floors below from where the top floors coming down.
Eyewitnesses to exceptionally startling events are notoriously unreliable. This is because witnessing an event which is exceptionally startling because of its magnitude causes the mind to replace certain unique components of the event with imagined components of a more readily comprehensible nature.

There is no question that a gigantic passenger aircraft striking a massive stone and steel structure will produce an explosive noise, which occurred as a very real component of your friends' recollection. They definitely heard an explosion but the surrounding circumstances became rearranged in their minds in a sequence which is more acceptable to their imaginations.

The raging fires that melted the steel supports and initiated the progressive collapse also caused various explosions which were audible at street level.
um, where do you get the "stone" in the "stone and steel"?

"Steel and Glass" would fit the WTC more
Not a o
Bombs start fires.

Not a bomb could do what you described. Bombs create a shockwave, that would blow clothes off, not char skin, unless you were close enough but then THE SHOCKWAVE WOULD KILL YOU Burning jet fuel however could do what was described.
Thousands of cutter charges going off throughout the building could also ignite the jet fuel.

You keep changing your story. Again give me a clear chain of events just like in the commission report, except one that validates your explosive theory.

and the jet fuel was on fire already. I think the large expanding red ball on the plane impact gives that away.
Not a o

Not a bomb could do what you described. Bombs create a shockwave, that would blow clothes off, not char skin, unless you were close enough but then THE SHOCKWAVE WOULD KILL YOU Burning jet fuel however could do what was described.
Thousands of cutter charges going off throughout the building could also ignite the jet fuel.
yet there was ZERO evidence found of "cutter charges"

Just realized something when reading your response to Georgie. Sorry for piggybacking but I hate editing.

You now claim that the jet fuel could have been ignited by cutter charges. This would have happened moments after plane impact (would have to be after to ignite the fuel.) This however is temporally impossible, as the cutter charges are claimed to have brought down the building, the man was burned by the jet fuel more than an hour before the towers collapse.

This leads me to two conclusions about george. Either he is a complete idiot, or we have been trolled, he really isnt a truther, but he is just stringing us along and getting some odd sense of satisfaction from it.
Two New Yorkers who moved to my area saw explosions bring down World Trade Centers


And those explosions were called American Airlines Flight 11 and United Airlines Flight 175.
Neither Flight hit WTC 7 and yet eye-witness Barry Jennings, Deputy Director of the Emergency Services Dept for NYC Housing Authority, was inside WTC7 before either neighboring tower collapsed while explosions were going off around him.

Barry was inside a stairwell on the 6th floor landing trying to escape WTC7 when an explosion destroyed the stairs below him. He was forced to return to the 8th floor and wait for the FDNY cavalry to get him out of the building.

After reaching the lobby littered with dead bodies, Barry exited WTC 7 through a hole in one wall created by the FDNY.

Both Twin Towers were still standing at this point!

Barry's story can be found in a 10 minute video. He's introduced around the 3:55 mark and takes center stage between 5:15 - 9:05.

WTC7 The Smoking Gun of 9/11.
I now know two New Yorkers who watched the World Trade Centers come down first hand and up close.

They moved to a new area because of what they saw.

They say what they saw was definately explosives that brought down the World Trade Center buildings.

They seen and heard the explosives as far down as 30 floors below from where the top floors coming down.
Eyewitnesses to exceptionally startling events are notoriously unreliable. This is because witnessing an event which is exceptionally startling because of its magnitude causes the mind to replace certain unique components of the event with imagined components of a more readily comprehensible nature.

There is no question that a gigantic passenger aircraft striking a massive stone and steel structure will produce an explosive noise, which occurred as a very real component of your friends' recollection. They definitely heard an explosion but the surrounding circumstances became rearranged in their minds in a sequence which is more acceptable to their imaginations.

The raging fires that melted the steel supports and initiated the progressive collapse also caused various explosions which were audible at street level.

Be careful with the whole melted steel thing. I get your point, but remember metals do not need to melt to lose structural strength. Even heating the metal sufficently while it is still solid would decrease its load bearing ability substantially and lend to warping or bending.
I now know two New Yorkers who watched the World Trade Centers come down first hand and up close.

They moved to a new area because of what they saw.

They say what they saw was definately explosives that brought down the World Trade Center buildings.

They seen and heard the explosives as far down as 30 floors below from where the top floors coming down.
Eyewitnesses to exceptionally startling events are notoriously unreliable. This is because witnessing an event which is exceptionally startling because of its magnitude causes the mind to replace certain unique components of the event with imagined components of a more readily comprehensible nature.

There is no question that a gigantic passenger aircraft striking a massive stone and steel structure will produce an explosive noise, which occurred as a very real component of your friends' recollection. They definitely heard an explosion but the surrounding circumstances became rearranged in their minds in a sequence which is more acceptable to their imaginations.

The raging fires that melted the steel supports and initiated the progressive collapse also caused various explosions which were audible at street level.
Please watch these two short videos (36 and 9 seconds) of WTC7's 6.5 second vertical collapse without the words "controlled demolition" going through your mind.
I now know two New Yorkers who watched the World Trade Centers come down first hand and up close.

They moved to a new area because of what they saw.

They say what they saw was definately explosives that brought down the World Trade Center buildings.

They seen and heard the explosives as far down as 30 floors below from where the top floors coming down.
Eyewitnesses to exceptionally startling events are notoriously unreliable. This is because witnessing an event which is exceptionally startling because of its magnitude causes the mind to replace certain unique components of the event with imagined components of a more readily comprehensible nature.

There is no question that a gigantic passenger aircraft striking a massive stone and steel structure will produce an explosive noise, which occurred as a very real component of your friends' recollection. They definitely heard an explosion but the surrounding circumstances became rearranged in their minds in a sequence which is more acceptable to their imaginations.

The raging fires that melted the steel supports and initiated the progressive collapse also caused various explosions which were audible at street level.
Please watch these two short videos (36 and 9 seconds) of WTC7's 6.5 second vertical collapse without the words "controlled demolition" going through your mind.
ah, more videos that exclude the mechanical penthouse collapse

then troofers wonder why they are known as fucking moronic LIARS
What is the significance of the "mechanical penthouse" to a 6.5 second vertical fall of all 47 stories?
it was the beginning of the collapse, you dipshits want to ignore that as it doesn't fit with your moronic bullshit conspiracy
What is the significance of the "mechanical penthouse" to a 6.5 second vertical fall of all 47 stories?

Because you're implying that the WHOLE STRUCTURE fell simultaneously at free fall speeds. You are implying that ALL SUPPORT members had to have been cut at the same time to achieve this TOTAL STRUCTURE SIMULTANEOUS FREE FALL COLLAPSE.

That is not the case.

The mechanical penthouse (and supports beneath) collapsed first INTO the building itself. You can actually see the damage it caused from the windows of the building being smashed as it fell inside the building. You now have a part of the TOTAL structure that has collapsed making all the other structural members have to pick up the slack for those members that collapsed. In addition, that penthouse collapsing inward caused damage to the OTHER structural members as it fell.

What is so hard to understand? Why is it that anyone trying to prove demolition leaves out the penthouse collapse? It's part of the building is it not? It collapsed into the building proper and damaged other parts of the support structure correct? Why would it not be discussed then?
"Seconds after the first massive explosion below in the basement still rattled the floor, I hear another explosion from way above," said Rodriguez. "Although I was unaware at the time, this was the airplane hitting the tower, it occurred moments after the first explosion."

"But before Rodriguez had time to think, co-worker Felipe David stormed into the basement office with severe burns on his face and arms, screaming for help and yelling 'explosion! explosion! explosion!'"

Patriots Question 9/11

Here is William's first quotes from a CNN interview right after it happened:

William Rodriguez said:
RODRIGUEZ: I was in the basement, which is the support floor for the maintenance company, and we hear like a big rumble. Not like an impact, like a rumble, like moving furniture in a massive way. And all of sudden we hear another rumble, and a guy comes running, running into our office, and all of skin was off his body. All of the skin.

How did it get from a "Big rumble" like "moving furniture" in his CNN quote to a "massive explosion" later?

Answer me this. In his CNN quote, he says he heard two rumbles. After the second rumble the guy comes running screaming with his skin hanging off. If it was the first rumble that was the explosion, why didn't the guy come running and screaming when the first rumble happened? Why did he come running in after the second rumble, which according to you and William, was the plane impact?
Thousands of cutter charges going off throughout the building could also ignite the jet fuel.
yet there was ZERO evidence found of "cutter charges"

Just realized something when reading your response to Georgie. Sorry for piggybacking but I hate editing.

You now claim that the jet fuel could have been ignited by cutter charges. This would have happened moments after plane impact (would have to be after to ignite the fuel.) This however is temporally impossible, as the cutter charges are claimed to have brought down the building, the man was burned by the jet fuel more than an hour before the towers collapse.

This leads me to two conclusions about george. Either he is a complete idiot, or we have been trolled, he really isnt a truther, but he is just stringing us along and getting some odd sense of satisfaction from it.

Nice catch marty!

Hey George. Care to comment on this little mistake?
What is the significance of the "mechanical penthouse" to a 6.5 second vertical fall of all 47 stories?

Because you're implying that the WHOLE STRUCTURE fell simultaneously at free fall speeds. You are implying that ALL SUPPORT members had to have been cut at the same time to achieve this TOTAL STRUCTURE SIMULTANEOUS FREE FALL COLLAPSE.

That is not the case.

The mechanical penthouse (and supports beneath) collapsed first INTO the building itself. You can actually see the damage it caused from the windows of the building being smashed as it fell inside the building. You now have a part of the TOTAL structure that has collapsed making all the other structural members have to pick up the slack for those members that collapsed. In addition, that penthouse collapsing inward caused damage to the OTHER structural members as it fell.

What is so hard to understand? Why is it that anyone trying to prove demolition leaves out the penthouse collapse? It's part of the building is it not? It collapsed into the building proper and damaged other parts of the support structure correct? Why would it not be discussed then?
I'm implying WTC7 including the mechanical penthouse descended at free fall acceleration over two seconds for a distance of over 1000 feet or approximately 8 stories.

I'm not implying "ALL SUPPORT members" had been cut at the same time.

I am implying along with Richard Gage, Gregg Roberts, and David Chandler, that "24 core columns (were) removed within a fraction of a second" to accomplish this demolition.

Now, you tell me why the mechanical penthouse collapse is any more significant than the sixth floor stairwell in WTC7 that blew up beneath Barry Jenning's feet?
What is the significance of the "mechanical penthouse" to a 6.5 second vertical fall of all 47 stories?

Because you're implying that the WHOLE STRUCTURE fell simultaneously at free fall speeds. You are implying that ALL SUPPORT members had to have been cut at the same time to achieve this TOTAL STRUCTURE SIMULTANEOUS FREE FALL COLLAPSE.

That is not the case.

The mechanical penthouse (and supports beneath) collapsed first INTO the building itself. You can actually see the damage it caused from the windows of the building being smashed as it fell inside the building. You now have a part of the TOTAL structure that has collapsed making all the other structural members have to pick up the slack for those members that collapsed. In addition, that penthouse collapsing inward caused damage to the OTHER structural members as it fell.

What is so hard to understand? Why is it that anyone trying to prove demolition leaves out the penthouse collapse? It's part of the building is it not? It collapsed into the building proper and damaged other parts of the support structure correct? Why would it not be discussed then?
I'm implying WTC7 including the mechanical penthouse descended at free fall acceleration over two seconds for a distance of over 1000 feet or approximately 8 stories.

I'm not implying "ALL SUPPORT members" had been cut at the same time.

I am implying along with Richard Gage, Gregg Roberts, and David Chandler, that "24 core columns (were) removed within a fraction of a second" to accomplish this demolition.

Now, you tell me why the mechanical penthouse collapse is any more significant than the sixth floor stairwell in WTC7 that blew up beneath Barry Jenning's feet?

Um 8 stories is at most, 100 feet or so. figuring each floor at 12-15 feet. But I will be chariatble and give the building large floors, 20 ft. THATS STILL ONLY 160 ft.

And the NIST report gave a collapse scenario of 1 main column going first, the one under the mechanical penthouse, which due to a design issue lead to the rest of the collapse.

And a mechanical penthouse by the way isnt some recreational place. Its where you store your HVAC items, which tend to be heavy. A failure of a column under that is very very bad.
Now, you tell me why the mechanical penthouse collapse is any more significant than the sixth floor stairwell in WTC7 that blew up beneath Barry Jenning's feet?

source please.

I've read the jennings account. If, we are to assume his eye witness testimony is truthful as he sees it, my guess is that his tracking of time was off. The damage he experienced was probably from the tower collapse, as he did not exit the building until both towers were down. As strated above by someone, eyewitness testimonies of people in the middle of all the events can be unreilable, this is particularly true with time, as few people will be looking at thier watches while hell is unfolding around them. That is why eyewitness accounts need to be in multiples, to get a sense of what happeneed from multiple sources, not 2-3.

You notice people who push the jennings thing have few other eyewitness testimonies to back the story up. Another example of cherry picking.
Because you're implying that the WHOLE STRUCTURE fell simultaneously at free fall speeds. You are implying that ALL SUPPORT members had to have been cut at the same time to achieve this TOTAL STRUCTURE SIMULTANEOUS FREE FALL COLLAPSE.

That is not the case.

The mechanical penthouse (and supports beneath) collapsed first INTO the building itself. You can actually see the damage it caused from the windows of the building being smashed as it fell inside the building. You now have a part of the TOTAL structure that has collapsed making all the other structural members have to pick up the slack for those members that collapsed. In addition, that penthouse collapsing inward caused damage to the OTHER structural members as it fell.

What is so hard to understand? Why is it that anyone trying to prove demolition leaves out the penthouse collapse? It's part of the building is it not? It collapsed into the building proper and damaged other parts of the support structure correct? Why would it not be discussed then?
I'm implying WTC7 including the mechanical penthouse descended at free fall acceleration over two seconds for a distance of over 1000 feet or approximately 8 stories.

I'm not implying "ALL SUPPORT members" had been cut at the same time.

I am implying along with Richard Gage, Gregg Roberts, and David Chandler, that "24 core columns (were) removed within a fraction of a second" to accomplish this demolition.

Now, you tell me why the mechanical penthouse collapse is any more significant than the sixth floor stairwell in WTC7 that blew up beneath Barry Jenning's feet?

Um 8 stories is at most, 100 feet or so. figuring each floor at 12-15 feet. But I will be chariatble and give the building large floors, 20 ft. THATS STILL ONLY 160 ft.

And the NIST report gave a collapse scenario of 1 main column going first, the one under the mechanical penthouse, which due to a design issue lead to the rest of the collapse.

And a mechanical penthouse by the way isnt some recreational place. Its where you store your HVAC items, which tend to be heavy. A failure of a column under that is very very bad.
My mistake:

"WTC7 descended at free-fall acceleration over 2 seconds for a distance of over 100 feet..." AND I suspect my theory of cutter charges igniting jet fuel is also in error.

Nobody's perfect....(least of all me)
Now, you tell me why the mechanical penthouse collapse is any more significant than the sixth floor stairwell in WTC7 that blew up beneath Barry Jenning's feet?

source please.

I've read the jennings account. If, we are to assume his eye witness testimony is truthful as he sees it, my guess is that his tracking of time was off. The damage he experienced was probably from the tower collapse, as he did not exit the building until both towers were down. As strated above by someone, eyewitness testimonies of people in the middle of all the events can be unreilable, this is particularly true with time, as few people will be looking at thier watches while hell is unfolding around them. That is why eyewitness accounts need to be in multiples, to get a sense of what happeneed from multiple sources, not 2-3.

You notice people who push the jennings thing have few other eyewitness testimonies to back the story up. Another example of cherry picking.
How many firemen were in WTC7 during or after the Twin Towers collapsed?

Prove to me that "...he (Jennings) did not leave WTC7 until both towers were down."

Jennings reiterates several times the Twin Towers were still standing when the explosion in the 6th floor stairwell drove him back to the 8th floor.

It's my "guess" they were both still standing when Barry and FDNY personnel left WTC7 through a hole in the wall after traversing a lobby containing numerous dead bodies.

(Do you also believe there was no loss of life in WTC7?)

Finally, the people I notice are the ones too fearful to contemplate the possibility that their government allowed a crime like 9/11 to happen.

WTC7 The Smoking Gun of 9/11

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